Focus Spring 2017

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Pennsylvania Ophthalmology News SPRING 2017


Even after a relatively mild Pennsylvania winter, most of us are eagerly awaiting spring and the feeling of renewal that happens as the weather warms and the flowers bloom. During this season of revitalization, it only seems fitting that the spring issue of our newsletter showcases our brand-new look. In addition to the new design, you’ll find the content of this newsletter to be more encompassing than in the past. Be sure to check out our new coding corner for the latest coding guidelines, what’s on the legislative horizon with an update from Milliron & Goodman, and upcoming events with the PAO. As part of our strategic plan, we kicked off this year with a new monthly e-communication, inSight, which launched in January. Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox each month for the latest updates on legislative, billing, and PAO happenings. A special thank you to Scott Goldstein for organizing this initiative and to our members who have provided content for these timely updates. We hope that inSight achieves our goal of provide members with relevant communications.

Pennsylvania Academy of Ophthalmology

This season of new beginnings with the PAO wouldn’t be possible without the work of our administrative staff, who works behind the scenes to keep our organization thriving. The PAO staff has spent a tremendous amount of time working on updating our communications, planning and coordinating events, brainstorming new member benefits and recruitment projects, and working with Milliron &

Goodman on advocacy initiatives. I would like to take a moment to thank Jennifer Keeler, Executive Director; Kim Whetsell, Assistant Executive Director; Melanie Dupont, Member Service Specialist; and Judy Clapp, Meeting Manager; for all that they do. The PAO would not be able to exist without the hard work of this team. All good communication requires a two-way street. Please continue to provide us with feedback on topics and activities that will benefit you in your practice. Email the PAO executive office at with any suggestions. Spring is also a busy time for the PAO as we prepare for a variety of member events. We hope that you and your administrative staff enjoyed this year’s Codequest, which took place in Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Philadelphia in mid-March. Additionally, our joint meeting with West Virginia Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort is coming up on April 28-30. This is our first venture into clinical education in more than a decade and the agenda is chocked-full with a variety of great topics and speakers. Finally, we will also be hosting Advocacy Day on May 22. I urge you to register for this event and help make sure our voice is heard in Harrisburg. Here’s to rejuvenated PAO communications and an eventful spring. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you.

PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF OPHTHALMOLOGY | 777 East Park Drive, PO Box 8820 | Harrisburg, PA 17105-8820 Phone: (717) 558-7750, ext. 1518 | Fax: (717) 558-7841 | Email: |

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