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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With grateful heart I would like to acknowledge my gratitude towards everyone whoever has helped me upon my completion of the internship. I would like to express my gratitude towards the Founder & Principal architect Ar. Atanu Chakraborty of Prakalpa Space Kraft Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata for giving me wonderful learning opportunity under him in his esteemed firm and has always been an inspiring role model in dedication towards architecture. He has been an amazing mentor and as well as amazing human being, teaching everyone the various skills required to become an architect. Experience at Prakalpa Space Kraft Pvt. Ltd. has been filled with instances where one can feel the commitment of the firm to nurture the interns into developed professional who can handle the several requirements of the emerging design market. Given the size of Prakalpa, I never thought the training and mentoring will be so personalised. I was paired with a small team of talented designers and mentors who made sure I was involved in every phase of the design process. I would also thank all my colleagues at Prakalpa, few of them being different architecture college seniors and the ever-ready-for-help nature. Ar.Sumana Halder, Er.Gargi Roy. Also, I like to forfeit my respect to Ar.Sumita Dhara and Ar.Sanjukta under whom I’ve learned a lot from in the technicality part of architecture. I’ve been taught how to design and prepare the drawing list of the project for the construction. My special thanks to my senior Ar.Mona Kaushiki and Ar. Susmita, who helped me and guide me during the training period. Also my friends Antara, Kumar Gaurav, Saumya & Pallavi for always being there for me. I would like to thank my professors from Birla Institute of Technology,Mesra who helped me build a stepping stones as I entered the field of architecture. And at the last but not the least, I express thankfulness towards my parents for supporting me in every step.

Ar. Atanu Chakraborty




Prakalpa Space Kraft Pvt.Ltd.

Prakalpa Space Kraft

145,CIT Road, Scheme-52, Entally,

Pvt. Ltd.

Mazzanine & 2nd Floor, Kolkata-700014

PRAKALPA SPACE KRAFT PVT.LTD 145,CIT Road, Scheme-52, Entally, Mazzanine & 2nd Floor, Kolkata-700014

1.1. ABOUT At Prakalpa, the best designs come not from one individual, but from a dynamic team process encouraging communication and knowledge sharing, a gathering space for creative team working collaboratively. Let’s take a look at the names who contributed in shaping Prakalpa for what it is today.

1 PREF 1.2. FACE Team Prakalp T pa is a dynam mic group of professionally qualified and highlyy dedicated A Architects annd Engineerss relentlesslyy working onn giving fruition to the dream d projects of thhe Clients. Our O core streength lies in understandin ng our clientt’s needs pro oviding the best b of services and consultancyy at each stagge. Today Prrakalpa is a nname to reckkon with in thhe field o Architectuure operatingg on the liness of teamwo of ork and bondding, handlin ng turnkey prrojects inn both Privaate and Publiic Sectors, deesigned on innternational standards annd constructtion p principles. P Prakalpa: An n Architecturre and Urbann Designing firm based iin Kolkata frrom its incepption in 2 2002, provides design, prrogrammingg and developpment servicces to institu utions. Publicc A Agencies, Private Landow wners, and Property P Dev velopment P Partners. Prakkalpa movess toowards each h project withh a keen apppreciation off its potentiallly bringing close to a sustainable world. w P Prakalpa Spaace Kraft Pvtt. Ltd. is a coommunity off 35 people ssharing a passion for e excellence. U Unlike many y design firm ms, they belieeve that desiggn solutions must be a appropriate to o the time, place p and cullture in whicch they are loocated. They y have no sinngle ― ―house styleeǁ – they preefer to offer eexcellent, in nspirational aarchitecture and a urban deesign solutions thatt reflects theeir diversity and collaborrative workinng style. M Memorable a architecture o any scale is the produuct of collaboorative efforrt drive for of e excellence, th his remains Team T One’ss defining traaditions. Dessigners, tech hnical architeects, a managerrs lead their architecture and a teams, providing the divverse knowleedge that is e essential for the t success of o every proj oject. Innnovation taakes many foorms and adddresses a speectrum of chhallenges-froom garneringg c community s support for efficiency. W Whether rethiinking a site plan to creaate a new pubblic o open space or designing a groundbreeaking energy y-saving currtain wall, Team One inttegrates e early on the expertise e of the entire team as well as a our client’’s to discoveer the full pootential o each projeect’s site, proogram and reesources. of

One of theirr fundamentaal beliefs is that t their proofessional prride hinges on o the use off their creative training andd ingenuity to t fulfill the cclient’s needds.

1 VISIO 1.3. ON & PHIL LOSOPH HY Our vision iss to execute the O t nation’s dreams in a better way of o life along with empow wering o partners and our a peers. Our O goal is too provide arcchitectural annd design seervices in thee c context of rem markably strrong and rew warding relattionships. O values-Inntegrity, Resspect, Teamw Our work, Servicce, Communnity, Relationnships, On-ggoing D Development t, Financial Responsibili R ity and Corpporate Culturre to name a few Prakalppa c cannot do wiithout. We fiirmly follow w these virtuees in all our aaffairs. 11.3.1. THE CLIENT C The princiipal/owner an nd stakeholdders who sett the objectivves. 11.3.2. THE MARKET M The authorrities, end ussers and sociial/cultural/eeconomic ennvironment thhat provide the t g guidelines annd frameworrk. 11.3.3. THE SITE S The most influential i ellement, the ssite is unchaangeable andd absolute. 11.3.4. THE IDEA I As an ideaas-driven praactice, our deesign respon nse and archiitectural inteent provide d direction, streength and meaning. m They believee that architecture createss change. Th T hey strive to design builddings that meeet the c challenges off a modern society; s that shape the liv ves of peoplee and organiizations; thatt make p people come together in new n ways. A culture of continuous c i improvemen nt fosters an environmentt of innovatiion and exceellence. T They take a fresh f approach to every pproject—theeir work evolves organiccally withoutt the c constraints off preconceivved ideas, a sstringent style or prescribbed formulaa. Every project is u unique.

1.4. 1 NATU URE OF BUSINESS B S The practice of the archittectural proffession is reg T gulated by thhe Architectss Act defininng the responsibilitiies, the scope of work annd services prescribing p thhe mandatorry minimum m scale o profession of nal charges with w a view to t make the Client C fully aware of thee duties and services whicch he may e neering, Interior Designning, Landsccape Architeccture, Projecct M Management t and Town & Urban Plaanning.

1.5. 1 BUSIN NESS CON NCEPT The root of Prakalpa’s T P buusiness model follows th he simple conncept of maiintaining trransparency throughout their hierarcchy of adminnistration and doing the same with thheir c clientele, foccusing on theeir needs. Ann associate sppirit is the essence of thee firm that iss reflected throough its entirre endeavouur in exceedinng Excellencce, Customeer Relationshhip is thhe crux of ou ur fundamenntals hence; the organizaation stands oon three basic scruples: Trust, T Team and Coommitment.


Work Scheduling

Financiaal Planning

Risk Maanagement

Quality Control

Detailedd Work Proggramming

Value Engineering E

Concepttualisation and a Planningg


1 MISSIION 1.7. PRAKALPA P A is a platform m where youung, dynamiic energetic eenthusiastic Architects, E Engineers, Other O professionals and A Associated Concerns C are united togetther to makee a g global reputee in the field of Architectture, Civil & Structural E Engineering g. Interior D Designing, L Landscape Arrchitecture, Project P Man nagement andd Town & Urban U Planniing.

1 DESIG 1.8. GN APPR ROACH They begin each T e project from first prrinciples, loooking to estaablish what is most impoortant f the client, the place annd the peoplle who will be for b affected bby it. T Testing a rannge of possibble solutions from the ou utset underpiins our appro oach. This e exploration e extends to thhe organizatioon of the building througgh to the maaterials and c components that t the build ding is madee from. T practice has devised a weekly deesign review The w that looks aat all aspectss, large and small, s o each projeect and uses this of t critique to refine a design. d Theyy can be worrking, at the same tiime, on an entire e buildinng at 1:500 sscales and a corner c of it aat 1:1 to makke sure it is w working on every e level. N all work is about dessigning builddings; their clients Not c value them for theeir strategic thhinking. Theey work alonngside these organizationns to create a vision for what w these places p m might be as well w as proviiding the maaster plan to build them. B Based on theeir extensive experience, they can alsso offer guiddance, on whhether a d development t idea works.. This has ledd to endurinng relationshiips with clieents such as u universities a hospitalss. and

Gllobal + Local+ Div verse+ C Creative = P Prakalpa a Space Kraft K Pvtt. Ltd. 1 INHOUSE SER 1.9. RVICES


As Architecture is a social art that touches all human beings at all levels of their existence everywhere and every day, it needs to be thoroughly scrutinized about the safety aspects. In addition to that due to the substantial cost escalation with time and other crucial commitments involved, the timeframe of completion of a project is a sensitive issue. Team Prakalpa is conscious about the deadlines of the projects it handles. They observe an interesting rotational policy to ensure that all the ongoing projects are steadfastly progressive towards their completion stage. The Master Architects of a project is also functional as the Associate Architect of another project being executed by the firm. This chain policy of mutual association among its Architects and Engineers ensures that in case emergency due to the unavailability of any one, the project development does not encounter any obstacles during execution.





(Principal Archiitect / Man naging D Director) Preach, Practtice and Prov P vide are the constituents too keep Prakaalpa movingg ahead a empowerr the commuunity by and innspiring inno ovation.Functioning as a thought f factory unaniimously to promote p collaaboration annd fu fulfilling aspirations are the t fundameental driving g thhe firm to atttain the bestt. Prakalpa’ss work a ambience culltivates a spiirit of harmoony and g generates a dynamic d worrk environmeent. Organizzed innto design sttudios and project p teamss, we combin ne the thoughht of understtanding and m mentoring ennvironment of o a small prractice with the t extensivee resources and a support of a m major designn firm. Our design d studioos have in-hoouse expertisse in Architeecture, Civil and S Structural Enngineering, Interior Designing, Landdscape Archiitecture, Projject Manageement a Town & Urban Plannning and arcchitectonics as and a a whole. We W use enerrgy modelingg and o other advanced measurem ment techniqques to generrate, evaluatte and apply revelatory c concepts. Praakalpa’s worrk culture suupports a pro ocess of collaaborative inqquiry, dynam mic d dialogue and d amalgamatiion of ideas. The bottom m line is the eessence of ou ur practice exists e w within our peeople.


2.1. PROJECT INTRODUCTION Name: Star Mall Building Type: Commercial Type Client/Owner: Unimark Group Location: 74, Star mall, NH34, Jessore Rd, Sisir Kunja, Madhyamgram Period of Construction: 2007 Period of Completion: 2010 Site Area: 3 Lakh Square ft. Style of Architecture: Modern Architecture Project Cost: 48 crores Design Team: Prakalpa Space Kraft Facing: West side facing Current Status of Building: Underused

2.2. PROJECT BRIEF / SYNOPSIS 2.2.1. PROJECT SYNOPSIS Star Mall is a one stop for casual hangouts, Entertainment, Shopping, Dining, and Leisure in Madhyamgram. The multi-level shopping mall houses, showrooms of reknowned brands giving customer endless options to choose from. Spread across a whooping 3 lakh sqft. Of area. The shopping mall welcomes shopping and entertainment lovers with its uber-chic interior and exterior work making it Madhyamgram’s most premium retail destination, strategically located in Jessore Road. The shopping mall is within close proximity of all important locations in Madhyamgram.


2.2.2. CON NCEPT The conceppt of this malll lies in its uusability andd space arranngement of a given area with w its appropriate frontage and outlook thhe services annd all parts aare arrangedd in such a way w that every entityy inside the project p sustaain to its coree every shopp inside the premises p getss almost equaal frontage and a elegance in order to magnetize m cuustomers and crowd. Thhe planning off the project says itself hoow integrateed the user innterface and the staff interface is so that there are no crrossover in tthe paths and d also every amenity andd facility of tthe f project has been appliedd in it in succh a good cooordination thhat every asppect of it is fulfilled by the userss in the full form. f The prrocess of achhieving all of it comes frrom a standinng out planning format and a vivid v strategyy of arrangem ment of everry requiremeent. Talking of the t outer aurra of the buillding it has provided p a ggigantic respoonse from thhe crowed a roounded abouut its smart ouutlook use of o color combbination in louvers to maake it smarter in accordance a to o contemporrary design ideologies i annd in giving appropriate use of glass and peergola comppletes the eleevation of thee building inn one cinemaatic frame which enhances th he ecstasy off the project.

2.3. SITE E AND LO OCATION N 2.3.1. LOC CATION 74, Star malll, NH34, Jessore Rd, Sisir Kunja, Madhhyamgram, West W Bengal Kolkata K – 700129

Google map site lo ocation

sitee location map m

2.3.2. SITE E ACCESSIIBILITY Sealdah Raiilway stationn – 25.7km Netaji Subhhash Chandraa Bose Interrnational Airrport – 14.5kkm Airport AC Bus stands -13.2km on – 30.6km Howrah Railway Statio ROUNDING G LANDUS SE 2.3.3. SURR Commerciaal buildings, shops, food court , Coacching instituutions, bankss and apartments. SENT STATUS 2.3.4. PRES All occupieed and functiional. NTENANC CE 2.3.5. MAIN Well maintaained and wo ork conditioon is good.

2.4. BYEL LAWS 

6m setback from m the road.

6m side setback ks

Buiilding heightt limit: 32.800M

Groound coverag ge: 50.18%

Parkking area proovided as percentage of total t built upp area is aboout 25%. (Ass per Kolkkata buildingg bye laws.)

Fig:Area C Chart




2.5.4. SITE CONSTRAINS Due to the shape and size of the site, i.e. the length being twice as big as the width of the site, the plan of the shopping mall is elongated in form. Overall width of the mall is 25m approx which has led to incorporation of long doubly loaded corridors.

2.6. PLANNING The Star Mall rises up to a height of 32800mm, consisting of 6 floors. Starting from the bottom, the basement consists of parking for total of 126 vehicles (for commercial).There is 62 open car parking for commercial on site adding up to a total of 188 vehicles. The ground floor having a built up area of 3500 sqm approx majorly consists of shops and anchor shops. The first floor along with second and half of third floor consists of shops and anchor shops with area of 3400 sqm, 3340sqm, and 1500 sqm approx respectively. The multiplex (Inox) starts at the height of 14250 mm (third floor) which rises up to 3 floors with area of 1500 sqm approx. The food court is at level G+4 with area of approx 1500 sqm along with the service corridor at the back.At the top floor, there is provision for banquet hall with temporary roofing as per requirement. Access for the banquet hall is through lifts which opens directly at the top floor.






2.7.1. GROUND FLOOR ZONING The GROUND FLOOR as rightly put and functionally arranged consists of two anchor shops one with at least an area of 16000 sq. ft. The other one almost half and more individual shops 7. CIRCULATION

2.7.2. FIRST FLOOR PLAN ZONING The FIRST FLOOR contains three anchor shops one of 16000 sq. ft. and two other almost with one anchor shop at the north end. CIRCULATION


The second floor contains almost 40 shops of approx 300sqft area throughout with anchor at the north end. CIRCULATION

2.7.4. THIRD FLOOR PLAN ZONING The THIRD FLOOR contains 25 to 30 anchor shops with an glass box café and the main attraction with the multiplex zone with 4 screens its food court and waiting zone. CIRCULATION

2.7.5. FOURTH FLOOR PLAN ZONING The FOURTH FLOOR contains the continuation of the multiplex and an anchor shop in the other corner. CIRCULATION

2.7.6. FIFTH FLOOR PLAN ZONING The FIFTH FLOOR contains an open anchor shop, three multicuisine restaurants with another kids zone. CIRCULATION

2.7.7. SIXTH FLOOR PLAN ZONING The SIXTH FLOOR has provision for four banquets with attached individual rooms, toilets and kitchen with store.



2.8.1. COL LOR SCH HEME Complemenntary color scheme s is useed in the faççade of the m mall. The higgh contrast of complemenntary colors creates c a vibbrant look used at full satturation. Thee colors are managed well and are not n jarring. Due to com mplementary color schem me used in eleevation treattments, the structure s stannds out in the dull monotonous m backgroundd.


2.8.2. ELE EVATION N TREAT TMENT The front faaçade of STA AR MALL comprises c off different arrrangements of materialss, forms and colors, which whenn unified creaates a compo osition that sstands out in n the dull andd monotonous backgrounnd and yet dooes not break k the harmonny of it’s surrrounding. The T various kindds of materiaals used in thhe façade treeatment are P Polycarbonaate sheets, Mild M steel frame works, ACP P claddings, Cement fibeers board, Coolored anodiized aluminuum tubes etc. Some of whicch are discusssed below.


Corrosiionresistantt. Aluminum m oxidizes quickly,, and the resuulting surface coat of alum minum oxide reesists furtherr corrosion, by air, water, w and chhemicals. This pro otective coatting is clear, coolorless, andd nonstainingg.

Colorab ble: Aluminu um can be easily colored d by anodizaation, and hoolds paint exxtremely well. Alluminum cann be finishedd in various ways. w

Lightweight: Alum minum weighhs about a third of what ssteel does. That T makes itt inexpennsive to ship and can alsoo contribute to making a lighter macchine when thhat is desirablle.

Economical. Although we stated above that aluminum is not the cheapest material, it is still more economical than brass or stainless steel, so is often the best option for non-corrosive applications.

Strong: Aluminum has the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any metal.


Limited color selection Touch-up of anodized product that is severly damaged is more noticeable than air dry touch up paint for painted products. POLYCARBONATE ROOFING



Nearly Unbreakable

Bullet Resistant


UV Resistant

Perfect for Greenhouses

Resistant to Extreme Temperatures

Protects Against Discoloring


B. DISADVANTAGES Despite the many advantages to using polycarbonate panels as roofing material, there are only a couple of downsides. One downside to polycarbonate sheets is that they are not scratch resistant and denting or scratching on the surface is possible if extra caution and care are not taken. CEMENT FIBER BOARD

A.    

ADVANTAGES Durability Longevity Fire safety Environmentaly neutral


Cost ( Expensive) Maintainence Matters Installation Issues Insulation value : The R value of cement fiber board is 0.5. The higher the insulation R value the more effectively the material returns.

Fig : Selected elevation treatment used in front façade


  

Basement consists of provision of parking for total of 126 vehicles (for commercial). Access from basement to 1st floor through staircase. Fire pump room, electrical room (2 no’s), store room are in basement level.

2.9.2. GROUND FLOOR (LVL +1650)

 

The ground floor consists of services like loading and unloading, garbage chute, service lift, service ramp, warehouse, ticket counters etc. The central atrium is circular in form and consists of the escalator that connects all the floors.

Central atrium

2.9.3. SIXTH FLOOR (ROOF LVL +26850)

2.9.4. SHO OPS 

Every shhop that has been constrructed has ann outlet and iinlet to connnect to main Air conditiooning channeel.


The shops are a handoverred to the shops owners at this condiition with itss front openiing for them to customize the look of the exxterior of the shop.





A small stagge on front right r hand siide of the sitee is providedd for small events e to be organized inn the plaza. There T is ampple space in front of the stage to accommodate a crowd coming for the events. There T is provvision for sm mall kiosks to be installeed at the timee of events.

B.PARKING Open parking: There is 62 open car parking for commercial on site adding up to a total of 188 vehicles.

2... OTHER ONSITE FACILITIES  Gas bank  UGR  Garbage Room  STP (2)  Service Building

3.0. USERS No. of users:

3.0.1. Users’ reaction:        

Well connected to all transport nodes. Well landscaped welcoming entrance gates (Gate 1 and Gate 2) for public. Good security, provisions of guard room and cctv room Small lift facility. Congested stilt parking at some points. (due to columns) Airy and well ventilated. Ample day lighting in the whole building in all floors. Welcoming green landscaping at the main entrance.

3.1. OBSERVATION               

The plan of the building is elongated in form due to site constraints. Doubly loaded long corridors are hence incorporated. Entrance is not grand enough for a mall as it should have been. Parking is not sufficient at peak hours. Fixed glass treatment in food court traps heat rays and hence makes it uncomfortable to seat near the glazing in day time during warm weather. There is insufficient number of toilets in each floor. No fine dining near food court. Restaurants are at 5th floor. Glass house in 3rd floor, which is meant for small events, traps heat rays and makes unfavorable conditions for organizing events. Top floor (currently used as terrace) has provision for temporary roofing to accommodate banquet halls with truss roofing. Movement is simple throughout the plan in each floor causing no confusion for users. Central atrium with polycarbonate dome provides ample natural lighting at the entrance hall. Guard rooms- Functional and well maintained. Water harvesting tank- Provided. Flooring- Vitrified Power backup- Full Efficient use of floor space and visual appeal


4. SITE VISIT & SUPERVISION-01 Name of the project: SIMICO Project type: Group Housing Date of inspection: 16th April 2019 Site address:Godrej Genesis Building (2nd Floor), Block EP & GP Salt Lake Electronic Complex Sector V, Bidhannagar Kolkata - 700091 Purpose of Visit/ Visit priorities/ Instruction Note: Inspection of site and site status observation.


Observation on Site SITE


The site is not well connected with highway and major transportation points of the city. Hence the site is well incorporated with various kinds of amenities. The access road runs in the periphery and in axial manner.


(a) (b) (c) (a) Underground electrical trench under construction (b) Concrete slab above electrical trench (c) Lamp post above electrical trench (d) Electrical trench concealed with landscaping.



(a) (b) (a) Underground reservoir under construction (b) Shuttering done over U.G.R for casting concrete slab





1. PURPOSES (i) Acts as a barrier or demarcation between road traffic and pedestrians. (ii) Providing physical check to prevent vehicles leaving the carriageway. (iii) Forming a channel along which surface water can be drained. 2.POINTS TO PONDER UPON WHILE LAYING KERBS STONE (i) Trenches on which kerbs are to be installed should be excavated and well compacted. (ii) Bedding material of at least 50 mm thick should be used that consists of crushed stone, cement and sand.

(iii) There should be close joints not larger than 10mm between kerbs and they should be filled with 3:1 sand/cement. (iv) Allow for expansion joints of at least 12mm at intervals of at least 20m. D. PAVER STONE AND GRASS PAVERS

(a) (b) (a) Grass paver stone (b) Vegetation growing through grass pavers (c) Paver stone


1.PURPOSE (i) They are an alternative to asphalt, concrete and traditional pavers. (ii) They are made of concrete or recycled plastic with open cells that allow grass to grow through them. (iii) They are porous and eco-friendly 2.PROS AND CONS PROS (i) Grass block pavers reduce storm water runoff that is one of the biggest reasons of water pollution. (ii) Grass paver stone recharge groundwater. Those spots of grass allow water to seep into ground, putting it back into aquifers. (iii) Porous pavers keep the air around it cooler. An asphalt drive absorbs heat and gets hotter. CONS (i) They need to be watered, mowed and fertilized frequently. (ii) Costs twice as much as asphalt. (iii) They last half as long as concrete and asphalt. They need to be replaced every 10-15 years.


RUCTUR RE STR 2.1. PILE FO OUNDATION A.US SED WHEN N (i)Toop soil has poor bearing capacity (ii) Large L fluctuaations in subb-soil water level l (iii) Top T soil is of o expansive nature (iv) Structure S is situated nearr river bed where w there iis danger of scouring acttion of water w B. TYPES T OF PILE P CAP U USED

C is suppported on m more than 1 pile. p The pilles are conneected through a (i) Column rigid d pile cap to distribute thhe load to inddividual pile. (ii) The T pile cap consists of rrigid, deep, reinforce r conncrete slab which w acts monolithically with w the grouups of piles. T piles aree arranged syymmetricallly about the axis of the column c so thhat (iii) The the lo oad from column is distrributed unifoormly to all ppiles. (iv) The T pile capp is extendedd beyond exterior pile byy 15mm.

t piles (a) For three


(b) For four pile (v) Pile cap provided over the entire area of piles is divided into frame work of rectangular beams along which reinforcements is provided. (vi) The width of the beam is equals to the width of the pile. COMMENTS (i) Foundation constructed and kept and unchecked. (ii) Cracks were observed near tie beam area. (iii) Shuttering not done appropriately at the time of construction leading to curved external surface of pile cap.






(a) RCC distribution of the slab is 1:3 (depends upon the area of the slab) (b) Bending of reinforcements for column reduction. (c) Provision for lift well (d) Fan box Â

(e) (f) (g)

(e) Electrical layout done before concreting of slab. Electrical conduits coming out of electrical duct. (f) Shuttering work in progress. Steel formwork is used for shuttering process. (g) Cracks developed in columns advised to use proper mixed ratio.

(h) (j)

(h) Wooden Shuttering for staircase has gotten weak. (j) Bamboo scaffolding not recommended on such heights due to safety reason. Instead steel formwork should be used.


(a) (b) (c) (a) Expansion joint as seen from outside. Joint is filled with joint filler (bitumen containing cellular materials, cork strips, rubber, mineral fiber, expanded plastic etc.). Joint filler should be compressible material tightly fitted in the gap. (b) Expansion joint as seen from bottom. (c) Duct



(d) Fire hose box (e) Floor grating

5. SITE VISIT & SUPERVISION-02 Name of the project: KMC Community Hall Project type: Community Date of inspection: 3rd April 2019 Site address:Godrej Genesis Building (2nd Floor), Block EP & GP Salt Lake Electronic Complex Sector V, Bidhannagar Kolkata - 700091 Purpose of Visit/ Visit priorities/ Instruction Note: Inspection of site and site status observation. PRAKALPA Representatives Gargi Roy – Sr. Architect Suma – Structural Interns

Gopal Das Structural Engineers

Project Performance Status: Plinth beam construction is in progress.

Site Representatives

MAK Engineers

Sourav Roy – Site engineer

Observation on Site


  

Plinth beam construction work in progress. Beam is not straight in many areas. Shuttering should be done in line before concreting.


  

Sand filling work in progress. Sand filling is done to bring uniformity to foundation bed, to minimize the resistance. If the footing is placed directly on rock bed, even a small amount of vibration on earth (during an earthquake) will make the structure collapse. Hence sand is used to minimize the resistance.


     

Tie beam construction work under progress. Tie beam connects to or more columns at plinth level or at any other level above ground. Tie beams are also a type of plinth beam. These beams do not convey any floor loads and only acts as length breakers for columns. They carry axial compression. They prevent columns from buckling. In the following image, 16mm and 8mm dia. rods are used for the frame work.


Block wall projected from 0,0 level at plinth is supported by brick support which are not recommended. Timber shuttering is being used which is sagging on various places. This will lead to deformed construction of block wall.


Ply board shuttering or metal shuttering is recommended to avoid these kinds of problems occurred during construction.

 


Lift pit construction done. Shuttering not done properly, due to which the surface of the pit is not in true shape.

  

Reinforcements can be seen coming out of plinth beam area. This can be injurious to workers on site. To avoid this hooking is done in L shape or C shape.

NOTE: Timber shuttering is not recommended on site as it can lead to sagging of the wooden member and also undergoes expansion and contraction. Therefore it is recommended to used ply board shuttering or metal shuttering as they have smooth surfaces, are strong in nature, durable and can be reused multiple no. of times.


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