S IN G A P OR E S Y MP H O N Y ORC HE S T R A Temasek Foundation SSO Concerts for Children:
Presented by
20 MAR 2022 Sun, 10.30am & 2.30pm Esplanade Concert Hall
J O S HU A TA N conductor Hi kids! I’m Joshua, your musical mage for today! Besides conducting the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, I am also the Principal Conductor of the Singapore National Youth Orchestra. I’ve worked with orchestras all over the world from Germany to France, Japan to China and my vast spellbook covers music for symphonies, opera, ballet, film and multimedia. Today, I am back at the enchanted Esplanade Concert Hall to show you what we can do with my Conductor’s Spellbook. Together with my fellow wizard William, we’ll teach you how instruments make sound, how music makes magic and how YOU can create magical musical spells too!
W IL L I A M L E DB E T T E R narrator Greetings! I’m William, a host, actor and presenter. I’ve presented concerts and shows many times in Singapore, even on TV! I’ve worked with many orchestras and bands in Singapore, including the Singapore Symphony Orchestra (you can hear me in their “Carnival of the Animals” CD!). I also work with drama and dance groups. Today, I’m going to help my friend Joshua show you how instruments make sound and music together through the story of Tony Stradivarius. Best of all, we’ll teach you magic spells to control the orchestra! Are you ready for the magic of music?
S ING A P OR E S Y MP HON Y OR C HE S T R A HELLO! We are the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, or you can call us the SSO! We have many musicians: some play string instruments (like violin and cello), woodwind and brass instruments (like flute and trumpet) and percussion (like timpani and cymbals). The SSO often plays the great symphonies and concertos by famous composers like Mozart and Beethoven, and other wonderful music that will touch your heart and make your life more colourful. The SSO usually plays in a concert hall - like this one you’re sitting in. Our big concerts are held at the Esplanade Concert Hall that can seat 1,800 people. We also play at the beautiful Victoria Concert Hall, our beloved Home of the SSO - where we grew up! We want to show everyone in Singapore how beautiful classical music is, so sometimes we have fun concerts near your home. We even play at the Botanic Gardens - you can enjoy fresh air and nature while listening to beautiful classical music!
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Families of the Orchestra An orchestra is made up of a large group of people who play musical instruments together. The orchestra has four families of instruments: Strings, Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion.
This concert follows the story of a young boy, Tony Stradivarius, who had hid backstage after attending an orchestral concert with his class! There, he found a large book on the conductor’s podium titled “The Conductor’s Spellbook”. To his surprise, he discovered that he COULD make the instruments come to life! Join us on this whimsical tale of a young boy’s imaginary experience on stage.
Here are the names of the instruments in each family, from the highest pitch to the lowest pitch: strings You can use a bow to pull back and forth on the violin, viola, cello and bass' strings to make it vibrate. The harp's strings are plucked like a rubber band.
woodwinds When air is blown into them, the air bounces around inside the instrument and vibrates, producing a tone.
brass Brass players create vibration by buzzing their lips into the mouthpiece of their instrument.
percussion Percussion is anything you can shake, scrape or strike.
Tr y y o ur ha n d a t
Use your right hand andfollow the conducting pattern: 1, 2, 3, 4 ! You can also think of it as: DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP! DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP! DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP! DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP!
Use your right hand and follow the conducting pattern: DOWN, DOWN, DOWN! DOWN, DOWN, DOWN! DOWN, DOWN, DOWN! DOWN, DOWN, DOWN!
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