May/June 2011, Vol. XXXI, No. 5
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters
Some lingering thoughts from our Assembly/Chapter
ruly, we experienced the presence of the Risen Lord in our midst! This was especially evident in the communion amongst us during our faith sharing and significant conversations in groups of mixed ages and nationalities from our oldest members all the way through to our postulant. The talents of all were brought out in our cultural evening and there were tears of gratitude for the richness of who we are. We also experienced the Spirit of the Risen Lord alive in our midst in the enthusiasm for mission. In the preparation and in the Assembly itself, the mission spirit was very much alive. Our desire to be the Good News of Jesus especially for the poor and women by showing our solidarity and care was evident. In the Assembly/Chapter it proved itself in our consent to the Corporate Stances for Immigration and Trafficking, in our recommendations and proposals concerning Jamaica, St. Kitts, the Life Learning Center in Rogers Park and the hope for team building with our SVD brothers, especially in multicultural parishes. Some may have felt we moved too far and others not far enough, but we moved and we moved together. Community Life and Leadership were other topics of significant conversations. Our hope is truly to live participative leadership and to both individually and communally discern in our election of leadership. In community and in mission we truly hope to see with God’s eyes and love with God’s heart. We want our communities (continued on page 2)