Adaptive integration of p2p and mobile ad hoc networks by a

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International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 7 number 1– Jan 2014

Adaptive Integration of P2P and Mobile-Ad-hoc-Networks by a Cross Modeled CHORD Protocol Veeraswamy.Devalla M.Tech in DECS Dept of ECE, SGIT MARKAPUR , AP,INDIA

Mr. P.Prasanna Murali Krishna Associate professor Head of Dept, ECE, SGIT MARKAPUR, AP,INDIA

Abstract: We set DHT (Distributed Hash Table) centered P2P (Peer to Peer) program - Chord in to MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) in this paper. Then, we propose a new routing modified scheme Cross Modeled Chord (CM-Chord) which bases on the unicast scheme with DHT. CM-Chord might be efficiently used to not only provide conventional direct routing, but additionally indirect, key-based overlay routing. Our simulation suggests that CM-Chord can markedly outperform conventional reactive Random routing (AODV). For that reason, MANET nodes can run CM-Chord for software objective, particularly P2P applications. Keywords- DHT; P2P; MANET INTRODUCTION A mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET) [6] consists of a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically creating a temporary network minus the use of any existing network infrastructure or centralized government. Scientists have already been encouraged and attracted from the popularity of file-sharing applications over internet in peer-to-peer (P2P) system, including Napster [1] and Gnutella [2].

MANET currently to offer indirect routing - to give unicasting in MANETs. Our CM-Chord project deploys IP unicast in DHT-based P2P request in MANETs.This paper is structured as follows: In part II, we present CM-Chord plan shortly, include some major processes and ideas. We provide our future work and draw a conclusion in section 4. THE CM-CHORD SCHEME A.

Up to now, a few studies have now been done for P2P program in MANETs [11]. There is a well known strategy that suggests the integration of a main-stream DHT by having an Random routing protocol to offer indirect routing in MANETs is Ekta [16]. Ekta does not have any concept of overlay groups of literally close nodes. Hence, the routes traveled all through its overlay routing method could be likely to be less productive than those within the cluster-based CM-Chord. Recently, the convergence of P2P and MANETs networks becomes more and more popular for P2P applications may be easily used in MANET. So that you can fix the scaling issues when P2P applications utilized in MANET, some highly organized P2P research formulas have been proposed, including Chord [3], Tapestry [4] and CAN [5]. A Distributed Hash Dining table (DHT )[19] substrate protects several difficult dilemmas including fault-tolerance, locating small implementation, scalability, access, load balancing, and objects in the distributed software developers. To the best of our knowledge, none of the existing techniques use a DHT - which can be present in the

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Network Model

Main-stream Random routing protocols provide a box from the source node to your defined destination node. But, indirect routing differs from primary routing because packages are no more directed based on the destination node's address but on a vital as an alternative. The package is then to be brought to the node that's responsible for the packet's key. Put simply, the precise address of the final destination node is normally as yet not known to the sender. For this specific purpose, CM-Chord has been proposed. CM-Chord is a DHT substrate particularly designed for mobile Ad hoc networks. It includes Ad hoc onDemand Distance-vector (AODV) Ad hoc routing [10, 13] and Chord overlay routing in the network layer to provide an effective primitive for key-based routing in MANETs. Each node in a CM-Chord system assigns itself an original overlay id (for example by hashing its IP, etc.) on the virtual overlay id ring which describes its logical position. CM-Chord then routes the message to that node inside the community that is currently in


International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 7 number 1– Jan 2014

charge of the message key i.e. to the node whose overlay identity is currently the numerically closest to the concept key among all CM-Chord nodes in the network. To avoid concept contacts (e.g. for route finding) whenever possible, CM-Chord explicitly considers physical locality within the building of its routing tables. See section B and C in more detail. B.

The features in CM-Chord

Clusters Standard (Internet-based) DHTs are largely oblivious to the actual physical topology to ensure two overlay neighbors can be physically located arbitrarily not even close to one another. This can cause a sizable overlay stretch as the physical network can be literally crisscrossed by 1) subsequent overlay hops. As a result of volatile nature of real routes in MANETs, this effect is especially high such environments. To manipulate actual location in its overlay, CM-Chord uses Random Landmarking [17]. As opposed to having fixed landmark nodes - which only aren't for sale in MANETs - fixed landmark tips are used. 2) Routing Tables CM-Chord maintains three different routing tables: an AODV-style routing table for physical channels from the node to specific target nodes, along with a stripped-down Chord routing table for indirect routing. 3) Routing Whenever a node desires to send a box to a specific key, it consults its Chord routing dining table to look for the closest prefix match, as agreed by standard Chord. Next, it consults its AODV routing table for that physical route to accomplish this overlay hop. Intermediate nodes on the physical route of an overlay hop consult their AODV table for the corresponding next physical hop. This method continues until the packet reaches the inevitable target node that's responsible for the packet key - i.e. whose overlay id is the numerically closest to the supply key. To prevent the maintenance cost, the only positive routing dining table maintenance that the CM-Chord node performs will be the occasional pinging of its 'left' (i.e. the node who has the biggest overlay identification smaller compared to node's own) and 'right' (i.e. the node who has the smallest overlay id larger than the node's own) leaf as this is necessary to ensure overlay routing convergence. All other routing entries are gained or updated implicitly by overhearing data packets.


The main processes of CM-Chord scheme

Traditional Random routing protocols route an information packet from the source node to a destination node on the basis of the destination's node address. CM-Chord, on another hand, routes information packets based on an overlay key. For that reason, whenever a node A really wants to send a data packet to a specific node T applying CM-Chord, node A clearly needs to know node B's recent CMChord (i.e. overlay) identification. We are using a very simple and straight-forward address quality system. Each time a node assigns itself a fresh overlay identification (e.g. by joining the network, by moving to a different CM-Chord bunch), it'll release its new, current overlay identification at a certain location within the network. For this purpose, the node hashes its node address (e.g. its MAC or IP), thereby getting an overlay key (OKAY). Next, the node only routes a packet containing its current overlay id toward its OK. The node currently in charge of that OK stores the originator's present overlay id and becomes its temporary address server.

Figure 1. Overview of CM-Chord 1) The process of address publication

Figure 2. Process of Address Publication The process of CM-Chord’s address publication is shown in Figure 2. We take node 17 for example.

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International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 7 number 1– Jan 2014

This process can be summarized as follows: Step 1: Node 17 gets the overlay id “65A2FF”; Step 2: Node 17 hashes its node id into the overlay id space and gets OK (Overlay Key) h (17)  "65A2FF"; Step 3: Node 17 sends a packet containing its new overlay id to its OK; Step 4: CM-Chord delivers the packet to node 4 whose id is “B297D1”; Step 5: Node 4 forwards the packet to node 35 whose id is “B7E1C1”; Step 6: The packet arrives at node 59 whose id is “65A2FE” which is closest to node 17’ OK. After 6 steps, node 59 becomes node 17’s address server and stores its current overlay id. Analogously, when a node A now wants to send a data packet to some node B whose current overlay id is still unknown to node A, it hashes B's node address to obtain node B's OK. Using that OK, node A then sends a request to node B's address server to acquire node B's current overlay id. Once node A has learned about node B's id, it can use that overlay id to send data packets destined for node B using CM-Chord. 2) The process of address resolution

Note that, since CM-Chord routes based on an overlay key, the response does not necessarily take the exact reverse path of the request. 3) The process of unicast scheme

Figure 4. Process of Unicast After the response from the address server, node 51 can now begin the actual unicast. Using the overlay id provided by node 59, node 51 sends its data packet towards that id. Figure 4 shows how CMChord routes the data packet to node 82 (id "8EE06C") during the first overlay hop, and then on to node 17.

SIMULATIONS AND ANALYSES CM-Chord's results were compared to the results of both a popular reactive routing protocol - AODV [5].For all simulations, we used the 802.11 standard with a transmission range of 250m. Furthermore, we chose a node density of 100 nodes / km2. Figure 3. Process of Address Resolution Figure 3. We suppose that node 51 wants to communicate with node 17 but does not know node 17's current overlay id. Hence, node 51 needs to contact node 17's current address server. Therefore, this process can be summarized as follows: Step 1: CM-Chord hashes node 17's address to get its OK: h (17) —►"65A2FF "; Step 2: Node 51 sends a request towards key "65A2FF "; Step 3: The key "65A2FF " routed through node 35 to node 59 which is the current address server for node 17. After 3 steps above, node 59, then, sends a response containing node 17's current overlay id back towards the requester's overlay id, which, in our example, is routed through node 28 whose id is "99FC14" back to node 51.

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All nodes were consistently (i.e. 0s stop time) moving around according to the random waypoint model. Each simulation run survived one simulated time. First, we considered the success rate that AODV and CM-Chord achieve in networks of different dimensions (150, 200, and 250 nodes). A continuing node speed of 1.4 m/s was used (a fast walking pace). To gauge the success fee, every node sends out a request to an arbitrary node every 10 seconds. The target node will then send straight back a response to the requesting node. Remember that in the case of CM-Chord this request/response communication can be preceded by an additional address quality communication if the destination node's current overlay identity is not known.


International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 7 number 1– Jan 2014

Figure 5 . Success Rate consistency evulation

Figure 5 shows the success rates of the particular standards versus the different network sizes. Just CM-Chord defines success rates of above 95% for all network sizes. The success rate of AODV fall quickly because the system size increases. The explanation for CM-Chord's markedly greater success rates is that CM-Chord uses numerous short routes that are most likely up-to- date. AODV will attempt to route a packet over a direct route from the source to the goal. These long routes become ever more risky and break regularly, which results in their lower success rates, because the system size increases. i.e.. Information packets, routing packets, get a grip on packets, etc. This is because CM-Chord usually uses recently updated routes and short, and, therefore, it rarely needs to take part in AODV-style way breakthroughs. AODV on the other-hand generally needs to learn or fix its long and direct paths. CMChord achieves far better success rates when compared with the AODV routing protocol. CONCLUSION Our simulation results show that our unicast approach centered on CM-Chord generally outperforms AODV routing protocol. This might be especially helpful for MANETs which can be already managing a DHT program within the first place. In this instance, nodes would not need to maintain a different Random routing protocol in addition to their DHT, but instead they are able to let CM-Chord handle their point-to-point routing as well. The simulation results shown in this paper provide a first and stimulating go through the effectiveness of DHT-based unicasting in MANETs. To help examine DHT-based unicasting, additional simulations will be needed. It'll be specially interesting to examine the effects that various network variables such as node density, request prices, request withdrawals, and so forth. And in the further research we shall simply take the node density and pace into consideration.

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International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 7 number 1– Jan 2014

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