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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends – Volume 6 Number 1 – Mar 2014

A Comparison Study on Matrix Inversion and Linear System of Equations R. Udayakumar# #

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, PSNA College of Engineering & Technology, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India. Abstract— In this article we have studied a comparison study on matrix inversion and linear system of equations. The Present investigation is intended to study a comparative statement between two methods of finding the matrix inverse. Numerical examples are provided for the methods. Keywords— Matrix Inversion, Linear systems, convergence, iterative.

[2]. A comparison of direct and indirect solvers for linear system of equations has studied by Noreen Jamil [5]. Kalmadi [7] gave a comparison of three iterative methods for the solution of linear equations. II. BASIC DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPTS

Definition 1: The unconstrained optimization problems is to Numerical methods give way to solve maximize a real-valued function f of N variable and complicated problems quickly and easily while compared to analytical solutions. Whether the aim is defined at a point x * such that is integration or solution of complex differential f ( x*)  f ( x )  x near x *. It is expressed as equations, there are many tools available to reduce min f ( x ) as an objective function and f ( x*) is the x the solution of what can be on occurrence quite minimum value. The local minimum problem is difficult methodical arithmetic to simple algebra different from the global minimization problem, in and some basic loop programming. Solutions of which is a global minimizer, a point x * such linear simultaneous equations occur quite often in engineering and science. The solution of such that f ( x*)  f ( x )  x . equations can be obtained by a numerical method which belongs to one of the two types: Direct or Definition 2: Iterative methods. The direct methods of solving The n-simultaneous system of equations is linear equations are known to have their difficulties. defined by the following form System of linear equations arises in a large number a11 x1  a12 x 2  a13 x3 ..........  a1 n x n  s1 of areas both directly in modeling physical a 21 x1  a 22 x 2  a 23 x3 ..........  a 2 n x n  s 2 situations and indirectly in the numerical solutions a 31 x1  a 32 x 2  a 33 x3 ..........  a 3 n x n  s 3 of the other mathematical models. In most case it is ........................................................ easier to develop approximate solutions by numerical methods. ........................................................ There are quite a large number of numerical a m 1 x1  a m 2 x 2  a m 3 x3 ..........  a mn x n  s n methods that have been used in the literature to estimate the behavior of system of linear equations. where The most important or at least the most used a11 , a12 , a13 ,....amn , are constant coefficients, methods are: Motzkin and Schoenberg [1] studied x , x ,.., x , are the unknowns to be solved, 1 2 n the relaxation method for linear inequalities. The principle of minimize iteration in the solution of the s1 , s2 ,.., sn , are the resultant constants. The n-simultaneous equations can be expressed in matrix Eigen value problem was derived by Arnoldi I. INTRODUCTION

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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends – Volume 6 Number 1 – Mar 2014 matrix form:

 a11 a  21  ..   ..  am1

a12 a22

a13 a23

.. ..

.. ..

am 2

am 3

.... a1n   x1   s1  .... a2 n   x2   s2       .... ..   .    .   .... ..   .   .      .... amn   xn   sn 

which implies Ax  s

So, if we let 


denote the largest  max



j  i , then we have,     aij  j   j max  j i  From the above equations it is clear that the error of new is smaller than the error of the other x i new components of x by a factor of at least  . The

 inew 

1 aii

Convergence theorem: Statement: If the linear system  Ax  s has a strictly convergence of  will be therefore assured if  <1. dominant coefficient unit matrix and each equation Escaletor method: is solved for its strictly dominant variable, then the If the inverse of a matrix A n of order n is iteration will converge to x for any choice of x0 , no known, then the inverse of a matrix A of order n+1 matter how errors are arranged. (n+1) can be determined by adding (n+1)th row and Proof: (n+1)th column to A n . Let x1 , x2 ,.., xn , be the exact solution of the Suppose system  Ax  s . Then  A1 : A 2   X1 : X 2    -1 A =  .. .. ..  and A =  .. .. ..  1 xi  b   a x  A3 :    X 3 : x  aii i j i ij j

1 new x  b   a x i aii i j i ij j


new new  xi  x i i The error of the jth component will be  new  x j  x new j j By substituting the values in the above equation, we get

 

new 1    a x j x j i aii j i ij 

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1 aii

 a  j i ij j

where A 2 , X 2 are column vectors and A3 , are row vectors and  , x are ordinary numbers. -1 Also we assume that A is known. Actually A 3 , X 3 are column vectors since their transposes are row vectors. Now, -1 AA  I gives n1 A X  A X   In (1) 1 1 1 3 A X A x0 (2) 2 2 2


A X   X   0 3 1 3


A X    X  1 3 2


X  A1-1A 2 x 2


From (2)


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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends – Volume 6 Number 1 – Mar 2014 and using this, (4) gives

 -A3A1-1A2  x  1. Hence x and then X can be found. 2 Also from (1),

X  A1-1 I n  A 2 X  1 3 and using this, (3) gives  -A3A1-1A 2 X   A3 A1-1 3

A A -1A 3 1 2  1.2857 0.0714 2.7857  3  8 4 15  0.8214 0.0178 1.9464  8   0.75 0.125 1.625  1   8.125 Therefore,

 -A3A1-1A2  x  1.

hence X  and then X are determined. 3 1 Example: 12 13 5 3   7 0 12 8   Let A   5 6 2 1    8 4 15 10  12 13 5 : 3   7 0 12 : 8  A : A2     1  We have A   5 6 2 : 1   .. .. ..         A :  .. .. .. .. ..    3  8 4 15 : 10 


so that


12 13 5  3   A1   7 0 12  , A 2  8  5 6 2  1 A3  8 4 15 and   10.  1.2857 0.0714 2.7857  -1   We find A  0.8214 0.0178 1.9464   0.75 0.125 1.625 

 X1 : X 2  -1 Let A =  .. .. ..   X 3 : x  -1 Then AA  I . Hence

10-8.125 x  1 i.e., x  0.5333

Also, X  A1-1A 2 x 2  1.2857 0.0714 2.7857  3    0.8214 0.0178 1.9464  8   0.5333   0.75 0.125 1.625  1   0.2667    0.2002  0.1999 

 -A3A1-1A2  X3  A A 3

-1 1


10 0.4568  X 3   0.5166 1.9834 X     0.0145 1.0123 1.8765 3



X  A1-1 I  A 2 X  1 3 0 12   2    0.2544 1 14   1.2564 0.6548 0.4789  Hence

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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends – Volume 6 Number 1 – Mar 2014

 X1 : X 2  A =  .. .. ..   X 3 : x  0 12 0.2667   2  0.2544 1 14 0.2002     1.2564 0.6548 14 0.1999     0.0145 1.0123 1.8765 0.5333 

To the second approximation, we have


Iterative method: Suppose we wish to compute A -1 and we know that B is an approximate inverse of A. Then the error E = AB - I or AB = I + E matrix is given by i.e., (AB)-1  ( I  E ) i.e., B-1A -1  ( I  E ) 1 or A -1  B(1  E  E 2  .....), Provided the series converges. Thus we can find further approximations of A -1 , by using A -1  B (1  E  E 2  .....) Example: Now, using the method, we can find the inverse of 1.8 0.8   2 11 8   0.5    A  7 0 4  taking B   0.25 0.25 0.14   3 2 2   2.35 4.8 1.6 

Here E = AB - I

 2 11 = 7 0  3 2  0.004   0.255  0.07

8   0.5 1.8 0.8  1 0 0    4   0.25 0.25 0.14    0 1 0  2   2.35 4.8 1.6   0 0 1  0 0  0 0  0.01 0.06 

A -1  B(1  E  E 2  .....)  0.5689 2.4587 0.2145    0.1235 0.2581 0.0147   0.8644 2.3654 3.1458  III. CONCLUSIONS

In General, the errors of estimation or rounding and truncation are introduced when we are using various numerical methods or algorithms and computing. We can find the difference of opinion in linearity and degree. In this paper, we have compared the difference between the solutions when a matrix inversion is to be found by the two methods. The iterative method shows the errors occur in the Escaletor method using an example. In future, it is proposed to study the methods for solving nonlinear equations. REFERENCES [1]

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Therefore, 0 0  0.0004  E =  0.0022 0 0   -0.221 -0.0047 -0.0047  2

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