1 minute read
Xander Chiaramonte ’20, The Woman’s Wrap, Mixed-media collage
Senior Editor
Evelyn Perfall ‘19
Communications Director
Rachel Suleymanov ‘19
Literary Editor
Helen Treadway ‘19
Creative Director
Zak Zeledon ‘19
Junior Layout Editors
Hudson Reynolds ‘20 Adrienne Lai ‘21
Junior Copy Editors
Amy Gastright ‘21 Alicia Lopez ‘19 Louisa Treadway ‘21
Lily Altree ‘21 Eva Balistreri ‘21 Lily Bertles ‘22 Wendy Buendia ‘20 Lilly Cady ‘19 Ian Carr ‘21 Anna Giardina ‘21 Derek Johnson ‘20 Ashlyn Lee ‘20 Monty Montgomery ‘21 Catherine Owens ‘19 Skye Schofield-Saba ‘21 Kitty Tyree ‘19 Louisa Treadway ‘21 Carlin Trevisan ‘21 Bette Vajda ‘19 Lena Weiman ‘21
Printer: Master Print, Newington Virginia © 2019 by Fire and Stones. Authors and artists hold rights to their individual works.
Fire & Stones literary and art magazine is published bi-annually in the winter and spring and is distributed to the SSSAS community free of charge.
Submissions: All submissions must be emailed to our faculty advisors as an attachment. We only consider material offered for first time publication. Artist and writers can submit 1-3 pieces per issue. Literature entries accepted: short fiction, essays, poetry, plays, and excerpts. We do not have length limits; however, try to keep submissions under 1000 words. Include names on the files: firstinitial_lastname.doc .txt or .pdf permitted. Visual art accepted: photography, illustration, painting, collage, mixed media, cartoon, graphic design, and photographed sculpture. Please submit visual art as high-resolution, jpeg files. Art and literature had to be submitted to our faculty advisors by April 1, 2019. The submissions were reviewed and selected from April 2 through April 10. We have a blind judging process for art and literature. For this issue, in an attempt for greater anonymity, each staff member was assigned a number and voted using that number instead of their initials.
Permissions: No part of this publication may be produced without permission. All images are copyrighted. The arts and literature can only be reproduced with permission of the artists and authors.
For additional information or how to obtain copies please email faculty advisors, Kate Elkins (kelkins@ sssas.org) or Jill McElroy (jmcelroy@sssas.org)