Getting organised for a new year
From the General Secretary
By Mary Franklyn General Secretary
New legal services With every new year there can be new challenges and when times get tough, we’ve got you covered and so does Eureka. The SSTUWA is proud to be partnering with Eureka Lawyers, a firm dedicated to fighting for workers, their families and the unions who represent them. As a member of the SSTUWA, you have access to a wide range of legal services, including: wills – $150 covered; estate planning, probate and administration – initial appointment free, further fees below standard rate. To arrange a consultation contact Member Assist on (08) 9210 6060, 1800 106 683 or email
Workers' comp top up One of the great SSTUWA benefits for school leader members is workers' compensation payments that are topped up to match your actual salary. Just one reason that being a member when you are leader makes great sense. For example: Principal X, SHS level 6.4, injured at work Weekly salary $3,292.15 Government workers' comp (WC) payment, public sector Max weekly WC payment $2,619.70 SSTUWA WC insurance top up Weekly payment
This example would be for a large metro school and doesn’t include any allowances. The top up does cover allowances, too, if part of normal salary.
Safe workplaces School safety continues to be on the forefront of our agenda for 2020. Ensuring
violence has no place in our schools and keeping schools safe sanctuaries of learning, remains our priority. As we enter the beginning of a new school year, we must continue to strive to be vigilant and look out for the wellbeing of our students and colleagues. Remember to report, record and resolve workplace incidences. Find your enclosed copy of our Safety is Our Priority poster in this edition of Western Teacher.
Getting organised As we start the year afresh it’s time union members at your worksite gather to establish and organise your SSTUWA school/college branch. Getting Organised 2020, our support pack for electing union and OSH representatives, establishing branches, joining union committees and nominating State Council delegates, has been sent to every relevant worksite in our WA schools. Print and digital versions of these packs were included in the January edition of Western Teacher.
clauses from the Agreement and Award. They are a great refresher when we start to feel a little vague about our teaching privileges. We cover face to face teaching, DOTT time, professional development, staff meeting requirements, parent meetings, internal relief and more.
We’ve got you covered Our Journey Cover policy not only covers you if you have an accident whilst travelling to or from work, but our insurance now goes one step further. We now also provide members with cover during lunch breaks, should an injury fall outside of workers’ compensation cover. With Journey Cover, you may be entitled to a benefit for lost income. For more information about our Journey Cover policy, turn to page 12.
Education and Training Centre Continuing your professional development journey in teaching is imperative to staying current and focused throughout the year.
You can also find more information and relevant forms at
Here at the SSTUWA we’re proud to provide high quality industrial and professional training.
In numbers we grow in strength, and in strength we can achieve anything.
This year the ETC is running the Top 100 Tips in 10 Hours for early career teachers.
Teachers' working day As a new school term commences it can be easy for us to focus on our commitment to students in our day to day teaching and forget about our rights and entitlements. Prioritise your time for your health and safety. Pages 14-16 of Western Teacher feature our Know Your Rights spread, covering
It covers all the vital aspects from what to expect in your first year, from instructional strategies to how to use data in your classroom. This online learning opportunity will run throughout the year and is ideal for both primary and secondary educators. Turn to page 28 to find out more information and book your sessions today. Western Teacher February 2020