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Starting out with full support

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New educators Starting out with full support

The SSTUWA has early career teachers covered. From support, Journey Cover, professional development to entitlements, the union has worked hard to ensure a range of rights and entitlements are available for beginning teachers. If you are experiencing difficulty accessing any of the graduate entitlements, please contact our Member Assist Team at memberassist@sstuwa.org.au


Graduate Learning Program

Over the first 30 months of teaching, graduate teachers are required to participate in structured professional learning. These graduate modules are designed as a self-reflection and sharing tool for graduate teachers to learn and network in a safe environment. Each module aligns to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to build the skills and understandings needed to become a highly effective classroom teacher and help to become a fully registered teacher. Modules one, two and three are completed sequentially, while the fourth module may be accessed at any time within the first 30 months of teaching. These modules are fully funded by the Department of Education (DoE) so seize these opportunities to sharpen and refine your skills, network and advance in your career. Some of you may not have attended the fourth graduate module yet, even though you may be nearing the end of your first 30 months, or have exceeded this time frame. As COVID-19 required social distancing measures, this course was unable to be held due to the physical handling component. As restrictions have eased, this module is back on the calendar. If you have not been able to register for this module and are concerned about not being able to attend within the required time frame, please contact the team at Statewide Services to discuss your options. You can contact the team at graduateteacherprogram@ education.wa.edu.au To find out where and when these modules are being held, log onto IKON and locate the Professional Learning Information Systems (PLIS) quick link. By typing “graduate teacher modules” into the keyword search, you will find a list of modules that are occurring. Make sure you speak with your school leader or line manager first before registering to attend any of the modules as you may need to negotiate your release from school. Don’t forget to organise teacher relief for your class(es) as well prior to your attendance at the module, if attending during the school week. The SSTUWA’s Growth Team attends graduate module one and the fourth graduate module. Utilise this opportunity to speak with them. Learn more about the benefits of membership for early career teachers, the New Educator Network, what training events or professional learning courses are on offer or even find out about social events that may be coming up in your area. You can also keep in contact with the team via email: neweducator@sstuwa.org.au or on Facebook: New Educator Network – WA

Curriculum materials allowance

If you are in your first year of teaching, don’t miss out on claiming your curriculum materials allowance. Primary and district high school graduate teachers have access to $150 and secondary graduate teachers have access to $78. You should use your own professional judgement to choose the materials suited to your needs and the materials purchased will belong to you. You will need to produce receipts to your school for reimbursement so remember to check with your manager of corporate services/business manager before

spending your allowance as schools’ expenditure systems vary.

Graduate teacher release time

A reminder to all first-year graduate teachers that you are entitled to 0.05FTE per week of additional non-contact time. Funding for graduate release time is forwarded to your school as a targeted initiative so if you have not been receiving any additional release time, please speak with your school leader or line manager.

Graduate teacher allowance

Full-time graduate teachers will receive an allowance of $1,600 per year for each of their first two years. Part time teachers will receive this allowance pro rata. Each annual allowance is paid according to the term of employment and is paid as soon as practicable after commencement of employment. If you have not received your payment after a reasonable period of time from your start date, contact the school administrator or line manager. Clarification of payment of this allowance can also be sought by contacting payroll at the DoE on 9264 4111. Remember, if you are not sure about something, ask. You are not “rocking the boat” if you are seeking clarification. Don’t forget as an SSTUWA member, you can also contact Member Assist, or get in contact with the union’s Growth Team for assistance.

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