New educator FAQs
New educators
It is important to ask questions as an early career teacher but sometimes you may feel uncomfortable to do so at your worksite. So, the Growth Team thought we would share some of the questions we frequently get asked while in attendance at Graduate Modules, during school visits or via the New Educator Network Facebook group.
How much DOTT time should I get as a graduate teacher? Effective from the commencement of the 2011 school year, the following periods of time (exclusive to recess and lunch) are provided to teachers: • Secondary – 320 minutes per week • Primary – 240 minutes per week • Pre-Primary – 320 minutes per week In addition, graduate teachers in their first year are entitled to 0.05FTE per week of additional non-contact time. For a full time teacher, this equates to an additional 77 minutes per week for primary teachers and an additional 80 minutes per week for secondary and pre-primary teachers. This additional non-contact time is known as graduate release time and while it is expected that this time allocation is available to graduates on a regular basis, up to 2.5 days a term can be accumulated to accommodate different contexts and needs. If you are not receiving your graduate release time, speak with your union rep for further advice and book in a time to discuss this with your line manager. Remember, you can only access the graduate release time in your first year.
I have heard about an allowance for graduate teachers. How do I access it? The Graduate Teacher Allowance is paid directly to you through payroll. Fulltime graduate teachers will receive an allowance of $1,600 per year for each of their first two years. Part time teachers will receive this allowance pro rata. This payment is based on the terms of your employment and is paid as soon as possible after you have started. If you have not received your payment after a reasonable period of time from your start date, contact your school administrator or line manager.
New educator members Andrew Clouting, Matt Jones and Christopher McIntosh Clarification of payment of this allowance can also be sought by contacting payroll directly (9264 8383).
I have to travel to attend a Graduate Module. Do I fund this myself? A cash travel contingency is allocated to the school for graduate teachers in their first year. This is based on the school’s location. The allocation associated with the graduate teacher undertaking Module 1 and Module 2 of the Graduate Teacher Professional Learning Program is for: • Travel • Accommodation • Costs Schools are to use any unspent funds for travel costs for the graduate teacher to undertake Module 3 and Module 4 of the Graduate Teacher Professional Learning Program. Metropolitan schools are allocated $113.30 for each graduate teacher while regional schools will be allocated an amount based on the distance from Perth and relative isolation.
I am completing my portfolio in order to transition to full registration. Do I have
to complete 100 hours of professional learning? There is no requirement to have completed 100 hours of professional learning when transitioning from provisional to full registration. This component is only required to maintain your registration (that is, after you are registered). You do, however, need to have taught for a “minimum period of 100 days in one or more Western Australian educational venues or other Australian or New Zealand schools in the last five years prior to application”. For further information about the transition process and for the relevant forms required, visit the TRBWA website:
How do I know what jobs are available? Jobs across public schools are advertised on the JobsWA website ( Here, you can apply for specific advertised positions, as well as for pools such as the Graduate Teacher Pool, Remote Teaching Service Pool and the Teacher Pool – Fixed Term Opportunities. Remember, if you are not sure about something, ask. You are not rocking the boat if you are in need of clarification. You can also contact Member Assist, get in contact with the Growth Team at or find us on Facebook: New Educator Network - WA. Western Teacher May 2020