Electronic heart

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Electronic Heart Dr. S. S. VERMA; Department of Physics, S.L.I.E.T., Longowal; Distt.-Sangrur (Punjab)-148 106

Electronics has not only bestowed mankind with entertainment gadgets all around them making their life more enjoying but also proving a boon towards health devices, thus transforming man into a fully electronic man. Many electronics based health devices like hearing aid, pacemakers, bionic eyes, electronic nose etc. are proving to a great gift to the needful generation. Nothing is more human than the heart. Yes, that illustrious organ that pumps blood and its life-sustaining nutrients around our bodies nonstop until we die. It fuels the leader of the whole operation: the brain. Overall, it's safe to say that the heart is a rather important thing to have, and replacing one that isn't doing its job is not a trivial exercise, as even the best artificial hearts demand significant compromises to quality of life. A true artificial heart would be able to replace a human heart in all the ways that matter. Chronic heart failure is a major health challenge and up to 40 per cent of sufferers die within the first year. The best form of treatment is a heart transplant, but the demand by far outweighs the supply. The technology currently used to help people with acute heart failure can only be used for a few days and involves the patient being attached to large external machines which need to be plugged into the mains power supply. Electronic heart could really be groundbreaking and more effective than any other therapy currently being used around the world. Recently, scientists have developed the world's first fully electronic heart for human transplant. The revolutionary man-made organ - the size of a grapefruit - has been produced in the U.S. in partnership with doctors in Germany. Until now transplant technology has only seen artificial hearts implanted alongside damaged organs to assist them. But the first recipient of the electronic heart will have his or her natural heart removed entirely. The smart electronic heart has the potential to not only extend a patient’s life, but also to provide them with mobility and comfort. Doctor in charge predicts that the electronic heart developed at a cost of £15 million could be ready for use before the end of the year and could prevent hundreds of deaths every year through lack of heart donors. Electronic heart should be better than a normal heart transplant as it eliminates the need for the anti-rejection drugs which patients have to take for the rest of their lives. The new heart is powered by batteries stored inside the body which need recharging at regular intervals. A pump with a mini-motor controls blood flow to and from the heart. Electronic heart would be implanted in the patient's body and is entirely self-contained, eliminating the need for the patient to be hospitalized and wired to machinery. The batteryoperated device would be implanted into a section of the aorta that has previously been removed in order to improve the heart's efficiency. The aorta is the large artery situated in the left ventricle of the heart. A tube is connected to the device, which is surrounded by a material that expands when a voltage is applied to it, causing it to act as a pump. The device would then create a 1

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Electronic heart by Prof. S S Verma - Issuu