GETTING A JOB Dr. S. S. Verma, Department of Physics, S.L.I.E.T., Longowal, Distt.-Sangrur (Punjab)-148106 Things in the country towards getting job (government or private) have changed drastically in the last 20-30 years. It is remarked at present that in India it is easy to find GOD but difficult to find a JOB. If you put very hard work for getting both (GOD and JOB), there are good chances to have success in finding GOD but even after hard work there are very bleak chances to land up with a JOB, leave aside the deserving or suitable job as per your qualifications. Unemployment in the country has reached to 5% and it is really becoming tough to handle unemployment for the candidate as well as for his family. Writing articles on the availability of various job opportunities and educational courses with lots of job possibilities is totally different than to look for a job and to support a job seeker in the family both financially and emotionally. I remember my college/university days in 1980s when though we were not much hopeful of getting high class jobs easily (without much hard work) but getting of lower class jobs was almost certain to every person who used to complete his educational degrees with mediocre to good rankings. Things were definitely easier for people who were qualifying degrees with flying colours. Scenario with professional courses was definitely better than the nonprofessional courses but still the gap was not that wide. Here it will be improper not to acknowledge the drastic change recently made by Hon’able Prime Minister Mr. Modi and his government by scarping the interviews for class C posts. However, this will make a little difference to people who will not be able to compete in the rigorous process of selection. Here, it is my sincere effort to highlight the problems/nightmares being faced by the job seekers with a wish that planners at all levels will take a note and will try to make the process more smooth, cost effective, fair and transparent. Examination fee: Tough competition due to large number of applicants and less number of opportunities, job seekers have to take a number of examinations to find a job and thus have to deposit huge amounts of money as examination fees. Many of the times, the examination fees range from Rs. 600/- to Rs. 3000/- which is not a small amount for an applicant from a middle class family. Many job seekers lose hope and leave many job opportunities due to money constraints. Government departments which are running on tax payer’s money at least should reduce the examination fee to minimum. Conducting of examination should not be treated as a money making event at any cost. Age Limit: It is easy to say that start preparing for competitive examinations from school or college but coming successful in educational degree examinations along with preparing for competitions simultaneously is not that easy at all. Therefore, after getting minimum educational 1