TheSpi r i t ualDi scover y W or kshop Jan.7 and 21,2012
An Oppor t uni t yt ounwr ap your spi r i t ualgi f t ! I syourr el i gi oni ngoodshapet hesedaysori si tdul l asl astyear ' sTV si t coms?Ar et hesameol dexhor t at i onsst i l lgood?Fami l i arant i quel anguaget hathi des mor et hani tr eveal s?I fyouwantabi tmor epi zzazz i nyourf ai t h,mor eunder st andi ng,somet hi ngyou canuse,t akeal ookatt hei nvi t at i onoft hi sl et t er .I t doesnotof f ersomet hi ngnew butr at heri tof f er s somet hi ngyoumayhaveover l ooked. Thekeyi st odi scoveranduset hegi f t sofgr acet hat wi l lhel pusl andi nt her i ghtpl ace, r at hert hanf i l l i ng r andom vacanci esi nouri ndi vi dual“ chur chwor k” . Somet i mesi tf eel sast houghwear el ef tbehi nd, bur i edi nt her emnant sofgoodi nt ent i ons,butt he Lor dcal l sust osomet r ul ysi gni f i cantwor kHow do wemanaget hi s?Theansweri st ouset hespi r i t ual gi f t sout l i nedi nt heBi bl e,t hegi f t sofgr aceand power .J esushi msel fsai dt hatHi sHol ySpi r i twoul d bepour edoutonhi speopl eandt hatt heChr i st i ans, wi t hal lt hei rspi r i t ualwar t sandscar swoul ddoi ncr edi bl et hi ngs.Mor ebi gnews:t heLor dnotonl y gi vesust hedi r ect i ont ouset hesegi f t sbutHeal so pr ovi dest hef uelt odr i vet hi sj our neyoff ai t h.
Cour seDescr i pt i on:
Thecour sewi l lconsi stofl ect ur es,sl i depr esent at i ons, vi deopr esent at i ons,andsmal lgr oupdi scussi ons.Par t i ci pant swi l lt akeaper sonali nvent or yoft hei rownuni que qual i t i esbyaper sonalanal ysi si nspi r edbyBi bl i calr ef er ences.Thehandbookpr ovi dedser vesasat estki t ,t ext book,andBi bl i calr ef er encegui de.A “ r ef l ect i ont i me”i s bui l ti nt ot hecour sebyt hesepar at i onoft he“ Di scov
er y”segmentandt he“ Net wor ki ng”segment
You ar ei nvi t ed t oaspeci alwor kshop whi ch i s comi ng up i n Januar y2012.TheGi f t soft heSpi r i t wi l lbeconsi der ed and di scussed i n det ai l .Usi ng smal lgr oups,t hef ocusi son t hegi f t sofGod' s spi r i tgi ven t oal lChr i st i ansast heyexpr essed i n r eall i f e.W ewi l ldi scuss,si ng,pr ay,and eatdur i ng t hewor kshop.W ewi l lf ocuson f i ndi ng t hepl aces wher ewean bemostef f ect i vei n usi ng t hegi f t s t hatGod hasgi ven . Thewor kshopconsi st soft wosegment s.Weaskt hat par t i ci pant scommi tt oat t endbot h.
SegmentOne“ Di scover y”f ocusesont hedi scover y oft heBi bl i calspi r i t ualgi f t st hatar eavai l abl et ous. Pl ace: St .Mar k' sEpi scopalChur chi n Pal m BeachGar dens,Fl or i da Dat eandTi me:J anuar y7,20129: 00AM t o3: 00PM SegmentTwo“ Net wor ki ng”deal swi t ht heper sonal st yl eandi ndi vi dualpassi oni nconj unct i onwi t ht hespi r i t ualgi f t s. Pl ace: St .Geor ge' sEpi scopalChur chi n Ri vi er aBeach,Fl or i da Dat eandTi me:J anuar y21,20129: 00AM t o3: 00PM Regi st r at i onFee$30. 00cover sbot hsegment s,t hepar t i ci pant shandbook,al i ghtmeal ,snacks,andacof f ee br eak.
Or der sshoul dbemadebef or eDecember15,2011 t oi nsur et heavai l abi l i t yoft eachi ngmat er i al sf or eachpar t i ci pant .
Cour seDi r ect or : TheRever endDr .Fr edLaCr one Fat herFr edLaCr onebegant ot eachcl assesandcour se wor kont heGi f t soft heHol ySpi r i tear l yi nhi scar eer dur i ngt he1970' swhenhewasapar toft heEpi scopal Pr ovi nceV t askf or ceonevangel i sm andr enewal . He hel peddevel opedt hedi scer nmentmet hodscommonl y i nuset odayf orhel pi ngonedi scoveranduset hegi f t sof t heHol ySpi r i t . Fat herLaCr oneat t endedt heGener al Theol ogi calSemi nar yi nNew Yor kandt henobt ai neda Doct orofMi ni st r yatt heSout hFl or i daCent erf orTheol ogi calSt udi es. Af t erser vi ngasaRect orf orPar i shesi nsever alr egi ons oft heUni t edSt at esi ncl udi ngFl or i daher et i r edf r om bei ngaf ul lt i meRect ort ot eachi nt heEngl i shdepar t mentatFl or i daAt l ant i cUni ver si t y.Hehasr emai neda nonst i pendi ar ymemberofSt .Geor ge' sEpi scopal Chur chi nRi vi er aBeach,Fl or i daandSt .Mar k' sEpi scopal Chur chi nPal m BeachGar dens,Fl or i da.
Cour seRegi st r at i on
Youmayr egi st erf ort hecour sei nt woways.
Int er net
Got oSt .Geor ge’ sEpi scopalChur chwebsi t ewww. st geor geschur ch. com/wor kshop. ht ml Ther ewi l lyouseeadescr i pt i onoft hecour seandaPayPalbut t ont hatsays BuyNow. Cl i ckt hatbut t onandf ol l ow t hedi r ect i ons.Youmayusemostst andar dcr edi tcar dst opay.You donotneedaPayPalaccount .Ther egi st r at i onpr ocesswi l laskyout ogi veyournameasyou wanti tt oappearonyourBadget obewor ndur i ngt hecour se. ByMai l Pl easef i l loutt hef or m bel ow i nl egi bi l ei nk. Name______________________________ Par i sh__________________________ Addr ess_____________________________ Tel ephonenumber ________________ _____________________________ Emai l_________________________
.Geor ge’ sEpi scopalChur ch Encl oseacheckf or$30. 00f oreachpar t i ci pantmadeoutt oSt i nt hememopl easewr i t ewor kshop
Mai lt o:St .Mar k’ sEpi scopalChur ch,3395 Bur nsRoad,Pal m Beach Gar densFL 33410 Quest i onsmaybedi r ect edt oTonyMagana,emai lwebmast er @st geor geschur ch. com Cel l5612221731