St John’s College
Chapel Services Michaelmas Term 2013
St John’s College Chapel Since the early thirteenth century the site of St John’s College has had a place of Christian worship. The original Chapel, whose ruins may still be viewed in First Court, belonged to a hospital for the poor and infirm and was retained when the College was founded in 1511. Our present Chapel, built in 1869 by Sir George Gilbert Scott, continues this faithful offering of prayer with regular services enriched by the College’s outstanding choral tradition. Members of the public are welcome at all Choral Services, printed in BOLD TYPE in this list. Surplices are provided in the Chapel, and are worn by members of the College on Sundays, at Evensong on Saturdays, and on other holy days as marked in this list with the letter S.
Choral Evensong Our service of Evensong follows that set down in the Church of England’s Book of Common Prayer in 1662. The service can be followed on the cream cards in the stalls. On Tuesdays to Sundays it is sung by the College Choir of men and boys, who study either at the College or at the College School. On Mondays Evensong is sung by the College's new mixed-voice choir, St John's Voices. The words of the psalm appointed for the day and sung by the Choir may be found in the Book of Common Prayer (usually red). Please join in singing the hymns, usually found in the green New English Hymnal. In accordance with the spirit of the Book of Common Prayer (a portion of) the Morning Psalms are sung during the first half of term, and (a portion of) the Evening Psalms during the second half. Our lessons at Evensong this term comprise selections from the Prophets and the entirety of the Gospel of St Mark. Considered by most scholars the earliest of the Gospels, St Mark’s narrative is wonderfully dramatic with a real sense of immediacy to its episodic structure, and yet this is no naive storytelling as key theological themes are developed to support the needs of disciples in the way of the Cross. ‘The News’ is the title of our Sunday evening sermon series this term. Guest preachers involved in faith and the media will look at the content and the way we receive the news in British national newspapers, on the radio, television, on line and in tabloid journalism with reference to how this shapes an understanding of our contemporary world and our Christian faith. Further details are available on the Chapel website:
Sung Eucharist The service may be followed in the yellow Sung Eucharist booklets. Please join in all words marked in bold. Our readings are printed on a separate white sheet, which may be collected from the entrance to the Chapel. Hymns are found in the green hymn book in the stalls. The Chapel is part of the Church of England, within the world-wide Anglican Communion, and welcomes all Christians who are communicant members of their own church to receive Communion with us.
Listen Online A Chapel service is webcast on a weekly basis throughout the year. Webcast services are available from midday on Tuesdays. You can listen online at:
Dean The Rev’d Duncan Dormor * Director of Music Andrew Nethsingha Chaplain The Rev’d Elizabeth Adekunle Priest-Vicar The Rev’d Preston Parsons Director of St John’s Voices Graham Walker Organ Scholars Edward Picton-Turbervill & Joseph Wicks Chapel Clerk Stephen Stokes * The Dean is currently serving as President of the College. The clergy are always glad to arrange to see members of the College. The Chapel Clerk can be contacted by telephone on 01223 338676 or by e-mail at Further details of the Chapel and Choir are available on the College website & ____________________________________________________________________________ The Chapel is fitted with a hearing induction loop for those who are hearing-impaired. Simply switch your hearing aid to the T position. Our presence at services is a prayer; please respect the traditions of the Chapel and of all those who worship with you. If you would like to know more about the Christian faith or the Church of England, please speak to one of the clergy. Please do not use cameras, tape recorders or videos in the Chapel. Please do not bring food and drink into the Chapel. The work of the Chapel is entirely supported by the College and no collections are taken during services. However, the student Chapel Committee supports a number of charities each term and an alms dish is provided for donations on the table by the Chapel gates; please give generously. Cover image: The Recording Angel holding the book of life and the book of death from a detail of the west window in the College Chapel ____________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ 6 TRINITY XIX 8.30 a.m. COLLEGE COMMUNION _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 8
5.30 p.m. MATRICULATION SERVICE Responses: Clucas Psalms 149, 150 Magnificat: Dyson in D Dove: Gloria (Missa Brevis) Hymns 440 (omit vv. 4, 5), 413 Voluntary: Dubois Toccata _________________________________________________________________________ 9
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 46 Sumsion in G Seers: Look down, O Lord _________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ 10 THURSDAY Paulinus, Bishop of York, 644
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Clucas Psalm 52 Batten (First Service) Harvey: The Annunciation Hymn 443 _________________________________________________________________________ 11 FRIDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Clucas Psalm 56 Mathias (Jesus Service) Byrd: Teach me, O Lord Hymn 263 (omit vv. 5, 6) _________________________________________________________________________ 12 SATURDAY Wilfrid of Ripon, Bishop, Missionary, 709
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S Responses and Preces: Clucas Psalm 62 Sumsion in G Rachmaninoff: Bŏgŏroditse Dyevo Hymn 353 (omit v. 3) Voluntary: Heiller Tanz-Toccata _________________________________________________________________________
Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:
_________________________________________________________________________ 13 TRINITY XX
Introit: Byrd Teach me, O Lord Berkeley: Missa Brevis Gradual: Psalm 111 Credo: II Hymns 296(i), 420 Voluntary: J.S. Bach Fugue in G minor (BWV 578) 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1347) Joseph Wicks (St John’s College) Hindemith: Sonata no. 2 i. Lebhaft ii. Ruhig bewegt iii. Fuge: Mäβig bewegt, heiter Alain: Le jardin suspendu J.S. Bach: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (BWV 662) 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Clucas Psalm 68 vv. 1–20 Stanford in A Haydn: The heavens are telling the glory of God Hymns 365, 475 Preacher: The Rev’d Prebendary Rose Hudson-Wilkin Vicar of Holy Trinity, Dalston & All Saints, Haggerston and Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons Instant Satisfaction Voluntary: Stanford Postlude in D minor _________________________________________________________________________ 14 MONDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENING PRAYER (said) _________________________________________________________________________ 15 TUESDAY Teresa of Avila, Teacher, 1582
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Clucas Psalm 75 Tomkins (Sixth Service) J.S. Bach: Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit Hymn 341 _________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ 16 WEDNESDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 81 Lassus: Magnificat tertii toni Nunc Dimittis tertii toni Lassus: Qui moderatur _________________________________________________________________________ 17 THURSDAY Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr, c. 107
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Psalm 86 Antiphon: In omnem terram Malcolm: Magnificat primi toni Nunc Dimittis primi toni Harvey: I love the Lord Hymn 388(i) _________________________________________________________________________ 18 ST LUKE
6.30 p.m. FESTAL EVENSONG S Introit: Harris Holy is the true light Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Psalm 92 Antiphon: In omnem terram Weelkes (Sixth Service) Purcell: Rejoice in the Lord alway Hymn 231 _________________________________________________________________________ THE EVANGELIST
19 SATURDAY 12.00 noon MEMORIAL SERVICE Henry Martyn, FOR PROFESSOR JONATHAN HARVEY Translator of the Scriptures, (HONORARY FELLOW) Missionary in India and Persia, 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG 1812 Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Psalm 97 Stanford in B flat Sheppard: The Lord’s Prayer Hymn 484 (omit v. 3)(tune 167) Voluntary: J.S. Bach Prelude & Fugue in C major
(BWV 545)
Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:
_________________________________________________________________________ 20 TRINITY XXI
10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST Introit: Byrd Gloria tibi Domine Vierne: Messe Solennelle Gradual: Psalm 121 Credo: III Hymns 292, 376 Communion: J.S. Bach Bete aber auch dabei Voluntary: Vierne Carillon de Westminster 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1348) Kristian Andersen (Herning, Denmark) J.S. Bach: Passacaglia in C minor (BWV 582) Stanford: Fantasia and Toccata in D minor (Op. 57) 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Psalm 102 Wood in E flat (no. 2) Parsons: Ave Maria Hymns 433 (omit vv. 4, 5), 359 (tune 322) Preacher: The Rev’d Susan Bowden-Pickstock Ordained Pioneer Minister, St Ives Receiving news: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly Voluntary: Buxtehude Praeludium in D minor (BuxWV 140) _________________________________________________________________________ 21 MONDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENING PRAYER (said) Teresa of Avila, Teacher, 1582 _________________________________________________________________________ 22 TUESDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Psalm 107 vv. 1–21 Vivaldi: Magnificat Nunc Dimittis primi toni Tomkins: My shepherd is the living Lord Hymn 464 _________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ 23 WEDNESDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Cleobury Psalms 112, 113 Victoria: Magnificat sexti toni Nunc Dimittis sexti toni Morley: Let my complaint _________________________________________________________________________ 24 THURSDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalms 116, 117 Batten (Fourth Service) Byrd: Prevent us, O Lord Hymn 349 _________________________________________________________________________ 25 FRIDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm 119 vv. 33–48 Bevan: Magnificat quarti toni Nunc Dimittis quarti toni Poulenc: Tenebrae factae sunt Hymn 383(ii) _________________________________________________________________________ S 26 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. CANTATA EVENSONG WITH ST JOHN’S SINFONIA Alfred the Great, Orchestral Voluntary: J.S. Bach Sarabande King of the West Saxons, (Suite no. 2 in B minor) Scholar, Responses and Preces: Ayleward 899 Psalm 119 vv. 105–120 Vivaldi: Magnificat Nunc Dimittis primi toni J.S. Bach: Cantata no. 115 ‘Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit’ Hymns 436, 500 Orchestral Voluntary: J.S. Bach Sinfonia (Cantata no. 42) THIS SERVICE WILL END AT APPROXIMATELY 7.45 P.M. _________________________________________________________________________
Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:
_________________________________________________________________________ 27 TRINITY XXII
10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST Introit: Vaughan Williams O taste and see Dove: Missa Brevis Gradual: Psalm 84 vv. 1–7 Credo: IV Hymns 295, 305 Voluntary: Guilmant March on a theme of Handel 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1349) John Challenger (Salisbury Cathedral) Buxtehude: Praeludium in C (BuxWV 137) William Lloyd Webber: Benedictus Vierne: from Symphonie I iv. Andante v. Final 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalms 121, 122 Leighton (Second Service) Bullock: Give us the wings of faith Hymns 394, 439 (omit vv. 3, 4) Preacher: The Rev’d Richard Coles Journalist & Priest in Charge, St Mary the Virgin, Findon Good news, bad news Voluntary: Widor Allegro (Symphonie VI) _________________________________________________________________________ S 28 ST SIMON AND 6.30 p.m. FESTAL EVENSONG SUNG BY ST JOHN’S VOICES ST JUDE APOSTLES Responses and Preces: Plainsong Psalm 119 vv. 1–16 Antiphon: Qui vult venire post me Dyson in C Minor Wesley: Lead me, Lord Hymn 372 _________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ 29 TUESDAY James Hannington, Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa, Martyr in Uganda, 1885
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Cleobury Psalms 140 (omit vv. 9–11), 141 (omit vv.7–8) Palestrina: Magnificat sexti toni Nunc Dimittis sexti toni Tye: Salve Regina Hymn 217 (tune 235) _________________________________________________________________________ 30 WEDNESDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Shaw Psalm 144 Hassler: Magnificat quinti toni Nunc Dimittis quinti toni Gesualdo: Maria, mater gratiae _________________________________________________________________________ 31 THURSDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) S Responses and Preces: Shaw Psalm 147 Antiphon: O quam gloriosum Cruft (Collegium Regale) Elgar: Seek him that maketh the seven stars Hymn 337 _________________________________________________________________________ NOVEMBER
_________________________________________________________________________ 1
6.30 p.m. FESTAL EUCHARIST WITH STRINGS Haydn: Little Organ Mass Hymn 197 (omit vv. 3, 5)
THIS SERVICE WILL END AT APPROXIMATELY 7.25 P.M. _________________________________________________________________________
6.30 p.m. EUCHARIST FOR ALL SOULS’ DAY (men’s voices) Victoria: Missa pro defunctis (a 4)
THIS SERVICE WILL END AT APPROXIMATELY 7.30 P.M. _________________________________________________________________________
Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:
_________________________________________________________________________ 3
10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST Introit: Dicit Dominus – Ego cogito Langlais: Messe Solennelle Gradual: Psalm 32 vv. 1–8 Credo: V Hymns 272, 294 Voluntary: Preston Alleluyas 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1350) Francesca Massey (Durham Cathedral) Eben: Moto Ostinato (Sunday Music) Alain: Choral Cistercien Willan: Introduction, Passacaglia and Fugue 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalms 15, 16 Batten (First Service) Brahms: Es ist das Heil Hymns 334, 368 Preacher: The Rev’d George Pitcher Priest-in-Charge at Waldron with Cross In Hand, and a chaplain at St Bride’s, Fleet Street, London Your truth and my truth Voluntary: Brahms Fugue in A flat minor _________________________________________________________________________ 4
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG SUNG BY ST JOHN’S VOICES Responses and Preces: Plainsong Psalm 22 vv. 1–21 Thiman in G Mozart: Ave verum Corpus Hymn 459 _________________________________________________________________________ MONDAY
_________________________________________________________________________ 5
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 25 Dyson in F Gibbons: Great Lord of Lords Hymn 245 _________________________________________________________________________ 6
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Millington Psalm 33 Moore (First Service) Poulenc: Salut, Dame Sainte Poulenc: Tout puissant, très saint _________________________________________________________________________ 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 37 vv. 1–20 Purcell in G minor Palestrina: Ego sum panis vivus Hymn 400 _________________________________________________________________________ Willibrord of York, Bishop, Apostle of Frisia, 739
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Rose Psalms 42, 43 Stanford in B flat Poulenc: Timor et tremor Hymn 199 (tune 205) _________________________________________________________________________ The Saints and Martyrs of England
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 49 Sumsion in G Vaughan Williams: Love bade me welcome Hymn 401 Voluntary: Schumann Fugue no.1 on BACH _________________________________________________________________________
Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:
_________________________________________________________________________ 10 REMEMBRANCE
Fauré: Requiem Douglas Guest: For the fallen 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1351) Andrew Nethsingha (St John’s College) J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in C major (BWV 547) J.S. Bach: Dies sind die heil’gen zehn Gebot’ (BWV 678) Vierne: Allegro risoluto (Symphonie II) 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Rose Psalms 53, 54 Mathias (Jesus Service) Tavener: Song for Athene Hymns 377, 373 (tune: Coe Fen) Preacher: The Rev’d Dr Jolyon Mitchell Director, Centre for Theology and Public Issues at the University of Edinburgh. Remembering Dangerous News Voluntary: J.S. Bach Prelude in E flat major (BWV 552(i)) _________________________________________________________________________ 11 MONDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG SUNG BY ST JOHN’S VOICES Martin, Responses and Preces: Plainsong Bishop of Tours, c. 397 Psalms 60, 61 Stanford in C Vaughan Williams: O how amiable Hymn 357 _________________________________________________________________________ 12 TUESDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 65 Tomkins (Fifth Service) Gibbons: O Thou, the central orb Hymn 374 _________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ 13 WEDNESDAY Charles Simeon, Priest, Evangelical Divine, 1836
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Millington Psalm 69 (omit vv. 23–29) Tranchell (Quarti toni) Poulenc: Seigneur, je vous en prie Poulenc: O mes très chèrs frères _________________________________________________________________________ 14 THURSDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalm 74 vv. 1–18 Wise in E flat Tallis: In ieunio et fletu Hymn 424 _________________________________________________________________________ 15 FRIDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalm 78 vv. 1–17 Sumsion in A Fauré: Cantique de Jean Racine Hymn 393 _________________________________________________________________________ 16 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Philanthropist, Reformer of the Church, 1093
S Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalm 85 Wood in E flat (no. 2) Bernstein: Chichester Psalms Hymn 392 Voluntary: Langlais Fête _________________________________________________________________________ EVENSONG
Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:
_________________________________________________________________________ 17 TRINITY XXV
10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST Introit: Intret oratio mea Kyrie: De Angelis Byrd: Mass for five voices Gradual: Psalm 98 Credo: VI Hymns 307, 397 Voluntary: Mendelssohn Allegro maestoso e serioso (Sonata no. 1 in F minor) 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1352) Ben Morris (Jesus College) Buxtehude: Toccata in F (BuxWV 156) J.S. Bach: Vor deinen Thron tret’ ich (BWV 668) Franck: Choral no. 2 in B minor 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalm 89 vv. 1–19 Gibbons (Second Service) Purcell: Behold, now praise the Lord Hymns 456, 391 Preacher: The Chaplain Communicating News Voluntary: Purcell Voluntary for Double Organ _________________________________________________________________________ 18 MONDAY Elizabeth of Hungary, Princess of Thuringia, Philanthropist, 1231
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG SUNG BY ST JOHN’S VOICES Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm 94 Dyson in F Howells: Like as the hart Hymn 457 (omit v. 5) _________________________________________________________________________ 19 TUESDAY Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalms 99, 100, 101 Tallis (Short Service) Panufnik: The Call Hymn 342 (tune 178) _________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ 20 WEDNESDAY 6.30 p.m. Edmund, King of the East Angles, Martyr, 870
(men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 104 vv. 24–35 Palestrina: Magnificat quarti toni Nunc Dimittis quarti toni Lassus: Veni in hortum meum _________________________________________________________________________ EVENSONG
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Leighton Psalm 106 vv. 1–12 Humfrey in E minor Duruflé: Ubi caritas et amor Hymn 372 _________________________________________________________________________ 22 FRIDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Leighton Psalm 108 Gabriel Jackson (Truro Service) Bennett: Out of your sleep Hymn 385 _________________________________________________________________________ 23 SATURDAY Clement, Bishop of Rome, Martyr, c. 100
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S Responses and Preces: Leighton Psalm 115 Murrill in E Tallis: Videte miraculum Hymn 351 Voluntary: J.S. Bach Passacaglia in C minor (BWV 582) _________________________________________________________________________
Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:
_________________________________________________________________________ 24 THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT
10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST Introit: Lassus Alleluia, laus et gloria Sheppard: Western Wynde Mass Gradual: Psalm 46 Credo: VII Hymns 332 (omit vv. 2, 3), 276(ii) Voluntary: J.S. Bach Vivace (Sonata no. 3 in D minor) 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1353) Edward Picton-Turbervill (St John’s College) Heiller: Tanz-Toccata J.S. Bach: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (BWV 659) Buxtehude: Praeludium in D Minor (BuxWV 140) J.S. Bach: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (BWV 660) Vierne: Final (Symphonie III)
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Leighton Psalm 119 vv. 1–24 Dyson in D J.S. Bach: Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen Hymns 336 (omit v. 4), 490 Preacher: Dr Elaine Storkey Writer and Theologian Mediating the news – whose story counts? Voluntary: Buxtehude Praeludium in C major (BuxWV 137) _________________________________________________________________________ 25 MONDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG SUNG BY ST JOHN’S VOICES Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm 119 vv. 73–88 Murrill in E Elgar: The Spirit of the Lord Hymn 408 _________________________________________________________________________ 26 TUESDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Leighton Psalm 119 vv. 153–168 Moore (St John’s Service) arr. Cleobury: The Cherry Tree Carol Hymn 407 _________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ 27 WEDNESDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Rose Psalms 126, 127, 128 Suriano: Magnificat primi toni Nunc Dimittis primi toni Boyce: The Lord is King _________________________________________________________________________ 28 THURSDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Smith Psalm 138 Daniel Purcell in E minor Warlock: Benedicamus Domino Hymn 333 _________________________________________________________________________ 29 FRIDAY
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S Responses and Preces: Smith Psalm 143 Antiphon: Qui vult venire post me Malcolm: Magnificat primi toni Nunc Dimittis primi toni Gardner: Tomorrow shall be my dancing day Hymn 486 _________________________________________________________________________ 30 ST ANDREW APOSTLE
6.00 p.m. ADVENT CAROL SERVICE I Organ music will be played by Edward Picton-Turbervill and Joseph Wicks from 5.00 p.m.
NOTE: Admission to the Carol Service is by ticket only. Completed application forms must be received by the Chapel Clerk before Monday 4th November. Members of the public can apply for tickets for seats in the Ante Chapel. Apply for tickets online at _________________________________________________________________________
Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:
_________________________________________________________________________ 1
3.00 p.m. ADVENT CAROL SERVICE II Organ music will be played by Edward Picton-Turbervill and Joseph Wicks from 2.00 p.m.
NOTE: Admission to the Carol Service is by ticket only. Completed application forms must be received by the Chapel Clerk before Monday 4th November. Members of the public can apply for tickets for seats in the Ante Chapel. Apply for tickets online at This Service will be broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 _________________________________________________________________________ 2
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG SUNG BY ST JOHN’S VOICES Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm 9 Howells (St John’s Service) J.S. Bach: Zion hears the watchmen’s voices Hymn 11 (omit v. 6) _________________________________________________________________________ 3
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Smith Psalm 18 vv. 1–19 Walmisley in D minor Darke: In the bleak midwinter Hymn 5 _________________________________________________________________________ 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Cleobury Psalm 22 vv. 1–21 Marenzio: Magnificat octavi toni Nunc Dimittis octavi toni Tallis: Te lucis ante terminum _________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ 5
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Smith Psalm 29 Stanford in A arr. Marshall: I saw three ships Hymn 7 _________________________________________________________________________ 6
6.30 p.m. EVENSONG SUNG BY ST JOHN’S VOICES Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm 30 Tallis (Short Service) Vaughan Williams: The truth from above Hymn 30 (omit vv. 3, 4, 7)
The College Choir is absent due to an external engagement. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ THE FIRST CHORAL EVENSONG NEXT TERM IS AT 6.30 P.M. ON TUESDAY 14 JANUARY 2014
_________________________________________________________________________ COLLEGE CHRISTINGLE SERVICE SATURDAY 7 DECEMBER AT 3.00 P.M.
Durante: Magnificat J.S. Bach: Cantata no. 92 ‘Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn’ With St John’s Sinfonia Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:
CHRISTMAS CONCERT THE CHOIR OF ST JOHN’S COLLEGE SATURDAY 14 DECEMBER 2013 7.00 P.M. St John's College Chapel Conductor: Andrew Nethsingha Organists: Edward Picton-Turbervill & Joseph Wicks Programme to include: Parsons: Ave Maria Pärt: Bŏgŏroditse Dyevo Rachmaninoff: Bŏgŏroditse Dyevo Britten: A Ceremony of Carols Tallis: Videte miraculum Dupré: Variations sur un Noël and Christmas carols including: Away in a manger Silent night Ding, dong, merrily on high Tickets are available from the Choir Office on 01223 339363, and also online at or on the door. Priced at £10, £8 & £5 (restricted view)
EPIPHANY CAROL SERVICES 2014 SATURDAY 18 & SUNDAY 19 JANUARY 6.00 P.M. Candlelit services of readings and music The service includes music by Chilcott, Cornelius, Holst, Mathias, Maxwell Davies, Poulenc, Sandstrรถm, Walford Davies, Whitehead, Willcocks, Wood and Woodward Admission to the Epiphany Carol Services is by ticket. Application can be made from Wednesday 3 December. Apply for tickets online at
A MEDITATION ON THE PASSION OF CHRIST SATURDAY 8 MARCH 2014 6.00 P.M. A service of readings and music
Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:
THE CHOIR OF ST JOHN’S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE The Director of Music, Andrew Nethsingha, is pleased to receive enquiries from people interested in joining the choir as chorister, choral scholar or organ scholar. He is always happy to meet them informally to offer advice. Please contact him on 01223 338683 or by email – or contact the Choir Administrator on 01223 338718 St John’s College Cambridge CB2 1TP CHORISTER VOICE TRIALS Voice trials will be held for boys aged 6–8 years old on Saturday 12 October 2013, 25 January and 10 May 2014 For further details please contact the Admissions Secretary at St John’s College School on 01223 353652 or by email –
ST JOHN’S VOICES Students from St John’s or from other colleges in the University, who wish to audition for this new mixed voice choir, should contact its Director, Graham Walker: Both undergraduates and postgraduates are encouraged to apply.