1 minute read

Voluntary: Duruflé Scherzo (op

Since the early 13th century the site of St John’s College has had a place of Christian worship. The original Chapel, whose traces are still visible in First Court, belonged to a hospital for the poor and infirm and was retained when the College was founded in 1511. Our present Chapel, built in 1869 by Sir George Gilbert Scott, continues to offer regular services enriched by the College’s outstanding choral tradition. Members of the public are welcome at our services. The Chapel is part of the Church of England, within the Anglican Communion, and welcomes everyone.

Morning Prayer is said each weekday at 8.30am. This and the 8.30am Sunday services are reserved to members of College and their guests. Surplices are provided in the Chapel, and may be worn by members of the College on Sundays, at Evensong on Saturdays, and on other holy days as marked in this list with the letter S.

The Chapel Clerk, Stephen Stokes, can be contacted on 01223 338676 or by e-mail at chapel@joh.cam.ac.uk Further details of the Chapel and Choirs are available on their websites:

www.joh.cam.ac.uk www.sjcchoir.co.uk www.stjohnsvoices.org A Chapel service is usually webcast on a weekly basis. You can listen online at: www.sjcchoir.co.uk/webcast

Dean The Rev’d Dr Mark Oakley Director of Music Andrew Nethsingha Chaplain The Rev’d Andrew Hammond Director of St John’s Voices Graham Walker

Assistant Organist George Herbert Herbert Howells Organ Scholar Alex Robson

St John’s Voices Organists Jack McCabe & Benedict Turner-Berry Chapel Clerk Stephen Stokes Assistant Verger John Boulter

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