1 minute read






Gospel: Luke 17.11–19


TRINITY 10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST Introit: Vaughan Williams O taste and see Haydn: Little Organ Mass Gospel: Luke 17.11–19 Gradual: Psalm 111 (tone viii) Preacher: The Chaplain Credo: VII Hymns: 272, 361 (tune 322) Voluntary: Ernst (arr. Bach) Allegro (Concerto in G major) (BWV 595i)

6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (no. 1536) Glen Dempsey (Ely Cathedral) J.S. Bach: Trio Sonata no. 5 in C major (BWV 529) i. Allegro ii. Largo iii. Allegro J.S. Bach: Toccata in E major (BWV 566)

6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Clucas Psalm: 46 (Luther) Walton (Chichester Service) Parsons: Ave Maria Hymns: 348 (tune 378), 364 (tune 408(i)) (descant: Robinson)

Preacher: The Dean Voluntary: Jackson Toccata

10 MONDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG SUNG BY ST JOHN’S VOICES Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Psalm: 50 (Cobb, Turle) Readings: Ezekiel 36.22–27; John 3.1–8 Stanford in C Parry: My soul, there is a country Hymn: 440 (omit vv. 4, 5)

11 TUESDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Clucas Psalm: 56 (S. Alcock, Goss) Readings: Isaiah 65.17–25; Acts 2.43–47 Daniel Purcell in E minor Sheppard: The Lord’s Prayer Hymn: 376

12 WEDNESDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG WITH RECORDER (lower voices) Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm: 64 (tone ii) Readings: Hosea 4.1–10; Philippians 3.17–4.1 Moore (Second Service) Westbrooke: Quiet stream *

13 THURSDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm: 68 vv. 1–10 (Woodward) Reading: Matthew 5.21–26 Dyson in F Imogen Holst: A Hymne to Christ Hymn: 384


6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm: 71 vv. 1–12 (Parratt) Readings: Jonah 2; Matthew 14.22–32 Batten (Fourth Service) Tye: Praise ye the Lord, ye children (part 1) Hymn: 407

15 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm: 76 (Ashfield) Readings: 1 Samuel 25.32–37; Mark 7.24–30 Dove (St John’s Service) ** Weir: Leaf from leaf Hymn: 339 Voluntary: Duruflé Scherzo (op. 2)

* This work was commissioned for the College Choir in 2020. The choir is joined by the composer, Sophie Westbrooke, playing recorder. ** This work was commissioned by Dr Kamal and Mrs Anna Ahuja in memory of Professor Sir Christopher Dobson,

Master of the College (2007–2019). It receives its first performance this evening.

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