Horizons Volume Two - Issue One - Autumn 2018

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It’s almost a new year, and what have we done? Made a ton of cool changes and had lots of fun. We mixed up the forms, all the year groups unite. Made it clear that we know what’s wrong and what’s right. Then we wore our PE kits when the weather got hotter, Got different coloured houses, like in Harry Potter. Won with our sport teams, so much they can achieve. Showed that anything is possible if you just believe. The Orcay speeches, a proud day for Mrs T, and showed the OFSTED inspector how great we can be. Loads of good trips, like skiing and Conway. Be ready to love and learn every day. Celebration events, to rewards and to praise, Going to clubs at the end of our days. Hot chocolate with the head, a great tasty treat, Representing our school when we’re out on the street. Ambrose got talent where our gifts are all shown, Seeing how much we’ve developed and grown. Teachers always on call to lead a helping hand, And even playing saxophone in the school band And knowing that here at the heart of it all - Is one big family that stands true and tall. We’ll tackle any problems until they’re all gone. Ambrose is home And Ambrose is one. VOLUME TWO - ISSUE ONE - AUTUMN 2018



St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018




Our Autumn Term in Pictures


It was wonderful to welcome back our pupils.


Reflecting on how we live out our Mission Statement.



“Our life is what our thoughts make it.�



Let the Christmas festivities begin.


A selection of articles written by our pupils.


September October

Our Term

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018




Welcome to the Christmas edition of our termly magazine, Horizons. This issue is the first since we made a significant change to the way in which the pastoral system in the school works. In September we introduced vertical forms, meaning that years 7-11 are arranged in groups mixed across the years. The change has been a very positive one, with many pupils, staff and parents commenting on its effectiveness, and with Ofsted agreeing in their recent visit. You can read contributions from many forms throughout this magazine. The subjects they have engaged with are wide ranging, but many reflect on what it has been like to start at the school or to become part of a form. One of the most common comments about the vertical forms is that they feel like family. That has been in evidence across the school this week as they have celebrated the run-up to Christmas. Most forms have organised a ‘secret Santa’ or similar; such things are the glue that binds a school. More fundamentally, all forms enjoyed excellent Advent Services this Thursday. The services were led by Fr. Gavin Landers and, Head of RE, Mr. Davies. They took a fresh look at the idea of Advent and at the meaning of the nativity. Through video, original drama, readings and speeches the pupils revealed the truth of this very familiar story and explored its meaning in our world.


St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

The services took place throughout the day and each house attended in turn. The pupils were all totally absorbed in the experience and our small group of guest parents, carers and members of the community were thoroughly impressed with what they saw. I should add that Father Gavin, who has been a regular fixture in our school for sometime, is moving on to a new post at the Cathedral. My thanks to him for his service to the school, for his incredible reserves of enthusiasm and hope. We wish him well in his new role. As is natural and normal at this time of year we say goodbye to some staff and look forward to welcoming new colleagues in January. This term saw Mrs. Jones (Sixth Form Health and Social Care) and Mrs. Adamson (Head of Music) retiring, whilst Miss Morris (second in the RE department) leaving to take up a post at the Bluecoats School in Oldham. On behalf of the school community I extend my thanks and best wishes to them for the next stage of their lives and careers. Particular mention must be made of Mrs Adamson who is one of our longest serving members of staff, having started in 2001. She retires after 31 years of overall service as a teacher – an achievement that must be celebrated. Similarly, our Governing Body has developed somewhat this year with two new governors joining, both of whom are parents: Mrs. Angela Eden and Mrs. Lyn Hackett. The contribution of the Governing Body is significant particularly at times of such rapid change. I am very grateful for their dedicated service and their thoughtful input to the strategic direction of the school.

Ours is a school that is undoubtedly improving. As

I wish you all a very Holy and joyful Christmas with family

the weekly newsletters show (and this magazine

and friends and I hope that 2019 brings you all that you

demonstrates) there is much to be proud of and to

wish for yourselves and others.

celebrate in our school community. Most important amongst these is the young people themselves. They

God Bless,

are a constant source of joy, inspiration and fun, even when the learning is difficult. My thanks, therefore, to them for the sense of purpose they bring to their school and the achievements that mark their time here. We are a very lucky staff to have such wonderful young people in our school. They embody, through their actions, our strong Catholic ethos of service and the potential they hold for the future is vast. It is an honour to nuture that. I would also like to thank the staff themselves. A school of this size requires nearly 140 adults to make it work each day and their roles are too numerous and varied to capture here. We are a good team and we take great pride in serving the community of our school, its

Ben Davis

Headteacher ben.davis@salford.gov.uk Twitter: @BenDavis1972

Contributions for future newsletters and editions of Horizons magazine can be emailed to:


(Please send images as JPEG attachments)

parishes, primary schools and neighbourhoods. I know from speaking to staff this week how many of you, as parents and carers, have a deep appreciation of what the staff do for young people and the care they show. Finally, my thanks to you, parents, carers and family members. Thank you for the support you provide for the school, the ways in which you work with the staff and for supporting our events. The Parent Council represents you very ably, so a nod of gratitude must go their way too.

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018


We had a great couple of days of inservice with wonderful staff coming together, sharing ideas about learning and teaching and preparing for the new school year. Thanks to all our fantastic staff and welcome to our new staff members. Let’s have a great year. It was wonderful to welcome back our pupils and what a great start to the year. Year 7 made an excellent first impression and our new vertical forms got off to a flying start. Well done everyone. Faith in you - Head, Hand, Heart. #MyAmbrose

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018





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SEPTEMBER 1. Lovely to see pupils back at Gardening club after the summer. We came back to find out onions, carrots and pumpkins had started growing but had a lot of weeds to deal with. 2. Katie Prejean - inspiring us “there are aspects of ourselves that define us ... You are loved, you are the intentional thought of God... is what defines you!” 3. Science pupils ready to find out this years ‘Green Plan It’ Challenge. 4. Delighted and proud to see pupils helping on the

9. A great day talking teaching and learning today with the St Ambrose Barlow SCITT. 10. Let’s start a new week as we mean to go on. Here’s

Ceremonial Mayor fundraising stall. All worked

hot chocolate friday celebrating pupils who go above

so hard and a credit to the school giving up their

and beyond!

Saturday. 11. Ready to set off on the expedition. Looking forward 5. Six of the best! As we get ready to start the week we

to the day ahead. Duke of Edinburgh. Them,

need to praise Year 7 for making a great start.

marshmallows on the fire at end of a great day.

6. Year 9 have drafted letters to our MP asking for her

12. Thank you to all the prospective parents and carers

support on local and global issues of concern. We’re

and pupils who attended our Open Evening. So

writing them up with amendments tomorrow and will

many positive comments about our school, staff and

send them on. Activists for Christ - Change Makers.

pupils. Our wonderful charity workers ready to build the kingdom of God at St Ambrose Barlow Open

7. Unbelievable start to year 9 rugby and tournament


champions! Well done to undefeated A team and B team - Only lost 1! Bit of rain doesn’t stop Ambrose!

13. £250 raised at our 15 minute break time coffee morning for staff and sixth formers. Great to see

8. Glad to be at the Swinton Coop tonight to promote our Sixth Form. Thanks for making us welcome.

some parents too. Well done to our Chaplaincy Team and Pupil Leaders for organising.

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

Our amazing staff and pupils have been reflecting on how we live out our Mission Statement across the curriculum in our Catholic school, underpinned by the 5Ws. The has really helped capture our school and give us ideas for development. #MyAmbrose

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018













OCTOBER 1. A great day with the Art department in London. Boarded and en-route to Manchester. We’ve had a lovely day and now the girls are relaxing into the weekend. 2. So proud of these pupils. Winners of Digital Advantage. 3. A brilliant Year 7 Mass of Welcome and Commissioning of Year 11 Pupil Leaders at St. Mark’s Church in Swinton. Thank you to everyone who came and all who made it possible. 4. It was great to welcome Rebecca Long Bailey to our school today. Her advice to our young people to respond to the “fire in your belly”. Pupils were so articulate and raised issues such as adequate housing, disability, poverty and education. 5. Harvesting our purple carrots in the school garden. 6. Our anti bullying boards are now up in school! Created by our super talented year 7,8 and 9 pupils! 7. We are so proud of our homegrown entrepreneurs for winning Digital Advantage but more so for doing by being.

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018


“Our life is what our thoughts make it.” (Marcus Aurelius) Listen to Others and act with wisdom; follow your dreams with conviction and live with compassion, love and integrity. I’ve seen so many acts of kindness today and people who have the values to make a difference. A fantastic and very personal assembly from Mr Carroll opened our week of Remembrance this morning. Around the school staff and pupils are marking the centenary. #MyAmbrose

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018















NOVEMBER 1. An inspirational hot chocolate friday with six pupils talking about what our school means to them and how they want to be change makers and social activists. Amazing. Thanks to very special guest Sr Judith Russi who also dazzled. 2. Super exciting things happening in our Art Department in honour of Remembrance Day. 3. Poppy wreaths - one for each house. These will stand as symbols of hope and peace as they grow. 4. Well done to all the pupils and students whose achievements were recognised tonight at Presentation Evening. Thanks to all the staff and parents who attended. Special thanks to former pupil Daniel Bateson who was so inspiring as our guest speaker. 5. We’re proud of the pupils and families we serve. Thank you to you all for your charity work this morning. Thank you for pupils and Mrs Dwyer-Moore for giving their time at Asda this morning raising money for charities. Excellent work. 6. Early start this morning for our year 11 Artist in Conwy.

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018


A fabulous turn out for the St Ambrose Barlow Christmas Fair. Year 7 stalls were fantastic. The dance group amazing. All pupils impeccably helpful and polite. Lots of cakes, gifts and hot dogs sold. A roaring success. Let the Christmas festivities begin! #MyAmbrose

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018
















DECEMBER 1. A fabulous turn out for the St Ambrose Barlow Christmas Fair. Year 7 stalls were fantastic. The dance group amazing. All pupils impeccably helpful and polite. Lots of cakes, gifts and hot dogs sold. A roaring success. Let the Christmas festivities begin! 2. Our Year 7’s have got off to a flying start with Outward Bound UK - John Muir Award. One hour to make it to the train station before the train leaves. 3. Gold Medal for Samuel Bryan Year 10, U15 boys Greater Manchester Cross Country Champion 2018. 4. It’s our annual Senior Citizens Christmas lunch today. Lovely to give something back to our amazing local community. 5. Our snowman has been packed away today and is ready to leave for its adventure around Manchester!

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018


AN AUTUMN AT ST AMBROSE BY LEO 4BN We have had many changes to our school in the last

charging to lesson with purpose. This has resulted in

few months: new arrivals, new forms, new ties, new

arguments, but I myself have ran up three flights of

challenges, as usual especially with a new school year

steps two at a time to get lesson on time. So surely it

and many more new things. Although I miss my old form,

must be helping punctuality.

I have grown to like my new form and I think most people

From September to Christmas many enjoyable and

have- it’s a chance to make older or younger friends and

new things have happened at St. Ambrose Barlow -

look out for our fellow pupils.

and hopefully many more to come.

But the main things from this September to December are: •

Earlier this year we were presented with last year’s achievements, ranging from the ordinary to the extraordinary. I, myself was awarded an award for showing skills in oracy. Awards varied on our skills, behaviour and our effort in classes.

In November Year 9 students walked around with sore arms due to immunizations and year 11s with sore heads due to mock exams.

This month year 7 and 8 students enjoyed a trip to Snowdonia, Wales.

Some more year 8 students went to York, to draw sculptures in a park.

I asked my friend (who wished to remain anonymous) what he thought of the trip, he said “It was fun, and different to other trips I have been on.”

My classes have been more enjoyable due to great teachers.

Recently we’ve had a new bell system, 30 seconds of music and 4 minutes after the second bell if you’re not in lesson before that bell you have a late detention. With this new bell I have noticed different behaviour on the corridors, more people running or


St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

I hope you all have or had a good holiday season.

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



Once again Christmas arrives,

On the school Christmas markets Teresa 3 did a

An event that happens once a year in our lives.

fabulous hamper for it. On the day of the Christmas

Can you hear the sleigh bells ringing?

markets people rushed to see our stall and to buy raffle

Can you hear the children singing?

tickets for the hamper. At the end we asked Mr Davis if he could pick the winning ticket and he picked out

‘Love one another’ our saviour once said,

number 53. Mr Nutall had won the glorious hamper

The same person born on Christmas,


who gave wine and bread. Jesus is the gift that perfectly fits every heart,

By Ben

And it’s His love that all celebration start. Tom (Year 10) and Finlay (Year 9) have represented the What I love about Christmas is the

school Rugby teams and have had great success both

funny Christmas Crackers,

playing for teams that have been named the Champions

With 2 types of people,

of Manchester and are looking forward to competing in

the bad joker and the back smackers.

the Nationals next year.

Everyone is laughing with their colourful paper crowns, From every house of many towns. Think carefully about what Christmas is really about, Is it really about turkey or the Brussel sprout. Being with your loved ones, smiling in glee, That’s why Christmas is for me Tatiana And Milena

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018


OUR YEAR AT ST AMBROSE A POEM BY 7BN It’s almost a new year, and what have we done?

We’ll tackle any problems until they’re all gone

Made a ton of cool changes and had lots of fun Ambrose is home We mixed up the forms, all the year groups unite Made it clear that we know what’s wrong and what’s right Then we wore our PE kits when the weather got hotter, Got different coloured houses, like in Harry Potter Won with our sport teams, so much they can achieve Showed that anything is possible if you just believe The Orcay speeches, a proud day for Mrs T, and showed the OFSTED inspector how great we can be Loads of good trips, like skiing and Conway Be ready to love and learn every day Celebration events, to rewards and to praise Going to clubs at the end of our days Hot chocolate with the head, a great tasty treat, Representing our school when we’re out on the street Ambrose got talent where our gifts are all shown, Seeing how much we’ve developed and grown Teachers always on call to lead a helping hand, And even playing saxophone in the school band And knowing that here at the heart of it all Is one big family that stands true and tall


St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

And Ambrose is one

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018


the Zoolab, learning about different animals.

On the 1st day of Christmas mytrue love gave to me

On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me

A trip to the Christmas Markets and Art Gallery.

new skills to improve cartoon art.

On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me

On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to

improved skills in Geography.

me the apprenticeship trip to find out about jobs and careers.

On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me 200 iced mince pies for the Senior Citizens party. On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me rugby trials, team selection and a win in the first match. On the 5th day of Christmas my true love gave to me a Macbeth trip. On the 6th day of Christmas my true love gave to me a project with Gleeds in architecture, designing a sustainable building. On the 7th day of Christmas my true love gave to me a theatre company in school for English. On the 8th day of Christmas my true love gave to me a trip to Alton Towers. On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me several weeks of netball practice. On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



mouth, shook his arm and exclaimed, “presents and literally…e-every food!”

Martin 4T “You’re not wrong but she means…traditions?” Jamie Tuesday, December 2nd, 2015

looked at her for approval for his words, Millie nodded.

Time: 6:47pm Location: Home (The Living Room)

“Uh…tree? Decorations? Oh…t-that’s what we’d do,” he lost eye contact and played with the tag around his wrist

“I’m heading out,” Gracie announced, wrapping a silk

that was decorated in different coloured jigsaw pieces. “I

scarf around her neck and opening the front door.

mean…I-it’s my mummy’s birthday today but she’s all the

“Take care.” Jamie mumbled from the handheld console

way in Italy with my brother and we always decorate and

he had his head buried deep in. “I don’t see how you

put up the tree but things are different right now.”

can get stuck, I mean, you’re good at videogames buddy.” Jamie said to Kendrick who had his face buried

“The tree is already up too,” Millie remarked, so…what

in his Charizard teddy, “Mm, but like…I get stuck…I

else is there to do?” There was a moment of silence

guess.” He said, avoiding eye contact and keeping his

as the three thought to themselves. “Ever made salt

voice muffled. “I suppose,” Jamie laughed.

dough?” Jamie asked, Millie nodded, “it never really

Kendrick grabbed the necklace from around his neck

worked, though it was fun to just do. You saying we

and began to chew on it, and stared into the wall.

should do that?”

Kendrick’s eyes darted to the sound of the creaking

Jamie nodded in reply, “we should have a decoration

stairs, ascending down was none other than Millie. Her

each, all 7 of us, no worries if you can’t model what you

hands were clasped and her facial expression was

want because I’m sure Diana could do it for her. Kenny,

blank. As always. Kendrick waved his hand lightly and

your thoughts?” Kendrick nodded excitedly in reply to

smiled, she smiled back and began to approach Jamie,


sitting down next to him she asked: “How do you lot do Christmas?”

Making this stuff was pretty basic, flour, salt, mix water in and stick it in the oven, and so the 3 got to work (though

Jamie and Kendrick both simultaneously remembered

it was mostly Millie and Jamie’s doing as Kendrick

that this was the first Christmas she had away from her

claimed the consistency felt “like hell” having made it

‘real’ family. Kendrick pushed the teddy away from his

before now)


St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

“There we go! See it’s easy,” Jamie laughed, “Kenny’s a

c’mere.” His hold was like being embraced by clouds,

fearful little thing.” To which Kendrick replied by making

“you’re part of our family, and you will be until you decide

some sort of growling sound and kicking his feet around.

you ain’t.”

“Violet has tons of paint stored in that little box in her room, would you go up and get some before she can

Millie could only smile, “on account of the fact I don’t

come back from ballet and complain?” Jamie requested,

beat Gracie again?”

Millie went up to Violet’s room hastily and began to

“Could say that,” Jamie laughed. He pat her on the

get the brightest colours she could get to hand. She

shoulder and said:

closed the door and was enveloped by silence; the only sounds were the voices in her head. She tried to pick

“Let’s decorate this madhouse!”

up the paints, but she felt weak, and her legs practically crumbled underneath underneath her. She grabbed her head: the thoughts felt like they were pounding against her head, wanting desperately to be released in a melody of screams and tears. She started to talk to herself. “This isn’t where I should be. I know that. But it’s not about what I shouldn’t do or what I should do, it’s about…” She looked up at herself in the mirror. Looking herself in the eyes. “It’s about what you make out of it.” She let a single tear run down her face, splashing onto the floor. She gathered the willpower to stand up and she took the paints downstairs, wearing a smile as to deceive everyone, but she knew it most likely wouldn’t deceive them. But when Jamie asked what was wrong, she simply said, “Oh, I just got a bit of paint in my eye. I’ll be fine.” He gave her that look that pierced your soul, “you don’t feel at home right now do you?” She laughed nervously, “Suppose not.” Jamie pulled her into an embrace, “you’re an idiot,

33 GCSE Artwork by Olivia

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

3F MY FIRST TERM AT ST AMBROSE BARLOW So, moving school can be either scary, exciting, or just

would put my hand up and ask the teacher because one

normal. For me personally I thought that moving to St

there’s no need to pressure and stress yourself because

Ambrose Barlow was an exciting thing. Now most people

you can just put your hand up and just sit waiting doing

might say oh your just excited because you’re a nerd

nothing making time fly itself. And sooner or later you’ll

or your happy for school bookworm. But for those who

get the help you need and be able to do your work. So

don’t stop to judge and go straight ahead and carry on

the point of this article is not to be lazy and think that

reading. They will understand that I was excited not for

your teacher do the work for you the point of this is to

the lessons but for the new beginning. Now we all know

think about things a differently from time to time don’t

that a beginning of a new school can be a bit nerve

always have this one felling about this thing and then

racking, but I took this as an opportunity as a fresh start.

decided oh I’m just going to have think of that thing

And I think this because in primary school we would all

this way for the rest of my life. Say that oh well I have

have had our ups and downs. And since I’ve moved

this opinion about maths but if I chose to just not pay

to a new school, I have had a few ups and downs but

attention. Before you even think about that (you shouldn’t

to be honest on my first day I have had a pretty good

even think about that anyway) but before you do just


consider the rest of your options and make the right choice.

Lessons can be boring, and no-one can change that except from you. Lessons are only boring to those that don’t pay attention in class and that don’t even want to come to school. But the lesson actually goes faster when you’re actually doing something. So even if you can’t do the work just thinking about it can make time fly. I mean like say for example you’re in a maths class you are trying to expand 13x(3x-4) you can either A. Do not care and give up already B. Try your best C. Don’t bother to try D. Put your hand up and ask the teacher E. Go to sleep and wait for the bell to wake you up Now what would you do and just think about that… I


St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

6M MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM What an amazing first few months we have had as a

hopefully make a change this Christmas to lives all

form group! I was a little apprehensive about being

around Salford.

introduced to the vertical forms, however the idea has worked surprisingly well.

I am looking forward to coming back after Christmas and carrying on this new adventure with the members of

As a form we have developed new friendships yet also

our form and especially Mr Waterworth, considering he

been given the opportunity to bond with pupils from all

does believe himself to be the best form teacher !

year groups. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from 6M Mr Waterworth, our form teacher, has given us constant support and guidance making sure we are always

Jess and Lily

smiling. His sense of humour and his approachable personality has made this new change far easier, allowing us to grow in confidence every day. At the start of this month, our year 7 students were set a challenge to raise as much money as possible by selling raffle tickets in order to win a prize. Three of our year 11 pupils Oliver, Cole and myself (Jess) gave the students a little help. This was an overall success and all profits made was given to charity. Coming up to Christmas, the pupils in our form have also been helping to contribute to the ‘Loaves and Fishes’ charity. This is a charity that supports the people in need and those who are less fortunate than ourselves. They depend entirely on the generous donations of many individuals, organisations and companies to help people in need by providing food, clothes and toiletries etc. By the end of this week, our form will have a range of necessities which can

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018


5M WHY SHOULD AMBROSE GET A SCHOOL DOG? Why should Ambrose get a school dog?

5O FORM IS THE BEST PART OF MY DAY. Ever since I entered St Ambrose Barlow, everything has been wonderful. Whenever I entered form, it was the

Im sure the idea of a school dog has crossed your mind

highlight of my day. It had never made me unhappy.

before but have you actually looked into it?

With two nice form tutors, being in form is great. On Christmas Jumper Day, everyone seemed so happy, it

There are many benefits of getting a school dog like:

was lovely. Form is the best part of my day.

Attendance- attendance would hopefully increase due to pupils wanting to see the dog. Behavior- if pupils know that there is a treat involved in good behavior then obviously they would be good. New skills- having a dog to take care of would teach young adults new skills with looking after another being and remembering to feed, walk and train the dog. DHK: DHK is a charity which provides schools with dogs, they train the pupils to look after the dog and learn the responsibilities of owning and caring for a pet. The charity aims to get every school in the UK a dog. The charity says that they don’t just get the dogs for the schools they change the pupils lives by giving them the confidence to interact and have a sense of being a mentally and physically stable adult. Overall I think the possibility of having a school dog would help the students in our school community.


St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

Natasha Year 7 Oscar 5

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St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

6O OUR FAVOURITE THINGS 1. “When I got chosen to be on Salford boys, the first game I played I set up two goals and we won the game.”

15. “Playing Kahoot in English on the Chromebooks answering questions on An Inspector Calls” 16. “I’ve enjoyed going on Art and Photography trips like

2. “I like all PE lessons”

London and Blackpool because we got to explore

3. “My favourite subject this year would have to be

and admire the landscapes”

history” 4. “We had a celebration event where there was an hour where we could go on the bouncy castles” 5. “My favourite memory was the Blackpool reward trip” 6. “My favourite lessons are either RE or History because we learn something interesting every lesson”

17. “Making new friends has been the best, because it is nice to get to know them and their interests.” 18. “I like my seat in History. We all help each other out” 19. “My best memory this year is helping teachers and other people out” 20. “Getting picked for the rugby team made me full of joy. It is my favourite sport.”

7. “My best memory is at the start of term when everything is new and nothing is the same as the year before” 8. “I loved Sports Day. I won the throwing competition. A fun mission” 9. “A favourite memory of this year has to be going on the Alton Towers trip and finishing my mock exams.” 10. “Top three are playing on the MUGA, meeting new friends and going to secondary school” 11. “My best memory of the year so far is being on the Computer Science course, doing coding and theory, and winning the Digital Advantage competition” 12. “Becoming a friend to someone who didn’t treat me well last year. I love being friends again” 13. “My favourite memory this year is the morning we had with the bouncy castle and the ice cream van” 14. “We play a game in RE where you answer questions and if you correct your name goes on the board. When the board is full, you get to knock other people off! Everyone was competitive”

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



We, as year sevens, see the world in unbiased eyes.I

We have enjoyed meeting many new people and

have honestly appreciate my time as a St Ambrose

participating in many new subjects with new teachers

Barlow student . The school has been very welcoming

and seeing new faces everyday.It has been a fascinating

to all and I have enjoyed all the subjects that I have

experience and opportunity to enroll in this school’s

participated in.These are some of the activities that I

curricular activities and extracurricular activities.

have enjoyed during my time at St Ambrose Barlow High

We love how we are being rewarded for being good


and punished for being bad. We are ready,safe and respectful of everyone in this school.

I loved the first day when I walked into the assembly hall and saw all of these new faces in different places,

This is our school.

most of them so vulnerable and scared.I was put into form and classes, getting comfortable as time passes,

Thank you for reading,

and meeting up with primary school friends we know. Meeting new friends and teachers,new subjects,planning speeches,enjoying lessons , Loving learning , being put in sets and having a new sense of independence. My life will never be the same. One thing we have loved about our high school experience so far is our rewards for good effort and hard work . E.G trips , achievement points ( points that go onto our personal record that are rewarded when we have worked hard ) . One trip that I ( katie,year 7 ) have been on was the year 7 trip to the Manchester Art Gallery where a group of people were selected for their hard work in art . I (Ayoola,year 7) went on a music trip to raise money for a charity that helps people in walkden that are suffering with disabilities. . As a reward for our participation and the money that we helped to raise , we performed in the senior citizen christmas party and I enjoyed every moment of it.


St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

Ayoola & Katie Conlon

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



My form is very interesting for me, it is a combination of

Value the talents God has provided you, try hard to

very charismatic people.

succeed in all that you do. Inspire others in being a role model each day, stay true to yourself and have

Yes, it is a mix of different ages, but this brings

confidence in God’s will. No matter who you are or who


you become, follow the lord’s light and have trust and faith in him and each other. So we can be the best that

From year 7 to 11, I met different and new people all

we can, and strive to become.

around me. Overtime they have become familiar and some I would say are my friends. Respect has created kindness and togetherness in form Morning time form prepares us for the challenges and achievements of that day

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018


MY EXPERIENCE TRANSITIONING FROM PRIMARY SCHOOL TO HIGH SCHOOL My experience transitioning from each of these stages was very different to other experiences in my life. One of the reasons for that was that I was very used to one thing for an extremely long period of time and all of a sudden, I had to go to a completely different environment. It was crazy! But luckily with a bit of preparation and positive thinking, I got through my nerves. I was in primary school for eight years and only just two months ago, it was the first day of school. When I put on my uniform for the first time, my head was going to explode; it was whizzing with ideas, thoughts, memories. What if I didn’t make a good first impression? What if i didn’t get to my lesson on time? What if I didn’t make any new friends? What if I wasn’t ready for this change? Thinking about this made me worry even more. I knew my old friends were by my side though so that calmed me down a little bit. After our Year 7 welcoming assembly, we all got put in to our form groups. I was put into 5 Francis, i think it is one of the most unique and humorous form groups in the whole school; The teacher is caring and everyone enjoys form. That was just the best start to the first day of a new school. Overall, I look back and I think to myself, why was I worrying so much? Nobody should be nervous for a bit of change in our lives! By Nicole


St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018


As humans we all have ambitions some of us may want

all he could to care and help everyone by speaking out

to be an athlete, a doctor/nurse or an actor. Some of

against lots and lots of people which caused the great

us look up to someone as a role model to see how they

man his own life along with his wife on the 4th of April

completed their ambition and the people listed here are

1968. The Vietnam War started in 1955 and ended in

people who have helped us the best.

1975 and Martin can be very proud in the skies.

Muhammad Ali

William Shakespeare

When Ali was a child he used to talk a lot saying how

Mr. Shakespeare in my opinion and many other people

he was going to be the heavy weight champion of the

think that he is the greatest play / book writer in history

world and most of the time according to Muhammad he

he wrote lots of famous books and plays, but what

was laughed at so when someone stole his bike he went

puts him away from the rest is how he wrote and talked

straight to a policeman saying when they found out who

about things that other people found hard to talk about

stole his bike he would beat them up. The policeman

and the way he did was just way ahead of his time in

was Angelo Dundee a boxing trainer who said “if you

fact we have not reached that time yet.

want to beat him up you need to know how to fight” so

Winston Churchill

Dundee took Ali under his wing, 3 weeks later he was winning fights. Ali was put on America’s national team in

At the start of World War 2 England lost the very man

the summer Olympics in Rome and Ali went on to claim

who led them to victory in World War 1 so Winston

the light-heavy weight gold medal. Turned pro and won

Churchill stepped up to the task of defeating the

all 19 fights he had and was given the chance to fight

monstrous Germany. Hitler had already taken over

‘The big bear’ Sonny Liston where he was a massive

France which took their former leader an entire war to

underdog but made the knockout machine quit on his

do. Churchill was an intelligent man, his plans were

stool when he had to come back after Sonny tried to

genius, and his words were legendary like the others

blind him.

on this list. Imagine that you were in his position. The

Martin Luther King Jr

reason why people admire him so much is because he stopped England being invaded and helped the allies

“I have a dream!” those words changed the world

defeat the Nazi Germany.

forever and will be remembered until the end of time. His words made you feel hope, happy and love. He


knew that people needed his help and knew that barely anyone was willing to help he put his hand out and did

St Ambrose Barlow Horizons | Volume Two | Issue One | 2018



St Ambrose Barlow RC High School & Sixth Form College A National School of Creativity

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