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APRIL15TH 2016 Issue 14
Our Aim
In accordance with our Mission Statement the School’s aim
Faith and Worship
To help us to grow spiritually as followers of Christ and as members of a C community: to make prayer, worship and liturgy central to school life.
School and Community
Celebrating Years of Celebrating 60 Years of60Outstan Outstanding Learning 1955 - 2015
To encourage and develop relationships between home, parish, school and the wider com in order to prepare our pupils to become responsible, I love comingcaring to workcitizens. here each day.
Communications and Relationships IMPORTANT DATES & FORTHCOMING EVENTS
Often it doesn’t feel like work. WeJune are a Catholic Year 9 Retreat 7th - 10th co
privilege to see our young people flourishing, to sp ways10and watch grow in confidence. They a Year reviews June 13th To develop an effective system of communications and them relationships which is-15th based every lesson great adventures and stories unfold bor April 21st care and Days understanding towards all member Y6 Transition June 16th 20th Gospel values of mutual respect, tolerance, and creativity. Our equally inspiring staff are dedica school community. Year 8 Girls’ HPV injections April 21st personPresentation in their care. They may June get outstanding re Sports Evening 16th brings so much more to the education of our studen Staff Training Day April 22nd* Individual Support and Development Malham Tripso that every child can June 20th - 24th differently realise their gifts a they are. Doing this means that we are bringing to Year 8 Parents’ Evening April 28th New Intake Parents’ Evening June 22nd ethos of to theencourage school. To celebrate the unique nature of each person and their development as indi School Day consultation meeting
Bank Holiday
May 2nd
Y7 Conway trip
July 4th - 8th
There is great spirit and energy in this school. You c Year 7 Parents’ Evening May 18th Curriculum Year 10 Plasactivities, Menai July 11th - 15th curricular in the array of research projec School closes for half-term May 27th the creativity that flows through our learning. There School closes and differentiated July 15th A National Teach To introduce all pupils to a broad, balanced, relevant curriculum and t one is left behind, is isleft out. *Please remember thatno-one the school closed toVisitors pupils onoften A National School o School re-opens June 6th 22nd forthey staff training. pupils with the necessary knowledge, skillsofApril and Christian values required a rapidly ch purpose find in the school; in this comes fro
This week saw the culmination of a termlong project between Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Manchester and a group of Year 11 pupils. The university students and staff have been working in teams with our pupils to investigate the way our body responds to inflammation. In doing these projects they have brought together high level science with art and graphic design. As result the pupils have been able to investigate medical and anatomical issues in great depth and also explore how their findings can be communicated and understood. It is very impressive that students of ours are working at such a demanding level and we are very grateful to the university and to Salford Royal Hospital for hosting this week’s presentations and lectures. The project was co-ordinated in school by Mrs. Grindley, Head of Geography.
PRO-LIFE DAY This year has seen our Pro-Life Group come together and take-off under the leadership of Miss Singleton. There are over 30 young people who are members and they have developed a strong sense of mission and identity, designing a logo, presenting at assembly and meeting regularly. Impressively they have also turned belief and principle into action by putting together packs of baby materials and a crib to support mothers and children in need. This week they had arranged for the charity Life to come into school and present to all year groups. Our pupils were very receptive to the presentations and asked very thoughtful and insightful questions of the presenters. The staff from Life commented on the extraordinary and unusual dynamism of the group it was, they said, very rare in schools.
It is a sad fact that far too many young people are injured and even killed on railway lines. Whilst many of us appreciate the obvious dangers, too often these are forgotten by those seeking thrills or simply ignored without any consideration of the consequences. There is a local section of track not far from the school that is one of the worst nationally for injuries and worse. So it was with great pleasure that this Thursday we hosted an assembly for Year 10 on track safety by Tackling Track Safety UK, an organisation that seeks to address these issues in schools. The hard-hitting presentation and accompanying films certainly had an impact on Year 10. TRACK SAFETY We are in the process of piloting a new approach to celebrating and recognising achievement in school. House points were introduced last week and have been, it would seem, a roaring success. Please ask your son or daughter each day if they have been awarded any. Towards the end of May we will be holding major celebration events across the school. Vivos are being phased out and there will be opportunities for pupils to cash in their stash! HOUSE POINTS
GROWTH MINDSET Throughout the week we have, once again, been treated to assemblies led pupils. Daisy Adaje and Ola Kowslowska wrote and presented a thoughtful input to each assembly on the important subject of Growth Mindset. The girls talked about the importance of pupils, parents and staff not viewing ability as fixed or simply giving-in when things get challenging. This is part of a wider attempt across the school to encourage a a positive approach to learning in all our pupils - there’s much more to come on this. Parents and guardians who are interested can google the terms ‘Growth Mindset’, ’Angela Duckworth’ and ‘Carol Dweck’ and will find much information that explains it more detail. .
SALFORD FOUNDATION Large numbers of our Year 11s have signed up for the National Citizenship Service this summer. to celebrate Salford Foundation came in and dished out some pizza for those who have made a commitment to serving their communities. As a school we place a very high value on service and celebrate it whenever we can - it absolutely expresses our faith. CALLUM DANIELS How proud we were at Year 8 assembly to celebrate the talents of Callum Daniels. Callum was recently presented with a special medal by the Humane Society for his lifesaving skills in swimming. Mr. Morrison (Head of Year 8) enjoyed making a fuss of him in front of the year group and showing off his medal. Well done Callum. HOLLY AND AIMEE: RUGBY EXCELLENCE! Congratulations to Aimee and Holly who played recently in regional and national rugby matches. It’s great to see our talented students developing to such a high level. JOSH HART PERFORMING AT G-FEST You may remember recently that we celebrated the musical success of Josh Hart at a Battle of the Bands competition. He’s now going one step further with his band when they perform G-Fest, Worsley on Sunday 1st May. They will be on the main stage at 1.30pm. All proceeds go towards a very good cause, 'Georgia's Children of the World' (a very inspirational story). Family tickets are £20. You can find out more at http:// georgiaschildren.weebly.com/main-stage.html
OUR SCHOOL THIS WEEK do you have a growth or fixed mindset? that’s what assembly was about this week.
Look at the amazing work our year 11 have produced with manchester university looking at inflammation and exploring art and science together.
more of the collaborative work between manchester uni and year 11. the students and pupils are pictured above.
OUR SCHOOL THIS WEEK holly and aimee in action this week; the presentation on track safety below.
the pro-life group lunch with life charity; callum daniels and his medal.