St. Ambrose Barlow Weekly Newsletter Issue 15

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APRIL 22nd 2016 Issue 15

Our Aim

In accordance with our Mission Statement the School’s aim


Faith and Worship

To help us to grow spiritually as followers of Christ and as members of a C community: to make prayer, worship and liturgy central to school life.

School and Community

Celebrating Years of Celebrating 60 Years of60Outstan Outstanding Learning 1955 - 2015

To encourage and develop relationships between home, parish, school and the wider com in order to prepare our pupils to become responsible, I love comingcaring to workcitizens. here each day.

Often it doesn’t feel like work. We are a Catholic co privilege to see our young people flourishing, to sp Y6 Transition Days them grow in confidence. 16th - 20th ways and watch They a To develop an effective system of communications and relationships June which is based every lesson great adventures and stories unfold bor Staff Training Day April 22nd* carePresentation and understanding towards all member Sports Evening June 16th 
 Gospel values of mutual respect, tolerance, and creativity. Our equally inspiring staff are dedica school community. April 28th Year 8 Parents’ Evening person Trip in their care. They may June get outstanding Malham 20th - 24th re brings so much more to the education of our studen Bank Holiday May 2nd Individual Support and Development New Intake Parents’ Evening 22nd differently so that every child can June realise their gifts a they are. Doing this means that we are bringing to Year 7 Parents’ Evening May 18th Y7 Conway trip July 4th - 8th ethos of to theencourage school. To celebrate the unique nature of each person and their development as indi

Communications and Relationships IMPORTANT DATES & FORTHCOMING EVENTS

School closes for half-term

May 27th

Year 10 Plas Menai

July 11th - 15th

There is great spirit and energy in this school. You c School re-opens June 6th Curriculum School closes July 15th projec curricular activities, in the array of research Year 9 Retreat June 7th - 10th the creativity that flows through our learning. There A National Teach To introduce all pupils to a broad, balanced, relevant andthat differentiated curriculum and t one is left behind, no-one is isleft out. *Please remember the school closed toVisitors pupils onoften A National School o Year 10 reviews June 13th -15th 22nd forthey staff training. pupils with the necessary knowledge, skillsofApril and Christian values required a rapidly ch purpose find in the school; in this comes fro

Creativity Assembly Last week we were treated to assemblies on Growth Mindset led by Year 11 students. This week that leadership continued as the theme turned to Creativity. Audiences were treated to a showing of various artworks and some thoughts on the importance of creativity. Logan wins We are delighted to announce that Year 8 pupil Logan Walters has been awarded a certificate of achievement as an Inspiring Young Person in Salford. It recognises the ways in which he has made a difference to the perception of young people in the city as a role model for others and encourages him to pursue his career goals. The certificate is signed by Cllr Merry and produced by Salford City Partnership. Well done Logan.

Football Success It’s been a pretty amazing week for our footballers. First came the victory in the final by our Year 10s, then on the same night, the Year 9 team got through their semi-final, winning 5-2. The final, which was played on Thursday, saw them beat Walkden High 5-1. Fantastic work from all the teams and coaches. Also on Tuesday night the Year 11 team fought valiantly but were defeated 2-0. Charlie Parker takes to the stage Year 11 pupil Charlie Parker was performing this week at the Royal Exchange Theatre. Well done to her for putting talent into action on the international stage Rounders The summer is here! Rounders is back and the Year 9 team were victorious this week. Well done to all participants.

School Day Consultation Our consultation on lengthening the school day is still open online until April 27th. All parents and guardians will have received a letter at the start of April by email (if we have your email address) or on paper (if we do not). This week we held a meeting for parents and guardians to raise any issues and also for staff. The outcome of the consultation will be given in early May. If you have not received a letter (which contains the link to the survey) please contact the school immediately.

sixth form developments The development of a flourishing and successful Sixth Form has been a very high priority this year and I am pleased to report that we are well on our way to achieving this aim. We have had well over 250 applications, over 100 of which are external and more are coming in. At present we are on course exceed our minimum numbers for viability and could be close to our capacity of 125 Year 12 students in September. This is a huge achievement and is thanks to a team of staff who have worked tirelessly to market the Sixth Form, ensure its financial viability, develop the curriculum and engage potential students and their families. Our Sixth Form curriculum for September 2016 is an exciting combination of A levels and BTEC courses. To enhance this we have created a number of pathways for students that lead into particular careers (architecture, construction, engineering and law to name a few) and to university. We are putting creativity and enterprise at the heart of the Sixth Form and are building an exciting range of enrichment opportunities for students. We have applied to become a National Baccalaureate pilot school ( and now have an extensive range of links with business and industry that provide us with guest speakers, mentors and inspiring entrepreneurs who will help to make our curriculum relevant and challenging. We have made 107 firm offers of acceptance to students and are very impressed at the calibre of those who are likely to come to us next year and we are now in the process of finalising the timetable for all year groups for September. I In the Summer term we will be working with our prospective students to devise aspects of the curriculum and the Sixth Form experience. We think that involving our future students in this planning is vital in order to create an ethos that balances challenge and support with independence an high expectations.


OUR SCHOOL THIS WEEK Charlie (far right) performs at the royal exchange theatre; logan with his award.


OUR SCHOOL THIS WEEK the year 9 winning rounders team; all the participants

MISS SHEPHERD Miss Shepherd has been working at St Ambrose Barlow for twelve years and over that time her job role has developed and she has been able to adapt and take on different responsibilities. “I began as a receptionist and administrator at the old school building and when the new school was built I was given a new role in student services which was a chance for me to really play a part in shaping the position. One of the highlights of my time here is being part of that transition to the new school and seeing how all the new facilities and technology have equipped the pupils for 21st century learning. I now work as the pastoral support coordinator which allows me to get more involved with pupils and help with any issues. This is a new role too and is a new challenge for me – I’m looking forward to in getting involved in the Year 6 transition process and helping to make sure the new students feel welcome and settled in as quickly as possible and can learn in a happy and secure environment. The best part of my job is the interaction with the pupils and seeing them grow from small year 7’s into mature responsible young adults, fully prepared for their next steps. The school is a real community and even when they have left former pupils still want to return to us – sometimes to train as teachers with our School Direct programme or as teaching and support staff, and with these too it is lovely when I remember them as students to see how successful they have become! As a parent myself with one in Year 9 and another who left last year to go on to an apprenticeship, I really can say that St Ambrose Barlow gives the young people who study here the best possible start in life by always encouraging them to take the initiative and to work hard to the best of their ability. This is my Ambrose… Where young people are able to grow and succeed in a creative environment.


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