this week in our school . . .
Volume 2 Issue 12 February 10th, 2017
Head’s start .
Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the week. week. Monday not this a happy one for that this Ihead. Not It iswas about time of year meet with because of anything that happened in school, each Head of Department to review the far from it, but because EnglandThis cricket captain summer’s exam results. involves Alastair Cook resigned. plenty of useful and thought-provoking discussion, but it is usually talking about I havenumbers been a fan Cook since he this first data joined andofletters. Behind are stories:team; how pupils how they felt, what the England he hasdid, been a good captain. they liked and what they achieved. His record as a run-scorer speaks for itselfWe and, always focus on how things can be as team leader, his win-to-lose ratio is improved as well as celebrating what respectable. However, I think he stands as went an well. As a Catholic school, exam results example of good leadership in an unkind world are just one waythan of expressing unique, Godfor reasons other his sportingthe skill. Simply given talents and skills of each pupil. It is put he embodies a way of leading that many important to look beyond the data so I am might see as old-fashioned: dutiful, humble and delighted that much more of my job involves compassionate. being in classes, walking around the school
and talking to pupils, students and staff. We don’t have to look very far to find leadership that isIfbrash, self-serving and with its ever you are feeling atobsessed all despondent or own greatness. This is anot the tour styleofofthe school fatigued I reckon quick leadership our faith to me wouldthat quickly raiseencourages your spirits.usLet show you what I mean. Today (Thursday, admire or exercise. Cook, like many effective September instance, I droppedofinto leaders who veer 29th) away for from the stereotypes Year 10 GCSE Music. There, I was ‘strength’, led his team to many successes delighted to listen to performances of of through what often seemed like a blitzkrieg Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Hold Back criticism. His resilience and steadfast purpose the River and When the Saints Go Marching are worthy of comment. He had a keen sense In. I also got to sit with Daniel and Chester of how we wanted to lead, but did not let being a as they demonstrated their prodigious DJing ‘leader’ define Next, him. during lunch, I supervised the talents.
canteen and made a point of watching the I thinkinteractions there are lessons for place all of us in this, butand that take daily. Pupils particularly for our young people. Many of our staff holding doors open for one another, Year 7s join usthanks, each September withof impressive offering little moments personal records as leaders and in their primaryOf schools. appreciation gratitude. course,It goawell in ato school, has tothings be an don’t aim ofalways ours as school make but it is lovely to witness voluntary apology more of this potential. Fora their experience is from Year to one ofof the lunch in time staff, or havingaled for9the good others: other words see one pupil help another who is unsure they are, like Christ, ‘Servant Leaders’. where to go for class. I am not sure that this idea is very appealing to In Sixth Form, I enjoyed a lengthy chat with many people. After all, isn’t leadership Aidan who explained both the theory of differentiation and its potential commercial application. In English they were studying the play Blood Brothers and talking with humour and excitement about superstitions; in Year 7 RE they were dissecting our new mission statement and exploring the personal meanings within it. School is a busy, bustling, humming place.
I get to Maths to find all of Year 9 embroiled supposed beisabout being at the front, telling in a task to that so challenging and exciting others what to do, making big decisions? that I want to stay and have a go myself. Well, atOutside times it it’s: might be.have Butyou I believe the tie? challenges “Sir, seen my we face in society demand a style of leadership Can you open my bottle? What did you that is an alternative to this. What time is it, think of last night’s game? Sir?” and, at least once a day, “Oh my days!” ItI see can this be noisy at times andyoung in a Happily, leadership in our community size we in can’t people all thethis time, even the expect small things that everyone to get on withI each other and all the happen around school. see pupils time. But it is our community, and a students setting an example in the waylively, they lovely, positive at one that.another. I see them treat, and interactone with, quietly stepping back to give others credit or to Perhaps the single highlight of my week, if I celebrate others as they shine. In classes had to pick, would be the conversation I had pupils are keen to work together, with Mrs. Fay who is leading theto enable others to achieve. In doing all thisI they development of our new library. am aare acting out of love and service and, often, library enthusiast and have been ever since demonstrating resilience challenging I was little. The furthestinreach of my circumstances. memory is back to moments spent in our local library entranced by its colour and bright possibilities. Onthe Twitter We should all celebrate future leaders in our #RememberingMyLibrary reveals the hold school and have hope in young people who set that such an institution has: ‘A library card an example of kindness and selflessness: was aothers free pass wonderment, and putting first.toIn a world that words can often the ability to roam the world’ observes one appear to value the loudest voices regardless of user, whilsttalents, another quotes wrought their actual our youngthe people are iron on the gates of Stalybridge library, ‘Read, Mark, road to displaying the true courage and Learn and Inwardly Digest.’ Others talk of leadership spoken of by Pope Francis. We must the escape that a library represented or of continue to nurture this. the refuge it offered from an unkind world. God Mrs.Bless. Fay spent last Saturday peacefully stacking the shelves and we are inching Ben Davis closer to opening. What thrilled me was her Headteacher comment that several boys, some of whom affect a dislike of reading, were electrified by presence of a library in their school: ‘You Twitter: @BenDavis1972 mean I can borrow this and, like, read it, Miss?’ was the breathless utterance of one pupil. Our library is at the heart of the school: a space for being open to and sharing ideas and experiences. It is openplan and its shelves serve as a reminder that there should be no barrier to anyone using its volumes or seeking knowledge, solace, entertainment or information. I can’t wait to see it come to life in the weeks ahead thanks to Mrs. Fay and her band of helpers.
Ben Davis, Headteacher
Twitter: @BenDavis1972 2
From top left: sYear 12 learning about oracy for business; Year 10 with Unite the Union; Drama club get Frantic!
around the school this week It is always a delighted to welcome parents and carers to the school and this week’s Year 7 Parents’ Evening was no exception. We were thrilled at the turn-out of nearly 90% on what was a chilly evening. The very high level of attendance meant that some queues for subjects were long and we are sorry if this inconvenienced parents and carers. We have issued a survey of those who attended and look forward to acting on the feedback. Many parents and carers were very positive about their child’s care and progress and about the school in general. Thank you all for coming. Please remember that Year 7 have two parents’ and carers’ evenings, the second one of which will be led by the pupils themselves. Our whole-school Oracy initiative extended into Year 12 this week as Mrs. Tulloch led a session with Business students on the skills of speaking, listening and presenting. This was designed to enhance key life and employability skills for the students as they develop as young entrepreneurs. Business pupils and students were also involved in the Greater Manchester Young Chamber of Commerce this week. In the PE department we are celebrating the success of yYear 7 - 9 girls in the Futsal tournament. The girls performed very well, winning over half of their matches. We are also (unusually) celebrating one of our Y12 pupils leaving us. We never like to see anyone leave, but Shannon Mayo has secured a scholarship to a US college as a footballer. It is an incredible achievement and opportunity. We love having Unite the Union in school. On Thursday they led a session for all of Y10 focusing on democracy, decision-making and addressing issues that are evermore urgent in our changing and turbulent world. It was Safer Internet Week 2017. Pupils led assemblies on the development and risks of the internet, including some advice for pupils on how to deal with the challenges of the online world. In form time we focussed on online safety as part of our British Values and Prevent work. At Year 7 parents’ evening we issued an e-safety bulletin, advice sheets and questionnaires to parents and carers. We will shortly be offering online training to all parents and carers. As you can see from the pictures Drama Club is in action each week. This week they attempted some pretty challenging work and left singing - not a bad end to the week. For several months we have been running a special briefing for staff on learning and teaching. This allows teachers to share ideas with one another to improve and develop the ways we teach. This week it was Mr. Noone’s turn with an excellent presentation on how to give feedback to pupils. Year 11 interviews for 6th form continued this week. Our 6th form continues to grow and become more successful and over-subscribed. We will conclude the interview process after half-term and will begin making offers at that point. Our Design Engineer Construct department visitied innovative company Civic Engineers this week to look at their multi-disciplinary approach and the exciting work they are undertaking all over the UK. Year 9 pupil and guitar supremo Josh Hart has been selected to feature on the website of top guitar manufacturer Paul Reed Smith. Links will follow when we know more! 4
calendar what’s on
Year 11 Mock Results issued NYC trip departs Parent Council Meeting. 7:00 pm
TUE 14
WED 15
Governors’ Curriculum & Personnel committees 5:00 pm
THU 16
School closes for half-term 3:25 pm
FRI 17 SAT 18
Headteacher’s Surgery 5:00 pm
MON 13
ATTENDANCE We aim for 100% attendance for all of our students and have set 96% as satisfactory attendance for this year. Attendance is monitored period-by-period and statistics are published each week. Excellent attendance guarantees excellent learning. Best Attendance by form (w/b January 30th):
Year 7 Year 8 year 9 year 10 year 11 overall
7J 8L 9C 10A 11c
96.7% 97.7% 98.1% 95.7% 96.3% 95.0%
Attendance and its impact on learning 10 days absence means 95% attendance 19 days absence means 90% attendance 29 days absence means 85% attendance 38 days absence means 80% attendance 47 days absence means 75% attendance Please note: If your child is off school you need to contact student services the same day on 0161 921 1589/1551. If the school has not been contacted within five days, the absences will automatically be unauthorised. Ten unauthorised marks may lead to a fixed penalty notice being served. 5

TWEET OF THE WEEK Liam McKee @liammckee01 Feb 4
@SABSalford @sab_sci Yesterday at the Lowry. Had an amazing time, was so interesting
ST AMBROSE BARLOW RC HIGH SCHOOL & SIXTH FORM 37 Ash Drive Swinton Salford M27 9QP 0161 921 1570 @SABSalford Headteacher: Ben Davis 8