this week in our school . . .
Volume 4 Issue 29 & 30 June 21st, 2019
getting it right ready respectful safe
Head’s start .
Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the week. Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the week. At this time of year we seem to spend a great It is about this time yearthat thatisIgoing meet with deal of time celebrating theofyear and each Head of Department to review planning for the year that will soon be upon the us. it summer’s exam This involves is easy in all of that workresults. and excitement to forget plenty of useful and thought-provoking to stop and take stock, but major milestones in discussion, it istousually talking the school year are but there encourage us about to numbers and letters. Behind this data are reflect on experience as time rushes past.
stories: how pupils did, how they felt, what they liked and what they achieved. We As you will have seen from earlier editions of the always focus on how things can be newsletter this month and last one of the most improved as well as celebrating what went significant moments in the school year is when well. As a Catholic school, exam results are Year 11 and Year 13 leave. We have marked their just one way of expressing the unique, Godpassing with several events and pay tribute to given talents and skills of each pupil. It is them on the front cover of this week’s newsletter.
important to look beyond the data so I am delighted that much more of my job involves There’s a fair bit of emotion that gets expended being in classes, walking around the school when the pupils leave. This always reminds me and talking to pupils, students and staff. that no matter how complex, challenging, enjoyable, fulfilling, (insert your own adjective), If ever you are feeling at all despondent or their time in school has been, the over-riding fatigued I reckon a quick tour of the school sense is that pupils feel connected with the would quickly raise your spirits. Let me place. For many it has been a place of safety, for show you what I mean. Today (Thursday, some it has been a place of comfort, others share September 29th) for instance, I dropped into less happy memories, for all it has left a mark, Year 10 GCSE Music. There, I was been a place of relationships built, challenges delighted to listen to performances of overcome and accomplishments recognised.
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Hold Back the River and When the Saints Go Marching Five or seven years long time in the lifeChester of a In. I also gotistoa sit with Daniel and sixteen as or eighteen year old so perhaps it is they demonstrated their prodigiousnoDJing surprisetalents. at all many ofduring the leavers such a the Next, lunch,have I supervised strong emotional reaction to moving on. On the canteen and made a point of watching the other hand those of us who have been through interactions that take place daily. Pupils and many transitions anddoors changes ourone lives know staff holding openinfor another, that there will be many more significant life offering thanks, little moments of personal experiences to come. Whatever theOfemotional appreciation and gratitude. course, reactions, there remains the truth young things don’t always go wellthat in athe school, but it people feel they have been part of something. is lovely to witness a voluntary apology from You canasee that the of shirt-signings, thestaff, yearor Year 9 toinone the lunch time books and the gifts and cards that are lavished see one pupil help another who is unsure on staff.
where to go for class. In our foyer we proudly display our mission In Sixth Form, I enjoyed a lengthy chat with statement. Many people comment positively Aidan who explained both the theory ofon it, but most miss the reference to St. Paul that it differentiation and its potential commercial contains. Running along the bottom of the application. In English they were studying display the are play the words: “One Body: Blood Brothers andHead, talkingHand, with Heart.” humour I often think about this simple phrase and excitement about superstitions; when it in comes toRE thisthey timewere of year and thisour week’s Year 7 dissecting new Feast Day of Corpus Christi seems all the more mission statement and exploring the relevantpersonal becausemeanings of it.
within it. School is a busy, bustling, humming place.
Firstly, the phrase reinforces the idea that what I get to Mathsintoschool find allstudy of Year embroiled young people and9 experience in a task that is so challenging and exciting should engage their minds, their bodies and their that I want to stay and have a go myself. emotions. In doing so it should develop them as Outsidedoers, it’s: “Sir, have you thinkers, makers and,seen mostmy of tie? all, as Can you open my bottle? What did you As people who have a strong sense of values. think last night’s game? time isalone it, we are of reminded by St. Paul,What knowledge is Sir?” and, at least once a day, “Oh my insufficient, it requires a framework of ethical days!”and It can be noisy at to times and in a
values relevant skills make sense. community this size we can’t expect everyone to get on with each other all the time. But it is our community, and a lively, lovely, positive one at that.
major milestones in the school year are there to encourage us to reflect Perhaps the single highlight of my week, if I onhadexperience rushes past to pick, wouldas betime the conversation I had
with Mrs. Fay who is leading the These values are not new exclusive, area not the development of our library.they I am artificial ‘British’ values that you hear sosince much library enthusiast and have been ever about. They are universal human values I was little. The furthest reach of my (summarised by the words ‘faith’, ‘love’ and memory is back to moments spent in our ‘hope’) that bring joy and meaning to people;s local library entranced by its colour and lives. are workingOn onTwitter developing and brightWe possibilities. reimagining our curriculum at the moment #RememberingMyLibrary reveals the holdand central to this process is asking ourselves that such an institution has: ‘A library cardto what extent curriculum brings our mission was athe free pass to wonderment, words and statement (and those life.
the ability to roam thevalues) world’to observes one user, whilst another quotes the wrought iron Secondly, we are, as alibrary, community, body’, gates of Stalybridge ‘Read,‘one Mark, within which each individual is recognised Learn and Inwardly Digest.’ Others talk ofand plays their part. like those described the escape thatEvents a library represented or of earlier in the column reinforce that. The Feast of the refuge it offered from an unkind world. Corpus Christi asks us to reflect on the Eucharist: the body blood Christ. In that idea of the Mrs. Fayand spent lastof Saturday peacefully breaking of bread together is a powerful stacking the shelves and we are inchingsymbol ofcloser community in a shared ritual, that to opening. What meal, thrilleda me was her leaves no-one out and always ensures that comment that several boys, some of whomthere isaffect room afor more;ofitreading, is no accident that the Gospel dislike were electrified by for the feast day is the miracle of the presence of a library in their school: loaves ‘You and fishes.
mean I can borrow this and, like, read it, Miss?’ was the breathless utterance of one So, when welibrary celebrate, as we willofover pupil. Our is at the heart the the coming weeks, let’s make sure we are school: a space for being open to andfocused on celebrating realising our mission, including sharing ideas and experiences. It is openeveryone and reminding ourselves of the plan and its shelves serve as a reminder collective power and spirit of our community.
that there should be no barrier to anyone using its volumes or seeking knowledge, God Bless,
solace, entertainment or information. I can’t wait to see it come to life in the weeks Ben Davis ahead thanks to Mrs. Fay and her band of Headteacher helpers. Twitter: @BenDavis1972
Ben Davis, Headteacher
Front cover image: some of Year 11 on their last Twitter: @BenDavis1972 official day in school as the exams come to an 2 end. 2
Head’s start .
HOUSE NEWS Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the week. St. Oscar Romero House It is about this time of year that I meet with What a week has been! Recentlyto wereview said the each itHead of Department goodbyesummer’s to our wonderful Year 11s. exam results. This involves Congratulations all ofand you thought-provoking in completing plenty ofto useful your exams. It is now time to rest and enjoy discussion, but it is usually talking about yourselves ready to start your new chapters numbers and letters. Behind this datayou are deserve stories: it. Remember we are herefelt, if you how pupils did,always how they what need anything at all. You don't leave somewhere; they liked and what they achieved. We you just always gain more experiences and we focus on how things cancan't be wait to hear all about them!
improved as well as celebrating what went
well. As a Catholic school, exam results are Elsewhere the way school, a huge thank to 3R justinone of expressing the you unique, Godand 5R for leading our assemblies in Ramadan. It given talents and skills of each pupil. It is is so interesting to hear about other faiths: it allows important to look beyond the data so I am us to have deeperthat compassion and delighted much more ofunderstanding my job involves for others, which in turn improves our being in classes, walking around the school communication and enhance our own and talking tocan pupils, students and faith staff. journey. Everyone spoke clearly with confidence and you Ifshould be incredibly of yourselves. ever you are feelingproud at all despondent or We are. fatigued I reckon a quick tour of the school
would quickly raise your spirits. Let me We are second in the lead tablesToday for achievement show you what I mean. (Thursday, points and attendance. I know we all get tired into September 29th) for instance, I dropped towards Year the end of the academic year but 10 GCSE Music. There, I wastry and be in as delighted much as possible and I promise weofwill to listen to performances greet you with a smile and a friendly ear. Think Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Hold Back about how you can gain those extra achievements the River and When the Saints Go Marching in the next of weeks by choosing toChester do the In. couple I also got to sit with Daniel and right thing. We can do this! Have a lovely weekend as they demonstrated their prodigious DJing everyone.
talents. Next, during lunch, I supervised the canteen and made a point of watching the Miss Jackson
interactions that take place daily. Pupils and staff holding doors open for one another, St. Francis of Assisi House offering thanks, little moments of personal appreciation and gratitude. Of course, Congratulations once again go to St Francis for but it things don’t always well in a school, gaining the most achievement points across all from the is lovely to witness a voluntary apology 6 Houses at St Ambrose, particularly to the 20 a Year 9 to one of the lunch time staff, or studentssee thatone have achieved over 90who so far this pupil help another is unsure year. St where Francistohave now been the House with go for class. the most points for most of the year now. CharlotteInGirdlestone NicoleaDudziak in Sixth Form,and I enjoyed lengthy both chat with 5F are atAidan the top of our leader board for our House who explained both the theory of at the moment. I am also of the commercial 13 students differentiation and proud its potential who have managed to maintain an attendance of application. In English they were studying 100% atthe thisplay lateBlood stageBrothers in the year. Millie Pickup and talking with in 6F and Ansel Penandjo in 5F both havesuperstitions; 100% humour and excitement about attendance, but also have over 90 achievement in Year 7 RE they were dissecting our new points somission far thisstatement year.
and exploring the Congratulations are also duewithin to those Year 10is a personal meanings it. School studentsbusy, from bustling, St Francis who have been humming place. chosen to take up student leadership positions across the school. Megan Hamer from 1F was very proud to have chosen as the St Francis house Captain. I
know that she is keen to make her contribution to I getlife toof Maths to find as all soon of Year embroiled the the school as 9possible into Year in a task that is so challenging and 11. Mollie Collier from 3F was also exciting chosen to be that of I want to stay and have a team.
go myself. part the student leadership Outside it’s: “Sir, have you seen my tie? open my bottle? Whatnames did you ItCan will you soon be time to consider for the end think of last night’s game? What time is it, that are of year sport’s day and the other activities Sir?” and, least a day,There “Oh my planned foratthe endonce of term. will be plenty of days!” It can be noisy at times and a opportunities for the students of St in Francis to community this size we can’t expect excel as they show off their talents.
everyone to get on with each other all the time. But it is our community, and a lively, Mr. Stephenson
lovely, positive one at that. St. Bernadette of Lourdes House Perhaps the single highlight of my week, if I had to pick, would be the conversation I had Congratulations to Billy Wadeson (2BL) who was with Mrs. Fay who is leading the selected to become one of the school’s new development of our new library. I am a Deputy Head boy’s, along with Madison Egerton library enthusiast and have been ever since (7BL) and Isobella Holker (6BL) who are the new I was little. The furthest reach of my house captain’s for St Bernadette of Lourdes. Well memory is back to moments spent in our done to all three who were outstanding during the local library entranced by its colour and selection process.
bright possibilities. On Twitter #RememberingMyLibrary reveals the hold Benji Knight came top in school for the UKMT that such an institution has: ‘A library card junior maths challenge. He will now represent the was a free pass to wonderment, words and school in the next stage of the competition. Good the ability to roam the world’ observes one luck Benji and well done on your success so far!
user, whilst another quotes the wrought iron St Bernadette of Lourdes are still top of the table gates of Stalybridge library, ‘Read, Mark, for attendance beating the other houses week on Learn and Inwardly Digest.’ Others talk of week. Well done and let’s keep our title!
the escape that a library represented or of the refuge it offered from an unkind world. In the lead for achievement points is Miss Maxwell’s form (4BL) with 1491 in total.
Mrs. Fay spent last Saturday peacefully The top five achievement points held by Emily stacking the shelves and we are are inching Hesketh, Arija Gujyte, Fionn Devlin, Justine closer to opening. What thrilled me was her Akenuwa Wellofdone to all!
comment and that Joseph several Grundy. boys, some whom
affect a dislike of reading, were electrified by Mrs Sidebottom
presence of a library in their school: ‘You mean I can borrow this and, like, read it, St. Benedict of Nursia House Miss?’ was the breathless utterance of one pupil. Our library is at the heart of the Itschool: has been a fantastic couple a space for being openoftoweeks and for a number of pupils in our House.
sharing ideas and experiences. It is openplan and its shelves serve as a reminder Firstly, I would likebe tono congratulate the members of that there should barrier to anyone our house who, after some tough competition, using its volumes or seeking knowledge, have been nominated to up positions in our solace, entertainment or take information. I can’t new-looks Student Leadership Team.
wait to see it come to life in the weeks ahead thanks to Mrs. Fay and her band of They are:
Blaise Heywood (Head Girl)
Ben Davis, Headteacher Chris McCarthy (Senior Prefect)
Twitter: @BenDavis1972 Isabelle Saunders (House Captain)
Nicole Kelly (House Captain)
Head’s start .
It has also been a great week for our Duke of Mr.students Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the Edinburgh too, despite the weather. week. The thunder, lightning, hail and continuous heavy rain could not dampen our students’ moods and is abouttothis of yearExpedition that I meet(and with we lookItforward thetime Qualifying each Head of Department to review the better weather!) in Clitheroe next week.
summer’s exam results. This involves plenty of (pictured useful and thought-provoking Chris McCarthy right) put in a sterling discussion, but it is usually talking about performance on Sunday in The Great North swim numbers and letters. Behind this data in Lake Windermere. Despite the weather, he are they swam 1stories: mile in how openpupils waterdid, andhow came an felt, what they liked and what they achieved. We impressive second in his wave – well done Chris!
always focus on how things can be improved as well as celebrating what went St. Teresa of Calcutta House well. As a Catholic school, exam results are just one way of expressing the unique, GodThis week St Teresa have been looking at ideas given talents and skills of each pupil. It is for charity fundraising following on from some important to look beyond the data so I am ideas that Mrs Dwyer-Moore’s shared with them, delighted that much more of my job involves some great ideas coming from 6T.
being in classes, walking around the school and talking to pupils, students and staff. On Tuesday we had an assembly presented by our new pupil leadership team, it was lovely for If ever you are feeling at all despondent or pupils to see who will be representing them as a fatigued I reckon a quick tour of the school student body during the next year.
would quickly raise your spirits. Let me I was very proud to see so many of our own show you what I mean. Today (Thursday, house on this team and presenting their ideas so September 29th) for instance, I dropped into confidently.
Year 10 GCSE Music. There, I was delighted to listen to performances of Our top performing form for achievement points Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Hold Back is 4T well done to Miss Moore and all the pupils.
the River and When the Saints Go Marching Big wellIn. done to Naveah in 2T and whoChester so far I also got to sitPollard with Daniel this week has achieved 9 points.
as they demonstrated their prodigious DJing talents. Next, during lunch, I supervised the On Thursday a number of pupils involvedthe in canteen and made a pointwere of watching the athletics competition and I just want to interactions that take place daily. Pupils and congratulate them ondoors representing staff holding open for our oneschool, another, what anoffering honourthanks, it is to be picked for
little momentsthis. of personal I can’t wait to find out the results.
appreciation and gratitude. Of course, things don’t always go well in a school, but it Mrs. Robb
is lovely to witness a voluntary apology from a Year 9 to one of the lunch time staff, or see one pupil help another who is unsure where to go for class. In Sixth Form, I enjoyed a lengthy chat with Aidan who explained both the theory of differentiation and its potential commercial application. In English they were studying the play Blood Brothers and talking with humour and excitement about superstitions; in Year 7 RE they were dissecting our new mission statement and exploring the personal meanings within it. School is a busy, bustling, humming place.
I get to Maths to find all of Year 9 embroiled in a task that is so challenging and exciting that I want to stay and have a go myself. Outside it’s: “Sir, have you seen my tie? Can you open my bottle? What did you think of last night’s game? What time is it, Sir?” and, at least once a day, “Oh my days!” It can be noisy at times and in a community this size we can’t expect everyone to get on with each other all the time. But it is our community, and a lively, lovely, positive one at that. Perhaps the single highlight of my week, if I had to pick, would be the conversation I had with Mrs. Fay who is leading the development of our new library. I am a library enthusiast and have been ever since I was little. The furthest reach of my memory is back to moments spent in our local library entranced by its colour and bright possibilities. On Twitter #RememberingMyLibrary reveals the hold that such an institution has: ‘A library card was a free pass to wonderment, words and the ability to roam the world’ observes one user, whilst another quotes the wrought iron gates of Stalybridge library, ‘Read, Mark, Learn and Inwardly Digest.’ Others talk of the escape that a library represented or of the refuge it offered from an unkind world. Mrs. Fay spent last Saturday peacefully stacking the shelves and we are inching closer to opening. What thrilled me was her comment that several boys, some of whom affect a dislike of reading, were electrified by presence of a library in their school: ‘You mean I can borrow this and, like, read it, Miss?’ was the breathless utterance of one pupil. Our library is at the heart of the school: a space for being open to and sharing ideas and experiences. It is openplan and its shelves serve as a reminder that there should be no barrier to anyone using its volumes or seeking knowledge, solace, entertainment or information. I can’t wait to see it come to life in the weeks ahead thanks to Mrs. Fay and her band of helpers.
Ben Davis, Headteacher Twitter: @BenDavis1972 2
calendar what’s on
Advance Notice Year 11 Prom June 21st Year 6 into Year 7 transition days, July 1st - 3rd with Parents’ and Carers’ Information Evening on July 4th
WED 26
TUE 25
THU 27
This Year
St Benedict of Nursia
St. Bernadette of Lourdes
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Michael the Archangel
Saint Oscar Romero
St. Teresa of Calcutta
FRI 28 SAT 29
Exam Week 24.06 - 28.06 Headteachers’ Surgery 5pm
This Week
MON 24
COMING UP THIS WEEK week beginning 24.06.19 week B
attendance We aim for 100% attendance for all of our students and have set 96% as satisfactory attendance for this year. Attendance is monitored period-by-period and statistics are published each week. Excellent attendance guarantees excellent learning. Attendance by year (w/b June 10th).
Year 7 Year 8 year 9 year 10 year 11 School
95.5% 94.7% 94.7% 94.5% N/A 94.9%
Attendance and its impact on learning 10 days absence means 95% attendance 19 days absence means 90% attendance 29 days absence means 85% attendance 38 days absence means 80% attendance 47 days absence means 75% attendance Please note: If your child is off school you need to contact student services the same day on 0161 921 1589/1551. If the school has not been contacted within five days, the absences will automatically be
Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge; Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer5 Trust fundraiser
The Salter’s Chemistry team; dissecting hearts in Science (literally Head, Hand, Heart!); Chelsea, Owen, Blessing, Mia, Jack and TJ on their last day
Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge; Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer6 Trust fundraiser
The team at the Rotary Club citizenship awards; Dancing the night away at the PE Sports Presentation Evening
Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge; Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer7 Trust fundraiser
Cooking up a storm on the DoE trip; celebrating awards at the Sports Presentation Evening
Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge; 8 Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer
More pictures from the Sports Presentation Evening
Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge; Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer9 Trust fundraiser
More pictures from the Sports Presentation Evening
Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge; Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer 10 Trust fundraiser
aimee @alquizaimee Jun 15
@SABSalford i have a lot to be thankful for, but i could never fit it in 280 characters. but ty to the teachers, the constant support and the memories the place has given me ♥ no words can express how grateful i am for the past 5 years
ST AMBROSE BARLOW RC HIGH SCHOOL & SIXTH FORM 37 Ash Drive Swinton Salford M27 9QP 0161 921 1570 @SABSalford Headteacher: Ben Davis 12