St. Ambrose Barlow Weekly Newsletter Vol.4 Issue 26 & 27 May 24th, 2019

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this week in our school . . .

Volume 4 Issue 26 & 27 May 24th, 2019

getting it right ready respectful safe



Head’s start .

Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the week. Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the week. As some pupils leave others move up to take It is about this something time of yearofthat I meetthis with their place. This was a theme each Head of Department to review the week, especially in the last few days.

summer’s exam results. This involves of usefultoand thought-provoking It was aplenty real privilege spend Wednesday discussion, but it is usually talking about morning interviewing for a new Head Girl and numbers and letters. Behind this data are Head Boy. Seeing so many strong, well prepared stories: how pupils did, how they felt, what and articulate candidates present their they liked and what they achieved. We impassioned case for the leadership role of their always focus on how things can be choice was uplifting.

improved as well as celebrating what went well. As a Catholic school, exam results are Every candidate saw the role as greater than just one way of expressing the unique, Godthemselves, they recognised the importance of given talents and skills of each pupil. It is representing the school, living out our values and important to look beyond the data so I am acting for the common good. Compare this to delighted that much more of my job involves much of what you see in the media where being in classes, walking around the school leadership is presented (or practiced) as selfand talking to pupils, students and staff. serving, arrogant and detached.

If ever you are feeling at all despondent or Our young people, despite the role models in fatigued I reckon a quick tour of the school public life, are clear that they can bring would quickly raise your spirits. Let me something more humane and thoughtful to the show you what I mean. Today (Thursday, role. I can’t wait to see the next stage of the September 29th) for instance, I dropped into selection process where the pupils present to Year 10 GCSE Music. There, I was Year 7 and 8 pupils on the subject of servant delighted to listen to performances of leadership.

Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Hold Back the River and When the Saints Go Marching Whatever outcome have doubtand that we In.the I also got to Isit withno Daniel Chester will endas upthey withdemonstrated excellent young leaders in their prodigious DJing school. talents. When they take up their posts they will the Next, during lunch, I supervised replace canteen the outgoing Year 11 who we celebrated and made a point of watching the this week at the Leavers’ Mass.

interactions that take place daily. Pupils and staff holding doors open for one another, Bishop offering John Arnold celebrated the Mass at St. thanks, little moments of personal Luke’s Parish Church, where the early evening appreciation and gratitude. Of course, sunlightthings that poured through intricate stained don’t always gothe well in a school, but it glass seemed to bring an even greater sense is lovely to witness a voluntary apologyoffrom hope toathe occasion. Year 9 to one of the lunch time staff, or see one pupil help another who is unsure Returning to a to favourite theme of his the Bishop where go for class. referred to the work of Cardinal Newman when he reminded pupils of the ‘definite In the Sixth Form,present I enjoyed a lengthy chat with service’Aidan that God has committed to young who explained both theeach theory of person.differentiation He remindedand them each has their itsthat potential commercial unique and special mission thatthey is meant for noapplication. In English were studying one else.

the play Blood Brothers and talking with humour and excitement about superstitions; In doinginso Bishop each Year 7 REJohn theywas wereencouraging dissecting our new Year 11 mission pupil to statement see their learning, and the and exploring theexams they arepersonal sitting atmeanings present, as serving a muchis a within it. School greater busy, purpose and to recognise their bustling, humming place. own worth and value.

I get to Maths to find all of Year 9 embroiled in a task that is so challenging and exciting to stay and have go myself. Asthat hasI want become traditional theaMass concluded Outside it’s: “Sir, have you seen my tie? with the presentation of a tree to each Head of Can you open my bottle? did youover the House in recognition of theirWhat leadership think of last Whatincluded time is it,original last year. Thenight’s musicgame? at the Mass Sir?” and, at least once a day, “Oh my brought a compositions from GCSE pupils which days!” It can be noisy at times and in a greater sense of reflection to the service.

community this size we can’t expect everyone to get each the The same day as on thewith Mass overother 200 all pupils time. But it is our community, and a lively, gathered voluntarily at 9am in the morning lovely, positive one at those that. who lost their lives sunshine to remember

in the Manchester Arena bombing two years ago.

Perhaps the single highlight of my week, if I hadalltoschools pick, would be the Manchester conversationpupils I had at Like in Greater with Mrs. Fay who is leading the St. Ambrose Barlow were affected by this terrible development our new library. am a injury. event, althoughofmercifully without Iphysical library enthusiast and have been ever since our The service of remembrance we held, beside I was little. The furthest reach of my newly installed memorial stone, was led by pupils memory readers is back to moments in our including from Year 7. spent

local library entranced by its colour and On Twitterbeautifully and Asbright ever possibilities. our pupils participated #RememberingMyLibrary the hold conducted themselves withreveals great respect and that such an institution has: ‘A library card sensitivity.

was a free pass to wonderment, words and the ability to roam the world’ observes one user, whilst another quotes the wrought iron gates of Stalybridge library, ‘Read, Mark, Learn and Inwardly Digest.’ Others talk of the escape that a library represented or of the refuge it offered from an unkind world.

BISHOP JOHN REMINDED THE PUPILS THAT each has their unique and special mission that is meant for no-one else. Events such as these, and the peacefully ones covered by Mrs. Fay spent last Saturday this edition of the newsletter, reinforce the idea stacking the shelves and we are inching that the young people we have privilege closer to opening. What thrilled me wasofher working with areseveral deeplyboys, engaged in of the comment that some whom challenges of our modern world.

affect a dislike of reading, were electrified by presence of a library in their school: ‘You They areI can not simply mean borrow phone-obsessed, this and, like, readInstait, zombies. They can see the utterance problems of of one our age, Miss?’ was the breathless they understand the importance of having a pupil. Our library is at the heart of the purpose, of putting their knowledge and skills to school: a space for being open to and the service of others and they want to make a sharing ideas and experiences. It is opendifference.

shelves serve as a reminder plan and its that there should be no barrier to anyone God bless, using its volumes or seeking knowledge, solace, entertainment or information. I can’t Ben waitDavis to see it come to life in the weeks Headteacher ahead thanks to Mrs. Fay and her band of Twitter: @BenDavis1972 helpers. Front image: Year 11 after their Leavers’ Bencover Davis, Headteacher Mass at St. Luke’s with Bishop John Twitter: @BenDavis1972 2


calendar what’s on


Advance Notice

Year 7 Parents’ Evening, 5:00pm

DoE Practice Expedition begins

TUE 04

WED 05

THU 06

This Year

St Benedict of Nursia



St. Bernadette of Lourdes



St. Francis of Assisi





Saint Oscar Romero



St. Teresa of Calcutta



St. Michael the Archangel

Years 7 - 10 Exam Week June 24th - 28th

Y12 Work Experience week

This Week

FRI 07 SAT 08

MON 03

COMING UP THIS WEEK week beginning 03.06.19 week a

attendance We aim for 100% attendance for all of our students and have set 96% as satisfactory attendance for this year. Attendance is monitored period-by-period and statistics are published each week. Excellent attendance guarantees excellent learning. Attendance by year (w/b May 13th)

Year 7 Year 8 year 9 year 10 year 11 School

96.4% 94.8% 96.3% 94.2% 95.4%

Attendance and its impact on learning 10 days absence means 95% attendance 19 days absence means 90% attendance 29 days absence means 85% attendance 38 days absence means 80% attendance 47 days absence means 75% attendance Please note: If your child is off school you need to contact student services the same day on

Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge; Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer3 Trust fundraiser


Top: Remembering the Manchester Arena attack of 2017 Bottom: Miss Alker’s form presenting on the Lourdes pilgrimage

Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge; Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer4 Trust fundraiser


Saying goodbye to Year 11 at the Leavers’ Mass. What a fantastic evening!

Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge; Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer5 Trust fundraiser


This page: Pupils taking part in a Hackathon at Salford Royal.



Celebrating the Laudato Si’ centre at Wardley Hall.

Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge; Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer7 Trust fundraiser


Another hair-raising Science lesson.


Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge; Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer8 Trust fundraiser


Alisha Barlow @alishabarloww

Year 11 leavers mass

My school have best teachers hands down

I will really miss this lot :(

@SABSalford @SABEnglish1





ST AMBROSE BARLOW RC HIGH SCHOOL & SIXTH FORM 37 Ash Drive Swinton Salford M27 9QP 0161 921 1570 @SABSalford Headteacher: Ben Davis 10

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