St. Ambrose Barlow Weekly Newsletter Vol.5 Issue 1 September 6th, 2019

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this week in our school . . .

Volume 5 Issue 1 September 6th, 2019



Head’s start .

Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the week. Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the And so, week. just as quickly as they came around,

the summer holidays are over and we are back It isAs about time of year that with at school. everthis there were nerves onI meet the first each Head of Department to review the day back and not just from the Year 7s and their This families.summer’s However,exam there results. were also lotsinvolves of plenty of useful and thought-provoking excited reunions, discussions about what it is about everyonediscussion, had been but up to in usually the lasttalking six weeks numbers and letters. Behind this data are and plenty of anticipation about the year ahead.

stories: how pupils did, how they felt, what liked and whatthe they achieved. We Our firstthey few days, despite gloomy weather, always focus on how things can be have seen an excellent start to the new year. asnew well staff as celebrating what went We haveimproved welcomed and new pupils well. As a Catholic school, exam results are and we have slotted right back into the routines just one way of expressing the unique, that make the school work each day, there are Godgiven talents new and skills pupil. It is even some delicious treatsofineach the canteen.

important to look beyond the data so I am delighted moreaofnew my job involves As with every newthat yearmuch we begin being in classes, walking around improvement plan and plenty of exciting the school and to pupils, and staff. initiatives to talking make the schoolstudents an even better

place to learn and thrive.

If ever you are feeling at all despondent or fatigued I reckon a quick tour of the school One particular new approach is the formal would quickly raise your spirits. Let me introduction of The Ambrose Way, something show you what I mean. Today (Thursday, that we explored and consulted on last year.

September 29th) for instance, I dropped into Year 10 GCSE Music. I was The Ambrose Way is based on There, the Jesuit Pupil delighted to listen to performances of Profile, which is a set of eight pairs of virtues Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Hold that sum up what a pupil in our school is Back River and When Saints Go Marching growingthe to be. We have thenthe complemented In. I also got to sit with Daniel these with as set of habits for learning and and Chester life as they demonstrated their prodigious DJing and a clear statement of how pupils (and indeed talents. Next, during lunch, I supervised the all members of our community can put the canteen and made a point of watching the Ambrose Way into action. There is a simple take place daily. graphic interactions on the back that of this newsletter thatPupils and staff holding doors open for one shows the Ambrose Way virtue pairs. another,

offering thanks, little moments of personal

appreciation and gratitude. Of course, Furthermore, to sit alongside our house points things don’t always go well in a school, system we have built the Ambrose Way on our but it lovely to witness a voluntary Mission is Statement and created severalapology differentfrom a Year 9 to one of the lunch time staff, or levels that celebrate pupils as they demonstrate see one pupil help another who is unsure aspects of the Ambrose Way.

where to go for class. All of this is explained in the Ambrose Way Sixth I enjoyed a lengthy booklet In that wasForm, issued to all pupils on thechat firstwith Aidan who explained both the theory of day back. We will shortly be making this differentiation and its potential commercial booklet available to parents and carers online.

application. In English they were studying the playofBlood Brothers The eight pairs virtues are: and talking with humour and excitement about superstitions; in Year 7 RE they were dissecting our new • Grateful and Generous

mission statement and exploring the • Attentive and Discerning

personal meanings within it. School is a busy, bustling, humming place.

Compassionate and Loving

I get to Maths to find all of Year 9 embroiled Faith-filled and Hopeful

in a task that is so challenging and exciting Eloquent and Truthful

that I want to stay Learned and Wise and have a go myself. Outsideand it’s:Active

“Sir, have you seen my tie? Curious Can you open my bottle? What did you Intentional and Prophetic

think of last night’s game? What time is it, and, at once a day, TheSir?” language of least the Ambrose Way“Oh is my days!” It can be noisy at times and in athe bar deliberately demanding and we have set community this size we can’t expect high. The Ambrose Way is not merely a set of everyone get on with eachschool, other all the rules that youtocould find in any nor is it a time. But it is our community, and a lively, general and vague statement of what it means lovely, positive one Itatisn’t that.even a description to be a ‘nice’ person. of how to be a ‘good Catholic’ (whatever that Perhaps means).

the single highlight of my week, if I had to pick, would be the conversation I had with Mrs. Fay who is leading the development of our new library. I am a library enthusiast and have been ever since I was little. The furthest reach of my memory is back to moments spent in our local library entranced by its colour and bright possibilities. On Twitter The#RememberingMyLibrary Ambrose Way is a challenge, andthe a hard reveals hold onethat at that. The term ‘way’ has been chosen such an institution has: ‘A library card deliberately to pass suggest the idea thatwords each young was a free to wonderment, and person in our care is on a journey or pilgrimage the ability to roam the world’ observes one of faith growth. Living out the the wrought Way each user,and whilst another quotes iron daygates is about service, putting others first and of Stalybridge library, ‘Read, Mark, recognising that everything we do should Learn and Inwardly Digest.’ Others talkbe of done for others.

the escape that a library represented or of the refuge it offered from an unkind world. We have plans as we go through the term and the Mrs. year Fay to develop TheSaturday Ambrosepeacefully Way and, in spent last particular to celebrate it as young people stacking the shelves and we are inching demonstrate it each day.

closer to opening. What thrilled me was her comment that several boys, some of whom Theaffect first thing we ask is that parents and carers a dislike of reading, were electrified by have spoken with their children about Way presence of a library in their school:the ‘You at home. lookborrow forward to and, a fantastic yearit, mean II can this like, read where we walk the Ambrose Way together.

Miss?’ was the breathless utterance of one pupil. Our library is at the heart of the Godschool: Bless, a space for being open to and sharing ideas and experiences. It is openBenplan Davis and its shelves serve as a reminder Headteacher that there should be no barrier to anyone Twitter: using@BenDavis1972 its volumes or seeking knowledge, solace, entertainment or information. I can’t Front cover image: a Manchester in bottle wait to see it come to life in theBee weeks tops. ahead thanks to Mrs. Fay and her band of helpers. • • • • • •

Our first few days, despite the gloomy weather, have seen an excellent start to the new year

Ben Davis, Headteacher Twitter: @BenDavis1972 2


HOUSe News St. Bernadette of Lourdes 
 st. benedict of nursia




st. oscar romero

st. michael the archangel

St. Bernadette of Lourdes




st. oscar romero st. michael the archangel st. francis of assisi St. teresa of calcutta House points and house news pages

st. assisi St francis Francisofof Assisi House It was lovely to welcome all of the St Francis students back after the summer break. It was particularly good to meet the new Year 7s. Mr Davies led a liturgy for our new Year 7s on the first day to welcome them into our Catholic community. He emphasised how important our school ethos will be for them in their time amongst us, Hope in Better being perhaps the one that stood out that morning as Year 7 look to their future here. I greeted every new Year 7 once they had met their form groups and received their St Francis ties from them. I will be checking in on them over the next couple of weeks to see how well they are settling in. On Friday I also had the pleasure of listening to Year 7 practice their singing for the mass on Tuesday. It was wonderful to hear so many confident voices in the hall. As House point winners last year, expectations are high this year to see if St Francis can repeat this, and it would appear that even after the first week St Francis have taken an early lead. Mr Stephenson

St. of Lourdes St.Bernadette Bernadette of Lourdes What a fantastic start to the new school year we have had! It was lovely to see pupils who have returned after the summer break and to welcome our new year 7 pupils into St Bernadette of Lourdes House. Each was presented with a new house tie by the older pupils in their form on Wednesday. It is wonderful to see so many of the older pupils actively seeking to help the year 7’s settle in by showing them around the school and answering their questions.

st. benedict of nursia

St. teresa of calcutta

st. francis of assisi

As a house pupils have already been awarded 234 achievement points within the first three days! Well done to all! I am very much looking forward to the coming few weeks where we will celebrate assemblies and Liturgies together as a house. Welcome back pupils of St Bernadette House from Mrs Toon and all your form tutors! Mrs Sidebottom St Teresaofofcalcutta Calcutta St. teresa It’s the first newsletter of the year and I would like to start by welcoming all our new Year 7s to St Teresa House, and welcoming back years 8 – 11. It has been a lovely feel this first week around school especially in form time. Our Year 7s were collected by representatives of each form on the first day and taken to meet the rest of the form, where they got to join In some activities and got to know each other a bit better. It has been wonderful to see so many pupils helping year 7 to find their way around our school building and helping to settle any first week nerves. Let’s make this an excellent year from achievement points and aim high by doing to right thing and challenging yourselves in lessons to strive for the higher grade. Our house got a total of 264 achievement point this week and our stars for each year group were: • Year 7 with 4 points each – Joshua Ballantyne (7T), Joseph Ellison (1T), Liam Featherstone (6T) & Mia Gillen (7T) • Year 8 with 5 point – Summer Byrne (3T) • Year 9 with 7 points – Viktoria Chakarova (7T) • Year 10 with 7 points – Harry Eccles (7T) • Year 11 with 4 points each – Harry Dwyer (4T), Leach Edwards (6T) & Darragh Flynn (6T) 3

A big well done to you all. Congratulations to from 6T who are currently the 
 leaders of best conduct with 58 points. Will 6T be the leaders next week or can your form beat them? Have a wonderful week. Mrs. Robb

st. of nursia St.benedict Benedict of Nursia What a fantastic start to the year it has been. It is wonderful to see so many of our students return to school with enthusiasm and ready to learn. Uniform has been exemplary and the number of students who continue to be ready, safe and respectful fills me with a huge sense of pride. We welcomed 36 new year 7 students to St Benedict on Wednesday morning. Their first day started with a Welcome Mass and were then led to their new forms and given their new orange ties. They look very smart! The older students’ warm reception was great to see - it’s just one of the many reasons why St. Ambrose is such a special community to be a part of every day. Year 11 have taken on the responsibility and pressure of being in their final year of school extremely well. They realise that they set an example for the rest of the school and to also apply themselves in preparation for their final exams next year. Please send in any achievements (and pictures!) that you feel deserve sharing. As a House, we want to celebrate even the smallest of victories during Form time and Assemblies. Mr. Merriman St Oscarromero Romero st. oscar Hello to our new starters and Welcome Back to everyone in Oscar Romero house! I hope you have all had a wonderful summer and have come back refreshed and ready to start the new school year. Everyone has come back smartly dressed and on the whole seem to be getting in ready to start the day on time with all your equipment. Keep this up - if you can do this it means everyone starts the day the same way and we can pass on any information you may need for the day. It has been lovely to hear about your summer holiday adventures and great to see how everyone is looking out for one another around school. 5R this week are in the lead in achieving the most achievement points. Well done 5R and Miss Santosuosso!

The following people have already made the leadership board for achievement points in their year group. Well done - I am so proud of you: Year 7: George Simpson Year 8: Callum Derbyshire Year 9: Isabel Mallon and Georgina Kenney Year 10: Grace Broadie, Year 11: Jenny Smith, Max O'Brien and Fernley Davies I saw a quote this week: "Every situation in life is temporary. So, when life is good, make sure you enjoy and receive it fully. And when life is not so good, remember that it will not last forever and better days are on the way." Have this in mind over the next few weeks - starting a new year is exciting but challenging. Tell me, your families, and your form teachers about what is going well, but ask for support when you need it. That is what we are here for. Miss Jackson St news st.Michaels michael theHouse archangel It has been a wonderful start to the new term and all of the St Michael’s team extend a warm welcome to see all our pupils return in such a positive manner. We were delighted to meet all our new Year 7 pupils who are members of our house. All forms had a positive start with a variety of activities taking place from writing to our future selves, creating form top trumps and looking at goals for the year ahead. We must congratulate the successes of pupils in Year 11 in the house who have produced some excellent results in examinations taken this summer. A special mention goes to Zak McGee who achieved a Level 2 distinction grade in his Business studies exam. St Michael the Arch Angel is the leader and protector of all the angels. As a house we follow these values and work as a team to support all the pupils in their aspirations and dreams. St Michaels house has an outstanding team of committed form tutors who will have been in touch with all year 7 parents to introduce themselves as the first point of contact. They are: • Mr Burns. 1M. PE department. • Miss West 2M. Head of the Art • Mrs Taylor/Mr Senior 3M. Technology department/ PE department • Miss Macphail. 4M PE department. • Miss McGarth.5M Art department • Mr Waterworth. 6M Head of Design and technology • Miss Ball. 7M Art department House Captains for this year are: Lily Murray (4M) and Adam Marsland (5M). Mrs. McGowan 4

calendar what’s on

Advance Notice


Feast of St. Ambrose Barlow, September 10th Mass at 10am to welcome our new Year 7s

Feast of St. Ambrose Barlow

TUE 10

Year 7 CATS

WED 11

THU 12

FRI 13 SAT 14

MON 09

COMING UP THIS WEEK week beginning 09.09.19 week AB

attendance We aim for 100% attendance for all of our students and have set 96% as satisfactory attendance for this year. Attendance is monitored period-by-period and statistics are published each week. Excellent attendance guarantees excellent learning. Attendance by year (w/b July 8th). Attendance last week was 95.6% with two forms (5M & 6T) achieving 100% attendance. Attendance and its impact on learning

Year 7 Year 8 year 9 year 10 year 11 School

95.7% 94.7% 94.8% 94.5% N/A 94.9%

10 days absence means 95% attendance 19 days absence means 90% attendance 29 days absence means 85% attendance 38 days absence means 80% attendance 47 days absence means 75% attendance Please note: If your child is off school you need to contact student services the same day on 0161 921 1589/1551. If the school has not been contacted within five days, the absences will automatically be unauthorised. Ten unauthorised marks may lead to a fixed penalty notice being served. Top: at the Siemens Rollercoaster Challenge;

Below: 6th formers at the Teenage Cancer5 Trust fundraiser


Chris Sayburn @ChrisSayburn Sept 4

Love this @SABSalford

!! School planner with weekly Bible input / challenge





ST AMBROSE BARLOW RC HIGH SCHOOL & SIXTH FORM 37 Ash Drive Swinton Salford M27 9QP 0161 921 1570 @SABSalford Headteacher: Ben Davis 7


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