StC_Distance Learning Plan

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Table of Contents

Message from Dr. Scheckelhoff


Guiding Philosophy


Distance Learning Contacts


Core Digital Tools


Recommendations for Students and Parents


Lower School Distance Learning Plan


Middle School Distance Learning Plan


Upper School Distance Learning Plan


Additional Resources



Dear Students and Parents, I am grateful for the positive spirit, can-do attitude, and teamwork that are apparent as we enter distance learning at St. Catherine's. We are known for our quality teaching, innovation, and school spirit - and those elements along with our school mission and vision are guiding us as we transition to distance learning. It is at moments like these that we truly shine. We are a community of people who support each other and challenge ourselves to be our best selves every day. Our faculty and staff stand ready to engage you and to commit to continuous improvement during the coming weeks. One of my favorite sayings is, "Necessity is the mother of invention." We are truly at one of those moments when necessity will catapult us to new discoveries and new ways of learning that will allow us to innovate and thrive. Please know that we will continue to develop quality learning opportunities but there will be twists and turns. Communication will be key as we work together. We will provide opportunities for you to tell us how we can improve, but we also welcome input from you at any stage in this process. Now, more than ever, it is a great time to be a Saint. We are a strong community. Each of us may face challenges throughout the coming days, but I am confident that we will support each other and make this a proud moment for St. Catherine's and its members. Warm regards,

Terrie Hale Scheckelhoff, Ph.D. Head of School


Guiding Philosophy The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and information for students and parents about the continuation of learning in the event of a prolonged suspension of on-campus student activity. We hope that you will find this resource helpful as we transition to distance learning. Faculty in each division have developed distance learning plans using best practices that are in alignment with the age and developmental level of our students. Our approach was developed using guidance and input from educators and schools across the globe, as well as best practices for online learning. Our primary goal is to provide our students with a calm, consistent, and engaging experience as they transition to learning from home. We aim to provide the best experience possible for our students while offering flexibility. We will actively monitor our Distance Learning Program and make adjustments as needed. SaintsNet will be the primary method of communication for student learning information in Middle and Upper School. The primary method of communication for Lower School students and parents will be the classroom blogs. We recognize that each family will have different circumstances, and we will work with you and your child to ensure she has the support she needs. We are continually updating and enhancing our COVID-19 webpage with the most recent School updates, links to health organizations, Distance Learning overview, and school contacts. In addition, our COVID-19 webpage features a Chaplain’s Corner with special messages and devotionals from Rev. Becky McDaniel. Health and Wellness resources from our own experts will be added. Please know that we are committed to ongoing evaluation and improvement of this plan. We will continue to monitor, evaluate and refine it to ensure the best possible experience for students, families and faculty.


Distance Learning Contacts If you have general questions or suggestions regarding Distance Learning, please contact us at This email will be checked regularly, and the appropriate division or department leader will respond to you in a timely manner. As always, you may contact your daughter’s teacher, advisor or division director.

If you have a question about...

Please contact

a learning activity or course assignment

Your daughter’s classroom teacher

a technology issue or support

St. Catherine’s Support Team via This Form

a student learning issue

Annie Kapetanis (Director of Lower School) Tonya Walker (Director of Middle School) Lara Wulff (Director of Upper School)


Core Digital Tools Tool




Parents, Students

Email will be used for major communications from the Head of School, Division Directors, and faculty, although faculty may use other channels to communicate


Parents, Students

SaintsNet will serve as our hub for distance learning information for students and our core learning platform for Middle and Upper School; in Lower School classroom blogs will serve as the primary hub of information and resources. LS parents may continue to access SaintsNet for school-wide information.



Videoconference tool for synchronous classes

Other Support Tools


Screencastify Google Classroom Flipgrid Parlay E dpuzzle Padlet Explain Everything Whiteboard


Recommendations for Students and Parents Key Terms Synchronous Learning: Real-time learning that occurs when a group of students are learning at the same time, primarily through a chat or video conference tool. Asynchronous Learning: Learning that uses resources to facilitate learning at a more individual and flexible pace for each student.

Tips to Support Your Daughter ❑ Organize a dedicated learning space at home with all of the materials your daughter will need to work efficiently. This should be a common, quiet space with internet access where your daughter can be supervised. ❑ If your daughter will be using her webcam for synchronous classes or video recordings, please help her assess her surroundings. All video conferencing and recording should be done in a common space with a neutral background if possible. ❑ Please help your child develop a daily schedule and remind her to take regular breaks from work and digital devices. ❑ Please help your daughter keep a regular bedtime and remind her to engage in physical activity as often as possible. ❑ Check in with your daughter regularly.


Lower School Distance Learning Plan Teachers have planned activities connected to our curriculum guided by clear learning objectives. There will be a balance between digital and non-digital activities. The primary form of communication between Lower School teachers and families will be email and classroom blogs. We recognize that every family’s circumstances are different and that completion of some of these activities, particularly for students in lower grades, will require increased parent supervision and engagement. We request Lower School parents partner with teachers by providing support in the following ways:

● Monitor class blog and/or email updates daily ● Share the learning activities with your child and check in with her regarding her progress ● Contact your daughter’s Lower School teacher with questions or suggestions


Middle School Distance Learning Plan All assignments and resources will be linked on your daughter’s course pages in SaintsNet. If a class is to meet in real-time, "virtually," it will be done during the scheduled class time in order to avoid students having overlapping virtual classes. The teachers will let students know in advance about these real-time sessions.

Expectations for Students: ❑ Establish daily routines for engaging in learning ❑ Identify a comfortable, quiet space in your home where you can work effectively and successfully ❑ Regularly check email and SaintsNet for announcements, assignments and communication from your teachers ❑ Complete assignments with integrity and academic honesty, doing your best work ❑ Follow the St. Catherine’s Responsible Technology Use Policy ❑ Do your best to meet timelines, commitments, and due dates ❑ Communicate proactively with your teachers and Grade Level Leaders if you have questions, are unable to meet deadlines, or if you need additional support


Upper School Distance Learning Plan All assignments and resources will be linked on a student’s course page in SaintsNet. If a class is to meet in real-time, "virtually," it will be done during the scheduled class time in order to avoid students having overlapping virtual classes. The teachers will let students know in advance about these real-time sessions.

Expectations for Students: ❑ Establish daily routines for engaging in learning ❑ Identify a comfortable, quiet space in your home where you can work effectively and successfully ❑ Regularly check email and SaintsNet for announcements, assignments and communication from your teachers ❑ All assignments should be completed in accordance with the St. Catherine's Honor Code and following the Technology Code of Conduct that can be found in the St. Catherine's Parent and Student Handbook that is posted on SaintsNet ❑ Do your best to meet timelines, commitments, and due dates ❑ If you are sick on a distance learning academic day, please have a parent email ❑ Communicate proactively with your teachers if you have questions, are unable to meet deadlines, or if you need additional support


Additional Resources

❑ Talking to Children About COVID-19: A Parent Resource ❑ Brainpop: Coronavirus ❑ What to Watch, Read, and Play While Your Kids Are Stuck Indoors ❑ Coronavirus And Parenting: What You Need To Know Now ❑ Home-Schooling Tweens and Teens During Coronavirus Closings


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