Lower School News September 2014

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LS News St. Catherine’s School

It was wonderful to see the girls return from summer break. They always come back with such great enthusiasm, and I look forward to hearing their stories of summer adventures. We all look forward to an exciting year together! Annie

Upcoming Events Junior Kindergarten Coffee

Parent Conference Day

Columbus Day

JK/K Admissions Open House




10/21 & 29/2014

School Holiday

9:30 am-­‐11:00 am in LSAR

8:15-­‐9:00 a.m. Miss Jennie’s

Student Holiday

THE LOREM IPSUMS Lower School News

2016 SeptemberFALL2014

The JK girls are spending their days getting to know each other and the media with which they'll be working all year. So far, they have used our "study protocol" to draw new things, taught each other painting techniques, explored kinetic sand, created collages with natural materials and foam, made "tree flowers" as part of a present for a new baby in the JK community, and even figured out how to color a puddle in the rain.

Kindergarten is a fun place to be! The girls are enthusiastic about coming to St. Catherine's School! They are busy learning school routines and making new friends. Last week, they started the "All About Me" unit. They are creating books and painting big bodies. They are also enjoying using iPads in the classroom.


THE LOREM IPSUMS Lower School News

SeptemberFALL 2016 2014

The first grade teachers were privileged to meet with Kelly Johnson, a children's nature educator and author of Wings, Worms, and Wonder: A Guide for Creatively Integrating Gardening and Outdoor Learning into Children's Lives. She gave the first grade team many fun and practical suggestions for the Community Garden. We had our first outing this past Monday. It was the last day of summer! Before going to the garden, each class made a list of routines and expectations for our outdoor classroom! The girls "woke up" the garden from the long summer months. We look forward to discovering, observing, wondering and wandering through the garden

Second grade is busy playing math games and doing math centers. The girls are working on sight words each week and look forward to starting reading groups soon. They are learning about QR Codes in computer and celebrated International Dot Day in Spanish.


THE LOREM IPSUMS Lower School News

SeptemberFALL 2016 2014

Third Graders might be dressed up for Spirit Week, but they are working hard! Third Grade is learning about the first Virginians and the Powhatan Indians by visiting the Citie of Henricus.

The Fourthies are off to a great start! Last week, they participated in International Dot Week, which celebrates creativity, courage and collaboration! The girls enjoyed math and writing activities to enhance these skills. Please be sure to visit your teacher’s class blog often, as this is the primary means of communication between parents and teacher. On each fourth grade class blog there is an invitation to the Fourthie Parents’ Technology Night, which will be on October 2 at 6:30 p.m. Please sign up if you are able to attend to learn of the great resources we use in fourth grade!


THE LOREM IPSUMS Lower School News

SeptemberFALL 2016 2014

The Dot is a picture book written and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds about a girl named Vashti who thinks she can't draw. When she tells her teacher that she can’t draw, her teacher tells her to "make a mark and see where it takes you." Vashti draws a plain dot on her paper, and her teacher then says, "Now sign it." The next week Vashti is surprised to see her dot framed on display in the teacher's room. Seeing her dot, she says, "I can make a better dot than that." She then starts drawing elaborate, colorful dots and realizes she is indeed an artist and that she just needed to believe in herself.

Later in life she sees a boy who can't draw a straight line, and this results in a whole new adventure. The book has become an international sensation, and people around the world have started celebrating dot day on September 15th. All students in the Lower School created a dot to represent hope, belief in yourself and the fact that we should never give up. In addition to creating individual dots, grades K-­‐2 created a class dot painting on watercolor paper, while the third and fourth graders created a single dot on a collaborative piece of canvas and glass art. These collaborations represent the fact that we are all connected as dots in a larger community and that we all shine in our own way.


THE LOREM IPSUMS Lower School News

FALL 2016 September 2014

The third grade is studying the properties and states of matter. They made slime to investigate those concepts and practice using the scientific method and science process skills.

In Physical Education, third and fourth grades began the school year with a unit in spin casting. New to the curriculum, and to some girls as well, fishing is a lifelong activity and was received extremely well by both girls and parents!

The St. Catherine's After-­‐school Enrichment Program offers classes specially designed to give St. Catherine's students the opportunity to explore activities of particular interest. Whether just for fun or to develop knowledge and skills, there are many great extracurricular programs for our girls. For your convenience, all classes are offered on our campus and Lower School girls will be escorted to their classrooms after dismissal. Please complete a separate form (see link below) for each child. Checks should be made payable to “St. Catherine’s School" and submitted to Andrea Byrd, Auxiliary Program Assistant, by October 3. Include your child's name in the memo section of your check. Registration is not final until a check is received. Feel free to contact Andrea at abyrd@st.catherines.org if you have questions regarding registration. We hope you will join us for one of the fall After-­‐School Enrichment courses! After-­‐School Enrichment Registration 6



Research shows us that girls need natural play spaces. Our JK environment is considered the “third teacher.” It is prepared with great care and intention to allow the girls: to be self-­‐sufficient, to provoke curiosity and thinking, and to encourage collaboration. The JK Outdoor Classroom is an extenson of the indoor classroom and was uniquely designed through collaboration between the JK students from the Class of 2024 and JK teachers. The landscape reflects the city of Richmond with: rocks, sand and water that represent the James River; the hill that represents the seven hills; the forest that represents the wild river parks.

October 2, 2014

JK Parent Coffee – 8:15 -­‐ 9:00 a.m. Miss Jennie’s

October 3, 2014

8:15-­‐8:45 a.m. -­‐ Blessing of the Animals on the Green

October 7, 2014

Lower School Conference Day – No School for Students

October 13, 2014

Columbus Day – No School for Students

October 21 and 29, 2014

JK/K Admissions Open House – 9:30-­‐11:30 a.m. in LSAR

October 23, 2014

Late Start for Students – 10:00 a.m.

October 27, 2014

Fall After School Enrichment Session begins

October 28, 2014

Room Parent Meeting – 8:15-­‐9:00 a.m. in LSAR

October 30, 2014

K Parent Coffee – 8:15 – 9:00 a.m. in LSAR

October 31, 2014

Halloween – wear jeans!

October 31, 2014

End of Quarter 1

November 3, 2014

No school – VAIS Conference

November 10, 2014

Quarter 1 report cards available online

November 14, 2014


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