2022 Lasallian Program

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Welcome Home,


Congratulations to Chair Couple Jim '89 & Laura Grable on a successful event! LASALLIAN 2022: Welcome Home, Marauders Over 30 years of raising funds for St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute's student academic scholarships and financial aid.

James '87, Lynn, Nicfw{as


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Tonight, we will raise important funds for financial aid and academic scholarships that provide opportunity for the next generation of Marauders. On behalf of the young men who will join our St. Joe’s community with your help, we say thank you.

St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute


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April 2, 2022 Dear Friends, It has been three long years since we were able to gather together for this great St. Joe’s tradition, and it has been five years since Lasallian took place at 845 Kenmore Avenue. I am so excited to be back with all of you for this wonderful celebration! While the past two years have been challenging for St. Joe’s, they have also shown the incredible strength of this great Lasallian community. We have much to celebrate this evening, and during the festivities, we will also raise vital funds for financial assistance and academic scholarships, providing opportunities for our current students and future generations of Marauders. Shortly after agreeing to serve as the chair couple for tonight’s event, Jim ’89 and Laura Grable presented the Advancement Team with tonight’s theme: “Welcome Home, Marauders!” This theme most obviously represents the event’s homecoming to the hallowed halls of St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute for the first time in half a decade. Regardless of class year, it is always remarkable to see how this building is so dear to so many generations of alumni. Whether they graduated five years ago or fifty years ago, visiting alumni love to find their locker, their homeroom seat, the site of their winning three-pointer, or even the location of their frequent detentions! The memories of Christian Brothers and revered teachers, coaches, and mentors come flooding back as alumni round each corner. Much like visiting a childhood house, SJCI truly is home to our graduates. Beyond the return to our campus, tonight’s Lasallian represents a return to family. As we quarantined and isolated ourselves amidst the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we lost touch with so many we hold dear in our hearts. While the virus itself devastated so many in our Western New York community, the loneliness and isolation also exacted a significant toll on everyone. Gathering together as a St. Joe’s family after so many months of absence is a true homecoming! I welcome you all back home, and I thank you for returning to be part of this wonderful school community. Throughout the pandemic, we have welcomed a new generation of Marauders to SJCI. Today’s students have endured so much over the past two years–Zoom meetings, distance learning, mandatory quarantines, canceled sports seasons, and missed milestones. Despite these missed opportunities, the brotherhood they have formed is unbelievably strong. They, too, have found a home at St. Joe’s, and your support tonight will enable them to continue their SJCI experience in a future that (hopefully) looks much more normal. On behalf of the young men who are now a part of our St. Joe’s family or will be joining in September, thank you so much! Your support opens the doors of St. Joe’s and enables us to welcome each deserving student, challenge him to be his personal best, and to inspire him to become a man of integrity and service. Thank you for your support of St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute and your partnership in our shared Lasallian Mission. Welcome home, Marauders! St. John Baptist de La Salle . . . Pray for us! Live Jesus in our hearts . . . Forever! Sincerely, Christopher M. Fulco, Ed.D.

LASALLIAN 2022 COMMITTEES It is our honor and privilege to welcome you to Lasallian 2022. We hope that “Welcome Home, Marauders” will be an evening filled with laughter, incredible music, and good food shared with friends and family while raising vital funds to further the Lasallian Mission. Delight in the talents of our St. Joe’s musical ensembles with your Brothers. The Lasallian Mission embodies the vision and innovative spirit of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, the patron saint of teachers, and centers on Catholic values, personal relationships, and academic excellence. Look around. Signs of Brotherhood, the essence of St. Joe’s, are everywhere. These personal relationships last a lifetime, transforming friends into family that you’ve chosen. Brotherhood. Through your philanthropic efforts, the opportunity of Brotherhood is made available to deserving young men across Western New York. We are humbled by the continued generosity of you, the St. Joe’s family. Know that your support tonight impacts the Brothers of both today and tomorrow. We are extremely proud to be Marauder alumni and parents and to call you family. Enjoy! - James ‘89 & Laura Grable

LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE: Doug Barszcz ‘89 Lisa Daye Chris Fulco Mike Gilbert ‘86 Laura & James Grable ‘89 Jill & Chris Greco Julie & Don Held ‘89 Debbie & Kevin Keenan Bob Kreppel ‘75 Jennifer Judge Murphy Tim Noonan ‘92 Jim Panepinto ‘87 Sam Pantano ‘89 Dave Pietrowski ‘81 Jeff Papia ‘06 Ralph Salerno ‘82 Todd Tevens ‘96 Dan Warner ‘06

GIFT GATHERING HOSTS : Kick-Off Party Laura & James Grable ‘89

Senior Party Amy & James Starck Sr. ‘90 Arlene & Michael Licata

Freshman Party Shonda & Carlton Brock, Jr. Angela & Kevin Gunther

Hockey Night Melissa & Kevin Deakin ‘86

Sophomore Party Julie & Don Held ‘89 Gretchen & Mike Morgante Becky & Rich Crozier ‘94 Junior Party Laura & Jim Grable ‘89 Cindy & Larry Odom Donna Fay Amy Herstek Jacob Herstek Elise & Martin Cusack Julie & Michael Eberhard ‘95 Laura & Brian Murphy


With Thanks .... to the following alumni, parents, school staff and faculty, students and businesses for underwriting, providing in-kind donations and services, and all the support necessary to make Lasallian 2022 a tremendous success! AUCTIONEER / Mike Casacci BUSINESS OFFICE / Jen Greco, Angela Brinson, Charlotte Regan, & Ann Marie Abbotoy ADVANCEMENT OFFICE / Dan Warner ‘06, Pat Shandorf, Kathy Deyell, & Mike Corona MUSIC / Mike Hooker ‘06, the St. Joe’s Varsity Singers, Jeff Walling, & The Jazz Lab Band STUDENT COORDINATOR / Edward P. Reilly III SJCI FACILITIES/ Paul Mueller ‘82, Steve Harter ‘03, Tommy Kirchgessner ‘20, Mike Doben ‘10, & Kieran Deyell ‘16

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6:00PM- 8:00 PM

8:00 PM

Master of Ceremonies James Grable ’89, Chairperson Grace & Musical Welcome St. Joe’s Varsity Singers / Michael Hooker ‘06, Director Lasallian Raffle Draw, Laura Grable, Chairperson Remarks by Dr. Christopher M. Fulco, Ed.D., President Live Auction with Mike Cassaci Senior Nicholas Monetti & Special Appeal


OPENS 10:00 PM 10:00 PM - MIDNIGHT


The Comer, LoVullo, & Pietrowski Families, Class of ‘81 Lawley Insurance Pinto Construction Giorgio & Lisandra Panepinto

Platinum Sponsorship

Manning & Napier Fanara’s Plumbing & Heating

Maroon & White Sponsorship L&M Wealth Management Alesco Advisors Hodgson Russ LLP

Marauder Sponsorship Freed Maxick Personal Touch Ciminelli Real Estate KeyBank Laura and James Grable ‘89 M&T Bank Alkegen NetPlus Alliance Wells Fargo The Tevens Family RIBCO St. Bonaventure University

After Party Sponsor Encorus Group Auctioneer’s Podium Sponsor Hoover & Durland LLP Bidding Paddle Sponsor Jim Murphy Buick GMC, Inc. Gala Bars Sponsor Lawley Retirement Advisors Bistro Sponsor Lawley Retirement Services Coat Check Sponsor Excuria Salon and Spa Control Booth Sponsor ADPRO Sports Dinner Wine Sponsor Keenan Communications Group Gala Bar Sponsor Great Lakes Medical Imaging Checkout Sponsor Kenneth V. Snyder, M.D., Ph.D. ‘90 and Mrs. Samantha Snyder Lasallian Raffle Sponsor Lippes Mathias LLP Live Auction Sponsor Excelsior Orthopaedics Live Band Sponsor Peerless, Inc. Red Carpet Sponsor Emerling Floss Murphy & Associates LLC Silent Auction Sponsor Rodriguez Construction Group, Inc. Jazz Lab Band Sponsor OLV Charities Table Centerpieces Sponsor Towne BMW Valet Sponsor Kaleida Health

“FRIEND OF ST. JOE’S” program listing

President’s Circle

Paul Iskalo D’Youville University Mark and Carin Stahlka David ‘91 and Andrea Grable Lumsden & McCormick

Christian Brothers’ Council

Jeffrey Kaufman James J. ‘65 and Christine A. Heusinger

Lasallian Marauder

Richard Benz Michael ‘89 and Anissa M. Floccare Dean and Elizabeth Penman

TIMOTHY & LAURA DIGIULIO PROUD SUPPORTERS OF THE LASALLIAN! L&M is a more than 60-person-strong, financial advisory firm serving thousands of clients across the country since 1972.

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Securities offered through Securities America, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC and advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Representatives of Securities America do not provide legal advice. Please consult with the appropriate professional regarding your situation. L&M Wealth Management and the Securities America companies are not related. Laura DiGiulio is not affiliated with Securities America, Inc.

LASALLIAN DINNER & AUCTION past chair-couples

2021 Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Pavicich 2019 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Floccare ‘89 2018 Mr. & Mrs. David W. Pietrowski ‘81 2017 Mr. & Mrs. Jody L. Lomeo ‘86 2016 Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Gilbert ’86 2015 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Dirrigl ’78 2014 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Berger, Jr. ’84 2013 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kreppel ’75 2012 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Panepinto ’87 2011 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Comer ’81 2010 Mr. & Mrs. Paul O’Leary 2009 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lamparelli 2008 Mr. & Mrs. William M. Collins ’72 2007 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Benzino 2006 Dr. & Mrs. Scott J. Seier ’78 2005 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Schreck ’73 2004 Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hunter ’66 2003 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Terranova 2002 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Scott Jr. ’67 2001 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Black ’74 2000 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Greene ’62 1999 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Greene ’62 1998 Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Rackl ’73 1997 Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Rackl ’73 1996 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bermel ‘67, Mr. & Mrs. James Bruno, & Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy 1995 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kotaska 1994 Mr. & Mrs. Carmine J. Pearl 1993 Mr. & Mrs. Carmine J. Pearl 1992 Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Young ’63 1991 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ’65 1990 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh ’65 1989 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Carocci 1988 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Voelkl ’55 1986 Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Young ’63 1985 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Carocci 1984 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Raczynski 1983 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Berger Sr. ’56 1982 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Voelkl ’55 1981 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Comer ’52 1980 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Cerza ’79

Best wishes to St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute for a successful Lasallian Gala & Dinner Auction.


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CASH DONATIONS Kevin ‘90 & Claire Barry Douglas Barszcz ‘89 John G. ‘84 & Suzanne Berger, Jr. Christopher Bihary ‘89 Robb & Rhonda Blatner Michael ‘95 & Julie Eberhard Michael ‘89 & Anissa Floccare James ‘89 & Laura Grable, Jr. Robert ‘62 & Catherine Greene Matthew J. Hellerer ‘75 Gerald ‘79 & Mary Igoe Paul Leahy John & Antonina Lomeo Todd ‘93 & Bridget MacVittie

Joshua & Angela Mancini Alex & Mary Marcinelli Kurt ‘95 & Annette May Philip & Nancy McIntyre, Jr. John Nasca, Jr. ‘79 Jeff & Tracy Polisoto Mark C. ‘90 & Maria Rizzo Talayia Rooks Robert T. Scott, AFSC & Michele Scott Kevin ‘67 & Mary Elaine Spitler Andrew & Christine Tokasz Michelle Gulla & George Wopperer ‘85 Robert & Claire Wright

ST. JOE’S & NOTRE DAME ALUMNI NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL WEEKEND Robert Drajem ‘60 Mark Duggan ‘83 Donald Held ‘89 Scott Horrigan ‘92 Daniel Klocke ‘87

J. Michael Lennon ‘92 Paul Schneeberger, Jr. ‘03 Mark Spitler ‘74 Kevin Talbot ‘94 Stephen Walter ‘06


Joseph Klein ‘89 Eric McKendry ‘91 David McKendry ‘89 Matthew Moscati ‘89 Daniel O’Neill ‘89

Salvatore Pantano ‘89 Matthew Shanahan ‘88 Kenneth Snyder ‘90

Thank you to Paul Mueller ‘82, Director of Facilities for building custom bleacher wood items for the auction!

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Robert Boeckel ‘06 Matt Bona ‘04 Kevin Brady ‘73 Daniel Burger ‘93 Kieran Burns ‘14 Nick Buyers ‘16 John Cambria ‘82 Joel Cardarella ‘87 James Carr ‘94 Zakery Carr ‘03 Brad Cavarello ‘94 Mike Cipolla ‘04 Craig Cirbus ‘75 Michael Dell’Isola ‘14 Adam Dotzler ‘05 Sean Doyle ‘94 J. R. Drexelius ‘72 John Eberz ‘94 Daniel Falcone ‘12 Chris Falk ‘14 Patrick Galvin ‘14 Marc Giangreco ‘10 Nicholas Giangreco ‘14 David Greene ‘70 Ray Guagliardi ‘81 Jack Hamlett ‘14 David Hartrich ‘73 Erik Hartrich ‘07 Matthew Hartrich ‘04 William Hartrich ‘76 Dan “Pete” Hayden ‘10

William Healy ‘12 Joseph Heins ‘03 Timothy Kennedy ‘94 Rishi Kumar ‘14 John Lucchese ‘76 David Marino ‘79 Sean McCormick ‘04 Joseph McHenry ‘10 Jacob Mertz ‘17 Sam Mezzio ‘82 Andrew Miller ‘85 Thomas Mudra ‘69 Benjamin Murphy ‘16 Charles Murphy ‘71 Michael Murphy ‘77 Timothy O’Brien ‘81 Bob Pepperday ‘03 Luis Rodriguez ‘01 Richard Sander ‘87 Rick Schieb ‘73 Erin Schieb Paul Schneeberger ‘71 Paul Schneeberger, Jr. ‘03 Jacob Schultz ‘17 Pete Sciandra ‘05 Cameron Socha ‘18 Greg Straus ‘04 Kevin Talbot ‘94 Mark Walz ‘84 Matt Wopperer ‘03

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STUDENT VOLUNTEERS SENIORS Peter Gottler Samuel Herr Nick Licata Nolan Lin Nicholas Monetti Travis Nixon Alex Polisoto Daeshyon Riley Jack Starck Mark Tasca JUNIORS Owen Bembenista Francesco Borgese Sam Bresnock Jacob Cornell Matthew Covelli Liam Deyell Michael Eberhard

Franklin Fontana William Hofmeyer Seamus Keane Jackson Keller Cole Lindner Conner Luzon Sax Brendan O’Bryan Timothy O’Rourke Joseph Salemi Alexander Schmidt Trevor Stocker Connor Trachimowicz SOPHOMORES Carson Blatner Dorian Buckley Benjamin Gambino Travis Greco Nathaniel Lopez Austin Nixon Patrick Ohle

Keean Patel Michael Taft Quincy Unger Zachary Zemrac FRESHMEN Sirak Afeworki Thomas Mercure Samuel Napoli Giorgio Panepinto Johnathan Samol Charles Sirianno Timothy Whipple

PARENT & ALUMNI VOLUNTEERS Ekaete Bailey, Diane Bembenista, Christian Blum & Joan Blum, Ann Marie Duquin-Blum, Kelly Bova, Shonda Brock, Joe Cianciosa, Teresa Connor, Dianna & Mike Cornell, Talisa Cross, Elise Cusack, Kadra D’Agostino, Latisha Davis, Melissa Deakin, Dan Deyell, Donna Fay, Liza Franz, Julie Gatas, Kimberly Gilbert, Shannon Gilbert, Laura Grable, Sean Hudson, Emily Hurley, Susie Hurley, Anthony Iuvino, Eileen Klein, Mike & Arlene Licata, Whitney McDonnell, Kathryn Napoli, Colin Nekritz, Michele Nixon, Brenda Parker, Michelle Patel, Siobhan Pawelczyk, Dave Pietrowski ‘81, David Potter ‘93, Jen Rittling, Andrea Rivers, Mark Rosenecker ‘92, Mia Schmitt, Marie Sly, Christine Tokasz, Rick & Jennifer Tomm, Sandy Trettel, Rosanne Urbanski, & David ‘75 & Claire Waldron

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AUCTION PROCEDURES St. Joe’s has endeavored to catalog and describe the donated goods and services correctly based on the information provided by the donor. St. Joe’s makes no express or implied warranties whatsoever, including estimate of value with respect to any items sold. All goods and services are auctioned in “as is” condition. In the event that a donor defaults in providing a promised service of the item that was purchased, the refund by St. Joe’s is limited to the amount paid on Lasallian night.

Live Auction • The Lasallian raffle drawing will take place just prior to the start of the Live Auction. The winner will select the full tuition voucher or receive $5,000 cash. If the winner is not present, they will be contacted by phone. • During dinner, the Live Auction will commence and continue without interruption until all items have been auctioned. • Please hold your bidding paddle high in the air so there is no question of your intention to bid. Do not hesitate to verbalize your bid. • Decisions of the auctioneer are final. • The winning bid number will be recorded and will constitute the bidder’s agreement to pay this amount.

Check Out & Payment • All sales are final; no refunds. Any tickets purchased may not be resold. Please read your gift certificates carefully. • Reservations for dinners, wine tastings, vacation homes, sporting events or tickets must be mutually arranged with donor, unless otherwise specified, and are subject to availability. Certain restrictions and blackout days may apply. • Check out begins at approximately 10:00 p.m. Full payment is required at the end of the event. Payment may be made by cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover. • All items and certificates must be picked up on auction night unless other arrangements are agreed to. • Purchasers are bound by any restrictions or expiration dates as specified by the donor. Unless otherwise noted, all goods and services must be claimed and used within one year of the auction date.

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Actuarial Consulting Services, Inc. is pleased to support Lasallian 2022: Welcome Home, Marauders Mark E. Brand '80 President and Chief Executive Officer 200 John James Audubon Parkway, Suite 100 Amherst, NY 14228 716-529-1282 Helping businesses choose the right retirement plan, with the right features, run the right way, since 1982. ACSI provides comprehensive, personalized third-party administrative TPA services of retirement plans for individuals and employers with an emphasis on plan design and operational compliance in order to meet the business' objectives and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

Hilbert College is proud to support the 2022 Lasallian and SJCI Board Members Jeff Papia and Dr. Maureen Finney GO MARAUDERS!



Go Marauders! Joseph Weisbeck, Class of 2011 (716) 560-0002


Backyard Feast with Principal Spillman ‘95 Donated by: Jim Spillman ‘95 Value: Priceless! In addition to his impressive academic leadership skills, it turns out that Principal Jim Spillman ‘95 is a world–renowned grill master! Invite 12-15 people to your home for a classic summer feast designed by Jim and his wife Katie. Together, the principal duo will design a menu to include meats that will melt in your mouth and the perfect side dishes to complete the meal, making this the ideal summer party. And we promise there won’t be a test at the end of the evening. Mutually agreed upon date between June and September, 2022.

St. Joe’s vs. Canisius Tailgate Donated by: Drew Cerza ’79, Personal Touch, & Bella Pizza

Saturday, September 24, 2022 Value: Priceless! Cheer on the Marauders in style! We will prepare a custom SJCI Tailgate experience for you and 24 of your friends, including a tent, tables and chairs, and catering provided by Personal Touch and Bella Pizza. In addition, Drew Cerza ‘79, The Wing King, will join your party to make the day even more special! Go Marauders!

Ellicottville Summer Package Donated by: The Ellicottville Ironmen in memory of our friend Dennis Szefel ‘89 Value: $3,000 Enjoy the good life in Ellicottville! For one (1) week, you and family or friends will take up residence in this deluxe 3 bedroom Holimont Townhouse that can comfortably sleep up to 6! Dates to be mutually agreed upon between April 1 - November 30, 2022, excluding July 1-8 and October 7-10. The package includes a $150 Villaggio restaurant gift certificate and a $100 Crosspatch Horseback Riding gift certificate.

NY YANKEES EXPERIENCE Donated by: New Era Cap Foundation Value: Priceless! On a mutually agreed upon 2022 regular-season game at Yankee Stadium, four (4) guests will have the opportunity to watch pregame batting practice from the field (in a designated area behind the batting cages in foul territory), followed by watching the Yankees game from Legends Suite seats. All food and non-alcoholic beverages are included! Each guest will also receive a New Era Yankees gift bag featuring an autographed baseball from New Era’s Yankees player ambassador. Premium games are excluded, including Opening Day, Old Timers’ Day, and games against Boston and the Mets.

Boston Red Sox Concert Experience Donated by: New Era Cap Foundation Value: Priceless! The Green Monster doesn’t only love baseball -- he is a music enthusiast too! Fenway Park hosts performers across a huge spectrum, from Aerosmith to the Zac Brown Band. Even the great Sir Paul McCartney will be there! So bid high and bid often to win Four (4) Turf Tickets to a concert of your choice played at Fenway Park in 2022, Player Parking, and a pre-concert Dinner in the Dell Technologies Club. Paul McCartney | June 7 & 8, 2022 Zac Brown Band | Friday, July 15, 2022 Def Leppard & Motley Crue with special guests Poison, Joan Jett and The Blackhearts | August 5 & 6, 2022 Lady Gaga | August 19, 2022 Imagine Dragons | August 20, 2022 Aerosmith | Fenway Park | September 8, 2022 Red Hot Chili Peppers | Fenway Park | September 10, 2022

Morocco Trip of a Lifetime Donated by: Dave Dyson ’91 & Mara K. Berkland Value: Priceless! Tucked into the 1000-year old medina in the ancient, spiritual city of Fez, Morocco is an equally old misria, or home, that is calling you to stay. Bid on this item and receive: • • •

7 nights in a private home in Fez, Morocco (breakfast included) 2 tours of sites within the ancient medina, an educational class in Fez (your choice, cooking, language, art!) Receive any help needed to arrange the rest of your vacation in Fez or Morocco.

House equipped with full kitchen, rooftop terrace, sleeping for up to 6 people.

Notre Dame vs. Stanford Weekend October 14-16, 2022

Donated by: Kevin Lavin ‘64, St. Joe’s & University of Notre Dame Alumni Value: $2,500 When football powerhouses Stanford and Notre Dame clash on Saturday, October 14th in historic Knute Rockne Stadium, you will be there for all the excitement. Experience big-time college football at its best with this package that includes four (4) game tickets and Friday and Saturday night accommodations with buffet breakfast each morning at the Inn at St. Mary’s, located on the edge of campus. Bid like a champion tonight for this ultimate game weekend immersion!

Sit Front Row at Graduation May 19, 2022

Donated by: SJCI Administration Value: Priceless! This is for you, senior parents! This is your once-a-year, Lasallian only chance to secure eight (8) “RESERVED” front row seats for your family at graduation on May 19 on the Robert T. Scott, AFSC Athletic Complex. Seats are located on the turf, right next to the graduates. Two reserved parking passes are also included. Bid high for the best seats to see your son walk across the stage!

President’s Dinner at Oliver’s Dinner for Six with Dr. Fulco

Donated by: Oliver’s Restaurant Value: Priceless! Join the President Chris Fulco for a night of food, laughter, and fun at one of Western New York’s finest restaurants. The quality of the cuisine will be matched only by the caliber of the conversation as your party of six (6) guests joins Dr. Fulco and his lovely wife Megan for a specially prepared chef’s dinner at Oliver’s.

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