2017-03-19_Sermon Outline for Rev. David Williamson

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Marc h 1 9, 2 0 1 7 | J o hn 4 :4 - 1 0 | R e v. David William s o n

So methin’ in the Water See What Go d Can Do …With a Thirst for Mo re I. Well, Well, Well (Old Testament stories) Searching for a _______________: Isaac (Gen 24); Jacob (Gen 29); Moses (Exod 2)

Searching for _________: Elijah (1 Kings 17)

II. Deep & Wide Wells provide __________ to water. Cisterns allow us to __________ and __________ water. The secret of Jacob’s well…..

III. A Confused Woman The double meaning of Jesus’ language: “Living water” can also mean _____ _____. “Be appalled, O heavens , at this , be s hocked, be utterly des olate, s ays the Lord, For my people have committed two evils : They have fors aken me, the fountain of living water, and dug out cis terns for thems elves , cracked cis terns that can hold no water.” (Jer 2:12-13)

IV. In Spirit & Truth The progression of thirst: _________ à ______________ à ____________ What we ________ becomes our well—where we turn in order to find _________. “Out of the believer’s heart s hall flow rivers of living water.” (Isaiah 12:3; John 7:38)

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