2017-04-09_C_Careless Truth

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PALM SUNDAY April 9, 2017

Sunday | April 2, 2017

WELCOME! WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Thank you for registering your attendance. Please pass the attendance folder along your pew. New guests will learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the attendance folder and find a gift just for you at the Welcome Center.

CONNECT HERE To find your way of connecting with classes or small groups at St. Luke’s, stop by our Connect Here booths this morning in the Gathering Area outside of the Sanctuary or in the West Passage outside of Robertson Chapel.

PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the prayer cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at stlukesumc.com. Pastors are available for prayer following each worship service.

CARING FOR ST. LUKE’S If you are hospitalized, we want to know and care for you. Please call Laura Marine at 317-846-3404 or send an email to stlukescares@ stlukesumc.com.

PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide childcare and Sunday School for newborns through 4th-grade children. Register all children in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children who remain in worship. Room 126 is equipped for nursing moms, including live streaming of worship.

YOUNG ADULTS Join us for coffee and cookies outside Robertson Chapel following the 9:30 & 11AM services.

YOUTH PROGRAMMING 5th - 6th Grade – 9:30 & 11AM @ The Modge 7th - 12th Grade – 9:30AM @ Luke’s Lodge; Worship and hang out. Come early for games. Find more at stlukesumc.com/connect/youth

LEARN MORE Pick up a copy of our winter/spring Ministry Catalog, visit stlukesumc.com or subscribe to our e-newsletters for more information.

WORSHIP ORDER Palm Sunday | April 9, 2017 OPENING SONG King Of Glory | Heartland Worship

* WORSHIP Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) | Paul Baloche Here Is Our King | David Crowder

WELCOME Rev. Kim King


SCRIPTURE READING | Selected Verses from Matthew 27 and John 18-19 Maria Blake (9:30AM) John Guild (11AM)

DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE | Careless Truth Rev. David Williamson (9:30AM) Rev. Rob Fuquay (11AM)

SONG OF RESPONSE Live For You | Hunter Smith & Christopher Wilson

* WORSHIP Were You There | Frederick J Work & John Wesley Work


* standing, as able

Announcements DONATE EASTER LILIES Easter lilies will decorate our building on Easter morning. If you would like to donate lilies in memory of or in honor of someone, please find donation cards in the main office or at the New Here booth. Submit your donation ($10 suggested) in an envelope that says: ATTN: Worship & the Arts. Deadline for inclusion on the donation list: April 12.

MODGE WATER PROJECT | Today • Gathering Area 5th and 6th graders are selling treats and other goods to raise money for a water filtration system for an orphanage in Haiti, bringing clean water to more than 50 children! Donations may also be placed in the offering plate with “Modge Water Project” written on the memo line.

BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING | Today • Main Office Conference Room Free screenings are available every second Sunday of the month. Contact Mary Connors at stlukeshealthministry@gmail.com for more information.

CHRISTIAN LIFE SCHOLARSHIP | Deadline: Today All high school seniors who are members of St. Luke’s and will be full-time college students in the fall may apply for this award of up to $1,500. The application is posted online at stlukesumc.com. Questions? Contact Josh at sweeneyj@stlukesumc.com. STARTING POINT | Today • 10:45–11:15AM and 12:15–12:45PM • N101 For those new to St Luke’s, gain an orientation to St. Luke’s, meet key leaders and leave with recommended next steps to help you find your place within the congregation. Walk-ins are always welcome. Light refreshments available, as is childcare upon request. UMW FOOD DRIVE | April Grab a grocery bag from a table in the West Passage today and return them filled with the suggested items listed on each bag. Return bags by the end of April to the bins located in the West Passage. Donations will serve several local food pantries.

FINANCIAL WISDOM | April 10 • 7PM • N101 Why do well-meaning Christians have such a wide diversity of opinions about money? Join Mike Elkin, of St. Luke’s UMM, to learn and apply Financial Wisdom. Valuable financial principles for all ages and financial situations will be offered! MAUNDY THURSDAY/GOOD FRIDAY PRAYER VIGIL | April 13, 8PM–April 14, 8PM • Prayer Chapel & SLC Make a time of prayer part of your Holy Week by participating in the 24 hour Prayer Vigil. Our canvas labyrinth will be available in Fellowship Hall. You will be provided with prayer requests and devotional materials. Sign up in the West Passage today for your time slot.

EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA | April 15 • 9–11AM • Great Hall Celebrate Christ’s resurrection with us as we learn the Easter story through interactive stations! We’ll search for eggs & visit with the fuzzy guy, too. This is a “you-don’t-want-to-miss-it” event for the whole family! No registration needed.

MOTHERLESS DAUGHTER WORKSHOP | April 21 • 7–9PM • Lodge Intended for women who have lost their mother to death, mental illness or other reason. Familiarize yourself with Hope Edelman’s book, Motherless Daughters before the workshop. Register by 4/20. Cost $10. Contact Carol Beausang at ccbeausang@gmail.com. H.S DAY RETREAT – EAGLE CREEK | April 23 • 9AM–3PM Enjoy youth worship in the park and an afternoon of activities that may include canoeing, kayaking, ultimate Frisbee, etc. Lunch will be grilled and delicious! Register at stlukesumc.com by April 19. Contact Josh with questions at sweeneyj@stlukesumc.com. SIERRA LEONE MISSION TRIP MEETING | April 23 • 10:45–11:30AM • C124 Do you have an education or medical background and do you want to put it to use making a difference in Jan/Feb 2018? Come explore the opportunities at this informational meeting.

ATTUCKS: THE SCHOOL THAT OPENED THE CITY | April 20 & 27 • 7PM • Fellowship Hall For 42 years, Crispus Attucks was black Indianapolis. Virtually every African American in Indianapolis came of age inside its walls. Join us for the two-part showing of this film where Oscar Robertson, Colin Powell and others help tell the story of a nationally groundbreaking high school.

UMW RUMMAGE SALE | April 28, 6–8PM & April 29, 8AM–2PM • Great Hall Clean out closets and contribute items in good condition April 26–28. Shop during the sale and give new life to a donated item! Volunteer opportunities are also available. Email stlukesrummagesale@gmail.com to volunteer.

ROSEBUD SD MISSION TRIP | June 25–July 1 SEE through the eyes of the Lakota people. SERVE families and individuals on the Rosebud Reservation. SURRENDER a week of your summer to travel and be immersed in a new culture. Interested? Contact Carol Wendt at cwendt@ ameritech.net.

EASTER PARKING One way to provide top-notch hospitality to our visitors on Easter is to ensure plenty of parking for them! Two buses will be running from Spring Mill Elementary to St. Luke’s from 6:30AM–1PM on Easter. If you would like front-door service, take advantage of this service and allow room for our Easter guests.

BOOKSTORE TEAM We are looking for friendly volunteer cashiers to work in flexible 2 to 4 hour shifts on weekdays or Sundays. Join the fun as we support Outreach Ministries with our profits. Training provided! Contact Susan Fuquay at fuquays@ sstlukesumc.com.information.

JOYS & CONCERNS CONDOLENCES TO: Shelley and Skyler Landis on the death of father and grandfather, Tom Landis Family and friends of Ruth Morrison Kim Yeager and family on the death of her mother, Jean Yeager

COMMUNION ELEMENTS are available in the Prayer Chapel this morning. Please enter through Door #2 on the south side of the building.

CONTACT US 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 stlukesumc.com • 317-846-3404 info@stlukesumc.com

Join us for Holy Week Now through April 14 | STATIONS of the CROSS East end of Gathering Area April 13 | MAUNDY THURSDAY 7PM | Sanctuary April 14 | GOOD FRIDAY 12PM | Sanctuary 6PM | “Prayers from the Garden” 7PM | Sanctuary April 15 | EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA (Easter egg hunt & more!) 9-11AM | Great Hall April 16 | EASTER SUNDAY 8, 9:30 & 11:15AM | Traditional | Sanctuary 9:30 & 11:15AM | Contemporary | Robertson Chapel

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