The Sage

January 2025

St. Luke’s Senior Newsletter
Hello St. Luke’s Senior Community!
As I am writing this today, it is very cold outside. I think my car indicated that the temperature outside is only 12 degrees. We are definitely in the month of January, when the snow and the cold air reminds us that Winter is indeed here and will remain with us for some time. I do hope that everyone is staying warm, and please be safe out there! I trust that everyone had a very blessed Christmas and holiday season and you’re off to a great start to 2025. My prayer for you is that this new year will be a year full of blessings, happiness, and joy in your life.
Speaking of joy, have you experienced this lately? Did you experience it in the year 2024? Even during the dark times in your life, were you able to find some joy in the midst of it? Do you think you might discover it in 2025? As you probably know, Pastor Rob has begun a sermon series centered on the topic, “How We Deal With Others,” with a focus on the fruit of the spirit. This past Sunday during his message, Pastor Rob spoke about joy and how we might know it and experience it. Rob’s message forced me to think about the many joys in my own life my wife and daughter, my family, my ministry, my church…however, I’m also reminded of the challenges I face and how these can interfere with my joys. During these times, I like to reflect on the words of the psalmist in Psalm 30: “Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning.” God is with us during the most difficult times in our lives and desires for us to know and experience this joy, especially as it comes through the Christ child.
According to the Christian church calendar, we are currently in the season of Epiphany, a time when we celebrate the arrival of the Wise Men in Bethlehem. The scriptures tell us that they were “overjoyed” when they saw the star that led to the Christ child. My prayer for you and the church this year is that we too can experience this kind of joy, a joy so fruitful that we will be “overjoyed.” May you know and experience joy in your life this new year, and may it be the kind of joy that can come only through God and God’s son, Jesus Christ. Have a joyful and blessed 2025!
As a reminder, our next Elderberries gathering will be held on Thursday, February 13th, at 11:45am with lunch served at Noon. The location is Fellowship Hall, and the cost is $6.00. Please RSVP to Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Blessings, Bryan (Pastor of Visitation)
from Minister Bryan Smith