WELCOME! NEW GUESTS Please find our “New Here” brochure in the Attendance Folder to learn more about us. Find a welcome gift at the New Here Table as you exit.
WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Thank you for registering your attendance. Please pass the Attendance Folder along your pew. Blue sheets are for new guests; white sheets are for all other worship participants.
PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the prayer cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Need a Prayer” link at stlukesumc.com. Pastors are available for prayer following each worship service.
ST. LUKE’S AT WORSHIP TRADITIONAL 8 & 9:15AM • Sanctuary 11AM • Robertson Chapel CONTEMPORARY 11AM • Sanctuary THE GARDEN 8:45 & 10AM • Beef & Boards Theatre CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE 5PM • Monthly, 3rd Sunday • Sanctuary LATER@ST. LUKE’S 6PM • Robertson Chapel
PARENTS OF SMALL CHILDREN Childcare and Sunday School are provided for newborn through 4th grade children. Visit the Information Center in the East Wing to find a classroom. Rocking chairs and live streaming of the worship service are available in Room E126. Children’s Worship Activity Kits are at the Welcome Center just outside the Sanctuary doors for children who join adults in worship.
YOUTH PROGRAMMING 5th - 12th Grade – Find details at stlukesumc.com/youth or visit the East Passage for help in finding youth activities. The 2015 Confirmation Class (55 members) will be received into membership next Sunday. Congratulations!
Sunday | May 10, 2015
Sunday | May 10, 2015
ALTAR FLOWERS In memory of Pat & Bruce Amrhiens’ mothers, Dorothy and Fern
Te Amo | Israel Houghton
Benjamin & Molly Shover on the birth of son Kellen Michael Shover
Katy & Kelley Bloom, Karen & Robert Hebert, and Patsy Tucker on birth of daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter Lake Kathryn Bloom.
Rev. David Williamson * WORSHIP
Your Love Never Fails | McClarney & Skinner Just Like You | Cheryl & Francis Wyatt
CONGRATULATIONS Kylee Baker & Travis Fuller and Caitlin Brennan & Zach Fangman on their respective marriages May 9
Friends and family of Barbara Rominger
Thank You For Hearing Me | David Crowder
Welcome into the membership of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. With you, we affirm our faith in God through Jesus Christ and vow to support this congregation by our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. 9:15AM - Sanctuary 11AM - Sanctuary Gary & Nancy Bingham Meghann Bowman Jessica Bingham Heather Campbell Maggie Bingham Miles Cork* & Deidre Moore Becky Finch Joe & Judy Dietz Bill Hatfield Adam Good & Sylvania Hernandez Dick & Shirley Lanham Anneka Miles Janice Rogers Paula Robinson 11AM - Robertson Maurice & Sherie Scott Jenni Bolen Lauren Thorne Orman (Mac) McKinley Fiona Wan* (* by baptism) Fran, Cheryl & April Wyatt
Ephesians 6:2-3 Cathy Bryant Eisenhower
MESSAGE Honor with a Promise Rev. David Williamson * SONGS OF RESPONSE
I Give You My Heart | Reuben Morgan For The Beauty Of The Earth | Kocher & Pierpoint * BENEDICTION
* standing, as able
Throughout May, St. Luke’s will receive an offering to support the Nepal earthquake relief effort. Please make out checks to St. Luke’s UMC, and add “Nepal Relief” in the memo line of the check, or on the offering envelope.
EVENTS JUNE 15-19 & JULY 13-17
East Passage
CAMP LUKE SIGN UP TODAY Sign up to be an adult leader, and/or treat the children in your life to one of the Vacation Bible School opportunities available this summer at St. Luke’s. From a music-focused camp to a program designed especially for middle schoolers, children from preschool to 7th grade will have a blast! MAY 17 | 3PM | Free Admission
CATHEDRAL CONCERT You do not need a ticket to Spain to hear the repertoire the St. Luke’s Chancel Choir will sing on their 2015 Concert Tour. Be the first audience for Renaissance motets to American folk hymns and spirituals at next Sunday’s afternoon concert.
Pick up a copy of Connections magazine, visit stlukesumc.com, subscribe to our e-newsletters, or scan this QR Code on a smart phone for more information. Contact us: 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN • 46260 stlukesumc.com • 317-846-3404 • info@stlukesumc.com
Sunday | May 10, 2015
ALTAR FLOWERS In memory of Pat & Bruce Amrhiens’ mothers, Dorothy and Fern
Te Amo | Israel Houghton
Benjamin & Molly Shover on the birth of son Kellen Michael Shover
Katy & Kelley Bloom, Karen & Robert Hebert, and Patsy Tucker on birth of daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter Lake Kathryn Bloom.
Rev. David Williamson * WORSHIP
Your Love Never Fails | McClarney & Skinner Just Like You | Cheryl & Francis Wyatt
CONGRATULATIONS Kylee Baker & Travis Fuller and Caitlin Brennan & Zach Fangman on their respective marriages May 9
Friends and family of Barbara Rominger
Thank You For Hearing Me | David Crowder
Welcome into the membership of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. With you, we affirm our faith in God through Jesus Christ and vow to support this congregation by our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. 9:15AM - Sanctuary 11AM - Sanctuary Gary & Nancy Bingham Meghann Bowman Jessica Bingham Heather Campbell Maggie Bingham Miles Cork* & Deidre Moore Becky Finch Joe & Judy Dietz Bill Hatfield Adam Good & Sylvania Hernandez Dick & Shirley Lanham Anneka Miles Janice Rogers Paula Robinson 11AM - Robertson Maurice & Sherie Scott Jenni Bolen Lauren Thorne Orman (Mac) McKinley Fiona Wan* (* by baptism) Fran, Cheryl & April Wyatt
Ephesians 6:2-3 Cathy Bryant Eisenhower
MESSAGE Honor with a Promise Rev. David Williamson * SONGS OF RESPONSE
I Give You My Heart | Reuben Morgan For The Beauty Of The Earth | Kocher & Pierpoint * BENEDICTION
* standing, as able
Throughout May, St. Luke’s will receive an offering to support the Nepal earthquake relief effort. Please make out checks to St. Luke’s UMC, and add “Nepal Relief” in the memo line of the check, or on the offering envelope.
EVENTS JUNE 15-19 & JULY 13-17
East Passage
CAMP LUKE SIGN UP TODAY Sign up to be an adult leader, and/or treat the children in your life to one of the Vacation Bible School opportunities available this summer at St. Luke’s. From a music-focused camp to a program designed especially for middle schoolers, children from preschool to 7th grade will have a blast! MAY 17 | 3PM | Free Admission
CATHEDRAL CONCERT You do not need a ticket to Spain to hear the repertoire the St. Luke’s Chancel Choir will sing on their 2015 Concert Tour. Be the first audience for Renaissance motets to American folk hymns and spirituals at next Sunday’s afternoon concert.
Pick up a copy of Connections magazine, visit stlukesumc.com, subscribe to our e-newsletters, or scan this QR Code on a smart phone for more information. Contact us: 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN • 46260 stlukesumc.com • 317-846-3404 • info@stlukesumc.com
WELCOME! NEW GUESTS Please find our “New Here” brochure in the Attendance Folder to learn more about us. Find a welcome gift at the New Here Table as you exit.
WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Thank you for registering your attendance. Please pass the Attendance Folder along your pew. Blue sheets are for new guests; white sheets are for all other worship participants.
PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the prayer cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Need a Prayer” link at stlukesumc.com. Pastors are available for prayer following each worship service.
ST. LUKE’S AT WORSHIP TRADITIONAL 8 & 9:15AM • Sanctuary 11AM • Robertson Chapel CONTEMPORARY 11AM • Sanctuary THE GARDEN 8:45 & 10AM • Beef & Boards Theatre CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE 5PM • Monthly, 3rd Sunday • Sanctuary LATER@ST. LUKE’S 6PM • Robertson Chapel
PARENTS OF SMALL CHILDREN Childcare and Sunday School are provided for newborn through 4th grade children. Visit the Information Center in the East Wing to find a classroom. Rocking chairs and live streaming of the worship service are available in Room E126. Children’s Worship Activity Kits are at the Welcome Center just outside the Sanctuary doors for children who join adults in worship.
YOUTH PROGRAMMING 5th - 12th Grade – Find details at stlukesumc.com/youth or visit the East Passage for help in finding youth activities. The 2015 Confirmation Class (55 members) will be received into membership next Sunday. Congratulations!
Sunday | May 10, 2015