2017-08-20_T_Worship Guide

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S U N D AY | A U G U S T 20, 2017

Welcome! WE’RE GLAD


welcome WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Thank you for registering your attendance. Please pass the attendance folder along your pew. New guests will learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the attendance folder and find a gift just for you at the Welcome Center.

CONNECT HERE To find your way of connecting with classes or small groups at St. Luke’s, stop by our Connect Here booth this morning in the Gathering Area outside of the Sanctuary or in the West Passage outside of Robertson Chapel.

PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the prayer cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at stlukesumc.com. Pastors are available for prayer following each worship service.

CARING FOR ST. LUKE’S If you are hospitalized, we want to know and care for you. Please call Laura Marine at 317-846-3404 or send an email to stlukescares@ stlukesumc.com.

PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide childcare and Sunday School for newborns through 3rdgrade children. Register all children in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children who remain in worship. Room 126 is equipped for nursing moms, including live streaming of worship.

YOUNG ADULTS Join us for coffee & cookies outside Robertson Chapel following the 9:30 & 11AM services.

YOUTH PROGRAMMING 5th - 8th Grade – Great Hall at 9:30. Students break out to the Modge (5th&6th), Great Hall (7th) and C124 (8th). 9th - 12th Grade – 9:30AM @ Luke’s Lodge; Worship and hang out. Come early for games. Find more at stlukesumc.com/connect/youth

LEARN MORE For more information on classes and other activities, pick up a copy of our Fall Ministry catalog, visit stlukesumc.com or subscribe to our e-newsletters.

CONTACT US 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 stlukesumc.com | 317-846-3404 | info@stlukesumc.com

PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Rob Fuquay Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger Rev. David Williamson Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson

order of worship S U N D AY, A U G U S T 20, 2017

PRELUDE Grand Choeur Dialogue | Eugene Gigout Great Is Thy Faithfulness | arr. Alan Moss (9:30 & 11AM) Festive Prelude on Old 100th | Bruce Stevenson Brass & Percussion Ensemble; Charles Goehring, Organ

WELCOME and INVOCATION Rev. Rob Fuquay (8:15 & 9:30AM) Rev. David Williamson (11AM)

* HYMN Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know | No. 163

* AFFIRMATION of FAITH Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger A Statement of Faith of the Korean Methodist Church, adpt. Leader: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the one true church, apostolic and universal, whose holy faith let us now declare: All: We believe in the one God, maker and ruler of all things, the source of all goodness and beauty, all truth and love. We believe in Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, our teacher, example, and Redeemer, the Savior of the world. We believe in the Holy Spirit, God present with us for guidance, for comfort, and for strength. We believe in the forgiveness of sins, in the life of love and prayer, and in grace equal to every need. We believe in the Word of God contained in the Old and New Testaments as the sufficient rule both of faith and of practice. We believe in the Church as the fellowship, for worship and for service, of all who are united to the living Lord. We believe in the kingdom of God as the divine rule in human society, in the final triumph of righteousness, and in the life everlasting. Amen.

* GLORY to GOD | No. 70 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end. Amen. Amen.

* GREETING ONE ANOTHER SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM (9:30AM) ANTHEM Be Not Afraid | Craig Courtney Ken Knowles, Vocalist & Brian Hoover, Trumpet (8:15AM) Shine on Me | arr. Rollo Dilworth Chancel Choir; Brass & Percussion Ensemble (9:30 & 11AM)

* standing, as able

CELEBRATION of MISSION TRIPS OFFERTORY How Great Thou Art | arr. Craig Courtney Lauren Walawender (8:15AM) How Great Thou Art | arr. Dan Forrest St. Luke’s Chancel Choir; Rebecca Edie, Piano (9:30 & 11AM)

* PRAISE to GOD | No. 95 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

* PRAYER of DEDICATION SCRIPTURE READING James 1: 9-11 | Lori Thomas (8:15AM) Hebrews 11: 1-3 | Kyle Guy (9:30AM) Hebrews 11: 1-3 (11AM)

MESSAGE | Faith in the Real World with Brad Stevens Rev. David Williamson (8:15AM) Rev. Rob Fuquay (9:30 & 11AM)

PRAYER TIME & THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

* CLOSING HYMN God Be With You Till We Meet Again | No. 672

* BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Allegro | Francis Jackson Charles Manning, Organist

joys & concerns ALTAR FLOWERS The altar flowers this morning are given by the family in loving memory of Charles W. Keller. Jr. BAPTISM (9:30AM) Michael Graham Brandtner, son of Michael and Caroline Brandtner

announcements WORSHIP... TRADITIONAL | 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM • Sanctuary CONTEMPORARY | 9:30 & 11AM • Robertson Chapel CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE | Today • 5PM • Robertson Chapel COMMUNION ELEMENTS The Prayer Chapel is available for communion this morning. Please enter through the exterior door just east of the main entrance, on the south side of the building.

CONNECT… FALL CATALOG/ADULT CLASS SIGNUP Pick up you red fall Catalog TODAY as you exit worship. Information about all classes and activities for fall are included. Stop by the Adult Discipleship table in the gathering area or outside of the chapel with questions. Or, fill out your bulletin insert with the class/small group you would like to register for and drop it in the offering plate today!

ATTUCKS: THE SCHOOL THAT OPENED THE CITY | August 22 and 29 • 7PM • Fellowship Hall For 42 years, Crispus Attucks was black Indianapolis. Virtually every African American in Indianapolis came of age inside its walls. Join us for the two-part showing of this film where Oscar Robertson, Colin Powell and others help tell the story of a nationally groundbreaking high school, whose successes became an agent for integration. The movie’s producer will be with us on the 29th.

PRAISE BAND KICK OFF | Thursdays We would love to have YOU as a part of our wonderful spiritual and musical family. Lots of opportunity to learn and grow for those who love singing! No experience necessary. Contact Fran Wyatt at wyattf@stlukesumc.com to find the right fit for you and get involved!

INVITE NIGHT KICKOFF | August 25 • 6:30 – 9:30PM • Luke’s Lodge This on-campus, no-cost event is open to our 5th – 8th grade students and their friends; snacks, shenanigans, worship and teaching all evening long!

CENTERING PRAYER WORKSHOP | August 26 • 9AM – 1PM • N101/102 This receptive method of silent prayer prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer and adds depth of meaning to all prayer while facilitating the movement towards more active modes of prayer. Free-will offering. Contact Mary Kendall at mkendall@iu.edu with questions.

EXPLORING MEMBERSHIP | August 27 • 12:15 – 3:15PM • Luke’s Lodge Hear the story of St. Luke’s and discuss what it means to be a member of this local congregation. Learn the process for formally joining St. Luke’s. Childcare available upon request. Lunch provided. Register at stlukesumc.com.

CHILDREN’S CHOIRS | August 27 There are several options for children to participate in musical experiences this fall. Look at the various options at stlukesumc.com or email Gay Talbert for information at talbertg@stlukesumc.com

GOLF FUNDRAISER - CROOKED CREEK FOOD PANTRY | September 9 • Pebble Brook Golf Club Support CCFP by swinging a club! Registration and lunch begin at noon with a shot-gun start at 1:30PM. Foursome fees: $500. Sponsorship opportunities available for non-golfers! Stop by the West Passage for more information on this event or how you can support the food pantry in other ways.

ATTENTION COLLEGE PARENTS! The school year is starting, and we want to serve you and your family! Please send your student’s updated information (including mailing address) to our College Care Team so we can include your son or daughter on our care package list. Email Margaret Wood margaretw@arborhomesllc.com.

SERVE… CHILD ADVOCATES INFORMATIONAL SESSION | August 27 • 10:30 – 11AM • C115 13 children enter the foster care system every day in Marion County. Learn more about the need for Child Advocates in the court system and how you can become a voice for a foster child. Contact Andrea Leadford for more information at leadeforda@stlukesumc.com.

2018 HIGH SCHOOL HAITI INTEREST MEETING | August 27 • 12:30 – 2PM • N101/102 Our youth are headed back to Haiti next summer! If you are interested or have questions, join Josh, Pastor Dave and others from the 2017 trip as we share a meal ($5), ask questions and share information about the trip. Contact Josh at sweeneyj@stlukesumc.com for more information.

CPR TRAINING | September 9 • 9AM – 12PM • N103/104 Have you learned the “new” CPR? Everyone is welcome, whether you need a refresher or have never been trained. To register, contact Mary Connors at st.lukeshealthministry@gmail.com.

CALLING ALL CARPENTERS! For our next worship series (September-early October), we will be doing a unique project requiring some skilled builders. Time commitment would be around two hours/week, for people who enjoy a creative team challenge! Please contact Pastor Dave at williamsond@stlukesumc.com if interested.

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