SCRIPTURE M a tthew 4 : 1 7 Fro m t h a t time on, J e sus be gan to p re a c h , “ Re pe nt, f or the kingdom o f h e ave n has come ne ar.”
J ob 38: 1 T h e n t h e Lord spoke to J ob out of t h e s to rm.
Se pte m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 | Matthe w 4 :1 7 , Jo b 3 8:1 R e v. R o b Fuq u ay
[ re ] FORM: The Perfect Storm I. F orm and R efo rm “The earth was formles s (Gen. 1:2)… The Lord God formed man (Gen. 2:7)…” Thesis #1: “When our Lord and Mas ter Jes us Chris t s aid ‘Repent’ (Mt 4:17) he willed the entire life of believers to be of one repentance.”
I I. The P erfe ct Sto rm A. _______________________ Indulgences : B. _______________________
C. _______________________ III. T he Signific ance of S torm s A. Storms Are Not a Sign of __________________ But ____________________________________ Then the Lord s poke to Job out of the s torm. (Job 38:1)
B. Storms Bring Opportunity to ________________ “If you work (my) words into your life, you are like a s mart carpenter who built his house on s olid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that hous e.” (Matthew 7:25 Msg)