2017-09-17_C_Worship Guide

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Sunday | September 17, 2017

WELCOME! WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Thank you for registering your attendance. Please pass the attendance folder along your pew. New guests will learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the attendance folder and find a gift just for you at the Welcome Center.

CONNECT HERE To find your way of connecting with classes or small groups at St. Luke’s, stop by our Connect Here booth this morning in the Gathering Area outside of the Sanctuary or in the West Passage outside of Robertson Chapel.

PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the prayer cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at stlukesumc.com. Pastors are available for prayer following each worship service.

CARING FOR ST. LUKE’S If you are hospitalized, we want to know and care for you. Please call Laura Marine at 317-846-3404 or send an email to stlukescares@ stlukesumc.com.

PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide childcare and Sunday School for newborns through 3rd-grade children. Register all children in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children who remain in worship. Room 126 is equipped for nursing moms, including live streaming of worship.

YOUNG ADULTS Join us for coffee and cookies outside Robertson Chapel following the 9:30 & 11AM services.

YOUTH PROGRAMMING 5th - 8th Grade – Great Hall at 9:30. Students break out to the Modge (5th&6th), Great Hall (7th) and C124 (8th). 9th - 12th Grade – 9:30AM @ Luke’s Lodge; Worship and hang out. Come early for games. Find more at stlukesumc.com/connect/youth

LEARN MORE For more information on classes and other activities, pick up a copy of our Fall Ministry catalog; visit stlukesumc.com or subscribe to our e-newsletters.

WORSHIP ORDER Sunday | September 17, 2017 CALL to WORSHIP * WORSHIP Ancient Words | Lynn DeShazo Exaltemos (Let It Rise) | Leyda E. Colon de Torres, Holland Davis & Wison Jr. Torres


SCRIPTURE READING Psalm 22: 1 & 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 Tobin Montgomery (9:30AM) John Guild (11AM)

MESSAGE | [re]FORM: Sola Scriptura Rev. David Williamson (9:30AM) Rev. Rob Fuquay (11AM)

* WORSHIP Word of God Speak | Pete Kipley & Bart Millard


* standing, as able




The Prayer Chapel is available for communion this morning. Please enter through the exterior door just east of the main entrance, on the south side of the building. If you know of someone in a healthcare facility or homebound who would like to receive communion, please notify Mary Katherine at 8463404 or schnitzm@stlukesumc.com.

CITY-WIDE TAIZÉ SERVICE | Sept. 22 • 7–8:15PM • Sweeny Chapel,

CTS “Peace among Peoples of the Earth” is the theme of this service that nourishes a deeper appreciation for the value of silence and prayer. All are welcome. Contact Mark at squirem@stlukesumc.com with questions.


The Sowers are having a plant sale featuring plants that will perform well in our area and fall is a great time to perk up your garden! This year there will also be some native trees for sale. All plants are priced below retail and proceeds go toward maintaining the church garden. Come early for best selection!

3RD GRADE BIBLE PRESENTATION | Today • 5:30 – 7:30PM •

Fellowship Hall Join us this evening, with your 3rd grader, for an early recognition of this special milestone with food, fellowship, Bible games and a special time of blessing your child. Your child will leave ready to explore their new Bible with confidence. On September 24, Bibles will be presented during the 9:30AM worship service in the Sanctuary. Register your child for both events at stlukesumc.com

HIGH SCHOOL SMALL GROUP | Today – Dec. 3 • 5 – 6:30PM •

Luke’s Lodge The mission trip doesn’t stop when you get home! Come be a part of the discussion that takes a look at what a good mission or service project looks like, whether you’ve been on a mission trip or not. Contact Josh for more information at sweeneyj@stlukesumc.com.


Dinner will be in the Great Hall from 5:30 – 6:15PM, no reservations needed. Suggested donation of $5 per person, $20 max per family. Adult classes run from 6:15 – 7:30PM with childcare and children’s programming at the same time.

FILM SHORTS | September 22 • 7PM • Luke’s Lodge

Shorts tell delightful tales in under 30 minutes. Discussions will be held between each of three movies: “Bicycles”, “Side by Side” and “Validation”.

MIDDLE SCHOOL FALL RETREAT | September 22 and 23 • Lodge

New kind of retreat for our 5th – 8th graders! Grades will be broken out into separate areas for sleeping and come together for games and worship.

Saturday we will head to Eagle Creek, indoor water parks and other fun! $70. Signup at stlukesumc.com.


8PM • Sanctuary This concert, What We Need is Here: Hope, Hard Times and the Human Possibility, is designed to encourage a new kind of conversation – one that bridges our divides and helps restore civic community. Tickets before 9/17 - $25, after 9/17 - $30; available in the West Passage today, main office or at stlukesumc.com. Gary Walters will accompany Carrie.

SCREENAGERS | October 2 • 6:30 – 8:15PM • Robertson Chapel

This award-winning documentary explores struggles over social media, video games and internet addiction. Gain surprising insights and learn solutions on how to empower kids to best navigate the digital world.

MOXIE MATTERS TOUR | October 27 • 2 and 7PM

Jen Hatmaker and Nichole Nordeman will make you laugh and cry and remind us that every part of our journey leads to a bigger, beautiful story. Discount tickets available at itickets.com with discount password MMHOST, for $24. Limited number available.


Looking for a way to help after the disaster in Texas & Florida? Join other St. Lukers in assembling a flood bucket by filling it with the items listed! Buckets can be picked up this morning in the West Passage and returned by 9/24. Donations may be placed in the offering basket with “Hurricane Relief” on the memo line.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY | October 13 - November 18

Join the effort to build a new home for Kinyatta and her three children in the Crooked Creek area. Shifts available Friday – Sunday, with the dedication on November 18. Sign up today in the West Passage and be sure to leave your hand print.

FONDWA TRIP | November 11 - 18

Join Pastor Jamalyn on this relational trip; you will work with Haitian workers to build a home and a cottage at the orphanage, and take school photos. Contact her at williamsonj@stlukesumc.com with questions.

EMPLOYMENT AT ST. LUKE’S | stlukesumc.com

Looking for a great place to work or know of someone who would be a great addition to our staff? We currently have openings for an Administrative Assistant in Children’s Ministry and a Children’s and Family Director of Ministries. Send resume to Nancy Lange at langen@ stlukesumc.com.


If you are looking for an easy way to plug in, consider being a volunteer in our Connections Bookstore or our Wednesday Night Live dinners. With an hour or two, you can make a big difference! Contact Dorothy Eads at eadsd@stlukesumc.com to volunteer.

JOYS & CONCERNS BAPTISMS 9:30AM Traditional Carson Glenn Wisnieski, son of Chris & Abby Wisnieski Miles Walter Wisnieski son of Chris & Abby Wisnieski

CONGRATULATIONS TO: Jennifer Williams and Josh Collins on their marriage on September 16

CONDOLENCES TO: Lynn Caldwell and family on the death of her husband Howard Caldwell Phil and Sydney Powell on the death of his mother, Jamie Taylor Powell

ST. LUKE’S AT WORSHIP TRADITIONAL | 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM Sanctuary CONTEMPORARY | 9:30 & 11AM Robertson Chapel CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE | 5PM Today • Robertson Chapel

CONTACT US 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 stlukesumc.com • 317-846-3404 info@stlukesumc.com Rev. Rob Fuquay Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger Rev. David Williamson Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson

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