St. Luke’s United Methodist Church October 11, 2020
STL God’s Truth in the Lies We Tell Ourselves
joys & concerns CONGRATULATIONS TO: Jeff, Caroline and big brother Harrison Hartzell on the birth of Savannah Jane Hartzell on September 28 CONDOLENCES TO: Lisa Ranck on the loss of her mother, Elaine Werner Paul and Anne Peterson and family on the loss of his mother, Mary Ann Peterson Richard and Julie Gentry on the loss of Julie’s sister, Mary Pope Lennie Foy, Kara Stolle and family on the loss of Lennie’s mother, Elsie Foy Naomi Anderson on the death of her husband, Jim
announcements WORSHIP…
REOPENING FOR IN-PERSON WORSHIP October 18 • 9 & 11AM We are excited to resume in-person worship. Our top priority is providing you the safest environment possible so protocols have been shaped by the guidance of our state and local leaders. To do that, we’ve adjusted our services to a 9AM traditional service in the Sanctuary and an 11AM contemporary service in the Chapel. Masks will be required while you are in the building. If you plan to join us in person, please register your attendance at You may also sign up for a Reopening Serve Team at registration/reopenvolunteer.
GROW in your faith… ANCHORPOINT Our Sunday morning Bible Study is streamed each week at 8:45AM, 12:15, 3:15 and 6:15PM and is led by various pastors. Join us on the Watch Live page of our website.
THE NEXT QUESTION DISCUSSION GROUP 2nd and 4th Thursdays, through Nov. 12 • 6:30 – 8PM Engage in conversations on racial justice in this video web series that engages leaders, activists and thinkers to imagine an expansive racial justice. Hosts Austin Channing Brown, Chi Chi Okwu and Jenny Booth Potter are joined by others like Brené Brown, Nikole Hannah-Jones and Andre Henry. Register at for the Zoom link and the video to watch before class. ONLINE EXPLORING MEMBERSHIP CLASS Oct. 15 • 7 – 8:30PM • Zoom Hear the story of St. Luke’s and discuss what it means to become a member while exploring next steps in faith and service. Learn the process for formally joining St. Luke’s. A Zoom link will be sent when you register at nextsteps. ONLINE STARTING POINT | Oct. 22 • 7 – 7:30PM • Zoom Join this casual conversation with lay members of the church for an opportunity to learn more about our ministries, ask questions and discover your next steps. A Zoom link will be sent after you register at HIGH SCHOOL HALLOWEEN HEIST Oct. 25 • 3:45 – 6PM • Great Hall Join us for a Top Teen Idol mystery party! Dress as a celebrity or in a red carpet outfit for this fun who-done-it and arrive at 3:45 to get a great role. Students are required to wear masks the entire time on campus, except while eating snacks. This event is limited to 50 people, so register now at stlukesumc. com/event/441.
DIVORCE CARE | Mondays through Dec. 14 • 6:30 – 8PM • Zoom While divorce is always hard, the pandemic may make it even more difficult. We want to be there for you during this difficult time. Consider joining our online DivorceCare on Mondays this fall. There is no registration fee; only a $15 fee (plus S&H) for the purchase of the workbook when you register directly with DivorceCare. Register at Questions? Email Kevin Davis at
GO in service to others… VIRTUAL TUTORING As Washington Township schools begin to reopen, 10 students are in need of a Virtual Tutor to work with them 2 times a week via Zoom. Training will be provided and background checks are required. Proficiency in any specific subject is not necessary! To sign up for virtual tutoring this year, sign up here: PRAYER TEAM An amazing transformation takes place when our families, community, and church are lifted up in prayer. If you would like to join others in our community who intercede, weekly, on behalf of the St. Luke’s community who need God’s presence and healing, contact Brandon Hale at to receive a weekly list of prayer requests.