The Bible in 10 Episodes
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October 20
welcome CONNECT HERE Stop by the Connect Here booth outside of the Sanctuary or Chapel for information on small groups, classes and ways to serve. PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the Prayer Request cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at Pastors are available for prayer after each service. HOSPITALIZED? HAVE A NEW BABY? Call Laura Marine at 317-846-3404 or send an email to stlukescares@, so we can care for you. If you have a medical emergency after hours and need a pastor, call the church office and follow instructions.
CONNECTIONS GIFT & BOOKSTORE HOURS Sunday 8:30AM – 12:30PM; Tuesday & Wednesday, 9:30AM – 1PM RESTLESS CHILD AREA Enjoy our live services at the east end of the Gathering Area or in the Central Passage, if your child needs a break during worship. PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide nursery and Sunday School for newborns through 4th-graders. Register in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children in worship. Live-streaming of worship is available for nursing moms in E126. YOUNG ADULTS Join us for coffee & cookies outside the Chapel at 10:30AM or noon. YOUTH PROGRAMMING 5th - 8th Grade: Sundays, 9:30AM at the Lodge. At 11AM, Middle School Music Ministry in the Lodge. For more information or to register, contact Heather; 9th-12th Grade: Sundays, 9AM the Hub located in C124 inside Door 15. Students will attend 9:30 services together. To sign up for Small Groups, contact Travis; LEARN MORE For more information about activities, pick up a copy of our Fall Ministry Catalog or visit CONTACT US 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 | 317-846-3404 | PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Rob Fuquay, Senior Pastor Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger, Executive Pastor Rev. Jevon Caldwell-Gross, Teaching & Guest Experience Pastor Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross, Pastor of Mobilization & Outreach Rev. Regina Proctor, Pastor of Care Ministries Pastors in Formation: Kevin Davis • Mindie Moore
We’re Glad You’re Here!
Thank you for signing the attendance pad with at least one piece of contact information when it is passed. New guests: learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the worship attendance folders and stop at the Welcome Center for a gift. Be sure to join us across from the sanctuary after worship for coffee and donuts.
order of worship S U N D AY, O C T O B E R 2 0 , 2 0 19
PRELUDE For the Beauty of the Earth | arr. Robert Sterling Praise to the Lord | arr. Camp Kirkland St. Luke’s Orchestra; Dr. Jeff Rogers, Director * WELCOME & CALL to WORSHIP Rev. Rob Fuquay (8:15 & 9:30AM) Rev. Jevon Caldwell-Gross (11AM) Leader: As we enter worship, let us be reminded by these collections of Psalms of the hope that God offers to those that believe. People: Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Leader: Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. People: For you have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth. From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you. As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. Leader: We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you. People: No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame. Leader: Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. People: Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. * HYMN Rejoice, the Lord Is King | No. 715 * UNISON PRAYER Written by Brian Williams Rev. Regina Proctor People: Everlasting God, whose love offers eternal life and whose power springs eternal hope; give us hearts to seek the wellbeing of the city, to bear your peace in making all things new, and live as people filled with hope.This we pray, in the name of the one, who is, and who was, and who is to come. Amen * GREETING ONE ANOTHER
BAPTISMS (9:30AM) ANTHEM Let There Be Peace on Earth | arr. Mary McDonald Chancel Choir and St. Luke’s Orchestra PRAYER TIME & THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen. ANNOUNCEMENTS OFFERTORY How Great Thou Art | arr. Dan Forrest Chancel Choir and St. Luke’s Orchestra * PRAISE to GOD | No. 95 * PRAYER of DEDICATION MESSAGE | Bingeworthy: Future Hope Rev. Rob Fuquay (8:15 & 9:30AM) Rev. Jevon Caldwell-Gross (11AM) SCRIPTURE READING | Revelation 21:1-6 Debra Peek (8:15AM) Leanne Jackson (9:30AM) Nancy Hopper (11AM) CLOSING HYMN * BENEDICTION POSTLUDE On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand Judy WIlliams, Organ (8:15AM) Praise to the Lord | arr. Camp Kirkland St. Luke’s Orchestra (9:30 & 11AM) * standing, as able
In October, Habitat for Humanity invites you to volunteer in the Mapleton/Fall Creek neighborhood alongside the homebuyer, Shanda, for interior and exterior painting projects. Fri.–Sunday, October 18–26. Sign up at http:// SAWs is a faith-based nonprofit providing independence and dignity to low-income persons with a permanent disability. ADA-compliant wheelchair ramps are constructed and provided at no cost to clients, enabling them to exit their home independently and reconnect with their community. Volunteers give freedom to someone who has been trapped in their home. Register at to experience it yourself. To donate, text STLUKESUMC to 77977
joys & concerns ALTAR FLOWERS:
Given in celebration of Terri Fuson’s 60th birthday, from her loving husband, Brad.
Jac Allen Judd, son of Ali & Phil Judd (9:30T) Beau Weldon Miller, son of Shelly and Nathan Miller (9:30T) Isla Grace Nibarger, daughter of Brent and Deanna Nibarger (9:30C) Jude Steele Frazier, son of Bonnie Glass (11C) Zakiyat-Willow Sayge Bakary, daughter of Bonnie Glass (11C)
Jon Burman and Patty Kyle on their marriage on Oct. 19
announcements WORSHIP... COMMUNION
The Prayer Chapel is available for communion this morning. Enter through the exterior door west of door #1. If someone in a healthcare facility or homebound would like communion, notify Kevin Davis at 317-846-3404 or davisk@
New discipleship offerings: Wed. mornings: Making Room with Pastor Jevon; Wed. evenings: The New Jim Crow with Pastor Nicole; Born Catholic, Now Methodist: Am I Going to Hell? with Tom Maksym; Authentic Manhood with Greg Hale and several on Sundays. Register at or stop by a Connect Here booth with questions.
Join us for dinner in the Great Hall (Ham loaf w/mustard sauce, tossed salad, coconut corn, cheese bread and GF cinnamon-raisin bread, brownies (GF) and ice cream) from 5:15 – 6:15PM; $5/person, $20 max/family. Adult classes and children’s programming from 6:15 – 7:30PM. Childcare available. Head to a Connect Here booth outside of worship for more info.
Work in teams to solve a mystery with prizes awarded! Food, candy, a fire, fallthemed games and time to hang out with friends! Costumes encouraged but not required. Cost: $5 + one non-perishable food item to donate to Crooked Creek Food Pantry. Bring a friend!
CHURCH TOUR | October 22 27 • 6:30 – 7:30PM • Church office
Join others to explore our nooks and crannies and learn a bit of our history. Register at Childcare provided.
INVITE NIGHT: FALL PARTY | Oct. 25 • 6:30 – 9:30PM • Luke’s Lodge
An on-campus event with crazy themes open to 5th – 8th graders and their friends. Hayrides, snacks, pumpkin painting and catapulting, costume contests, Scary-oke and more! $5 and guests are free.
Fellowship Hall An opportunity to celebrate the diversity of our community and learn more about another culture by building relationships with people from different racial, religious and ethnic communities. $10 for dinner. Register at Bring an object representing someone you love who has died. Appropriate for Middle School and older.
MEN’S MONTHLY BREAKFAST | Nov. 2 • 8 – 9:30AM • Parlor
Join this monthly gathering for food and conversation – a great space to learn ways to serve and connect with St. Luke’s leaders. No registration needed.
HIGH SCHOOL RETREAT | Nov. 2 – 3 • Epworth Forest Conf. Center
Regroup, renew and refocus with large group games, a giant harness swing, s’mores and time to worship and learn. Register at and contact Travis at with questions.
We are planning a tribute to our St. Luke’s veterans and service members for Veteran’s Day. Please share your information at to be included!
LIFE-CHANGING WOMEN’S RETREAT | Nov. 15 – 17 • Wasatch Lake,
Poland, IN Join 60 women of all ages and focus on Falling in Love with the God Jesus Knows. Led by Susan Fuquay, Robin Chaddock, Mindie Moore; music by Cheryl Wyatt. Rest, healthy meals, chair massage, optional: yowo (yoga worship), walks around lake, vision boards, workshops, worship, laughter, new friends. $160; 14 spots left. Email Susan Fuquay at or call or text Susan at 317-495-5582 if interested. Register at
GO… CPR TRAINING | Nov. 2 • 9AM – Noon • N101/102
Learn the new CPR, whether you need a refresher or have never been trained. To register for $25, contact Mary Connors at
Interested in joining a Hurricane Dorian relief trip in late spring or summer of 2020? Contact
WNL CHILDREN’S HELP | Wednesdays • 5:45 – 7:45PM
Want to cuddle babies or have fun with our ENL and St. Luke’s children? Contact Jennifer at for more details on this serving opportunity.
Do you love working with kids (infants – tweens) so that parents can attend classes and small groups? Our caregivers are positive, playful, reliable, punctual and love children! Our greatest needs are Tues. mornings and Wed. evenings. Interested in more info? Contact Lauren at or 317-8463404.
Our team is looking for more volunteers! Contact Lucretia Scammahorn @ to learn more and volunteer!
We are excited to add two new positions to our staff: Dir. of Children’s Ministries and Children’s Special Needs Coordinator. Applications can be found at