Sunday, October 28, 2018
WELCOME! WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Thank you for registering your attendance and passing the attendance pad along your pew. New guests will learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the pew backs and find a gift for you at the Welcome Center. CONNECT HERE Please stop by the Connect Here booth outside of the Sanctuary or outside of Robertson Chapel for information on Small Groups, classes and ways to serve. PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on Connect cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at Pastors are available for prayer after each service. CARING FOR ST. LUKE’S Hospitalized? Please call Laura Marine at 317-846-3404 or send an email to, so we can care for you.
CONNECTIONS BOOKSTORE HOURS Tuesday & Wednesday, 9:30AM – 1:30PM; Sunday 8:30AM – 12:30PM RESTLESS CHILD AREA Enjoy our live services at the east end of the Gathering Area or in the Central Passage, if your child needs a break during worship. PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide childcare and Sunday School for newborns through 4th-grade children. Register in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children in worship. Room 126 is equipped for nursing moms, with live streaming of worship. YOUNG ADULTS Join us for coffee & cookies outside the Chapel at 10:30AM or noon. YOUTH PROGRAMMING Incoming 5th – 8th Grade – Sundays, 9:30AM in the Great Hall. After worship and games, classes break out: 5th & 6th in Modge, 7th/Confirmation in GH, 8th in C124. 9th – 12th Grade – Sundays, 9:30AM in Luke’s Lodge. B-Stud – Wednesdays, 6:15–7:45PM in the Lodge. 5th-8th downstairs, 9th-12th upstairs. LEARN MORE For more information about activities, pick up a copy of our Fall catalog or visit
WORSHIP ORDER Sunday | October 28, 2018
* WORSHIP PRAYER Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross
ANNOUNCEMENTS OFFERING SCRIPTURE READING | Exodus 16:1-7 Matthew Kennedy (9:30AM) Jean Palmer Heck (11AM)
MESSAGE | Turning the Corner: From Scarcity to Abundance Rev. Jevon Caldwell-Gross (9:30AM) Rev. Rob Fuquay (11AM)
* WORSHIP * BENEDICTION * standing, as able
Today is Day 50 of this 86 days of prayer.
Lord, share with us Your vision of who St. Luke’s should be in this community, and give us the grace and discipline to achieve Your will together. Amen.
To receive a daily text reminding you to pray for St. Luke’s, text “Pray” to 317-659-7990
Members of St. Luke’s who have passed away since November 2017 will be included in our All Saints Celebration of Life next Sunday. If this includes your loved one and you did not receive a letter from us, please contact Laura Marine at or 317-846-3404.
The Prayer Chapel is available for communion this morning. Enter through the exterior door west of the main entrance. If you know of someone in a healthcare facility or homebound who would like to receive communion, please notify Mary Katherine at 317-846-3404 or
Join us to celebrate fall as we provide a safe and not-so-scary trick-or-treat experience for families from the neighborhood and St. Luke’s. Enjoy a dinner that raises money for our weekday early childhood program, as well as crafts and trunk-or-treating.
CHURCH TOUR | October 30 • 6:30 – 7:30PM Join others to explore our facility with all of its nooks and crannies and learn a bit of our history. Childcare available. Register at POVERTY: EXAMINING ROOTS, WORKING TOWARDS SOLUTIONS | October 30 • 7 – 8::30PM • Great Hall
Join us for a discussion on author Michelle Alexander’s presentation at Clowes on 10/23. We will view clips of her talk and engage in conversation.
SOUP & SPEAKER SERIES | October 31 • Noon - 1:15PM • Fellowship Hall Enjoy lunch and speaker, Stephie, on being a trans woman. Join us as we learn more about being an open community. No registration needed. WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE
Join us for dinner from 5:15 – 6:15PM. Dinner will be dressed up as breakfast: plain & blueberry pancakes, pineapple French toast, egg & ham casserole, veggie egg casserole, sausage, scrambled eggs, fruit compote. $5 per person, $20 max per family. Adult classes, youth Bible study and children’s choir from 6:15 – 7:30PM. Childcare available.
WOMEN’S RETREAT | November 2 • 8:30AM – 3PM • Great Hall Calling all women to join us Friday! If you long for intimacy with God and others, but resist letting go of your defenses, this retreat is for you. Sharon Garlough Brown, nationally-known author of the Sensible Shoes series, discusses struggles such as people-pleasing, perfectionism & shame & offers practices to get us to authentic relationships. $30; childcare, breakfast and lunch provided. Sign up outside worship today. MEN’S MONTHLY BREAKFAST | Nov. 3 • 8 - 9:30AM • Parlor Join this monthly gathering of men for a devotional and conversation on living with purpose. No registration needed.
ORGAN CONCERT | November 7 • 1:30 – 2:30PM • Sanctuary Join us for an hour of organ music with Schuyler Brinson, current Director of Music and Organist at Geist Christian Church and Staff Accompanist at Anderson University. This concert honors veterans, is free and open to all. A reception follows the concert. 20s/30s FRIENDSGIVING | November 9 • 6:30PM • Luke’s Lodge
Join us for the 5th annual Friendsgiving – and this year we invite other UMCs to join the fun! Bring your favorite Thanksgiving side dish – we provide the meat. All are all welcome – come hungry and ready for a great time! Contact Mindie at with questions; register at
UMW HOLIDAY BAZAAR | November 10 • 9AM – 4PM Christmas shop from over 130 vendors and raise money for missions! Highquality, hand-made items galore. Arrive early for homemade cinnamon rolls and stay for lunch. Admission is free! STARTING POINT | November 11 • 10:45AM or 12:15PM • C115 Are you new to St. Luke’s? Learn more about us in 30 minutes, and leave with recommended steps to help you find your place within our church. Childcare available.
SERVE… CHANGING FOOTPRINTS SERVICE DAY | Today • 12 – 3PM Join us for a free lunch at the Lodge and then we head to the Changing Footprints facility and help sort shoes to be given to our immigrant and homeless neighbors. Live out what we’ve been discussing on Sunday mornings! HABITAT FOR HUMANITY BUILD | Through November 10 Join the St, Luke’s effort to build a new home for Blanca and Vidal and their three children. Shifts available on Saturdays and Sundays. Stop by the West Passage today or sign up at UMW FOOD DRIVE
This semi-annual food drive supports local food pantries! Pick up a grocery bag in the West Passage and return by Wednesday.
CPR TRAINING | November 3 • 9AM - Noon • W125 Everyone is welcome to learn CPR, whether you need a refresher or have never been trained. $25; contact Mary Connors at stlukeshealthministy@ to register. HURRICANE FLOOD BUCKETS
Pick up your buckets today in the Gathering Area or at doors 6 or 7, and purchase items listed for the cleaning or health kits. You may also donate funds or individual items for the kits. Email for more information. The UMC is always one of the first to respond to natural disasters with these buckets!
The majority of United Methodists want the church to stay together and live with our differences. St. Luke’s wants to support Mark Holland’s work to pass the One Church Plan at the 2019 General Conference with $2,500. To contribute, write One Church Plan on the memo line of your check.
Ron and Pam Houck on the death of her sister, Patricia Bouslog
ST. LUKE’S AT WORSHIP TRADITIONAL | 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM Sanctuary CONTEMPORARY | 9:30 & 11AM Robertson Chapel CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE | 5PM Third Sunday • Robertson Chapel CONTACT US 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 • 317-846-3404 Rev. Rob Fuquay Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger Rev. Jevon Caldwell-Gross Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross Rev. Regina Proctor Pastors in Formation: Kevin Davis and Mindie Moore