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All Saints’ Service

Clark Kellogg to Speak About His “Journey of a Lifetime”

Sunday, November 3 at 6PM in Robertson Chapel. A service to honor those saints who have gone before us, especially beloved family and friends. There will be a special remembrance of losses of this past year, Holy Communion, candle lighting, and beautiful music. Led by Rev. Rob Fuquay and Dr. Marion Miller.

Saturday, November 2 at 9:30AM in Robertson Chapel. Clark Kellogg, lead basketball analyst for CBS Sports and former Indiana Pacer, will share reflections on his life and faith in his speech, “Journey of a Lifetime.” Come early and enjoy a breakfast prepared by United Methodist Men. Stephen Ministry is sponsoring this free event. A donation will be collected to benefit the St. Luke’s benevolence fund.

November 2013


Angela Brown in Concert In a collaboration between the Worship and Outreach ministries and the Inter-Faith Hunger Initiative, renowned soprano Angela Brown will present a concert on Saturday, November 2 at 7:30PM. Brown will present an evening of brilliance, featuring the best from her classical repertoire to spirituals and Broadway favorites. Ticket proceeds will benefit the work being done to end hunger in Indianapolis and feed 3,000 children in southwest Kenya. Tickets are $20/ adults, $12/students and are available at the church website or by calling the church office. Patron tickets at $60/person are also available and will include priority seating and admission to a patron only reception following the concert.

2014 Stewardship Campaign: Find & Give Hope This fall, we are spending five weeks as a community of faith exploring all the ways in which we can share the message of hope that St. Luke’s has for the world. Sunday, November 10 will be an especially celebratory day as we pledge our commitments for 2014.


Adult Ministries


Spiritual Life Center


Children’s Ministries


Youth Ministries


Music Ministries


Children’s Music






Outreach Ministries


Member Care

WORSHIP Sunday Worship Services with Rev. Rob Fuquay 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM, Sanctuary • Communion is served the first Sunday of the month at all three services and is available to all persons. • St. Luke’s Orchestra plays the third Sunday of the month. • Baptisms take place the third, fourth and fifth Sundays of every month. Parents must attend an orientation class in order to sign their child up for baptism. See for details. Taizé, Third Sundays of each month, 5-5:45PM by the baptismal font in the Sanctuary with musical community and Rev. Marsha Hutchinson. A service of peace and candlelight with silence, scriptures, prayer, and beautiful music. Later@St. Luke’s, Sundays, 6PM in Robertson Chapel with Dr. Marion Miller. Come hear contemporary Christian, gospel and jazz music featuring the Later Band and Vocals, along with a challenging, thought-provoking message. Holy Communion served every Sunday. The Garden at Beef & Boards with Dr. Linda McCoy 8:15, 9:15 & 10:15AM every Sunday The Garden is a satellite ministry of St. Luke’s providing non-traditional worship in a comfortable, casual setting. Music provided by The Good Earth Band.


This issue lists upcoming events November through mid-December 2013. The deadlines for submitting announcements for the next Communion Monthly: November 7 for December issue (publishes 11/29) Communion Monthly: a publication of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 100 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.846.3404 • A PDF version of this publication is available online.

St. Luke’s office is open 8:30AM-5PM Monday-Friday. Our Prayer Chapel (located inside Robertson Chapel next to the Spiritual Life Center) is available for silent prayer and meditation when the church is open. A pastor is always on call in case of emergencies; call 846-3404 to leave a message after hours.

In general:

When you need something, our outstanding front desk staff can direct your call to the appropriate person. But here are some tips for some of the most frequently requested information:

I Need:


Adult Class Registration: Jilliane Pruiett Childcare Needs for Meetings/Events: Kristi Chamberlain (charges may apply) Member Care/Death/Hospitalization Stephen Ministry Request: Mary Katherine Schnitz Membership/Births/Address/Phone Change: Sylvia Forbes Reserve a Room/Request A/V: Beth Lammers Weddings/Special Event Coordination: Allison Flickinger Baptisms: Kristi Chamberlain Pledge Balance/Information: Finance Office Oasis Bookstore: Sharon Holyoak


Need to email someone on our staff? Easy. Our email is our last name followed immediately by first initial, followed by

New Associate Pastor

Kim King

Ready for Her Next Adventure


hile vacationing in Hawaii years ago, Rev. Kim King fell in love… with zip-lining. Not for the faint of heart, zip-lining serves as an appropriate metaphor for Kim’s life as she’s slid feet first into a number of life changes over the years. The newest adventure Kim will be sliding into is the role of St. Luke’s Associate Pastor on November 1, 2013. Kim’s current reality can be traced back to how she’s responded to a series of “nudges.” Kim enjoyed a 14-year career in corporate America for electronics industry giants such as RCA, GE, and Thompson Consumer Electronics. She survived numerous mergers and acquisitions, noting, “That was all with the same company. The name just kept changing. Throughout those times, I got the reputation as the employee with an ‘open door.’ I often found myself listening to my co-workers’ anxieties and troubles.” Kim realized she had a gift. “Hearing is a gift. Not just listening – but hearing the meaning beyond the words being spoken. I think that’s a God-given gift,” says Kim. During that time, Kim was a single mom raising her daughter, Sarah. Kim’s best friend Dana was about to nudge Kim in another direction that would significantly shape her future. In 1996, Dana was selling her house to a man she insisted Kim meet. Kim resisted, but eventually gave in to Dana’s nudging. She finally met Byron, and they were married Valentine’s Day, 1998. Kim and Byron became grandparents to baby Violet in June 2013. Violet lives with her parents Sarah and Bill in Louisville. Byron’s son, Spenser lives with his wife Megan in Lafayette. Although Kim was raised Episcopalian, she began attending St. Luke’s with Byron. They were regular occupants of the balcony during the 9:30 worship service. From that vantage point, Kim felt yet another nudge. Growing up, her family was very involved in servant leadership of the church. “I knew it wasn’t enough just to attend. I imagined my family looking at me in my comfortable spot in the balcony and saying, ‘Really, Kim?’ I knew I needed to do something of intrinsic value. So I got active in

Adult Education and worship planning for Later@ St. Luke’s and in Stephen Ministry.” And still, there was a nudging. “During my four or five years as a Stephen Minister, I kept feeling there’s more to this.” She attended a nine-hour “Ministry Inquiry Group” led by Adolf Hansen in the winter of 2004. Kim says she repeatedly had dialog with God during that time. Her side of the conversation went like this: “I hear you. I’m not listening. Nope, not me.” But in the end, the nudge won. In 2005, Kim enrolled in Christian Theological Seminary and graduated in 2010 with a Master of Divinity and a Master of Marriage and Family Therapy. She is an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Before being appointed to St. Luke’s, Kim served a dual appointment as Associate Pastor of Robert Park UMC and Staff Counselor at IU Health-Buchanan Counseling. As Pastor of Congregational Care at St. Luke’s, Kim hopes to expand the role so that all people will know they are cared for – whatever that looks like for them. It’s important to Kim that she retain her identity as a therapist as she believes there is a need for clinicians inside churches. “The church is uniquely positioned to help people with emotional distress to heal,” she says. Not only is Kim excited to return to the congregation where she received her call to ministry, but also about this moment in time. She recalls what she thought would be a quick lunch interview with Senior Pastor Rob Fuquay in advance of her appointment. “We ended up talking for 2 hours! I went away from that meeting with such an excitement about the future of St. Luke’s. It’s going to be bigger than anything we can imagine.”

3 “Kim King is a loving, compassionate servant of God. She has a wonderful sense of humor and brings joy to every meeting and group that she is a part of. Kim will be another great blessing to this church.” Mary Katherine Schnitz, Director of Stephen Ministry

Kim and Byron celebrated their 15th anniversary earlier this year.

On the subject of returning to St. Luke’s, Kim believes it is no coincidence. “I remember a conversation with someone outside of Robertson Chapel as I prepared to enter seminary. They asked, ‘What are you going to do?’ I answered, ‘My dream job would be Pastor of Congregational Care for a large congregation.’ Fast forward seven years and here I am!”


Adult Ministries

To pre-register for a class, go to www.stlukesumc. com and search for class title on home page search box. Or contact Jilliane Pruiett at pruiettj@ or 846-3404 x364.

Adult Education

Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s.

Discover Your God-Given Gifts

Mondays, November 11 & 18: 7-8:15PM Understand the work of the church and the importance of your role within it. Discover your God-given gifts. Connect your gifts with your passion. Learn ministry opportunities. Discern where you can make a difference through your service. Participate in a commissioning experience. Class facilitator is Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries.

Café Conversations – Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White

Wednesdays, November 6 - December 18, 9:30-11AM, E105 Everyone agrees that America is polarized, with ever-hardening positions held by people less and less willing to listen to one another. No one agrees on what to do about it. One solution that hasn’t yet been tried is for thinking persons of faith to model for the rest of the country a richer, more thoughtful conversation on the political, moral, and religious issues that divide us. This 5 session video study features Adam Hamilton, pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, one of the country’s most dynamic and distinctive congregations. Hamilton will help us look at various issues of concern today and how we can be bridge-builders and ambassadors of healing. Class facilitator is Dr. Marion Miller, Pastor, Later@St.Luke’s. The book is available in Oasis bookstore.

Women’s Bible Study – More or Less

Wednesdays, November 6 December 18, 1:15-2:15PM, W125 (skipping 11/27) In July, Rev. David Williamson mentioned the book, More or Less, in his sermon, highlighting the key question raised by author Jeff Shinabarger: “What is enough?” Join us as we discuss the questions (and our responses) that Shinabarger asked: What would happen if we created a culture in which we gave away whatever was more than enough for us? How would our habits change if we shed the excess of money, clutter, and food in our

lives? What is “enough” for us? Learn how to draw a line of “enough” in our consumer choices, how to see generosity as a chance to experience freedom in a greedy world, and how to make small changes now that will help others forever. As Shinabarger reminds us defining “enough” is more than a responsibility – it is an opportunity to give hope. Class facilitator is Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries. The book is available in Oasis bookstore.

Women’s Advent Lunches – The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem

Thursdays, December 5, 12, and 19, Noon-1:15PM Pre-registration required. Cost: $30 Join St. Luke’s Director of Adult Ministries, Terri Coe, and women of St. Luke’s as well as their friends and family members for a time designed just for you during the busy month of December! The atmosphere is calm, the camaraderie is encouraging and the table conversations/group discussions are enlightening. This year’s theme is “The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem.” Using a DVD filmed on location in the Holy Land and narrated by Adam Hamilton, senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, we’ll consider the experiences of Elizabeth and Mary as well as retrace Mary and Joseph’s journey from from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

Visit Normandy, France

Join Dr. Carver McGriff and Marianne McGriff on a special 70th anniversary of D-Day trip to the beaches of Normandy, France. Enjoy 5 nights in the charming village of Bayeaux and visit Utah and Omaha Beaches, Pointe de Hoc, Ste. Mere Eglise along with a tour of the World Heritage Site..Mont Ste. Michele. Finish the trip with two nights in Paris. The trip will depart on May 27, 2014 and return on June 4. The cost will be approximately $3200 per person (double occupancy). For information or to register for this trip, contact Bob Zehr at rdzehr@

Sunday Morning Classes

Conversations Around the Scripture

Sundays, 9:30–10:30AM in E105. Led by Gary Chambers, Brian

Adult Ministries Earnhart, and Craig Overmyer, St. Luke’s Members. We are studying favorite Bible passages.



Sunday Lunch Bunch

Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM, Parlor. Join us for stimulating conversation that is sure to encourage and inspire on the book, What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren.

Ongoing Classes

George Vickery Men’s Discussion Group

Wednesdays, 9:30AM, Luke’s Lodge. Discuss current events or the latest book of interest you have read. For more information, call Bob Waeltz at 872-0895.

Pastors’ Book Study Wednesdays, 1011:30AM in the Parlor. Join us as Dr. Kent Millard leads the group through December. The November book will be When All You’ve Wanted Isn’t Enough by Rabbi Harold Kushner. Available in Oasis bookstore. We always welcome you to enjoy this relaxed format, stimulating conversation and thought-provoking topics.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30AM, The Forum at The Crossing. An off-site senior adult Bible Study. Led by Terri Coe, Mary Katherine Schnitz and several other St. Luke’s lay members.

Thursday Afternoon Book Study

Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Parlor. Join this group to read and discuss a diverse selection of materials. Our November and December book is The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. The group also enjoys lunches, watching movies, field trips and celebrating birthdays. Class facilitator is Phyllis Bybee. For more information, please contact Sylvia Forbes at 846-3404 or

Every Sunday, 12:30PM. Join us for fun, food, and fantastic times! For more information, contact Armen at aa737us@ or (317) 298-8913. Nov. 3- Max and Erma’s, Meridian at W. Carmel Dr. Nov. 10- Binkley’s, College and Kessler Nov. 17- TGI Fridays, Keystone at the Crossing Nov. 24- MCL Cafeteria, 86th near Ditch Rd.

Bible Study Opportunity

Singles Sunday Class—Sundays, 11am in E105. Group Leader: Rev. Sandy Harlan at revsandy@ sbcglobal. net. Currently studying Dr. Bart D. Ehrman’s video series on the New Testament. New members welcome.

Ballroom Dance Lessons

November 4 - December 9, Cost: $45. 6:30PM: Intermediate Class—Swing 7:30PM: Beginning Class—Cha Cha Dance instructor Olga Cansino will lead both a beginner and an intermediate level class. No pro-rated classes. Pay online in advance or with check/cash the night of class. Register online. No childcare provided.

Fork, Knife, & Glass

November 20 at 6:30PM, PF Chang’s at Keystone at the Crossing. Fork, Knife, & Glass is a community group at St. Luke’s for anyone who would like to have dinner the third Wednesday of each month (except holidays) at a local restaurant and enjoy conversations and laughs with other singles. Hosted by Armen Avakian. To RSVP, email Armen at or RSVP on


Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7-8:30PM in N101/102. Toastmasters International offers effective ways to improve communication and leadership skills. Guests attend for free. For information, call Cathy Baker at 334-7821, or visit


Volleyball meets most Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30PM in the Great Hall. See the schedule online or check the volleyball status line (317) 721-3099 after 4:30PM. The cost to play is $2. For info, email Tim Adams at

5 Check the singles calender online at www.stlukesumc. com/ministries/ adult/singles


Adult Ministries continued

Spiritual Life Center CLASSES

Meeting God Again for the First Time

Mondays, September 30-October 21, 7-8:30PM in E107/109. In this postmodern world, many of us hope for a way to know God that goes beyond mere belief in God. The religious images we grew up with no longer seem to serve us. We hunger for something more real, more life-giving. But we’re not sure how to find it. Some of us may even wonder if it’s there. In this class, we’ll explore a variety of approaches to the Mystery we call God. You may find that God is always ready to reveal Godself. You just have to know how to look and how to listen and, sometimes, how to surrender. Taught by Terry Daniel, a local psychotherapist who recently earned a Master of Divinity degree from Chicago Theological Seminary. He serves on the Inner Soul Committee of the Spiritual Life Center. Where is the Spiritual Life Center? Enter through door #2 just before you get to the main entrance.

Mindfulness Seminar

3 Mondays, November 11-25, 1-2:30pm, Spiritual Life Center. Registration required, no fee. Mindfulness is an ancient practice which is very relevant to us today. It has nothing to do with belief or dogma. It has everything to do with increasing your awareness and living more in harmony with yourself and the universe. It is the art of living consciously. Its tone is gentle, appreciative and non-judging. In this seminar you will practice mindfulness daily. Learn to focus awareness on breathing, eating and walking and learn an approach for dealing with negative feelings. Bring a journal or notebook to each session. Taught by Barbara Burke, Chair of the Spiritual Life Center Commission.

Cultural Literacy for Religion: Everything the Well-Educated Person Should Know

Sunday, October 13, 11am-noon, Parlor. No registration, fee: $10 A recent poll of Americans revealed an alarming lack of basic knowledge about the world’s religions. The vast majority of Americans cannot name the four Noble Truths of Buddhism or the five Pillars of Islam. Only 38 percent know that Vishnu and Shiva are Hindu gods. Most do not know what Ramadan is or when the Jewish Sabbath begins. Only about half of American adults can name one of the four Gospels of the New Testament. This course is designed to teach you the basics of world religions – their

origins, historical figures, rituals, scriptures, holidays and key teachings. DVD series with discussion hosted by the New Perspectives class.

Sunday Morning Classes

Krista Tippett’s “Being” Show

If you are a fan of Krista Tippett’s radio show that airs at 7AM every Sunday morning on FM90.1, you will want to join the discussion of the show on Sunday mornings at 9:30AM in the Spiritual Life Center. Krista interviews authors, spiritual leaders, storytellers, scientists, professors, political activists and musicians. The discussions are as lively and interesting as the show. All are welcome and encouraged to listen to the show prior to attending class. The show is available beginning the prior Thursday at

New Perspectives on Sunday Morning

Sundays, 11AM-Noon, Parlor. This class explores the work of religious scholars who are giving voice to reimagining the essence of Christianity. Bring your questions about the church, religion and faith to this non-judgmental conversation in search of alternative answers and paths to experiences of the Holy. Cultural Literacy for Religion DVD and discussion series began October 13.

Ongoing Classes

Flo Hardy Bible Study

1st & 3rd Mondays, 9AM in the Spiritual Life Center. Join others in coffee, prayer, reading and discussion of selected Biblical texts...just like we did in the “good ole days!” (with occasional “non good ole days” videos).

Sunrise Book Study

Wednesdays, 7-8:30AM, Parlor. Start your day with friends, prayer, a good book, stimulating discussion and personal enrichment. Contact Betty Brandt at (317) 846-3404 or

Tuesday Afternoon Women’s Spiritual Book Study

Group meets weekly to discuss meaningful and sometimes controversial books. Every Tuesday, 1-2:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. Contact is JoAnne Waeltz (317-872-0895).

New Earth Community

Thursdays, 7-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center. This study discusses innovative and challenging spiritual books. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895, for more information.

Adult Ministries continued HEALING MINISTRY

Affordable Care Act Seminar for Individuals

Wednesday, November 13, 7-8:30pm, E107/109, no registration or fee. As a result of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA” or “Affordable Care Act” or “ACA”) there will be some changes to the way the health insurance marketplace works beginning January 1, 2014. Learn about Health Insurance Exchanges, Tax Subsidies, the Individual Mandate, the end of Pre-Existing Condition Exclusions, Lifetime Limits on Claims and more. No specific insurance plans or carriers will be highlighted and no one will try to sell you anything. This is an informational gathering. Your presenter is Jim Chesterfield, CPA who became an employee benefits professional after 25 years of buying, implementing and managing benefit programs for companies in Central Indiana. Meets This program is a joint project of the Spiritual Life Center’s Healing Ministry and the Health Ministry.

Pilgrimage Healing Process Training

Saturday, November 16, 8:30am-4pm, Spiritual Life Center. Registration required. Fee: $150 includes training manual, DVD and lunch, deposit of $50 by November 11. If you feel called to bring the healing power of God’s love to others, you may be interested in joining our St. Luke’s Healing Ministry. You can be trained in this hands-on-

healing modality. The training includes background of the Pilgrimage Healing Process, learning the steps, being both receiver and giver and a discussion of your role as healer. Experiencing a healing session in preparation for the training is required. Call 846-3404 x442 to schedule a session appointment. Contact Betty Brandt, brandtb@, 846-3404 x339, to express interest, ask questions or register.

Healing Partners Appointments Available

Stress, illness, grief or difficult life situations can cause imbalance in the body, mind and spirit. This Healing Process combines healing touch, relaxation and prayer to form a synergistic effect that can help bring you back to balance and wholeness through God’s restorative healing power. These sessions re-energize and relax persons to enable their own natural resources to deal with illness or injury. Process honors all faith traditions. Call 317-846-3404 x442 for a daytime or evening appointment. No fee, donations appreciated.


Advent Meditation Using Calligraphy

Take pen in hand and work your way into the deep peace of calligraphy meditation. If you can print you can do this. Rhythmic breathing and arm motions relax you into the Word as we joyfully await the coming of the Christ Child. Monday,

Wednesday, November 6: Risky Business “Economic Empowerment” Featuring Tom Haitt and Jennifer Pope Baker, Grameen Bank, Ind. Spirit & Place 2013 Festival offering. Registration, music and Global Market Place at 6PM, optional dinner at 6:30PM. Dinner registration required ($10) at Program takes place from 7:15-8:30PM in Robertson Chapel. Please bring an accessory to donate to Dress for Success. Free childcare is available by registering one week in advance with Sandra Pirkle, Outreach Ministries, UMW, the Spiritual Life Center and several book study groups have come together to present this Half the Sky series. Events based on the book and documentary by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, will be offered. The format for each evening will include a showing of a portion of the Half the Sky documentary, a dynamic speaker, an ethnic dinner catered by a local small business, ethnic music, a Global Market Place, fellowship with a multicultural audience and a helpful list of action steps.

7 To pre-register for a class, go to www.stlukesumc. com and search for class title on home page search box. Or contact Jilliane Pruiett at pruiettj@ or 846-3404 x364. Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s.


Adult Ministries continued December 16, 6:30-8pm, Parlor. All materials provided by instructor Glenna Heath (317-2934873), fee:$3. Registration required, limited to ten. Bring a sack supper if desired.

Find SLC On Facebook

For updated information about our programming, go to “St. Luke’s UMC – Spiritual Life Center.”

St. Luke’s at the Movies – “The Queen of Versailles”

Friday November 15, 7-8:30pm, Parlor. Fee $3. “The Queen of Versailles” is a character-driven documentary about a billionaire family and their financial challenges in the wake of the economic crisis. With epic proportions of Shakespearean tragedy, the film follows two unique characters, whose ragsto-riches success stories reveal the innate virtues and flaws of the American Dream. Ask yourself these questions: How much is enough? How generous am I? What could I give away and still live abundantly? Come to watch segments of the movie, enjoy dessert and lively conversation. Discussion led by Rev. Bill Johnson. Co-sponsored

by The Garden and The Spiritual Life Center.

Artists Exhibit in Both Galleries

Husband /wife team, Julia Zollman Wickes and Jack Wickes will bring their painting and photography to the “Identity” Gallery. Photographer Ken Rabbers will exhibit his work in the “Vision” Gallery. Make the time to be blessed by their visions of people and nature.

Matisse Exhibit at IMA with Studio 3

Thursday, November 7, 11am. Tickets: $18.00 or free to Art Museum Members. Studio Three invites you for join them for a guided tour of the special Matisse Exhibit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. RSVP to Linda Etherton at (317) 846-1753 or Marti Hunsucker at (317) 645-8427 to reserve space and get carpool information. Lunch together following tour.

Studio 3 Art Ministry for Artists and Dabblers

Every Thursday, 9AM-4PM in C122. Anyone interested in building an art community at St. Luke’s is welcome to come spend the day (or a

Green Ministries Eco-Habit of the Season

All of us know more than we put into practice. Changing habits is hard. Supporting each other helps. The Green Ministry has decided to feature an Eco-Habit of the Season. If we all practice it for three months, we can change our behaviors and make a difference.

Green Ministry Movie “Bag it – Is Your Life Too Plastic?”

Wednesday, November 20, 6:30-8:30PM, Parlor. An average guy makes a resolution to stop using plastic bags at the grocery store. Little does he know that this simple decision will change his life completely. He comes to the conclusion that our consumptive use of plastic has finally caught up to us, and looks at what we can do about it. If you already carry reusable bags when you shop, call or email Betty Brandt to register your participation (846-3404 x339, If you aren’t carrying reusable bags, pick one up in West Passage on Sunday, November 17, then come to the movie and get motivated!

Green Ministry Leadership Team

November 13, 5:30-7PM in C110. Our ministry leadership team meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month and welcomes new people to the discussion. Contact Sharon Chambers at or (317) 578-7502, or just show up.

Adult Ministries continued portion of the day) with other artists. Bring your favorite medium and plan to go out for lunch. Occasional field trips and pitch-ins too. For information, contact Susie Gilbert at sulinn2000@ or 317.582.0001.

meditators are welcome to join in a 30 minute discussion followed by 30 minutes of Christian meditation. You will find support for your practice, new ideas and a community of others who welcome silence. Led by Merri Leffel.

Prayer Shawl Ministry


Tuesdays, 1-3PM in Luke’s Lodge. Prayerful volunteers who like to knit or crochet and love the fellowship of working together make prayer shawls for those needing to be wrapped in God’s healing love. New knitters welcome. Contact Helen Vriesman at 317-849-9417 or

Crochet Guild of Indianapolis

1st Saturdays of the month in E107/109, 10AMNoon. Learn to crochet and contribute to on-going projects. Contact is Edie Huffman, 228-0496.

St. Luke’s Writers’ Group

2nd Mondays, November 11, 6:30-8PM in E213. Members of the group will be encouraged to discuss their specific interests and what’s important in their writing endeavors. Group members may bring a piece they are working on. Contact Scott Kahler at for information.

Prayer and Meditation

Open Labyrinth Walk for All Saints’ Day

Friday, November 1, 5-7PM, Fellowship Hall. Honor your loved ones on All Saints’ Day by prayerfully walking our indoor canvas labyrinth. Opportunities for special prayers, live music and lots of candles will help you take some quiet time to remember and reflect. A Host/Hostess will greet you, introduce you to this contemplative practice and answer questions. A walk usually takes about 30 minutes. Also mark your calendar for a Special Advent Walk on December 13, 5-7pm and a New Year’s Eve Walk, December, 31, 6-8pm, both in Fellowship Hall.

Indoor Open Labyrinth Walk

Check schedule by door for availability of N103/104 labyrinth. This prayer form is an alternative to seated meditation and offers an opportunity for quiet prayer and contemplation. You may want to bring prayer requests/ celebrations to accompany you on your walk.

Ongoing Meditation Group

Mondays, 6:30-7:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. No fee or registration. Beginners and experienced

New Gentle Yoga Class Forming

Monday and Thursday evenings, 5:30-6:30PM, N103/104, $8/session. New class begins on Monday, November 4. Open to all ages and abilities, this gentle yoga class welcomes those not flexible enough to sit on the floor (chairs provided) as well as those who can (bring a mat and a blanket). Taught by Carol Holden.

Yoga for Stress

Mondays, 9:30-10:45AM, and Thursdays, 8:30-9:45AM, all classes in N101/102. 6 Mondays, November 11 - December 16, fee $72, and 5 Thursdays, November 14-December 19 (no class November 28, fee $60. Join anytime. Walk-ins/$15. Ending with a 15-minute guided deep relaxation, this class will help you gain balance, strength and flexibility in your body and peace and calm in your mind. All levels are welcome to join. A great way to start your day. You can register/pay online, www. Next sessions begins January 6 and 9, 2014.

Aikido Training

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7-9PM, Saturdays, 8-10AM. All classes in N103/104. This discipline uses martial training as a means of character development rather than fighting prowess. Open to men and women. Come observe a class, or email through the Web site at www. Adult classes.

Movement, Play and Spirituality

Every 2nd Sunday, November 10 and December 8, 4-5:15PM in N103/104. Registration suggested, donations appreciated. Movement: a spiritual practice, a path to clarity, a way to relax, a connection to others, a creativity enhancer, a window to the inner soul, a playful interlude. All that is required from you is the willingness to move and listen to the wisdom of your body, your heart and the others moving around and with you. This experiential class will explore movement, play and spirituality from a variety of traditions including Gabrielle Roth’s Five Rhythms. Come ready to move and play with leader Amy Barnes, Life Coach and Therapist. Adults 18 to 108 are welcome.

9 Spiritual Life Center’s Blog

The Spiritual Life Center now has a blog at slcblog. Watch for posts about trends in spiritual development, interesting spiritual journeys, new ideas, poetry and comments from Spiritual life Center classes and events. If you would like to be a contributing writer, please contact Betty Brandt at brandtb@ or 846-3404 x339.


Children’s Ministries November at the Track

Facebook & Twitter

You can now “like” The Track on Facebook at St. Luke’s UMC—The Track to get up-todate information about everything happening in Children’s Ministries. You can also follow The Track on Twitter@ StLukesTrack, or text to 40404 and type “follow @ stlukestrack” to receive tweets as text messages.

Our virtue for November is Wisdom – finding out what you should do and doing it. When we seek wisdom and ask God for it, He will give it to us. He will help us figure out the wise choice when we need to make a decision. We can find God’s wisdom by reading the Bible and asking trusted Christfollowers. The monthly memory verse is:

“Choose my teaching instead of silver. Choose knowledge rather than fine gold. Wisdom is worth more than rubies. Nothing you want can compare with her.” Proverbs 8:10-11

November at the Mini Track

We’re introducing preschoolers to the truth that God is always with them. When they’re in the car, when they’re at home, when they are making wise choices or not-so-wise choices, He’s there. He is ALWAYS with us. The monthly memory verse is:

“God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Live Nativity

Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Have you dreamed of making your stage debut? Live Nativity is a wonderful opportunity for all ages to participate in the birth story of Jesus. No performance experience needed! Rehearsals begin in November to prepare for two heartwarming performances on Sunday, December 15 at 5pm and 6:30PM. Roles include angels, shepherds, scripture readers, stage crew and more. Sign up online to join the cast beginning November 1.

Kids in Mission

Join us November 3 and 17 from 6-7:15PM in E107/109. (Best accessed by entering Door 16) Kids in Mission is a group of kids making an impact in their world through hands-on service. The season was kicked off by making comfort bags and fleece blankets for cancer patients at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St. Vincent. In October, we learned about Sierra Leone’s water shortage through fun activities. At the November meetings, we will make decorations for our Thanksgiving dinner and help with Angel Tree.

Nursing Mothers Room Available

For the convenience of new mothers in our congregation, we have a nursing room, located off the East Passage, in room E126. It can be accessed directly from the East Passage or through the childcare nursery room it adjoins. The room is

equipped with rocking chairs and a television livestreaming the worship service in the Sanctuary. It is open to all who need it on Sunday mornings. Please ask an usher if you need assistance locating it.

Find Your Place at The Track

We’ve committed ourselves to rallying around and supporting our volunteers in new and exciting ways. One of our objectives is to create a multitiered system of volunteer opportunities to appeal to a variety of individuals. We’re designing our opportunities to meet not only the time and availability of our volunteers, but their spiritual gifts and talents as well. Is teaching or shepherding not your calling? Think beyond Sunday morning! If you’re interested in joining our team to support our growth we will find a project that is right for you! Contact

Check-In System

We are now utilizing a computerized check-in system (CheckPoint) in Children’s Ministries. Parents should register their children in this system in The Track area (East Passage). There are computer kiosks located across from the pager desk in The Track, and staff available to assist you. Once registered, the printer will produce a name badge for each child as well as a corresponding badge for the parent to use when picking up their child(ren). Parents who are missing their name badges will only be allowed to pick up their children by obtaining permission of the children’s ministry staff. Volunteers will not release a child without a badge. The CheckPoint system will provide a greater level of organization during the check-in procedure, improvement in attendance data, and an increase in the efficiency of our overall administration. But most importantly, the automated system will heighten the overall security of children’s ministry and increase parental confidence that each child is as safe as possible while within the walls of St. Luke’s UMC.

Children’s Ministries


musicians will sing for the first time in the Sanctuary on a Sunday morning worship service in December. Consider enrolling your child in the program where they can not only learn to enjoy music, but also to offer the gift of music to the congregation. Everyone will be blessed! For more information please contact Debra Nethercott (“Miss Deb”) at

Hospitality Volunteers

Commission on Children’s Ministries

COCM is a group of individuals, diverse in age and talents, who support the Children’s Department by coordinating and organizing four-six major events throughout the year that serve and celebrate the children of St. Luke’s and their families. The commission meets monthly to plan and prepare for upcoming events and also fellowship with each other and members of the fChildren’s Ministries team. If you’re looking for a way to support Children’s Ministries outside of Sunday morning, we invite you to consider joining this commission! For more information, please contact Heather Hilbert at

Preschool & PDO


Have you registered your children for Sunday morning small groups? You can register them online at www.stlukesumc. com/children/ sundaymorning. Questions? Email us at thetrack@

Classes (9AM-1PM) for three- to five-year olds are offered in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. All teachers are experienced, qualified, well-trained and strive to maintain strong relationships with the children and their families. Preschool offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum where children may grow socially, creatively, emotionally, cognitively and physically. Children must be 3 years old by 9/1/2013 to enroll for the 2013-2014 school year.

children’s MUSIC

Parents’ Day Out

The Track Registration

Preschool Children’s Choir

Genesis is a music program for children ages 3 ½ to 5 years (and not in Kindergarten). Children in this group meet each Sunday, 8:50-9:20AM, in E208, where they learn basic music concepts through music activities including movement, playing rhythm instruments, music games, and singing traditional and sacred songs. St. Luke’s youngest

Classes (9AM-1PM) are offered for children ages 10 months to three years. PDO was established to provide parents of young children time for themselves on a regular basis. Children participate in structured play in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. Opportunities are provided for children to learn beginning social skills while having fun. Children must be 10 months by 9/1/2013 to enroll for the 2013-2014 school year.

Family Ministries Couples Small Groups Looking for a way to connect to other couples in St. Luke’s? Looking for a resource to keep your summer “Dinner of Eight” group going? Contact to learn more about small group opportunities for this fall at St. Luke’s. There will be small groups meeting throughout the week in various locations on the north side of Indy, studying the “Core Four” principles that make marriages strong: 1. Putting God First, 2. Keeping Promises, 3. Practicing Love and Respect, and 4. Having Outrageous Fun!

We need extra hands to help families with children navigate our church building – to greet new families with a warm smile, to help them register their children for the first time, and to guide them to their new classrooms. If you would like to be one of these important people who make a difference for new families at St. Luke’s, please contact Heather Hilbert at hilberth@ Thank you for your service!

Children’s Music

For more Children’s Music programs, see Children’s Music Ministries on page 16.


Youth Ministries

Our Mission: To welcome all youth and families into loving, Christ-centered relationships where they can get in tune with God’s amazing love and be empowered to transform the world!

We invite students 6th-12th grade to join us on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights. We offer a wide range of environments to connect with students.

Kevin Davis, Director of Youth Ministry, davisk@; 846-3404 x326

Colleen Baumgartner, Interim Administrative Assistant,

Register for any event at www. youth.

Sunday Morning Options:

Sunday Night Options:

Jr. High (6th through 8th Grade) -

Jr. High Youth Group

For information or event registration, stop by Luke’s Lodge (the youth building in the NE corner of church parking lot), visit ministries/ youth, or contact:

Sundays, 9:30 -10:30 AM, @ the Lodge Teens can check out a fun, welcoming atmosphere on Sunday mornings at the Lodge! Come early for game systems, ping pong, foosball, air hockey & pool. After some social gathering time, we head to the chapel for a game, live worship, devotional, and small groups. See you on Sundays!


9:30-10:30AM @ The Lodge November 3: Right Side Up November 10: A Little Help Here! November 17: Grace November 24: Gifts Intro December 1: Thanksgiving Weekend (No Confirmation)

High School Youth Group

9:30-10:30AM @ The Lodge High school youth group meets on Sunday mornings in the Lodge for student led worship, a brief message, small group breakouts, experiential learning, and time for hanging out with friends. Whether you’re already plugged in or new to high school youth activities, this is the place to plug in! Sunday mornings are low on pressure and high on connecting. This fall we are learning more about the personalities and characters in the New Testament. All high school youth and their friends are welcome! November 3: Judas Iscariot - The Disappointed Revolutionary November 10: Pontius Pilate - The Troubled Politician November 17: Mary Magdalene - The Unsung Apostle November 24: Thomas - The Zealous Fool

6-7:30PM at the Lodge and the Gym Jr. High youth group meets at the Lodge on Sunday nights at 6pm. Some students will choose gym activities, while other students will choose to stay at the lodge for board games and connection time. Following this time we will bring students together for an ice breaker, and then move to the lodge for Faith Questions. Sunday nights will work like “overtime” from Sunday morning. Questions about faith, about the Bible, life, and lessons that we are learning in the morning will be addressed in the evening. Invite friends, and look out for some fun activities!

High School Small Groups

We encourage all high school students to get plugged in with a weekly small groups. This is a great way for students to get to know each other, have a place of respite during busy weeks, and grow deeper in their faith alongside peers. Sunday nights we have a girls small group and a guys small group. Both meet at the Lodge from 6-7:30PM. We also currently have two weekday small group opportunities for high school students. All high school girls are invited to come to a small group on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00PM at the Starbucks on Meridian and 96th Street. All high school guys are invited to come to a small group on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00PM at Buffalo Wild Wings at 2510 East 146th Street in Carmel. Please contact Kevin Davis if you would like to get plugged in or find out more! We also need adult mentors who would be willing to meet with these groups. We hope your student will consider coming to check out a small group soon!

Youth Ministries Youth Ministry Commission

This is an adult leadership team meets monthly and provides support to our youth ministry. This team provides the leadership to help students connect, supports teens through care and scholarships, recruits, trains and thanks volunteers, and provides oversight in how our youth ministry functions! Our meetings are open and those interested are more than welcome to attend. Our meeting is Tuesday, from 6-7:30PM.


UPCOMING events: November 8-9: 30 Hour Famine November 22-24: Youth Specialties Convention for Volunteer Training December 7: High School Progressive Dinner and Lock-in December 20: Jr. High Lock In

Friday, November 8, 6PM through Saturday, November 9 This annual event combines many popular youth group activities like retreats, lock ins, youth group & service opportunities, minus the food! Student’s have the opportunity to raise funds for World Vision to feed those that are hungry around the world. Students find sponsors to provide either a one-time donation or set up a dollars-donated-per-hour of fasting! I know that going without food for 30 hours does create a challenge and that it may not be for everyone, but this is a great cause for students to support. This event starts on Friday, November 8, at 6PM with registration, followed by games, activities, and ends with worship time. Saturday students wake up, get ready, and serve out in the community from 9AM until about 1PM. Everyone returns to the lodge for some down time, reflection, group activities and a final worship time. At 6PM we break our fast together and share our experiences over dinner. Be on the look out for registration information for this event that challenges our perspective and changes our point of view! There is a place for those students who can only participate in part of the activity, just let us know your circumstances so we can help plan! Oh, and there will be plenty of juice available throughout the activity!

Young Adult Ministries There are many ways to get involved with our young adult group – spiritually, socially and serviceoriented. Our fellowship nights are designed to get you out of your house and engaged with other young adults. We take in concerts, dinners, movies, bowling, putt-putt, local one-time gigs and much more. Get connected with others through small group experiences and social activities, as well as use your gifts and talents to make a difference in the lives of others.

Friday Night Gatherings

Join other young adults who are in their 20s and early 30s on Friday nights at 7PM. We alternate weeks of study with social events. Contact Tammy for weekly specifics at

College-Age Ministry and Facebook Group

If you are college age and would like to connect with others in this group, or keep up to date, check out our Facebook group, “St. Lukes UMC - College Students.”

Men’s Basketball

Basketball enthusiasts (ages 16 and up) should check out page 17 for open gym information.

14 Looking for Your Place to Serve?

Many marvelous places to serve through music are available at St. Luke’s Music Ministries. There are a variety of involvement schedules and musical levels where you can become involved. There are even nonmusical efforts within the area to help support the hundreds of music makers. If you’d like to share your gifts in ministry, contact Nancy in the Music Ministry Office at faithn@ and she can put you in touch with rewarding possibilities!

Music Ministries Start Your Advent Season with a Joyful Song… or More The Music Ministries at St. Luke’s invites you, family, neighbors and coworkers to “Repeat the Sounding Joy” at this year’s Candlelight Christmas Concerts, 7:30 PM Friday, Dec. 6, and 4 PM Saturday, Dec. 7. More than 300 musicians, age 3 to 83, prepare for weeks in advance for this annual event every year, a gift to the community that captures the true spirit of the Advent season. St. Luke’s Orchestra, Wesleyan Ringers, Joyful Rhythms, New Song, children’s choirs and Chancel Choir are joined this year by the Indianapolis Youth Chorale. The concert includes familiar hymns and carols like “Away in a Manger,” “The First Noel,” and “Joy to the World.” Anthems by Chancel Choir favorites Craig Courtney, John Rutter and Mack Wilberg echo these themes of celebration and anticipation. In addition, the Chancel Choir will sing the first two joy-filled movements of 20th-century composer Francis Poulenc’s Gloria, accompanied by the orchestra. The concert is free; a freewill offering will support caring ministries at St. Luke’s and around the world. Past Candlelight Concerts have made it possible for Music Ministries to make significant contributions to Habitat for Humanity, Indianapolis Hunger Initiative, St. Luke’s Angel Tree & the Global HIV/AIDS Fund.

Be Part of the Christmas Magic!

Want to be part of the splendor and dazzle of this year’s Candlelight Christmas Concerts (Dec. 6 & 7), but perhaps don’t have the time for ensemble rehearsals or a musical gift to share? You still can have an impactful role! Individuals are needed to assist with a candlelight procession, warm hospitality and guest support! And you get a sneak-peak of this year’s production by attending the mandatory dress rehearsal on Thursday, December 5, 7PM. To get involved, please contact Nancy Faith in the Worship Ministry Office.

Advent Flute Ensemble: Flutists Wanted

The Fifth Annual St. Luke’s Advent Flute Choir will perform at all morning worship services, December 22, 2013. High school and adult flutists of all faiths are welcome. The choir will consist of players on C flute, alto, bass and contrabass flute in holiday music beautifully arranged for this ensemble. Leading the group again this year will

be Carol Dennis and Laura Dubish, with Ellen Bailey serving as executive assistant. Mandatory rehearsals will be held on Wednesdays, December 11 and 18, 7-9PM with dress rehearsal, Saturday, December 21, 9:3011:30AM. Optional rehearsals for those wanting a head-start will be held Sunday mornings, December 1 & 8, 9:30-11AM. Music will be furnished. To sign up or for more information, contact Carol Dennis, at CLRFDENNIS@AOL.COM or phone 317-259-1978.

Christmas Concert Guest Singers

Experience the thrill of holiday musical performance with our music ministry ensembles! The Chancel Choir welcomes singers not available to sing an entire season to join them in a their renown Christmas Concerts as Guest Singers. Individuals with choral experience join in Thursday night rehearsals starting on Thursday, October 24 through the concert’s dress rehearsal on Thursday, December 5. Concert performances are Friday and

Music Ministries Saturday, December 6 & 7. For more information contact Carol Tully at or 566-0762, or call the ministry office.

Psssst! Secret Flash Mob Forming

50 adventurous individuals needed to learn a single song and dance for an upcoming flash mob! Great fun and lots of smiles guaranteed! You must be available Saturdays, Nov. 2 & 9 (10 am) and Sunday, Nov. 10 to participate. For more specifics, and super-secret instructions, please contact Nancy Faith in the Worship Ministry Office.

St. Luke’s Chancel Choir Launches 60th Season

Rehearses Thursdays 7:30-9PM in E200. Our 160-voice Chancel Choir has rejoined Sanctuary worship services. Additional singers, particularly tenors and basses, are needed for the exciting season ahead. In addition to Thursday night rehearsals and Sunday morning ministry, the choir presents inspiring concerts, travels both regionally and internationally, and supports a wide range of caring ministries through its musical efforts. Previous choral singing experience helpful, but not mandatory. For more information or to schedule a visit, contact Carol Tully at or Mark Squire at Join the song of praise!

Chancel Choir Patron’s Fund

Our Chancel Choir’s ministry is supplemented by a Patron’s Fund by which they can take on projects and possibilities far outside the realm of their annual programming budget. The Patron’s Fund has provided underwriting for performances (including the annual Christmas Concerts), for concert tours (most recently to Italy), as well as new music, vestments and attire. Patron’s receive a performance of new music as well as a permanent plaque bearing the patron’s name and a dedicatory designation. Patron levels are established at $750 & $1,000. For information or to become a patron, please contact Mark Squire at squirem@ or 846-3404, or Alice Shooter, Patron Fund chair, at

Help Create a Joyful Sound!

New singing friends are needed for our Joyful Sound choir! Singing twice a month at our 8:15 service, this delightful and welcoming singing ensemble rehearses at Thursdays 6:30PM in E208 night to prepare for their important ministry of song! A love of singing is the only requirement to


participate, and while previous choral experience is helpful, inexperience shouldn’t keep you from considering this wonderful ensemble. For further information, or to join Joyful Sound, contact director Charles Manning at manningc@ or 846-3404.

Handbell Choir Openings

Both Wesleyan Ringers and Joyful Rhythms, two of our handbell choirs have space available for additional ringers! Wesleyan Ringers are looking for new friends with ringing experience and that can rehearse on Wednesday evenings. Contact director Mike Keller at Joyful Rhythms welcomes ringers of a variety of experience levels, even those who have yet to ring. Rehearses Mondays, 6-7:15PM. If you’re interested and available to rehearse on Monday nights, contact director Marsha Coyner at

Have You Played a String Instrument?

The St. Luke’s Orchestra is looking for additional violin, viola, cello and bass players to join in the monthly music-making! If it’s been a while since you’ve picked up your instrument, don’t despair! The skills come back quickly when you’re surrounded by this wonderful, welcoming ensemble! For information, or to join, please contact Margaret Spilker, Orchestra Manager, at or 603-0520.

New Song

Rehearses Tuesdays at 7:30PM. This women’s choral group sings one Sunday morning a month. Membership by audition. Contact Director, Cheryl West, at westc@stlukesumc. com or

St. Luke’s Orchestra

Under the direction of Bob Zehr, the Orchestra plays the third Sunday of every month at all three morning Sanctuary services, September through June. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 7:15-9PM. Contact Margaret Spilker at for more information.

Taizé Musical Community

Small vocal and instrumental ensemble serving at monthly Taizé service (5-5:45PM), rehearses one hour before each service. Contact Music Director Mark Squire at

Thanksgiving Eve Service

St. Luke’s musicians will be joined by singers and instrumentalists in a community-wide, interfaith worship service. See back page for details.


Children’s Music Ministries

To register for any of the children’s music programs, go to the St. Luke’s website and click “music” then “children’s choirs” at www. For more information, contact Debra Nethercott, Director of Children’s Music at 846-3404 x329 OR nethercottd@

Children’s Choirs to Sing in the Christmas Candlelight Concert

Assistant Volunteer Director: Gay Talbert Volunteer Handbell Director: Cindy Schwein

Friday, December 6, 7:30PM, and Saturday, December 7, 4PM. The warmth of the holiday season – one of the happiest times of the year – is nearly upon us! The wonderful month of December will surround us with the love of family and friends along with the shimmering glow of candlelight for the annual Christmas Candlelight Concert that features many of the St. Luke’s Music Groups. Children in Grades 3-8 are invited to sing with The St. Luke’s Children’s Choir and The Choristers of St. Luke’s in this exciting program that helps to usher in the joyful sounds of the season. This short commitment includes rehearsals on Sundays, October 20-December 1, OR on Tuesdays, October 15-November 26. (Dress Rehearsals are December 3 and 5.) One of the highlights for the children is the opportunity to sing with the St. Luke’s Orchestra and the Chancel Choir. Middle School and Older Elementary singers are especially needed. Please join us for this incredible opportunity to serve and enjoy the music of Christmas! For more information please contact Debra Nethercott (“Miss Deb”) at

Rehearsal schedule – 2013/2014 (All rehearsals are in E208 and/or E207, 2nd floor) Genesis

Rehearses Sundays, 8:50-9:20AM Ages 3 ½ -5. Music activities include movement, playing rhythm instruments and singing sacred songs. The youngest group of musicians sings two to three per season in the Sanctuary, participates on Christmas Eve, and leads music for the Mini-Track preschool worship service.

Elementary Music Program

Rehearses Sundays, 10:25-11:15AM Grades K-5 (Young musicians are divided into 2 groups: K – 2 and 3 – 5). Music activities include singing, movement and an instrumental program: Orff instruments, Boomwhackers and choir chimes. This group of musicians sings regularly in the Sanctuary throughout the season and participates at the 3PM Christmas Eve Service. Older singers, Grades 3–5, sing in the Annual Christmas Candlelight Concert with the St. Luke’s Chancel Choir and Orchestra.

Middle School Choir

Rehearses Tuesdays, 7:15-8PM Grades 6-8. An outstanding group of youth singers who participate regularly in worship services and concerts in the St. Luke’s Sanctuary.

The Choristers

Rehearses Tuesdays, 6:15-7:15PM Grades 3-8 (treble voices) This group of musicians makes a strong commitment to attending rehearsals and to singing more advanced music in the Sanctuary worship services and sings at the Annual Christmas Candlelight Concert with the St. Luke’s Chancel Choir and Orchestra. Attendance at Voice for Life is strongly encouraged in order to make progress and contribute to the group.

Voice for Life

Meets Tuesdays, 5:45-6:15PM A nationally recognized program of instruction for music theory, ear training, music history, church history, hymnology, and overall musical training. Participants can earn RSCM ribbons and medals. The program is open to any singer who participates in the Tuesday evening program – Middle School Singers and The Choristers.

Handbell Choirs

Meets Sundays, 11:15AM-Noon Grades 3-8. Members will learn the basic fundamentals of English handbell ringing along with note and rhythm reading. Please contact Miss Deb for information.

Fellowship Elderberries Euchre Game

Our monthly euchre game will be Saturday, November 16th at 6:45PM in the parlor. Please bring a snack to share. For more information, contact Adra Wheeler at 253-4914 or 846-3404.

Elderberries Monthly Dinner to Feature Jeff Kunkel

The Elderberries monthly dinner for November will be Thursday, November 7 at 5:30PM in Fellowship Hall. We are pleased to welcome back a wonderful and talented entertainer Jeff Kunkel. Jeff is a professional music teacher, performing musician, composer, arranger and is also involved in music production and recording work. He plays numerous instruments, including piano, accordion, and clarinet. He has performed with many notable artists including Aretha Franklin, Wayne Newton and The Temptations. In Indiana, he has performed regularly at the French Lick Springs Hotel-ResortCasino, the West Baden Springs Hotel-Resort, Hoosier Park Racing and Casino, the Casino Aztar, and the Indiana Live! Casino. We ask that you bring a dish to share. A minimum donation of $3 is suggested to help with program costs. First time attendees do not need to bring a dish. Please make reservations with Adra Wheeler at 253-4914 or 846-3404.

Elderberries Christmas Luncheon

Saturday, December 7th at 2:00PM in Fellowship Hall. We will be attending the St Luke’s Christmas Concert afterward at 4:00pm. We are planning a delectable catered meal and pleasant conversation. The cost is $12.00 per person. Please contact Adra Wheeler at 253-4914 or 846-3404 for reservations.

Beef and Boards Theatre Christmas Show

Elderberries will be attending the Beef and Boards Theater Christmas Show on Thursday, December 12th at 11:30AM. There is a buffet luncheon followed by the performance. Tickets are $45.00 per person. Those interested please contact Adra Wheeler at 846-3404 or 253-4914 for tickets.

Help Fill Cheer Baskets for I.U. Hospital and Cancer Center Patients Fairhaven is a new program that provides apartments for patients and their families to stay while their loved one is hospitalized. We have


adopted an apartment and will fill a “Cheer Basket” each month. We ask that you bring a donation to our November meeting, and in future months as well. Suggested items are: packaged coffee or tea; gum; mints; candy or chocolate; small packaged snacks; bottled water. Other items might include: prayer shawls; toiletry items; hand sanitizer; hand lotion; hand soap; pens and paper; puzzle books; cards; magazines; books; music cds. Hospital meal passes or parking vouchers at IU or Methodist Hospital, coupons or gift certificates for nearby restaurants would also be appropriate. Cash donations also welcome.

ReachOut New Members Always Welcome

ReachOut is a diverse and inclusive group within the St. Luke’s United Methodist Church community offering spiritual support and encouragement to GLBT persons. We strive to lead a life of service to others, achieve Christian maturity, and educate ourselves in matters of faith. Social and recreational activities are provided to promote an atmosphere where friendships can develop and a sense of acceptance and wholeness may be experienced. All are welcome. If you have questions about ReachOut, contact Mary Katherine Schnitz at

Sports Men’s Basketball Open Gym

For adult basketball enthusiasts (16+) who are looking to play friendly pick-up games on Tuesday nights from 7:30-9:30PM in the Great Hall. Weekly emails are sent to confirm players for the week. Contact Chris Lemming at 595-8545 or email chris.

Non-Competitive Volleyball

Get ready for volleyball! Matches will be played on Monday evenings in the Great Hall through next April. For a bargain price of just $23 per player, you get three seasons of fun, fellowship and a little exercise too. Players of all ages and abilities are welcome to join the fun. Play is competitive but friendly—no spiking or over-hand serves. Get a group of friends together and join the fun this fall. For information or to register as a team or individual, contact Brent Scott at 875-9382 or

Body, Mind & Spirit

Our Spiritual Life Center sponsors a variety of Yoga, Aikido, and Qigong classes throughout the year. See page 9 for details.

Volleyball for Singles

More volleyball opportunities available with the Singles Ministry. See page 5 for details.

18 The United Methodist Men is a brotherhood of men, sharpening one another, growing in faith, learning to serve. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)

Fellowship continued

United Methodist Men (UMM) Storyline

St. Luke’s has a distinguished history of hosting amazing authors and speakers to our sanctuary. The next great thinker, author, and speaker to visit St. Luke’s will be Donald Miller on January 25th, hosted by the United Methodist Men. His best selling Christian memoir, Blue Like Jazz, was made into a movie that taught Don about the importance of living a good story. He now considers it his calling to share the story of God, and help others find their subplot in His story. Do a “Storyline” book study in November. Come hear Don speak in January. Email us for more information on any of these special events: Possible details coming on book study.

Men’s Breakfast with Clark Kellogg

All are invited to join us at our monthly breakfast on November 2, starting at 8AM, where we will team up with the Stephen Ministers in welcoming Clark Kellogg. That’s right, the lead college basketball analyst for CBS Sports will speak. He will share reflections on his life and faith after breakfast in Robertson Chapel. Please RSVP to Mike Elkin for the breakfast For more information on this event see the front cover.

Theology Unplugged

Meet new friends and catch up with old ones during our monthly fellowship event on Wednesday, November 20th at 8:30PM. This evening is a place for men to gather and share about life and faith in a relaxed atmosphere. We will discuss the current sermon series and how it applies to our lives to our lives as men: fathers, sons, brothers, and friends. We meet at the Rusty Bucket on 86th Street just east of Ditch Road (1130 W. 86th St.) in the Brickyard Room. If you remember, please let David Gard know you can make it: or 501-8828. Or just show up five minutes late. It’s cool.

A Father’s Grace

A Father’s Grace is a circle of dads dealing with issues of divorce. Participating men will discover tools and practices to cope with the myriad of emotional, spiritual and physical changes that occur through divorce. Our hope is to end the cycle of isolation for men and assist them in redefining themselves and the dads they hope to be. A Father’s Grace is a six-week process, there are two opportunities this fall: One group will be meeting on Tuesday mornings, 7:30-8:45AM at Centerpoint Counseling (2nd Presbyterian Church, 7700 N. Meridian St.); a second group will meet at St. Luke’s in the Spiritual Life Center on Thursday evenings, 4:45-6PM. Contact David Williamson at to reserve your space or to learn more – spots are limited to no more than ten men per group. Childcare is available upon request. Led by P. Scott Sweet (LCSW, LCAC).

United Methodist Women (UMW) UMW Reading Group

What happens to all those things we throw away? At our November meeting, we’ll find out as acclaimed science writer Elizabeth Royte leads us on a wild adventure that begins once our trash hits the bottom of the can. By showing us what happens to the things we’ve “disposed of,” Royte reminds us that our decisions about consumption and waste have a real impact on our air, water and food supplies. We’ll meet on Monday, November 18, from 7-8:30 PM in the Parlor to discuss Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash. Newcomers are always welcome. Childcare is available upon request with at least one week advance reservation. For information, contact Jennifer Todd at jtoddosu@ There will be no Reading Group meeting in December.

Fellowship continued UMW Circle Meetings:

Eve Circle

We invite all mothers with young children to join us for fellowship, service projects and spiritual growth. Join us Tuesday, November 5th in the Great Hall as we prepare items to sell for the Holiday Bazaar. Contact the co-chairs to find out what you can bring to help out for this meeting. November 19th we will meet in the parlor and Susan Fuquay will be joining us with the topic of raising a spiritual family by bringing Christ into Advent & Christmas. Both meetings will be from 9:30-11:30AM. Free childcare is available by contacting Eve Circle typically meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. For information contact co-chairs Amy Nichols and Diane Wade at

Hannah Circle

Hannah Circle welcomes mothers of elementary, middle, high school, and college students that are working full-time, part-time, or staying home. Please join us Wednesday, November 6th from 7-8:30PM in the Great Hall Kitchen to make Chex Party Mix for the UMW Holiday Bazaar Bake Table. Sign up to bring an ingredient at http://www. Free childcare provided – email childcare reservations at least one week before meeting. Hannah Circle meets one Wednesday a month, Sept.-March. Mothers of young children in need of an evening circle are also welcome. For more information contact Regan Summers at

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene Circle will meet Thursday, November 7th in Great Hall Kitchen at 6:30PM. (This is a change from our regular second Wednesday due to the Holiday Bazaar). We will be preparing food items to be sold at the Holiday Bazaar the following Saturday. Mary Magdalene Circle is open to all women of St. Luke’s. For more information contact co-chairs Jolynne Wilhoit at 403-2462, or Lori Chambers 696-5965 or

New Life Circle

Attention Single Women. . . Mark your calendars today! A volunteer opportunity awaits you! New Life Circle will be hosting the UMW Holiday Bazaar luncheon on Saturday, November 9 in the Parlor. This is a great way to share your heart for service and socialize with other single women. To volunteer, contact Nancy at 341-5032.

Join us at New Life Circle on Tuesday, November 19 at 7PM in the Spiritual Life Center for “Let it Go!” Trying to control everything is exhausting and can cause us to lose friends and connections to our families. Chaplain and Pastor Jeri Barrett Thomas will facilitate a humorous and thought-provoking discussion on how to let it go and allow God to be in control of our lives. We promise you a spiritfilled evening of fun and fellowship. Invite a friend. For more information contact Nancy at 341-5032 or New Life Circle welcomes single, divorced, and widowed women of all ages.

White Cross Guild

White Cross Guild provides volunteers to participate in activities supporting Methodist Hospital. Meets at Methodist Medical Plaza, 151 Pennsylvania Parkway (103rd/Meridian) in the first floor community room. They meet the 2nd Monday of each month from 9AM-2PM to prepare gauze squares used in surgery (bring your lunch). Contact Marguerite Moehn (873-1956) or Barb Querry (879-0543).

19 UMW Cookbook

The UMW cookbook will continue to be available for purchase at all UMW events and by contacting Allison Flickinger at Allisonflickinger@ The cookbook, published in 2010, contains over 500 recipes graciously donated by St. Luke members and their families and friends. Cost: $15, proceeds benefit various UMW missions.

SAVE THE DATE: UMW Holiday Dinner & Installation of Officers

December 9, 6:30PM, Fellowship Hall Reservations are necessary so please contact Sandra Pirkle, President at or by phone 317-733-4183 or Adra Wheeler at This is a special evening to celebrate our accomplishments and hard work this year. We know we could not have accomplished as much as we did without YOU. Come and celebrate with us.

UMW Holiday Bazaar

Saturday, November 9th, 9AM-4PM. Here’s your chance to Christmas shop and serve all in the same day! Grab a friend and spend some time shopping. There are over 130 vendors that sell high-quality handmade items like jewelry, clothing, holiday decorations, furniture, pottery and artwork. It is one of the largest Holiday Bazaars in the area. Don’t miss the yummy cinnamon rolls! Best of all the admission is FREE! SET UP VOLUNEERS NEEDED – November 8, 9AM6PM EVENT-Saturday, November 10, 7AM-5PM. If you like to help please contact; Debbie Stevens at 317-334-9576 or email BAKE DAY VOLUNTEERS: November 9, starts at 8AM in the Great Hall Kitchen. Volunteer to prepare and bake pies for however long you want to stay. No experience necessary – it is a really fun day! Please contact Elizabeth Keller at 317-5949544 or email

UMW At Home Helpers

New this year for women who are not able to participate in a circle but who would like to contribute in some way to UMW. We need you! We have many women who would like to help with paperwork, baking, sewing, knitting, making phone calls or helping out in various ways in whatever needs to be done to help out with UMW efforts. Please contact Sandra Pirkle 317-733-4183 or


Outreach Ministries

English as a Second Language

LOCAL service opportunities

In our continued efforts to support Fox Hill, Greenbriar, Springmill and Nora Elementary, we are looking for people who will help teach parents English. If you are interested in joining this team, please contact Jamalyn Peigh William-son at williamsonj@

Fletcher Place Food Pantry Needs

Requests for food at Fletcher Place have increased significantly and current supplies are very low. They need donations of oats, pasta, canned vegetables and fruits (low in sodium and sugar). Bulk quantities are acceptable and appreciated. Food donations can be placed in the drop boxes in the West Passage. Please write Fletcher Place on the bags or boxes of items being donated.

Fox Hill Elementary— Tutoring & Lunch

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16) The Fox Hill Elementary/St. Luke’s Partnership is continuing its mission of introducing young English language learners to the joy of reading and we need your help. There are opportunities for in-class tutoring practically any time during any school day, tutoring in the After School Achievers program (2:30-6PM, M-Th), and a new emphasis on providing mentors (especially men) to have lunch with kids who don’t often experience conversing with adults during meal time. It takes as little as one lunch hour a week to make a difference to a child learning to appreciate the wonderful world of reading. Please contact Tom Lange at or 251-2274 if you are interested.

Fletcher Place Community Center

Fletcher Place is located on the southeast side of downtown Indy. Each month St. Luke’s volunteers help serve breakfast and dinner to the community. Breakfast dates are November 12, 14, 15 & 26 and December 10, 12, 20, & 24. Volunteers and donations of food, paper goods or cash are needed. Contact Lucretia Scammahorn at 317.299.9472 or Don Cochran at 317-441-5658 for more information. Dinner volunteers are needed to cook, transport and serve meals November 18 & 27 and December 16 & 25. Sign up on the bulletin board next to the UMM’s Sunday morning coffee station, or call Kay Horton at 317-253-9833 for more information. Did you know that Fletcher Place also has a thrift store that accepts donations? Anything you might take to Goodwill can also be donated to FP. Donations may be dropped off in St. Luke’s main office. The following items are needed at this time: Infant, children and teen clothing, men’s and women’s suits, undergarments for all ages, men’s clothing, bedding, towels and men’s and women’s winter coats. Volunteers are also needed in the thrift store and to help teach GED preparation classes. If you are interested, contact Don Cochran at 317-441-5658.

Outreach, Inc.

Reliable and efficient transportation is a major barrier for the youth of Outreach, Inc. It is not

uncommon for youth to spend three or more hours a day on foot in order to attend school, make provider appointments, or get to and from work. Many walk 45 minutes or more to get to the Outreach Drop-In Center. Providing bus passes for youth is one way to help keep medical, mental health, housing and other appointments. Also, youth engaged in full-time work or school consistently voice the need for a driver’s license. For more information on Outreach, Inc. volunteering, contact Jackie Reed at 332-6550 or Here are a few specific ways to help youth with transportation needs: // Purchase IndyGo one-day ($4) bus passes. Please mail passes (or checks with “bus pass” in the memo line) to P.O. Box 11416, Indianapolis, IN 46201, or deliver to Outreach: 2822 E. New York St., Indpls., 46201. // Volunteer to help youth earn driving time. Volunteers are required to use their own car. // Volunteer to help during Admin Drop on Wednesdays, 10:45AM-2PM. Volunteers help youth complete necessary paperwork and drive them to appointments at the Social Security Office, Dept. of Health, BMV, etc.

SAWs: Servants At Work

We will continue to build ramps every Saturday until it is too cold to work (usually January or February.) It is our mission to free people with mobility disabilities and low income. Please consider volunteering (children older than 12 are welcome with an adult.) Your volunteering makes a difference as there are a number of clients that we won’t be able to help until 2014. To volunteer, please visit construction/ or contact Paul Snyder at 317-6950585 or


St. Luke’s will again be volunteering to feed families on Thanksgiving Day in downtown Indianapolis and in the Great Hall. Chef David Mitchell will be cooking up wonderful food for everyone, but we

Outreach Ministries need your help! Sign up at outreach or by stopping by the table in the West Passage each Sunday in November to volunteer to help cook and carve turkeys, deliver food the night before Thanksgiving to Cathedral Kitchen downtown, work at Cathedral Kitchen or St. Luke’s on Thanksgiving Day or deliver meals to shut-ins. Or you can make a financial contribution or donate food items. For information, email Jamalyn Peigh Williamson at Thank you for your service, prayer and contribution.

the assistance of volunteers. St. Luke’s provides financial assistance for the UMW to send elves out to shop and through the Angel Tree Project we provide 100 hygiene baskets for families to receive. Families also receive prepackaged groceries the day of the event through the food donations to the food pantry. Please contact Jamalyn Peigh Williamson if you are interested in serving as a guide for families during their shopping experience or if you are interested in helping sort to prepare for the event. Service opportunities are as follows: Weekday sorting and set up is M-F, December 2-6 from 9AM-3PM and the Christmas Shopping Program is Saturday, December 7, 8AM-4PM with two shifts from 8:30AM-12:30PM and 1-4PM.

St. Luke’s “Servant Saturday”

Angel Tree

Hang an ornament. Make a difference. The St. Luke’s community is invited to make Christmas better for 100 families through our Angel Tree program. Starting November 17, come to the Narthex next to the Christmas Angel Tree to receive information on your selected family or child and let the shopping begin! You will be given an ornament to hang on the Christmas tree to represent the child or family you are supporting. All presents must be wrapped and returned to the Narthex on December 8 and 15. Other options beyond sponsoring a family are to make a $100 donation for a Kroger gift certificate, donate toward a hygiene basket or donate to the United Christmas Service voucher program. Another way to contribute is on December 22 from 2PM-4PM where you can serve on the distribution and gift wrapping teams and assist families as they pick up their gifts in Fellowship Hall.

Fletcher Place Christmas Shopping Program December 7

The Christmas Shopping Program at Fletcher Place Community Center receives donations of new toys and clothes to provide Christmas gifts to families in need. This program allows parents to shop and self select the gifts for their children with

Saturday, November 2, from 9AM to 1PM Take part in our new partnership with Vida Nueva UMC, 2801 W Washington Street, Indianapolis, to serve on specific Saturdays in 2013 and 2014. Assist with projects in and around the church. Vida Nueva serves the inner city and Latino community with English classes, legal assistance, youth programs, food pantry, computer classes, GED classes, and more. Many opportunities are available including (but not limited to) painting, installing ceiling fans (electrical skills needed) and clothes organization in the Clothing Pantry. All ages are welcome. To view the sign up page, go to: go/4090D44AEAC2EA46-servant. Watch for more details as we continue to serve Vida Nueva in the upcoming months. Questions, contact Jeff Blacker at

national work trips

Oklahoma Tornado Relief Trip

Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference November 17-23 Leader: Al Dalton, Cost: $250 + Transportation Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference is once again preparing its Disaster Response Team to assist Native American persons affected by the tornadoes that created such devastation across the area, including Moore, Shawnee, Little Axe, Meeker and more. This trip will assist their team in helping restore homes that were devastated by the tornado. If you are not able to do construction work, but would like to help with the team – cooks are needed! The Indian Missionary Conference will arrange housing for the team – most likely staying at a church. Register online.

21 Refugee Assistance Ministry

Refugees have come to our city at the invitation of the US government and Indianapolis. They are eligible to work and live here permanently. The Refugee Assistance Ministry (RAM) needs donations of kitchen items, furniture, mattresses and coats. Please contact Cathy Kennedy at 418-5869 or

Kids in Mission

Join us November 3 & 17 from 6-7:15PM in E107/109. See page 10 for details.


Outreach Ministries continued

Home in Naples?

Naples Habitat for Humanity

If you have a home in the Naples area and would be open to hosting someone on the team, please contact Bob Burroughs regarding your willingness. Thanks!

Week of January 21, 2014 St Luke’s will be returning to Naples, FL to assist Habitat for Humanity of Collier County in building homes. The project will work in a neighborhood owned by Habitat so the group will have the benefit of the teams working in the same area. LEADERS: Ken & Mary Pennington and Bob & Rita Burroughs. For information contact the Burroughs at 317-299-5801 or COST: $250/person plus transportation (includes Sunday night dinner, lunches and snacks) OR $500/ person plus transportation (including HOUSING, Sunday night dinner, lunches and snacks). Please register by December 1, especially if you are in are in need of housing. Contact Jamalyn Peigh Williamson if you are in need of a scholarship or if you have any questions. Sign up at

global work trip

Sierra Leone Health Partner Mission Trips

January and February, 2014 St. Luke’s Sierra Leone Health Partners returns to serve in this West African nation. It is the eighth time teams have gone to work since 2007. In 2014, two teams will go for 15 days (departures

January 16 and 30), and two teams will spend 9 days (departures January 23 and February 6.) The primary emphasis will be aiding the staff of Kissy UMC General Hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone, open a new 48-bed Mother and Child Building, train staff for the new facility and expanded service, provide requested educational and administrative training for staff and expand the hospital’s water system. Medical professionals and persons with maintenance and building trades are needed. The last two weeks, a team will be working with primary education in Freetown. The all-inclusive cost is $3,600 for the two week and $2,900 for the nine-day trips. For further information, go to global, or contact Don Griffith at 317-502-9502 or, Jackie King 317-475-0289 or for the health teams, or Marilyn Griffith (317-502-7444 or griffithmarilyn@ for the educational team. TEAM Sierra A – January 16–31: 12 days in Sierra Leone, 3 ½ days travel ($3,600*) TEAM Sierra B – January 23–31: 5 ½ days at Kissy Hospital, 3 ½ days travel ($2,900*) TEAM Leone A – January 30–February 14: 12 days in Sierra Leone, 3 ½ days travel ($3,600*) TEAM Leone B – February 6–14: 5 ½ days at Kissy Hospital, 3 ½ days travel ($2,900*)

Member Care Care Committee

If you know of someone confined to their home or health care center, call Mary Katherine at 8463404 x365. The Care Committee makes monthly visits.

Stephen Ministry

Grief & WHOLENESS ministries

Happy Days Are?

H.U.G.S (Healing Under Group Support)

How do you answer that question? For some, due to death, divorce, financial hardship, illness and other reasons; they are uncertain how to answer this question. For many, at this time of year, the answer is happy days are delightful, joyful and thankful! If you are finding it difficult to answer “happy days are?“ contact Mary Katherine Schnitz at schnitzm@ or 317.846.3404 x365; to be connected to a compassionate, listening and trained Stephen Minister. Your Stephen Minister will meet with you as you rediscover delightful, joyful and thankful days!

This on-going group led by is for anyone who has lost a spouse or significant life partner. The group meets every Sunday in the Parlor at 2PM for fellowship, sharing and learning about the grief journey.

H.U.G.S. Parent Group

This on-going group is for parents of young children living at home who have lost a spouse. Meets every Sunday, from 2-4PM in the parlor.

H.U.G.S. Dinner Out

Sunday afternoons can feel lonely for those who

Member Care continued have lost a spouse. Come anytime for Sunday dinner out with others in the group at 4PM, restaurant TBA.

Grief Ministry Mentors

For any couple or single parent who has lost a baby to miscarriage, fetal demise, stillbirth, or early infant death due to genetic issues, S.I.D.S, or any other. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM in the Spiritual Life Center. For more information call 846-3404.

If you have experienced a loss and are not ready for group support or individual counseling, but would like a supportive friend to talk about your grief journey, Grief Ministry Mentors might be for you. Sometimes just a phone call makes all the difference. There is no commitment or time table. Also, if you are someone who has gifts of compassion and empathy for those going through loss, consider becoming a Grief Ministry Mentor. For more information, call 846-3404.

HOPE Memorial Garden

support groups


A memorial garden located on the west side of St. Luke’s for any perinatal or infant loss. Plaques may be ordered by families to be engraved in memorial and mounted on brick garden wall. For information contact Marci & Jim Harenberg at 317-705-0771.

Men’s Group for Loss of a Spouse

Every Thursday from 1-2PM in Luke’s Lodge (building located behind St. Luke’s) When men lose their wives to death, life turns upside-down in many different ways. Husbands who are mourning the death of their soul mate may have similar grief issues as women. However, sometimes that embedded message of, “real men don’t cry,” discourages opportunities for processing and healing with the support of others. This men’s group will meet for fellowship and support and to allow a safe and confidential place to “say it all” with other men who mutually understand this complex journey. “REAL MEN” do cry and also “REAL MEN” laugh and even drink coffee together! If you have lost a spouse recently or years ago, or know of someone in the community who needs support, all are invited to join. For any further details, call Bob Shive (253-8184).

Dad’s Group

For any father who has lost a young adult child to illness, accident, suicide, or other. The Dad’s group meets every Tuesday at 7AM for light breakfast at the Hilton Indianapolis North Hotel, 8181 N. Shadeland, and Thursdays at 7AM at Denny’s at I-65 / Greenwood Exit.

One-on-One Grief Counseling

Sometimes the pain of a significant loss needs the benefit of time before the idea of group support feels right. If you, or someone you know in your family, workplace or neighborhood would benefit from a one-on-one session of grief counseling, contact St. Luke’s at 846-3404. Wholeness and health is the goal of working through loss; we hope no one considers doing it alone.

Chronic Pain Support Group

23 Knitters Needed

Tuesdays at 1PM in Luke’s Lodge. The prayer shawl ministry would love to have some more knitters. You are welcome to join them or knit from home. For more information or details about the shawl dimensions, contact Helen Vreisman at 439-6347.

Monday, November 18 at 6-7:30PM in N101/102. A support group for patients with all types of neuropathic and fibro-myalgia pain and for their families and friends. No registration is required. Questions? Contact Dr. Meg Frazer at 844-2903 or

Family Support Group

Wednesday, November 13 at 6:30PM, in the Conference Room. This group offers emotional and spiritual support for families who have a member abusing drugs or alcohol.

Adult ADD Support Group

Third Thursday, November 21, 7-8:30PM in W125. St. Luke’s offers support for adults with ADD. For more information call Mary Katherine at 8463404 x365.

Health Ministries Blood Pressure Screenings

Stop by C110 on Sunday, November 10, 9-11AM, for a free blood pressure screening. Please refrain from smoking or caffeine 30 minutes prior to the screening.

Don’t Forget Your Flu Shot!

With back to school time in full swing, that means flu season is just around the corner. Influenza is a serious illness that can lead to hospitalization and even death. Cases of influenza have been recorded as early as October, with the peak months being January, February, and March. In order to boost your immunity for the virus, it is important to get the vaccination by mid-November. Locating where to receive your flu shot is easy. In addition to checking with your doctor’s office, you can check the Health Map Vaccine Finder web site at (http://flushot. to find stores near you who administer the vaccination. Generally all the major pharmacies will provide the vaccination including CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Kmart, Marsh, Kroger, and Target.

Messages from Luke in Sower’s Garden The Sowers invite you to bring your bible into the Sower’s Garden (accessed outside of both the Central and West Passages) and discover the messages Luke has for you. Find 13 verses carved into stones and be inspired!

St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community.


Inspirational Gifts, Jewelry & Books Inside the walls of St. Luke’s is a peaceful place where you can browse, meet new people and experience a little retail therapy. Find books for your adult education class or your book group… inspirational gifts of all kinds… jewelry and home décor… the perfect selections for Confirmation, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, graduations, birthdays, baptisms, Easter and Christmas presents. Best of all, the proceeds from all purchases made in Oasis benefit the ministries of St.Luke’s.

Oasis Hours: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10AM - 2PM Sundays 9AM - 1PM

Imagine a place where God is seen and heard through expressions of movement, media, and music – come worship at Later @ St. Luke’s on Sunday evenings at 6PM in Robertson Chapel. Hear contemporary Christian, gospel and jazz music featuring the Later Band and Vocals, along with a challenging and thought-provoking message. Holy Communion is served every Sunday, along with light refreshments before and after the worship service. 11-03-13 - All Saints Worship Service 11-10-13 - “Pocket Change” 11-17-13 - 6th Year with Dr. Miller 11-24-13 - Service of Thanksgiving

All New Exploring Membership Class

Come join Pastor Rob Fuquay and others for a fun time getting acquainted with one another, learning the vision and values of St. Luke’s, a brief overview of the history of St. Luke’s, and a bit about United Methodism. Discuss what it means to be a member of St. Luke’s as we look closely at what it means to Seek, Celebrate, Live, and Share the love of God for all creation. Everyone will have an opportunity to sign up for future classes, serving opportunities within the church and outreach events. You may choose to join St. Luke’s after this class if you desire. Sunday, November 17, Noon – 3PM (Light lunch served) Childcare is available upon request – see registration information. To register, please go to and type “membership” in the search box.

Community Thanksgiving Eve Service

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 7PM Join in a community-wide, interfaith worship service of gratitude hosted in our own Sanctuary and officiated by Rev. Rob Fuquay. St. Luke’s musicians will be joined by singers and instrumentalists in this deeply moving experience. Bring the family, and help focus in on the true meaning and depth of the big Thanksgiving holiday!

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