Finding Your Mountain

Epworth Forest Retreat Center
North Webster, IN
Friday - Sunday March 7-9, 2025
Epworth Forest Retreat Center
North Webster, IN
Friday - Sunday March 7-9, 2025
Plan to experience a mountaintop spiritual transformation through worship, small group training sessions, quiet reflection time, physical activities, fun games and fellowship with other St. Lukers.
Breakout Training Sessions led by Amy Oden, Sydney Powell, Susan Fuquay, Mindie and Zack Moore, Sandy Harlan, Carol and Gerry Roth, all teaching spiritual practices including:
Hiking as meditation (plan for an outdoor guided hike)
Prayer (Breath Prayer, the Daily Examen, Lectio Divina)
Prayer with Stretching
Outdoor Service Project as a spiritual practice (digging postholes for signs on hiking trails for the camp)
Creative Art as a practice of deep renewal
Contemplative Photography (with your smart phone camera)
Basic Habits for Morning Devotions
Journaling and Prayer
I hope you will join me on th St. Luke’s adult retreat. I am excited about an opportunity away together, experience G new ways, and meet new fr Let’s all discover our own wa connect with God in order rejuvenated and empowere serve in meaningful ways fo transformation of the world!
- Rob Fuquay, Sr. Pastor, St. Luke’s UMC.
Dr. Amy Oden teaches Christian spirituality for United Methodist seminaries. Her passion is to introduce spiritual practices that can ground and nourish lives for justice in the world. Amy is a spiritual director, companioning people as they listen for God in day-to-day life. Amy lives in Oklahoma City, OK.
James Hume is the St. Luke's Executive Director of Worship & the Arts with a background as a worship pastor and professional musician. James was raised in southern California and earned his bachelor's degree from Anderson University where he met his wife Gretchen They have four children ages 13-22, and as a family they love to travel and create new experiences together.
Aside like from keeping the informed beautiful
Aside like from keeping on the informed beautifully.
(weather permitting)
Hatchet Throwing
Archery Tag
Prayer Chapel
Board games
Fishing (bring your own pole, bait and gear!)
Opportunities for listening and prayer with a trained St Luke’s Stephen Minister (30-minute sessions) You will sign up for these sessions at the retreat
If you have any questions, please contact our volunteer planningteamleaders.
Sydney Powell, MDiv (Vanderbilt), St. Luke's Stephen Minister, Small group leader, Adult Discipleship Team. Currently completing training for Spiritual Direction with UnitedTheologicalSeminary.
Susan Fuquay, Life-long Professional Christian Educator, Developer of Disciple Fast Track, Content Developer of BeADiscipleStudyApp.
Many people are already praying for this retreat, helping prepare special surprises, and inviting their friends to attend If you would like to volunteer in any way, contact Sydney Powell or Susan Fuquay.
Total fee includes: retreat, all meals, housing, and activities. Fee is based on your housing selection. Transportation is NOT included. Carpooling is available.
All housing options include a lovely kitchen. Enjoy stone fireplaces, big screen TVs for movies, tables for games and Euchre, along with water-view decks with chairs All linens and towels are provided
Bunkrooms in beautiful Water-view Lodges: (twin mattress, very nice) (6-8 people per room sharing a large bathroom).
Cost: $225 per person, total fee
Hotel Rooms: (private bathroom) Limited rooms Sign up early!
One person in one hotel room with Queen Bed: $350 total fee
One person in one hotel room with 2 Twin Beds: $350 total fee
Two people in one hotel room with Queen Bed: $600 total fee
Two people in one hotel room with 2 Twin Beds: $600 total fee
Delicious, hearty, camp meals. Two dinners, two breakfasts, one lunch included. Note on registration form any special dietary needs.
Casual clothes There are optional outdoor activities so bring weather appropriate garments
Sturdy walking shoes
Bible, notebook, pen
Bring a snack to share - Each lodge has a full kitchen, coffee, fridge, microwave, and oven.
You do not need to bring: bed linens, blankets, pillows, or towels, they are provided.
Depart Indy for Camp Check-in and Unpack Dinner
Evening Service: “Summit Inspiration”
Fellowship, Camp Fire with S’mores, Indoor Games Sunrise Devotion (optional)
Morning Stretch & Prayer (optional)
Breakfast Morning Session: “Summit Prep”
Breakout Sessions I (5 choices) Lunch Breakout Sessions II (5 choices)
Free Time Activities
Big Game Competition Dinner
Evening Service: “Summit Glory” and Worship Continued by Camp Fire (weather permitting)
Devotion (optional)
Morning Session: “Summit to the