11.12.2023 WHO WE ARE St. Luke’s United Methodist Church is an open community of Christians helping people find and give hope through Jesus Christ - regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, disability, or socioeconomic background. No matter who you are, where you are from, who you love or what you look like, we want you to know that God loves you and YOU BELONG HERE.
SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES NORTH INDY Traditional 9:30, Contemporary 9:30AM & 11AM MIDTOWN Contemporary at 11AM ONLINE, FACEBOOK & YOUTUBE The North Indy Sunday morning services are live-streamed on our website, Facebook & YouTube: Traditional Services: Sundays at 9:30AM & 11AM Contemporary Services: Sundays at 9:30AM & 11AM
PRAYER Submit your anonymous prayer request at stlukesumc.com/prayer or on the online prayer wall at stlukesumc.com/prayerwall.
Your gifts are transforming our church, our community, and the world! There are four ways to give today at St. Luke’s. • Scan the QR code or go to: stlukesumc.com/give • Text: STLUKESUMC to 77977 • Send checks to: 100 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 • Drop checks/cash in the baskets during service
DONUTS & COFFEE NORTH INDY - GREAT HALL (FOR TODAY ONLY) Grab a cup of coffee, enjoy a delicious donut, and take the time to connect with those around you. CONNECTION CENTERS OUTSIDE THE WORSHIP SPACES Stop by the Connection Centers to get your questions answered, sign up for groups, serving opportunities, and events, and learn about ways to connect here. RESTLESS CHILD AREAS AREA LEFT OF THE SANCTUARY & CENTRAL PASSAGE NURSING PARENT AREA • E126 Enjoy our live services in these spaces if you’d like to nurse in private and/or if your child needs a break during worship. CAREERS AT ST. LUKE’S St. Luke’s values the committed people who are part of our staff. Their dedication to the ministry of this faith community is key to the life of the church. Open positions and associated job descriptions and applications are available at stlukesumc.com/careers. CONNECTIONS GIFT STORE NORTH INDY • OPEN SUNDAYS • 9AM – NOON Connections is dressed for holidays with additional hours for shopping. The store will be open on Wednesdays 10:30am-1:00pm during November and December. There will be evening hours on November 16th 4PM -8PM and December 14th 4PM-8PM. TAIZE WORSHIP SERVICES NORTH INDY, 3RD MONDAYS OF MONTH AT 5:30PM, N103 A Taize service invites you into a time of contemplation using simple chanting, prayers, scripture, and 10 minutes of silence. Register online. stlukesumc.com/events
TODAY AT ST. LUKE’S CONTEMPLATION & COMMUNION NORTH INDY • 9AM – NOON – PRAYER CHAPEL The Prayer Chapel is open to anyone seeking a moment of peace, reflection, and spiritual connection on Sunday mornings. Holy Communion is available on the altar. Enter through door #2. EAST ART GALLERY NOVEMBER: MILITARY MINISTRY During the month of November, we honor the Veterans of St. Luke’s. Throughout the month, the art gallery will be a space where veterans will have a variety of items on display and can meet with others to tell their story.
SOWERS GARDEN NOVEMBER 12 - WEST PASSAGE The St. Luke’s Sowers have decorated the altar today in honor of their garden and it’s bounty. Come to the West Passage today for their sale of Bazaar products. Proceeds support and maintain the garden. Come share in the bounty. STARTING POINT NOVEMBER 12 - AFTER SERVICES - COMMUNITY ROOM If you’re new or newer to St. Luke’s join us immediately after service for Starting Point, a 30-minute orientation to St. Luke’s. You’ll meet others who are new and leave with next steps to help you find your place here. This is a great way to become familiar with who we are and how we live out our faith. No registration is needed! We can’t wait to meet you! PARENTS OF SPECIAL NEEDS SUPPORT GROUP SUNDAY NOVEMBER 12 FROM 12:30-2PM - NORTH INDY We are never meant to walk life’s journey alone. Joys and challenges often come to us in unanticipated ways and we want to walk alongside you through all of the ups, downs, and in-betweens. This group is for parents and caretakers of kids, youth, and adults with special needs. Please register at stlukesumc.com/specialneeds. Register at stlukesumc.com/specialneeds SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS NOVEMBER 12 AT 1PM - NORTH INDY The Holiday Season can be difficult after the death of a loved one. Join members of our Care Team and learn practical holiday survival techniques and discover that there is hope amidst the grief. The class requires a $5 book that can be paid for at registration or at the door. Register at stlukesumc. com/events
STAY IN TOUCH Sign up to receive weekly emails and/or the St. Luke’s monthly newsletter, subscriptions and preferences at stlukesumc.com/subscribe. Scan this QR Code and let us know you’re here! To make sure we have all of your current contact information, go to stlukesumc.com/myaccount to: • Update communication preferences • View the online church directory • Submit a prayer request • View giving information • And more!
CONNECT WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER WEDNESDAY AT 5:15PM - GREAT HALL Have a small group or class on Wednesday nights this fall? Looking for an inexpensive date night with your friends? Join us for dinner and community in Great Hall anytime from 5:15-6:15PM on Wednesdays. Delicious meals will be prepared by Chef Joseph at the cost of $6/person. No reservations needed CHRISTMAS CHOIR CONCERTS DECEMBER 1 @ 7:30PM, DECEMBER 2 @ 4PM, 7:30PM Join us for a magical evening of enchanting holiday music at the annual Christmas Concert, “Sing We Now of Christmas.” Proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the Crooked Creek Food Pantry. Tickets are $10/each and on sale now at stlukesumc.com/christmas GRATITUDE BRUNCH NOVEMBER 19 FROM 8:30AM-1:00PM - NORTH INDY We want to thank you for your considerable generosity. Join us for a delicious brunch prepared by Chef Joseph and Chef Jessica and many volunteers in Great Hall. Menu: sausage & egg casserole, veggie & egg casserole, warm fruit compote, hot ham with cherry sauce, cheesy potatoes, coffee cake, and waffle bar (always popular with the kids....especially the sprinkles!). We ask that you register in advance at stlukesumc.com/gratitudebrunch ELDERBERRY LUNCHEON NOVEMBER 30 AT 11:30AM - NORTH INDY If you’re 55 or older join us for the next Elderberries lunch on November 30 at 11:30AM. Lunch will be prepared by Chef Joseph. The cost is $6.00. Register online at stlukesumc.com/events
CULTIVATE & CONTRIBUTE DEMENTIA CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP DECEMBER 5 AT 6PM - NORTH INDY A support group for caregivers of those affected by memory loss. All are welcome to gather to find loving support, share resources, and encouragement along their journey. Individuals attending the Caregivers Support Group may care for loved ones in any capacity (whether at home, in care facility, or from a distance). Register at stlukesumc.com/events
CHANGE THE WORLD THANKSGIVING OUTREACH NOV. 23 (AND THE WEEK PRECEDING) This year we plan to feed 1000 people through our Thanksgiving Outreach, and we need YOU to reach our goal! Volunteers are needed during the week leading up to Thanksgiving to donate food items, help with baking, and carve turkeys. On Thanksgiving Day, we also need volunteers at North Indy to package and to deliver meals, and volunteers to serve in-person meals downtown at Cathedral Kitchen. Sign-up at stlukesumc.com/thanksgiving
ANGEL TREE DECEMBER 16 Every year, we come together to be angels for others by sponsoring and supporting hundreds of children and their families with Christmas gifts and household items. Donated gifts are collected by St. Luke’s volunteers. Participating families in need come to St. Luke’s to shop for their family at our special holiday store on December 16. There are three ways you can be an angel: You can sponsor a child by purchasing gifts (Return gifts to the church by 12/10). You can volunteer to help sort and setup gifts (12/10 & 12/15) for the store or shop with families at the Angel Tree store (12/16). You can give a donation to support our Angel Tree mission. For more information and to sign up visit: stlukesumc.com/christmas PILGRIMAGE TO MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA APRIL 11-14, 2024 Becoming an Anti-Racist church is a journey. Building awareness and community are vital steps in becoming a force for positive change. Led by Rev. Mindie Moore and Assistant Director of Outreach & Justice, Susan Peters, we will travel by motorcoach to Montgomery, Alabama, the epicenter of the civil rights movement. This 4-day pilgrimage is designed to be a transformative experience that puts us at the intersection of seeing how past events are impacting the world we live in today. Registrations must be made before November 15th. Contact Susan Peters to register at susan.peters@ stlukesumc.com.
Prelude | Jim Butz, trumpet Introit | Genesis Choir Welcome | Rev. Rob Fuquay Opening Hymn | Maker in Whom We Live #88 (4vs) Litany | Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger Leader: Gracious God, you have made a world for us and given us incomparable gifts: air and water, family and friends, your love and forgiveness, and your son Jesus the Christ. For all the gifts and wonders you have bestowed on us. All:
We thank you and worship you with renewed gratitude.
Leader: O God, you created us to love one another as Christ has loved us. You call us to love all your children, and participate in the work of the whole church to bring hope to all we encounter. All: Help us to love all as you love us. Leader: We thank you, O God, for your steadfast love and care for us, and for the countless ways you provide for us, in ways big and small, and in ways we cannot even understand. All:
We gladly give back to our Gracious God our time, our talents, and our resources.
Leader: O God, you have challenged your people to step out in faith and follow you. Be our guide. May your Holy Spirit lead us and fill us with eager anticipation. You are our vision, O God; lead us on our journey. All: Amen Glory to God Anthem | Great is Thy Thankfulness - Chancel Choir Prayer | Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger Dismissal of Children Announcements Call for Offering | Rev. Dr. Jevon Caldwell-Gross Offertory | More Precious Than Silver - Chancel Choir Doxology Scripture Reading | 1 Chronicles 29:10-14 Message | Rev. Rob Fuquay Commitment #399 - Take My Life and Let it Be #399 #593 - Here I Am Lord #593 Benediction | Rev. Rob Fuquay Postlude