December 29, 2019
welcome CONNECT HERE Stop by the Connect Here booth outside of the Sanctuary or Chapel for information on small groups, classes and ways to serve. ELECTRONIC GIVING Donate electronically to St. Luke’s (including Mission of the Month) by texting STLUKESUMC to 77977 or going to and clicking the dollar sign in the upper right hand corner. PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the Prayer Request cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at Pastors are available for prayer after each service. HOSPITALIZED? HAVE A NEW BABY? Call Laura Marine at 317-846-3404 or send an email to stlukescares@ If you have a medical emergency after hours and need a pastor, call the church office and follow instructions.
CONNECTIONS GIFT & BOOKSTORE HOURS Sunday 8:30AM – 12:30PM; Tuesday & Wednesday, 9:30AM – 12:30PM PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide nursery and Sunday School for newborns through 4th-graders. Register in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children in worship. Live-streaming of worship is available for nursing moms in E126. You can also enjoy our live services at the east end of the Gathering Area or in the Central Passage, if your child needs a break during worship. YOUNG ADULTS Join us for coffee & cookies outside the Chapel at 10:30AM or noon beginning again on January 5. YOUTH PROGRAMMING 5th - 8th Grade: Sundays, 9:30AM at the Lodge. At 11AM, Middle School Music Ministry in the Lodge. For more information or to register, contact Heather; Schedule resumes Jan. 5. 9th-12th Grade: Sundays, 9AM the Hub located in C124 inside Door 15. To sign up for Small Groups, contact Travis; bannont@stlukesumc. com. Schedule resumes Jan. 5. LEARN MORE For more information about activities, pick up a copy of our Winter/Spring Ministry Catalog or visit CONTACT US @stlukesindy | | 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 | 317-846-3404 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Rob Fuquay, Senior Pastor Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger, Executive Pastor Rev. Jevon Caldwell-Gross, Teaching & Guest Experience Pastor Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross, Pastor of Mobilization & Outreach Rev. Regina Proctor, Pastor of Care Ministries Pastors in Formation: Kevin Davis • Mindie Moore
We’re Glad You’re Here!
Thank you for signing the attendance pad with at least one piece of contact information when it is passed. New guests: learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the worship attendance folders and stop at the Welcome Center for a gift. Be sure to join us across from the sanctuary after worship for coffee and donuts.
order of worship S U N D AY, D E C E M B E R 2 9, 2 0 19
PRELUDE God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen | John Rutter Charles Goehring, organ
WELCOME and INVOCATION * HYMN Hark! the Herald Angels Sing | No. 240
* CHRISTMAS CREED Stephen Hoskins All: I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, Who did through his son come down on Christmas Day. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, announced by the angels, worshipped by the shepherds, and adored by the wise men. He lived to suffer, die and rise again that we might be free from sin, from death, and the power of evil. I believe in the Holy Spirit, who has brought me to faith in the Christ of Christmas. Through this Spirit I am ever led to lay before the feet of Christ the treasures of my love, and live under him as my King. I look to the manger as the place where God has fulfilled his Christmas love. I will follow his star and seek to serve him as my Lord, both now and forever more. Amen.
* GLORY to GOD | No. 70
* standing, as able
To every donor, volunteer, shopping guide and gift wrapper: THANK YOU! Together we served nearly 700 children in our annual Angel Tree and we couldn’t do it without YOU! Believe it or not, we are already preparing for next year and are taking donations for Angel Tree 2020. Our neighbors and hundreds of children are grateful for your support!
To donate, text STLUKESUMC to 77977
giving update
To date, our stewardship campaign has raised $4,050,910 with 1,113 pledges submitted. That puts us at 82% to our goal. We are grateful for this progress and would love to reach our goal by the end of the year. Please consider making your commitment this week by submitting your pledge card, which can be found in your pew backs, or you can donate online at
* GREETING ONE ANOTHER Mindie Moore (8:15 & 9:30AM) Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger (11AM)
ANTHEM PRAYER TIME & THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
ANNOUNCEMENTS OFFERTORY All Is Well | arr. Bruce Greer Ken Knowles, Soloist (8:15AM) Chancel Choir; Judy Williams, Director (9:30 & 11AM)
* PRAISE to GOD | No. 95 * PRAYER of DEDICATION SCRIPTURE READING | Zephaniah 3:14-20 Terri Williams (8:15AM) Matthew Kennedy (9:30AM) Mary Eckard-Good (11AM)
MESSAGE | New Year, New Hope Mindie Moore (8:15 & 9:30AM) Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger (11AM)
* BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Carol Rhapsody | Richard Purvis Charles Goehring, organ
Going the extra mile SERMON SERIES JAN. 12 – FEB. 16
joys & concerns CONDOLENCES TO: Jim Nethercott and Brooke Nelson on the death of Debra Nethercott
announcements WORSHIP...
COMMUNION The Prayer Chapel is available for communion every Sunday morning. You may enter through the exterior door west of door #1 at any time. If someone is in a healthcare facility or is homebound and would like communion, please notify Kevin Davis at 317-846-3404, ext. 326 or at
ALTAR FLOWERS 2020 Looking for a way to memorialize or honor a loved one in our traditional services in 2020? Consider sponsoring Sunday altar flowers for a $100 donation. Learn more and select your Sunday by contacting Dawn Fitch at or at 317-846-3404, ext. 338.
GROW… WINTER/SPRING CATALOG Be sure to pick up your copy of the latest ministry catalog before leaving this morning. They can be found outside of your worship area or at most exits. Take a look at all of the offerings for our small groups and classes; many are launching on January 12.
ST. LUKE’S HOLIDAY CLOSURE The church building and Luke’s Lodge will be closed after services today until January 2. Happy New Year!
NEW YEAR’S EVE LABYRINTH WALK | Dec. 31 • 6 – 8PM • Fellowship Hall Take 30 minutes to thoughtfully review the year and look forward to 2020. Walking the labyrinth is the perfect way to slow down and contemplate, and if you are new to labyrinth walking a brief introduction is provided. Enter through the front doors (Door #1) of the church.
COLLEGE OUTING | Jan. 2 • TBD • Top Golf, Fishers All college students are welcome to join us as we connect with old friends and make some new ones, or come with your current squad and hone your mad golf skills! $5 for golf; bring extra money for food and drinks if you want. Contact Travis Bannon at for time and complete information.
DIVORCE CARE | Mondays, Jan. 6 – Mar. 30 • 6 - 7:30PM • N101 Face the challenges of divorce and move forward with your life in the new year. The $20 registration fee includes a class workbook. Register at divorcecare. org. Scholarships and childcare available by contacting Pastor Regina Proctor at
SINGLE PARENTING SUPPORT | Wednesdays, Jan. 8 – April 1 • 6:15 – 7:30PM • C115 Support for all single or co-parents. Register at Childcare available with registration.
STARTING POINT | Jan. 12 • 10:45AM or 12:15PM • C115 New to St. Luke’s? Learn more about us in 30 minutes, and leave with recommended steps to find your place within our church. Childcare available.
LIVING BEYOND DEPRESSION | Sundays, Jan. 12 – Feb. 23 • 3:30 5PM • N101 Discuss symptoms and skills of coping with depression. For more information, contact Pastor Regina Proctor at $10 book optional. Register at
HIGH SCHOOL NIGHT OUT | Jan. 19 • 6 – 8PM • Urban Air Adventure Park This new facility has trampolines, rock climbing, a warrior course, ropes course, bumper cars and virtual reality! Meet at the church at 5:15PM or join us there. Please let Travis know if you are meeting us there! Cost is $35 which includes a piece of pizza and drink. Sign up at
HIGH SCHOOL CAMP - 2020 | June 14 – 19 • Epworth Forest Conference Center, North Webster, IN We’re headed back to camp and all 8th – 12th graders (2019/20 school year) are invited! This missional camp focuses on equipping students to be change agents through amazing worship and life-changing labs. Lots of swimming, kayaking, soccer, nuke ‘em, a giant harness swing and more fun! There’s something for everyone at this camp and it’s a great way to connect with peers. Early registration $415 (by 3/1). Register at and contact Travis Bannon for more info at
2020 HIGH SCHOOL MISSION TRIP | July 12 - 18 We are excited to reintroduce domestic mission trips for our high schoolers as we head to the Osage Nation in Oklahoma. We will be partnering with YouthWorks to serve both the native and non-native people in this community. For more in-depth details, check out the events calendar at for next July or contact Travis Bannon at
GO… ELEMENTARY CHILDREN’S VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The elementary-age children at the 9:30 and 11AM services would love to have you join them as a leader or helper! Please prayerfully consider sharing your love with our awesome kids. You may contact Anne Adams at adamsa@ or 317-846-3404, ext. 386 for more information or to volunteer.
JOB OPENINGS Want to be part of a great staff? We are excited to be hiring for two positions: Children’s Special Needs Coordinator and a Social Media and Content Manager. Applications can be found at