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in this issue | mission | staff

together in ministry everyday ST. LUKE’S CLERGY STAFF:

st. luke’s identity We are an open

community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation.

st. luke’s vision We envision being transformed

by God

and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive,

Christ-like community.

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Peace Week


Spiritual Journeys

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IN THIS ISSUE: Letter from the Editor Children’s / Family Ministries Peace Week / Pedal for Peace Peace Week / Greg Mortenson Global Health Spiritual Journeys Later@St. Luke’s Youth Ministries The Garden Ministry Endowment Discipleship World Missions Spiritual Life Center UMW Fellowship New Members Celebrations & Concerns Servant Day

Kent Millard, Linda McCoy, Marsha Hutchinson, Marion Miller, Stan Abell, David Williamson, Jamalyn Peigh Williamson, Adolf Hansen ST. LUKE’S STAFF:

Kathy Alexander, Administrative Team Assistant Jason Barnes, Director of AV/Media Dawn Bick, Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry, Elementary Betty Brandt, Director of Spiritual Life Center Kristi Chamberlain, Childcare Coordinator Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries Marsha Coyner, Director of Joyful Rhythms Lori Crantford, Director of Communications, Marketing & Development Kevin Davis, Director of Youth Ministries Jan Emmons, Finance Sylvia Forbes, Membership & Care Bertie Gilster, Receptionist Mary Hach, Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry, Early Childhood Adolf Hansen, Theologian in Residence Leslie Hazelwood, Facilities Martha Heinrich, IT Manager Carol Helmus, Special Event/Wedding Coordinator Sharon Holyoak, Oasis Bookstore Manager Julia Johnson, Executive Director of Ministries Mike Keller, Director of Wesleyan Ringers Faina Kleyner, Finance Beth Lammers, Building Scheduler Erica Lampe, Benefits/Development Assistant Tujuianna Lockhart, Facilities Bobbi Main-Jackson, Director of Weekday Ministries Charles Manning, Assistant Director of Music Ministries Ryan McGee, Associate Director of Youth Ministries Linda McGlothlin, Adult Ministries Bonnie McMenamin, Music Ministries Assistant Janet Miller, Children’s Ministries DeAnna Moran, Adult Ministries Registrar Rickie Murphy, Facilities Debra Nethercott, Director of Children’s Music Sarah Nevin, Publications Design Jan Nichols, Coordinator of World Missions Projects Julie O’Connor, Administration & Celebration Team Rich Potterf, Building & Grounds Ministry Mary Katherine Schnitz, Director of Care Ministries Cara Scott, Receptionist Kelly Scott, Facilities Winnie Sibotshiwe, Facilities Mark Squire, Director of Music Ministries Tara-Lynne Sinicki, Director of Children’s Ministries Ben Spillman, Facilities Alison Strawmyer, Assistant Director & Registrar, Weekday Preschool & Parent’s Day Out Program William Taylor, Facilities Jayne Moynahan Thorne, Director of Outreach Ministries Chris Thornsberry, Associate Director of Adult Ministries Cheryl West, Director of New Song Adra Wheeler, Director of Hospitality & Volunteers Rich Wisman, Facilities


100 W. 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 TELEPHONE: 317-846-3404 • FAX: 317-844-1034 • WEB: www.stlukesumc.com

Linda McCoy, Stan Abell THE GARDEN STAFF:

Editorial: Lori Crantford; Design: Sarah Nevin CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Kathy Alexander, Betty Brandt, Al Dalton, Kevin Davis, Beth Fried, Shannon Gross, Adolf Hansen, Nancy Hopper, Marsha Hutchinson, Terri Jump, Dawn McCord, Marion Miller, Jan Nichols, Julie O’Connor, Jason Rose, Janet Sharp-Freedman, Tricia Tomson, Kay Walla, David Williamson, Jamalyn Peigh Williamson. CIRCULATION MANAGER: Sylvia Forbes. EDITORIAL/PRODUCTION STAFF:


September 1 for October—December 2010

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Troye Kinnett, Director, The Good Earth Band Steve Whipkey, Director, Oak Hill Band Judy Tolley, Administrative Team Leader Beth Fried, Communications & Worship Matt Peyton, Media Ministry Specialist

from the desk


Dear Friends: St. Luke's is in the process of launching a new family-friendly Christian education program for children kindergarten through the fifth grade this fall, and I am very excited about it! Under the leadership of Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson, Director of Children's Ministries, and Rev. David Williamson, Director of Family Ministries, we will launch a new Sunday morning educational program which focuses on parents and children working together in becoming better followers of Jesus Christ. Childen who attend Sunday School will spend about 40 hours a year in learning about Jesus at church, while they spend about 3,000 waking hours at home with their parents. We want to empower the parents who have the greatest impact on the beliefs and actions of their children to partner with the church in educating their children in the Christian faith and values. The church is "yellow" as a sign of the light of Christ, and the home is "red" as sign of the love of Christ. Put the church and home together and you get ORANGE, which is the name of our new children's education program where children will experience both the light and the love of Christ at home and in church. The curriculum for the one-to-five-year-old children will have a primary emphasis on WONDER to help preschool children embrace a God who is bigger than their imagination. They and their parents are encouraged to remember these three key teachings: 1. God made me. 2. God loves me. 3. Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Elementary students in grades one to five will have the primary theme of DISCOVERY, which is intended to help children grow in their relationship with God. The three key teachings are: 1. I need to make the wise choice. 2. I can trust God no matter what. 3. I should treat others the way I want to be treated. Jamalyn tells us that in another church where this curriculum was used a little boy was in an accident and she went to the hospital to see him. He told her not to worry about him because he said "I trust God no matter what." He had learned his Sunday School lesson well! On the second Sunday in October, Jamalyn and Dave will lead a Shared Family Experience interactive service in the Great Hall from 10:45-11:30AM where parents and children will experience a service which will have high energy, fast music, creative drama and videos to engage both parents and children. Several of our key Christian Education leaders attended an ORANGE conference in Atlanta in March. They are excited about this new curriculum as a way of engaging more parents and children in an exciting journey of loving God, following Jesus and living out his values in our lives. If you are interested in supporting or helping with this new Children's educational program, contact Jamalyn or David, and for more information, see their article on page 5. I am always amazed at the way God just keeps leading us in new and creative ways! Grace and Peace,

Kent Millard

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from the editor

together in ministry everyday

Journeys by Lori Crantford

Summer seems to always be a time of memory-soaked journeys. For me, those include summers at my grandparents’ farm home, the journeys I would take down country roads riding in the back of my grandpa’s pickup truck, the wind whipping my hair all around my face and taking my breath away, or the times I got to ride down the road with my grandpa on his riding mower, or when I got older, when I got to drive the tractor through my dad’s apple orchard. Or the trip my parents and I took to visit their best friends in Kansas, and we lived through a real Kansas “Auntie Em! Auntie Em!” tornado. I can still hear my mom saying as we were driving along, “Look at those clouds, aren’t they interesting!” and then, when we opened the car door, hearing the eerie roar like a train that a tornado makes . . . my dad and his friend heading out of the house and yelling, “Get to the storm cellar!” (My mom’s best friend went running into the house at this point; my mom thought she was getting their cat. She came back to the car without the cat but with a pound of bologna and some ice cream and said to my mom’s stunned face, “If I’m going to be stuck in a storm cellar I’m going to have something to eat!”) My more recent memories revolve around the journeys my children have taken during the summer. Going down the “big slide” at the Rivi for the first time. First trips to the zoo, first time to catch fireflies, blow bubbles, ride a big boy bike. First camping trips and long car rides. Discovering that my oldest son, Jackson, gets car sick on long car rides, spectacularly so when on the winding roads of the Blue Ridge Parkway. (After dramatically losing the contents of his stomach, Jackson’s younger brother, Peyton – perhaps recognizing an opportunity to ask for something that his brother probably wouldn’t want too -- said into the stunned silence of the car, “Mom, Dad, Jackson just threw up. Can I have a fruit snack?”) There are many journeys taking place at St. Luke’s this summer. Inside this issue you’ll read about new youth staff and new children’s programming. . . the upcoming visit by Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea and the model of how one person can change the world, as well as information about the second Pedals for Peace fundraiser. . . Mission Possible Kids and how they are becoming agents of change. . . the journey to the Holy Land, Turkey, Haiti. . . The Garden has a birthday, the Endowment grants scholarships, and the bowling league “spares” a lot of change for charity. Our Together In Ministry Everyday current theme is Summer T.I.M.E. This summer we are encouraged to be intentional with how we experience renewal of mind, body, and spirit. Times of quiet, reflection, rest, play and relaxation enhance creativity and innovation. As you embark on your own journeys this summer, whether they be far away or as close as your own backyard, remember to take the time to soak up the experiences, take in the memories, breathe in the moment. Find a balance between our busy lives and the rare gift of doing nothing at all. Do something completely crazy, like stretching out in a comfortable chair, having a favorite ice-cold beverage and reading a really great magazine. . . like maybe this one. . . Hey, it’s just an idea. We’d like to hear about your summer journeys, the holy times spent with family and friends, or just in quiet reflection. Become a fan of St. Luke’s on our Facebook page and tell us about your Summer T.I.M.E. experiences. Share an especially wonderful book, a beautiful locale, a spiritual moment. And don’t forget that just like the pool, church is open all summer. We hope you’ll make St. Luke’s part of your journey this summer as well. Join us on July 18 for National Ice Cream Day! We’ll have ice cream available that Sunday. You’ll have to bring your own bologna. n

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9:30 LARGE GROUP (formerly known as “Children’s Church”) During the large group gathering, we will review the “Virtue of the Month” and introduce the Bible story for the day. Upbeat music, interactive games, and video clips will be woven throughout.

9:50 SMALL GROUPS (formerly known as “Sunday School Classes”) In small groups the students will engage in activities that help them explore and apply the Bible story while also reinforcing the monthly virtue and memory verse. There will also be time dedicated to checking in and praying for one another.

10:30 DONUTS!!! (you didn’t think we’d leave those out, did you?)

10:45 FAMILY WORSHIP EXPERIENCE Traditionally, we have invited children into a worship experience designed around adults’ needs and preferences. In this worship experience, we flip the script and invite parents into an environment designed around kids. The experience is high energy, with fun music and creative dramas that bring the scripture lesson to life. The worship focus will follow the same Bible story that the children have been exploring in large/small groups, so that parents and children can dialogue and grow together throughout the week.**

11:30 SMALL GROUPS For those children who weren’t present during the 9:30 hour, small groups will be offered at this time. Parents of these children can either slip into worship or join a small study group that will meet until noon.

**The Family Experience is geared for elementary-aged children. Preschool children are welcome to attend as well, but they must remain seated with their parents. Nursery services will continue to be available.For all these programs, we’ll be using a different curriculum than in the past. • For more information about the preschool curriculum, visit www.myfirstlook.org. • For the elementary curriculum, check out www.252basics.com. • To learn more about the “orange” philosophy, go to www.orangeparents.org. n

children & family ministries


Thinking “Orange”

by Rev. David Williamson (with much assistance from Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson)

What “Orange” will look like at St. Luke’s:

rhythm (rith′ əm) 1. The pattern or flow of sound created by the arrangement and repetition of notes 2. A procedure or routine characterized by regularly recurring elements, activities, or factors Rhythm. We tend to think of it as a commodity or a possession. Either you have it or you don’t. It’s as if there’s some kind of scale—on one end you find someone like Sammy Davis, Jr., and on the other end you get Steve Martin from “The Jerk.” (And just so you know, I tend to find myself on the Steve Martin end of the spectrum—I can keep a beat to a song, but only if I don’t try to sing along. For some reason clapping and singing at the same time gets my poor head confused.) But what if I told you that we all have rhythm? Whether you intend to have a rhythm or not, whether you’re aware of it or not. Every person, every life has a rhythm. We may not have the kind of rhythm it takes to appear on “Glee” (i.e., musical rhythm), but every one of our lives is marked by the kind of rhythm described by the second definition above. To a large degree, our lives consist of a series of repeated patterns. We have a certain time we like to go to bed, and a certain time we like to get up in the morning. (And for those of us with newborns and toddlers, we expend a lot of energy trying to get our children on the same rhythm of sleep!) We have a pattern for the ways we drive to work; we tend to stop at the same stores, the same gas stations, the same fast-food restaurants. We have our favorite TV shows, which come on at predictable hours, and we even like to come to the same service at church each week and sit in the same spots. You don’t believe in the power of rhythm? Try changing one piece of your weekly pattern and see how it feels. Better yet, see how long the change sticks before you fall back into your usual rhythm again. What is true of individual lives is also true of families—families have a natural rhythm as well. Carey Nieuwhof and Reggie Joyner talk about this aspect of family life, and one of the key insights I have gleaned from them is how rhythm sets expectations and norms within family life. In their book, Parenting Beyond Your Capacity, they write:

“Rhythm in your home actually shapes your family values. Things that become part of the daily rhythm are the things our families will come to believe are most important. Rhythm silently but significantly communicates value. Some parts of life may be conceptually very important to us as parents, but if we never include them in our families’ rhythms, our kids will perceive them as having little value. For example, exercise might be important to a parent in principle, but if no one ever plays baseball in the backyard, takes a trip to the park, jumps on a treadmill, or heads to the soccer field, why would the kids come to value exercise? If it’s not part of their rhythm, it’s not part of their reality.”

This connection between rhythm and value was a key insight for me. Once you get that connection, a couple of important questions follow: 1. What does your family’s current rhythm look like? What does it communicate about what is most important? 2. Is God part of the rhythm of daily life? Or is God more like the “good china” that sits up on the shelf and only comes down on special occasions? 3. What does the rhythm of our church look like? How does the rhythm of Sunday mornings carry over to the rest of the week within your family? How could the church help families to set a more healthy rhythm? This past April, a group from our church attended the Orange Conference, so called because it focuses on the intersection of church (symbolized by the color yellow) and family (symbolized by the color red). As a result of this conference, and the prayer and discernment that have followed, we’re going to try to do some things differently this fall:

Building consistent community. We’re replacing the Sunday School model with a “small group” model. It’s more than just a change in nomenclature. We’re serious about developing small groups of support and discipleship for kids, and part of that is pushing for consistent leadership. The more consistent the adult leader is, the more meaningful the connections that he or she will be able to make both with children and their parents. We are actively seeking volunteers who aren’t just “filling a slot” or “taking their turn” but who desire to make a lasting impact in the life of a child.

Partnering with parents. On average, children in active church-going families will spend about 40 hours a year in church. In contrast, they’ll spend over 3,000 hours per year in unstructured time with their parents. So it makes sense for our church to find new ways to resource and equip parents to be the spiritual leaders of their homes. Each week parents will receive materials designed specifically to help them deepen discussion and apply lessons that their children are learning at church.

Creating circles of support. One way to strengthen families is to “widen the circle.” The family may be the primary locus of spiritual formation, but this doesn’t mean that parents are meant to do this in isolation. We’ll be intentional about offering more bridges to family groups that already exist in our

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children & family ministries

together in ministry everyday

PEACE WEEK Peace Week Timeline AUGUST 1: Indianapolis-area Borders (River Crossing), Big Hat Books, and St. Luke’s Oasis Bookstore and Giftshop will have Greg Mortenson’s books in stock. To join a book group, contact one of these booksellers. AUGUST 15:

Pick up your free tickets. Tickets are required for admission to ORANGE, cont’d from page 5

church (Men’s groups, Eve circle, Family Fellowship, New Beginnings, etc.) as well as creating learning opportunities for those wishing to strengthen their parenting skills and their marriage.

Designing common worship experiences—“What was your favorite part?” When I walk out of a Disney movie with my daughter and ask that question, a dialogue ensues. When I pick her up from preschool and pose the same question, I often get a shrug. At best I get a one-sided conversation—I receive her response, but I can’t engage. What’s the difference? It’s not just that the Disney movie was more fun—the secret is that it was a shared experience. We both saw the same thing, even if we experienced it differently. So the question is, what should church look like for a family—more like a shared movie or more like a school pick-up? Our conviction is that by creating a place for families to worship together, we more effectively create spiritual dialogue and growth for both parents and children. So we’ll be adding a 45-minute “family worship experience” to our Sunday morning schedule, not as a replacement for traditional worship and Sunday school, but as a supplement intended to spur on the spiritual growth of the family.

Mr. Mortenson’s presentation on September  and will be available at St. Luke’s and Beth-El Zedeck. Four-ticket maximum per person. As seating is limited, please take only the number of tickets needed.

SEPTEMBER 27 at :

Mortenson will speak to Indianapolis-area students at Shortridge Magnet School. This students-only event is closed to the public, but a live video feed will be available to all schools in Indiana. A simulcast will also be available on Indianapolis channel  or . SEPTEMBER 27 at ::

Mortenson will speak at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 from - :

Pedal for Peace team bike relay event at the Major Taylor Velodrome will raise funds for Mortenson’s non-profit organization, Central Asia Institute (CAI), as well as for AWAKEN, an Indiana-based non-profit with goals similar to CAI’s. Additional opportunities were still in development when this publication went to print. For the most current details, please visit www.stlukesumc.com.

We recognize that these changes will not be easy to make— old rhythms exert a natural pull upon us. We know we’re asking the church to put greater resources behind their ministry to children and parents. We know we’re asking families to change their Sunday morning routine and commit a little extra time to experience worship together. But here’s the bottom line:

We believe that changing our rhythms on Sunday mornings will help families establish a healthier rhythm throughout the week. And that’s something worth embracing and maybe even worth dancing about, even for those of us with little to no natural rhythm. n

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special event


Pedal for Peace 2010 by Dawn McCord

Pedal for Peace supports organizations throughout the world that are committed to peace through education especially for girls and women.

What happens when Maryjane Behforouz has a dream to have a fundraising event in which we get on our bikes and pedal in the name of peace? She wakes up, calls a few friends, and then we call a few friends, and there you have it… St. Luke’s first ever Pedal for Peace committee. That was January . We were in the middle of THE worst recession since the Great Depression, St. Luke’s had to cut thousands of dollars from their budget, middle-class America was losing jobs left and right and our committee had no money but great ideas. How did we do it? In walks God… and with great faith in him,  (that the committee scraped up) and hard work... we did it! In October  we had  teams (seven from St. Luke’s) and raised , for Nazareth Galilee Academic Institution in Northern Israel (Mar Elias). So what do you do to top that? You do it again! This year, Pedal for Peace is holding its  bike relay at the Major Taylor Velodrome on Saturday October , , -. Our goals this year are to have 40 fabulous teams with a total of ,. This year’s recipients are Greg Mortenson’s Central Asia Institute (CAI, Three Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools) and AWAKEN (Afghan Women’s and Kid’s Education and Necessities, Inc).

PEDAL FOR PEACE INFO: • FEE: $25 per participant (includes t-shirt) • Each team is required to raise $1000 minimum • Team registration deadline: 9/10/2010 (Individual participants may still register as a team member after that date) • Register online at www.pedalforpeace.org

BELOW: Maryjane Behforouz and Kent Millard at Pedal for Peace 2009 FAR LEFT & MIDDLE: Scenes from the

2009 Pedal for Peace BOTTOM: One of the fundraising/

pedalling teams enjoying the day

The relay is open to all bikers,  grade and older. If your bike-handling skills are a bit rusty, stationary bikes will be provided. Teams can consist of any number of people, and not all have to “ride” to be on a team. Non-riding team members can be responsible for planning their team’s “Tent Tailgate” ideas, range from decorating to food to games, etc… be creative! Prizes will be awarded for Most Funds Raised, Most Laps Completed, Most Spirited Team, Most Riders on a Team, Oldest/Youngest Rider and Longest Rider. We look forward to this wonderful community event where together we can build peace in the Middle East from the Midwest! n

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together in ministry everyday


Not Just an Ordinary Man by Shannon Gross and Janet Sharp-Freedman

Heroes sometimes spring from the most unlikely places and situations. On September  (see Peace Week Timeline, page 6 for details), Indianapolis is honored to host one such person: Greg Mortenson, a man who set out to climb the world’s second-highest mountain with one goal in mind, only to discover another as he recovered from his climb in a Pakistani village.

“Several studies show if you educate a girl to at least the fifth grade level it does three important things: #1, it reduces infant mortality; #2, reduces population explosion; and #3 it improves the quality of health and life itself.” —GREG MORTENSON

Witnessing the devastating effects of illiteracy and poverty in the region, Mortenson promised the elders of Korphe that he would return and build a school for the village that saved his life. From that promise grew a remarkable humanitarian campaign in which Mortenson dedicated his life to promoting education, especially for girls, in remote regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Over the past  years the Central Asia Institute (CAI), the non-profit organization Mortenson founded, has established and supported over  schools in rural and often volatile regions of Central Asia. These schools provide education to more than , children, including , girls, where few education opportunities previously existed. The story of Mortenson’s remarkable humanitarian campaign was told in the  New York Times bestselling book Three Cups of Tea, and continues in the more recent Stones into Schools. Hundreds of schools and universities, as well as several branches of the U.S. military, have adopted Three Cups of Tea as a required read.

Mortenson’s efforts to build relationships through peace, empower communities and educate girls have struck a powerful chord. He has been the recipient of  honorary doctorate degrees and  awards, including Pakistan’s highest civil honor, as well as two nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. In addition, CAI was recently selected to receive , of President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize money. Mortenson has inspired many people with his compassion, inclusiveness, tenacity and dedication to his total vision of bringing peace, along with a better life, to the people of Central Asia. Despite having very few resources, he has illuminated the fact that we are all powerful, and that one person has the ability to make a difference. n

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special event



Peace Week Comes to Indianapolis

St. Luke’s UMC


Congregation Beth El-Zedeck

This September, Greg Mortenson will speak on his work of building schools and bringing peace to the people of Central Asia through his approach of “books not bombs.” Mortenson’s presentation will not only shed light on the importance of educating girls while raising much-needed funds for CAI to continue its vital work—his visit will create an opportunity for the Indianapolis community to unite in this vision of creating peace.

AWAKEN Butler University Center for Peace and Conflict Resolutions Studies, Ball State University

There are many other ways to get involved in Peace Week: •

In impoverished countries a penny buys a pencil and opens the door to literacy. Collect Pennies for Peace in your workplace or your child’s school and give hope to children half a world away.

Participate in a Greg Mortenson book study group (see Peace Week Timeline, page 6 for details.)

Already involved in a book group? Consider adding Three Cups of Tea or Stones into Schools to your group’s reading list.

Purchase one of Mortenson’s books at the end of his evening presentation, and CAI will send a duplicate copy to U.S. troops serving in Afghanistan.

Justice Center

Form a bike relay team to participate in Pedal for Peace, or swing by the Major Taylor Velodrome to cheer on participants during this community event.

ANU-IU Pan Asian Institute

There are many ways to bring peace to our world. Consider your own personal acts of peace.

Indy Artists’ Project

Indiana Buddhist Center Indianapolis Peace and

Peace Learning Center

Did you know?

The Nationalities Council of Indianapolis

80% of schools in Afghanistan have been damaged or destroyed.

There are 60,000 children working on the streets of Kabul.

The life expectancy of an Afghan woman is 44.47 years, half that of an American woman.

Only 39% of boys and 3% of girls are enrolled in school.

43.1% of men and 12.6% of women are literate in Afghanistan.

“If you educate a boy, you educate the individual. But if you educate a girl, you educate a community.” —African Proverb

“In the holy Koran when a young man goes on a jihad he first has to get permission and blessing from his mother. If a woman has an education she is much less likely to condone her son to get into violence or to terrorism.” —Greg Mortenson.

In Pakistan and Afghanistan, which have been called breeding grounds for terrorism, it is even more vital to educate girls.

Pakistani American Friendship Association

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For more information on these events and related organizations, visit the following websites: • www.stlukesumc.com • www.pedalforpeace.org • www.awakeninc.org • www.ikat.org • www.penniesforpeace.org

special event

together in ministry everyday


by Dawn McCord

Have you ever wondered how you could help make a difference half a world away? Bibi Bahrami did! Bibi (photo right) was once an Afghan refugee living in Pakistan until 1986 when she came to the United States and landed in Muncie, Indiana. Since then she has married, had six children, earned her GED, become fluent in English, worked towards a bachelor’s degree in psychology at Ball State University and started AWAKEN (Afghan Women’s and Kids’ Education and Necessities, Inc.). Because Bibi had once experienced the staggering statistics of Afghan (see sidebar below), she had a desire to do something for the children of Afghanistan.

As of , AWAKEN has built not only the Quala-I-Malakh School, but also the Beshood Health Clinic. The organization also offers vocational support to women in the area in order to help them learn skills they can use to support themselves and their families. This training teaches women how to sew so that they have the ability to sew and sell clothing, making them more selfsufficient. At the end of their training, all women receive their own sewing machine.

Shortly after 9/11, Bibi started her one-woman mission (with the support of her Afghan husband and children) to build schools in Afghanistan. She spent most of her time speaking with people about her vision, which quickly became the three main goals of AWAKEN: education, vocational training and health care. During the early years of AWAKEN, Bibi worked tirelessly collecting donations and making the citizens of Muncie aware of the poor conditions and lack of education (especially for girls) in Afghanistan. One unique way she accomplished this was by cooking delicious, authentic Afghan meals for hundreds. It would not be uncommon for her to cook a meal and haul it across Indiana to speak in another town.

One of the biggest obstacles AWAKEN faces is ongoing funding. AWAKEN needs a constant flow of money in order to keep the facilities in Afghanistan stocked with supplies, and to pay the salaries of teachers and medical staff. Though this organization is small, it is big in heart! Many people have come on board at AWAKEN and work just as tirelessly as Bibi. Because of their commitment, administrative costs are kept down;  cents of every dollar goes to fund the school, health clinic and vocational training in Beshood, Afghanistan. n

Why Is It So Vital to Educate Females in Central Asia? •

Pakistan ranks 160 out of 177 countries in literacy.

59% of girls and 73% of boys are in primary school, but only 28% of girls and 36% of boys make it to secondary school.

43% of the population is younger than age 15.

There are an estimated 30,000 "ghost schools," non-functioning schools that exist only on paper.

38% of mothers with no education immunize their children compared to 69% of mothers with a middleschool education.

Prenatal care increased from 50% to 80% for the same group.

PHOTOS: Afghan girls studying and women

learning to sew clothing. Both essential classes are sponsored by AWAKEN.


global health


Feeding the Hungry by Lori Crantford

On Friday, May 14, His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave a public talk entitled “Facing Challenges with Wisdom and Compassion” to a crowd of 10,000 people at Conseco Fieldhouse. This event was hosted by three organizations: The Interfaith Hunger Initiative, The Indiana Buddhist Center, and the Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center in Bloomington, Indiana. Proceeds from the event were divided between the TMBCC and the Interfaith Hunger Initiative. IHI received nearly $65,000 from this event, which will allow it to purchase a quarter of a million pounds of food for local food pantries, AND to feed 1500 Kenyan children school lunch for one year. It was a morning with a great amount of impact. The Dalai Lama stressed the importance of interfaith partnerships and the common aspects of many religions, including compassion, forgiveness and tolerance. “All religious traditions carry the same message,” he said. “The message of love, compassion.” Dr. Kent Millard, St. Luke’s senior pastor and president of the Interfaith Hunger Initiative, welcomed the crowd and said that the Dalai Lama embodies the teachings of Jesus. “The Dalai Lama says ‘We are all the same,’” says Millard. “He maintains that while we are from different religious traditions and different nations, at the human level we are all the same. As human beings we all need food, clothing, shelter, rest, love and supportive relationships. As human beings from around the world our children need to know love and affection if they are to grow and develop as loving human beings. At the basic human level, we are all the same.” On Sunday, June 6, St. Luke’s welcomed Senator George McGovern to the pulpit. McGovern has worked tirelessly to end hunger since he was appointed Director of the World Food Peace program by President Kennedy in 1961. He and Senator Robert Dole worked together to start the federal school lunch program, and they co-authored (along with Donald Messer) the book Ending Hunger Now, which maintains that we have the capability to end hunger in our lifetime. St. Luke’s member Senator Richard Lugar sent a letter welcoming McGovern to his home church, saying, “The challenge to alleviate hunger is one that must be met with creativity and persistence. St. Luke’s will greatly benefit from your experiences as we continue to advance our Interfaith Hunger Initiative... I am confident through leadership such as yours and our faith community we can achieve great things.” St. Luke’s has donated over $90,000 in the past two years to the Interfaith Hunger Initiative. For more information about that project, visit www.interfaithhungerinitiative.org. n


TOP LEFT: His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaks to the crowd at Conseco Fieldhouse about wisdom and compassion TOP RIGHT: Senator George McGovern speaks

to the congregation at St. Luke’s concerning world hunger BOTTOM: Kent Millard delivers introductory remarks at Conseco Fieldhouse

spiritual journeys

together in ministry everyday

Journey of Discovery by Julie O’Connor

Pilgrim: • a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons. • a person who travels on long journeys. • a person whose life is compared to a journey. Describing this journey is like capturing a wave on the sand. It was a journey of discovery and each traveler was a pilgrim. There were multiple facets of discovery entwined into the journey, experiences often flowed on top on one another, laughter and tears were in close proximity. Ancient stories were transformed into present day reality; strangers became friends; exotic and foreign became friendly and familiar. We discovered a land with stark contrasts. The region of Galilee is beautiful, rich with all types of fruits and vegetables. Lush green fields and stunning flowers were abundant. It was easy to picture the crowds gathering on the high hills to hear this teacher called Jesus speak of peace, compassion and love. As one of our troupe stated, it was easy to see why Jesus loved it there and was inspired to give the Sermon on the Mount in such a setting. A highlight was sailing on the Sea of Galilee. In addition to the gift of prayer and song that Kent and Jil frequently provided for us, the captain of the boat stepped up, lifted his hands to heaven, closed his eyes and prayed in Hebrew. That moment, while sailing on the Sea of Galilee, this pilgrim’s spirit was lifted to a place that transcended the moment. As our captain then proceeded to sing in both English and Hebrew, there were few dry eyes. It was a moment of inner discovery for most aboard.


Further south and east is vast desert, scarce vegetation and mountains riddled with caves, with the exception of the natural oasis of Jericho, watered by two underwater springs for thousands of years. In the midst of these larger-than-life places, the prayers that many of you wrote for the Lenten Wall at St. Luke’s, or just before our departure, traveled with us until our day inside the old walls of Jerusalem. When we entered the large court area of the Jewish Wailing Wall, each of us took a portion of what had to be at least  individual prayers. Your prayers were carried with deep emotion and respect. We discovered your prayers carried a piece of you with them, and it was a sacred task to carry them to their place in Solomon’s wall. We discovered peacemakers in action. We met hope face to face in some people who possess a passion for peace making. They inspired us to believe that peace is possible. One was Professor Raed Muallem, the president of the new extension of Mar Elias School, called the Nazareth Academic Institute. As at Mar Elias, children of Christian, Muslim and Jewish traditions are all in the school, enabling them to know one another and grow up together, learning about other faith traditions. Professor Raed is optimism personified as he described the motivation that fuels his determined enthusiasm: his vision of a future in which the lessons these children learn now change today’s harsh reality into one of peace. The Tent of Nations was experienced on a hill that has been owned by a Palestinian Family for generations. For information about the Tent of cont’d on page 


Taking the Prayers of St. Luke’s to the Western Wall by Terri Jump We stood together at the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem this past April, holding in our hands the written prayers of the children, adults and families of St. Luke’s. There were hundreds of prayers taken with us to this ancient sacred site, collected from our own “Wailing Wall” created during Lent. There were prayers for physical and emotional healing, relationships and marriages, jobs and economic stability, forgiveness and reconciliation, safety of soldiers and global peace, and grace and gratitude. Our group of Holy Land pilgrims read, prayed and cried tears over these requests for God’s special attention. We carefully placed them between the worn bricks and crevices… and if they became dislodged, we picked them up and tucked them in again. Several others, representing diverse cultures and nationalities (who were also visiting the crowded Wall that day), helped us reach safe places to hold our missives. There were no words spoken about our written prayer. Those who helped us just knew that we had carried these small folded pieces of paper from a far-off land that needed to be shared with God. We all were connected as brothers and sisters, participating in an historic prayer vigil to the location of the Second Temple, constructed around 1 BC, by Herod the Great.

ABOVE: Prayers traveled from our own Western Wall created at St. Luke’s into the Jerusalem Western Wall LEFT TOP ROW:

Whirling dervishes! Julie O’Connor and Kent Millard floating in the Dead Sea Steve Meyer and Mark Bosler riding outside Jerusalem in style! BOTTOM ROW: The Blue Mosque

in Istanbul Our sacred experience at the Western Wall was a highlight of our trip to the Holy Land. We became a spiritual bridge between St. Luke’s and the Western Wall, transporting our congregation’s prayers around the world to one of the most sacred prayer sites of all time. We travelers took our assignment seriously, prayerfully and even tearfully. Many of us forgot our own prayers to hold up the prayers of others. Of course, we are assured that God listens to our prayers everywhere… but on this day, we became the trusted messengers of the inner voices of our church family. n

Sailing on the Sea of Galilee In front of the Istanbul Blue Mosque A meal prayer in Istanbul The beautiful Sea of Galilee


spiritual journeys


The Bethlehem Al Arub refugee camp Lessons in the Garden of Gethsemane Dinner at the Burc Elementary School in Istanbul

together in ministry everyday

JOURNEY, cont’d from page 

Nations I encourage you to go to http://www.tentofnations.org. Several members of our group purchased trees for their orchards, and there are certificates for anyone else who is interested in being involved. The final day for this phase of the journey was in Old Jerusalem, the home for most holy sites of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It is majestic and powerful, and is filled with contradictions of hope and despair. There are sites of great mosques and basilicas in the midst of clamoring vendors and milling crowds. Here is the place prisoners were taken and beaten and where Jesus was displayed to the crowd. We went into the place said to be where Jesus rose from the dead at the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher. Each step this day was one of discovery, and the day was consecrated as we celebrated a communion service together in the Garden of Gethsemane. It takes no imagination to understand why Jesus and others would choose this as a place for prayer.

“We discovered peacemakers in action.

We met hope face to face in some people who possess a passion for peace making.

The focus for the trip to Turkey, sponsored by the Holy Dove Foundation, was to provide intercultural relationships as means of building bridges and strengthening friendships between Turkish and American people. They provided our rooms, two meals a day, admissions into the museums and transportation to scheduled sites. Bilal Eskili, who lives in Indianapolis, is the director of the Holy Dove Foundation in Indiana and the regional, sister organization, The Niagara Foundation. Bilal was our personal guide. He took us to meet the benefactors who inspire and assist his organizations, Bakiad. Their mission: “Our ultimate goal is to serve and maintain global peace and harmony by building bridges towards a long lasting friendship between the peoples of Turkey and North America, including transatlantic countries, through educational, social, art and cultural activities.”

They inspired us to believe that peace is possible.”

We toured the Hagia Sophia, originally a Christian Cathedral and later a Muslim Mosque. The art and tradition of both faiths is elaborate. To preserve both, it has been turned into a museum with Christian mosaics over , years old. All reflect the virtues of peace, love, compassion and kindness. We experienced luxurious palaces of

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sultans, were stunned at the beauty and size of the Blue Mosque. Ancient history and exquisite architecture stands in the midst of a thriving, metropolitan city. Telikar Street was booming with people all hours of the day and night, and we were able to watch the Whirling Dervishes as they performed their ritual dance. Istanbul is a melting pot of styles and sounds, delicious food, bartering in the Grand Bazaar. However, for this troupe of pilgrims, the richest experiences were meals of friendship in Istanbul family homes. We were divided into three smaller groups. Each meal and home was unique and elaborate with several courses. Tea, desserts beyond description, and gifts were always exchanged. The one thing all the experiences had in common was the genuine interest in knowing us, in being known and in establishing friendship. We discovered that people all over the world share similar hopes and values for their families and countries. Jean Miller, a member of our troupe, summarized well, “A real benefit of the trip is that now I have ‘places in my head’ that I can go to whenever I need peace or strength or comfort. They are the Sea of Galilee or the Mount of the Beatitudes or the Garden of Gethsemane. Having been there doesn't just show me what they look like, but gives me a connection to a sanctuary I can revisit anytime.” So many treasures were discovered in these days of pilgrimage. The relationships we built among ourselves were perhaps one of the greatest. As one person said about the group, “I may have seen you at St. Luke’s before, but now… I’ll really see you, the real you! “ We saw and rediscovered the Kingdom of God within and among us in Israel, in Palestine, in Istanbul, in the prayers we carried, in the people we met, in one another and as a result, I see it more clearly as I return home. For a description of our daily activities you can go to the blog that was written as we travelled at https://sites.google .com/a/stlukesumc.com/holy-land-trip/. The multiple objectives of our excursion to the Holy Land are listed there as well. It would take volumes to paint an accurate description of the discovered insights and highlights. They were immeasurable. n

later@st. luke’s


Mission Possible Kids Set the Church on Fire! by Dr. Marion Miller

OUR MISSION: Mission Possible

Kids is an organization empowering kids grades - to change the world by helping others. OUR GOAL: Our goal is simple—

to empower kids to change the world through missions.

Top Secret Missions Mission Possible Kids set the church on fire way before Pentecost Sunday. Since the launch of the program, fifty “top secret agents” have touched over , lives. Many thanks to the awesome leadership of Cathy Robinson and her daughter Kennedy who ignited this fire. These little hands have touched Honduras, Russia, Romania, Moldova, Iraq, Africa, South Dakota, and local missions. When the earthquake struck in Haiti, they wanted to help even more. So these special agents accepted the “top secret mission” of making comfort blankets for their little Haitian sisters and brothers. Also for Haiti, they engaged with World Missions and the Changing Footprints Organization to collect clean, gently used or new shoes for Haiti. But is it really that simple? It is for these kids, who meet once a week thinking they can change the world—they are actually turning the world upside down! These kids, grades  through , experience the unique opportunity of learning how to do mission and ministry at an early age. Parents are saying this is the most exciting activity they have seen in decades for their children. The concept is brilliant!

Pitch-In Dinner and Promotional Ceremony Mission Possible Kids held a Pitch-In Dinner and Promotional Ceremony to close out this semester and school year prior to summertime. The special agent theme makes these ceremonies so much fun. For each mission they complete, the children earn a star that they wear on their bright lime-green T-shirts. As they collect stars, they rise in the agents ranks and receive new titles. Two promotional ceremonies were held this semester:  were promoted at the first, and  at the second. However, there was something unusual that occurred at the second ceremony held on Pentecost Sunday. While preparing the hot dogs, the oven set off the fire alarm! As the firemen arrived out front in their trucks, we took advantage of the opportunity for some good photo ops (see above).


Here’s what Mission Possible Kids were up the first half of 2010: 12-06-09 01-03-10 01-10-10 01-17-10 01-24-10 01-31-10

Mitten Tree and Bandana Buddies Get Well Cards Bandana Buddies Warm Hands Warm Hearts Valentine Cards for Vets Comfort Blankets and Eye Glasses

02-14-10 – Valentine Day at Day Springs 02-21-10 – Comfort Blankets 02-28-10 – Black History Music Festival 03-07-10 03-14-10 03-21-10 03-28-10

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Eye Glasses; Changing Footprints Nothing But Nets; Changing Footprints Nothing But Nets; Changing Footprints Later’s Palm Sunday Service

04-11-10 – Sowing Seeds of Love 04-18-10 – Helping the Military Wounded 04-25-10 – Mission Possible Kids Benefit Concert 05-02-10 05-09-10 05-16-10 05-23-10

Join us in setting the world on fire this fall! n

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– – – –

Woodland Bowling Dayspring Wish-List Mini Food Drive Mini Food/Supplies—Pet Show and Tell Promotion Ceremony—Family Pitch-In


SANCTUARY KICK-OFF & ORIENTATION September 2010-May 2011 Sundays, 5-6:30PM, 107/109 Watch the Communion Monthly for info.


staff | race relations

together in ministry everyday

Dr. Marion Miller Receives for the Phyllis Wheatley Award Indiana Roof Ballroom. The special guest speaker for this year’s event was Immaculee Ilibagiza, New York Times award winning author of Left to Tell. As a Rwandan genocide survivor, Immaculee shared her message of faith, hope, and forgiveness. In 1994, she and seven other women huddled silently together in the cramped bathroom of a local pastor’s house for 91 days. In her captivating and inspiring book, Immaculée shows us how to embrace the power of prayer, forge a profound and lasting relationship with God, and discover the importance of forgiveness and the meaning of truly unconditional love and understanding—through our darkest hours.

Dr. Marion Miller received the prestigious Phyllis Wheatley Award which is “awarded to a woman who has worked successfully toward eliminating racism within the Indianapolis community, exhibits outstanding service and leadership in bringing about understanding and cooperation among all races, serves as an excellent role model for women of all ages, and reflects and Dr. Marion Miller supports the mission of the YWCA.” The Awards ceremony recognized women that not only are successful at work, but also contribute to improving the quality of life for the citizens in our community. The nominees and winners were announced at the 28th Annual Salute to Women of Achievement Awards, which was held June 15 at the

In addition to Marion, two other St. Luke’s members received recognition. Codi Perry won the Young Women of Promise Award. Codi, 18, leads the Girls Gift program, which is sponsored by Later@St. Luke’s. Also Kennedy Robinson, who helped establish the Mission Possible program at St. Luke’s, was also nominated for the Young Women of Promise Award. Congratulations to Marion, Codi and Kennedy! n

Race Relations @Later by Dr. Marion Miller

Later@St. Luke’s is recognized as being on the leading edge when it comes to multicultural worship. Numerous people from different backgrounds and faiths come to experience this spirit-filled worship service.

• does not require consensus, but uncovers areas of agreement and common concern; • progresses from a session on personal experience of the issue, to sessions providing multiple viewpoints, to a session that looks at strategies for action.

Part of the challenge in building hospitable community is to find ways to make newcomers feel comfortable, warm and welcome. It is important that each person who attends our worship service feel part of something bigger than themselves, and that they can make a difference on the issues that affect their lives. Race Relations Study circles (see photo below) provide that and even more. Race Relations at Later welcomes people from all backgrounds and provides a safe place for all participants to exchange ideas, dispel stereotypes, create new relationships, and form new networks.

Gustanna Moss Chaney and Kevin Helmuth recently facilitated a study circle. Those completing the session were Cindy Dooley, Lyle M. Eaton, DeShong Perry-Smitherman, Merribeth Hoffman, N. Lee Matlock, Michael Robinson, N. Lee Matlock, Keith Smitherman, Linda Madagame, Sandy Trosper, and Ona Whitaker. Each received graduation certificates, and this group is well on its way to working on their first group project. Their intent is to conduct a “census survey” within the population of Later@St. Luke’s. This information will be used to further the existing multicultural worship experience. n Please join our next study circle that will start in September 2010. We are

The mission of Study Circles at Later is to increase the understanding, appreciation, and celebration of different races and cultures, and to provide the community with practical recommendations for actions that individuals can take to promote equality.

accepting registrations now; simply contact Gustanna Chaney, Kevin Helmuth or Dr. Marion Miller at 846-3404 x340.

The study circle program is part of a nationwide effort to address racism by providing a simple way to involve community members in dialogue and action. The program assigns participants into racially mixed groups who engage in small, peer-led discussions regarding their racial attitudes. A study circle consist of the following format: • is a small, diverse group, usually 8 to 12 participants; • meets regularly over a period of six weeks to address a critical issue in a collaborative way; • sets its own ground rules for a respectful, productive discussion; • is led by a trained facilitator who is impartial, and who helps manage the deliberation process, • looks at an issue from many points of view;


youth ministries


Welcome New Staff! by Kevin Davis

After college, I worked as the Director of Christian Education for St. John's Presbyterian Church in Devon, PA. The St. John's family embraced me with love, challenged me to grow, and is very on fire for growing in their own community as well as getting more involved in the community around them. Their passion for God's love and sharing that with others is incredible, and I feel so blessed to have journeyed with them as we both continue our faith walks. I look forward to becoming part of the St. Luke's community, learning from you, and sharing some of the things I've learned along the way.

Change is often a time of anxiety but of excitement as well. With the departure of Matt Peyton and Kathleen Headington from the youth staff (Matt is on staff at The Garden, St. Luke’s satellite ministry, while Kathleen has accepted a position with Alpha Chi Omega), there was some anxiety of the unknown—who would come to fill their shoes? I am excited to announce that after much prayer and searching, we have hired two new Associate Directors of Youth Ministries. First I would like to introduce you to Ryan McGee, who started work at St. Luke’s on June 7. I am thrilled about the opportunity to work with Ryan. He brings a passion for mentoring and music together with his desire to reach teens. His team approach will be a great benefit to youth ministries moving forward. Ryan grew up in Indiana and graduated from Anderson University in 2003 with a degree in Mass Communication with a Music Business minor. He is married to Megan and they have a son, Rowen, born in December 2007. They're also expecting another boy in September 2010. The son of a United Methodist minister, Ryan has worked in a variety of settings with youth. He’s co-led a student ministry with over 100 youth in another local congregation; served as program director for a before/after school program of 30-40 students; and started a student ministry for a church plant in Fishers.

Ryan McGee and Stephanie Eft

I am passionate about relational ministry, discipleship, and bridging generational gaps. I also have a passion for sports, especially the Ohio State Buckeyes. I played varsity lacrosse in high school and college, and I love to play football, too. I really enjoy using sports as a platform to make connections between people and life issues. I also love hiking, seeing beauty in creation (both God's creation in nature and God's pinnacle creation in humanity), and appreciating the common threads God has woven through all of us. Indoors, I enjoy playing just about any type of game (board games, video games, cards, trivia, etc.). I believe service and outreach are pivotal to growth as a community.

With his 15 years experience of playing multiple instruments and leading a band, Ryan’s leadership with our youth will include coordinating worship experiences. Among other duties, he’ll also be involved with graphic design/publicity/communications. He is passionate about leading and empowering students while partnering with parents to challenge students spiritually.

Thanks for inviting me to join your family, and I look forward to meeting you all soon!”

Aside from family, ministry, and music, Ryan will tell you he enjoys coffee, chocolate milk, IU basketball, oatmeal pancakes, breakfast for dinner, and spending quality time with friends. Welcome, Ryan!

When applying for this position, Stephanie wrote, “I seek a church community where I can actively serve God alongside youth, leading teens to a personal, growing, and lifelong relationship with God through fellowship and relational ministry with peers, parents, adult leaders, and adult members of the church congregation.”

Stephanie Eft will join our staff on August 1. Stephanie brings a great passion for working with youth along with a background of youth ministry training and experience. Stephanie sent this message to our congregation:

Some of the ways Stephanie will be able to accomplish this goal at St. Luke’s is through the coordination of retreats, curriculum development and programming leadership for both our junior and senior high students. I look forward to what Stephanie brings to the team; she is a real blessing and will be an inspiration for St. Luke's Live in Tune Youth Ministry.

“Hello St. Luke's family! My name is Stephanie Eft , and I am delighted to join your youth ministries leadership team. Let me help you get to know me a little bit better. I grew up in Fishers, Indiana and graduated from Hamilton Southeastern High School. I graduated from Eastern University outside of Philadelphia, PA with a Bachelor’s degree in Youth Ministry and minors in Biblical Studies and Anthropology.

I am thankful for an excellent search team: Brian Adams, Tony Baumgartner, Judi Hosfeld, Kari Miller, and Cathi Wineland who looked through many resumes, sat through hours of phone interviews and face to face interviews. Please stop by the youth offices at Luke’s Lodge and welcome Ryan and Stephanie to the Youth Ministry family. n


youth ministry | satellite ministry

together in ministry everyday

Out of the Mouths of Volunteers by Kevin Davis

“My husband, Mike, and I have been together 30 years now. We realized that as much as we loved each other, in order to stay together, we best find some common denominating factors to be involved in... together! Being involved in Youth Ministry is one of those things. At first, we thought it might not work out since Claire is a junior (soon to be senior) and seems to value her space from us. Every mission trip that we have chaperoned... our daughters were able to find that adequate space needed! The Youth Leaders were very sensitive in putting us in relationship with other kids and allowing our daughters to have those opportunities to make positive connections with other adults. The result: We have had amazing experiences with other people's children. We may gently guide conversations, but mostly provide a loving and tolerant space for spiritual exploration. We underestimate our roles in the kids’ lives, and always seem to be surprised when they come to us for good news, bad news, hugs, or an invite to their Open House. We are thankful for this opportunity, we are blessed to be in ministry WITH these youth and the other adults involved. TIME well spent!”

Live in Tune Youth Ministry offers a variety of ways for people of all ages to be involved. Following are stories of two volunteers who come from two different life perspectives and have been a big part of our youth ministry team.

Kari Miller, a wife and a mother of two girls, has volunteered for our Junior High youth for the last two years. Kari also served on our search team to find our new associate directors of youth ministry. Kari says the following about her experience with volunteering in youth ministry: “What better way to spend a Sunday night than with a bunch of super fun teenagers! It's been a privilege for me to hang out with middle school youth at the Lodge. No matter what the theme is for the evening, there is always someone who will just make you laugh out loud. If you like dodge ball, this is the truly the place to be! I am not sure who enjoys Sunday nights the most, the teens or the adults. Another thrill is watching junior high youth jump up and down during praise and worship time. I sometimes find myself even dancing and clapping for the Lord. What a gift we have in working with teens at the Lodge! Whether we are playing ping-pong, Guitar Hero, singing or having conversations, the group has fun learning about one another and about how this thing called 'faith' fits into our lives. The church is very blessed by our youth program.”

Dana Cochran Wiley, wife and mother of

There are many ways to become involved in Live in Tune Youth Ministries with a variety of entry points. People who begin volunteering in youth ministry do not begin by leading a small group. There are ways to become involved that require less pressure and time commitment. This gives volunteers a time to observe, learn, acquire resources from youth ministry staff, and build relationships with the teens. Each volunteer has a different set of gifts, and through time of involvement those gifts will be discovered and can be used to work with teens.

two teenage daughters, has volunteered in a variety of ways over the years. Dana currently leads a small group in Senior High, and has created a place for teens to feel comfortable exploring a variety of topics. Dana had the following to say about her involvement with Live in Tune Youth Ministry:

Live in Tune Youth Ministry is looking for more volunteers as we approach the fall season. We would love to have you along for the journey as we serve teens. As you can see by Kari and Dana’s comments, it is a rewarding experience. Please contact me (davisk@stlukesumc.com) if you are interested. n

The Garden Turns 15 by Beth Fried

On September 10, 2010 The Garden will turn fifteen years old. In the midst of the teen years, The Garden continues to rock the house. The seed for The Garden was initially planted in 1994, when 75 individuals from St. Luke’s pledged their support, in both time and dollars. Dr. Linda McCoy, then a fulltime pastor with St. Luke’s, felt called to start a unique, non-traditional worship service. She joined with Suzanne Stark and a volunteer worship team to create the non-traditional satellite ministry. The Garden became known as “A Blossom of St. Luke’s.” It’s not your parent’s church. There were 202 people in attendance on September 10, 1995 when The Garden held its first service. It was entitled “Come As You Are” with the intention to introduce attendees to the new style of worship, where casual dress is the norm, and on a deeper level, welcoming and engaging people of all faith paths. The objective for The Garden from the very beginning has been to present a casual service that uses popular, secular media to convey a message related to life experiences.




On the Road to Ordination by Dr. Adolf Hansen

There are a number of steps on the road to ordination in the United Methodist Church. And they take years to accomplish. The first step is INQUIRY. It often takes months—sometimes even years. It is a time during which a person discerns his or her call to ministry, both individually and by participation in a Ministry Inquiry Group.

Brenda Freije (Roberts Park, Lockerbie Central), Jenifer Stuelpe Gibbs (First, Bloomington), Jill Moffett Howard (Memorial, Terre Haute), Marsha Hutchinson (St. Luke’s), Kevin Raidy (Bloomfield), and Brent Wright (Broadripple).

The second step leads to a DECLARED CANDIDATE status. It takes place through a process that begins with an interview and recommendation by members of our Staff-Parish Relations Committee, and ends with an approval by our Charge Conference. The third step involves a process of becoming a CERTIFIED CANDIDATE. It starts with an interview by the Central District Committee on Ordained Ministry and continues for several months, during which the candidate fulfills a number of requirements that include written answers to questions, documentation of service in a local congregation, psychological tests, legal and financial declarations, and letters of reference.

On the morning of June 13, 2010, two additional members of St. Luke’s were commissioned by Bishop Michael Coyner at a service of worship at the annual meeting of the Indiana Conference at Ball State University in Muncie: Tony Hunley and Kim King. Each of them graduated in 2010 from Christian Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree. Tony has been appointed as the Pastor of Jamestown United Methodist Church. Kim has been appointed as the Associate Pastor of Roberts Park United Methodist Church in downtown Indianapolis. After a three year period of “residence in ministry”—a time when the candidate is appointed to serve in a United Methodist congregation— the fifth and final step is the act of ORDINATION. Two of the twelve candidates were ordained in 2009: Brian Durand and Marsha Hutchinson. On the morning of June 13, 2010, Brent Wright was ordained by Bishop Michael Coyner. After serving for three years as the Pastor of Jamestown United Methodist Church, Brent has been appointed as the Pastor of Broad Ripple United Methodist Church.

There are twelve individuals from St. Luke’s who have completed these three steps during the past six years. I have had the privilege of serving as their mentor through these processes. The fourth step on the road to ordination is the act of COMMISSIONING. This begins with a recommendation from the District Committee and continues for several months during which time the candidate formulates and submits a substantial number of written documents, including several statements of belief and practice, a sermon, multiple letters of reference, documentation of satisfactory service in a local church, etc. This is followed by intensive and thorough interviews with members of the Indiana Conference Board of Ordained Ministry during the year in which a candidate is completing his or her three-year theological education. Ten of the twelve individuals were commissioned in the years 2006 through 2009 and now serve congregations in the Indiana Conference: Stan Abell (St. Luke’s/Garden), Sharon Baker (Bicknell), Peter Curts (Otisco, Emmanuel, Old Salem), Brian Durand (conference staff),

The process of developing outstanding leaders for the United Methodist Church in Indiana continues in and through St. Luke’s. It’s a very important process and I am not the only one who has the privilege of assisting candidates on their journey. Many of you do as well, whether it’s through your influence as a clergy or lay staff member, or whether it’s through your service as a lay volunteer. We are a team committed to finding, encouraging, advising, and supporting candidates for ministry—some called to be clergy and some called to be laity—but all called to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world! n

LEFT: The Garden Band at Oak Hill Mansion BELOW: The Garden Band at Beef and Boards

The Garden strives to blur the boundary between church and everyday life by finding God in “the everyday.” The largely volunteer Worship Team continues to create a fully integrated worship service every week, featuring popular music and video clips from popular movies and TV shows. The Garden has put down strong roots. In its adolescence, The Garden has grown to four Sunday services (8:15, 9:15, 10:15AM at Beef & Boards, 10:15AM at Oak Hill Mansion) and is busy preparing to add a fifth service at the end of the summer. The Garden is also launching its own “blossom,” the Bluevine Collective. It is an internet-based interactive church experience that continues the vision of St. Luke’s and The Garden to transform the world so that people will experience God wherever they are. As for the next 15 years, this summer The Garden held two open meetings called “The Gathering of The Gardeners.” In these sessions, St. Luke’s Executive Director of Ministries, Julia Johnson, led Gardeners through visioning exercises to help determine the future direction of The Garden. One thing is certain: a Gardener’s work is never done. The Garden will continue to grow and bloom. Experience The Garden for yourself. It’s a fresh perspective on faith. n



together in ministry everyday

Building a Cathedral for Your Soul ENDOWMENT SUNDAY April 25, 2010 by Tricia Tomson On Sunday, April , , St. Luke’s welcomed Reverend William G. Enright, Ph.D. to the pulpit during all three services to deliver an inspiring message to our congregation titled “Building a Cathedral for Your Soul.” Dr. Enright is the Executive Director of the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, and former Senior Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis. He is an expert on building church endowment support and renowned for his research and insight into religious giving.

What will happen to your treasures when you are gone? By giving to the endowment at St. Luke’s, you are giving a gift of thanks and praise to God for the past and future. An endowment gift is passed onto future generations and is a testament to what is sacred to us. It ensure the values of the church are passed on and that the mission of St. Luke’s remains in perpetuity. Dr. Enright left us with this thought: What stories will people say about you when you’re gone? What difference will you make with the treasures that God has blessed you with?

Following a reading of scripture from Luke :-, Dr. Enright’s sermon addressed the issue of money - a topic that is often taboo. However, Jesus talks in the Bible about money and how we should use it throughout our lives. Money is a gift from God and it should be used in redemptive ways. But, what is enough and how much is too much? Dr. Enright stated that in a Princeton survey,  out of  people described themselves as being too materialistic; however, % said they wished they had a little more. So, when do we have enough, and how much is too much, and what do we do with it when we are gone?

Christian Life Scholarship Recipients Each year, St. Luke’s senior youth are invited to apply for the Christian Life Scholarship. The number of recipients and award amount is dependent upon the growth of the fund’s investment. Students who are selected have demonstrated a passion for their faith and their willingness to help make a difference in the lives of others. This year, we received eleven applications for the Christian Life Scholarship and were able to offer scholarship awards to four recipients.

In Luke :-, God states, “do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.” God tells the man in this parable that, “those who store up treasures for themselves but are not rich towards God are fools.” Dr. Enright explains that God is calling him a fool because the man thinks he can use money to solve his own problems and secure his own future. But our riches should be used as a spiritual investment.

This year’s scholarship recipients (pictured left) were Sara Andler, Macey Elser, Sarah Elser, and Carlie Jensen. Sara Andler is a North Central High School graduate and plans to attend Taylor University in the fall. Macey and Sarah Elser are also both North Central High School graduates and plan on attending either DePauw or Indiana University. Carlie Jensen graduated from Westfield High School and will be attending Indiana University this fall. (Also pictured: Dr. Enright (L), Dr. Adolf Hansen (R)).

Dr. Enright explains that we suffer from mistaken identity and that we often times confuse our material things with character, our assets with self-worth and our money with security. When we think we have more than enough, we tend to hold onto it tight for fear of losing it. The more we have the more we have to lose, and the more we have to lose the less generous we become. Most of us are trying to secure our own futures—but what happens to all our things and all our money when we are gone? Dr. Enright conveys the message to live generously, serve people around you and life will take care of itself. To trust in God’s will.

The Christian Life Scholarship Fund demonstrates the church’s investment in young people as individuals to lead with faith and perseverance to share the word of God and the importance of a Christian community.

St. Luke’s Endowment

He ended the sermon with a story about Oseola McCarty—a humble washerwoman who became the University of Southern Mississippi’s most famous benefactor. Born in , Oseola dropped out of school after the 6th grade to care for her ailing aunt and became a laundress for  years. She started a savings account and lived a humble life; by the  she had saved more than a quarter of a million dollars. She was not able to grasp the magnitude of her savings and wanted to give it away to help young black women go to school at the University of Mississippi. She gave it all away during her lifetime and left nothing for herself. When asked why, she simply stated, “I have all I need and nothing more I want.” Oseola McCarty had built a cathedral for her soul.

St. Luke’s Endowment was founded over  years ago by members who had the vision and passion for securing our church’s future for generations to come. Over the years, the endowment has helped build and sustain programs such as: The Garden, Staff Parish Fund, Sowers Fund, Deaf Camp Fund, Carillon Fund, Christmas Fund, and the Jean Bepko Children’s Resource Fund. In addition, the Christian Life Scholarship Fund has awarded thousands of dollars in college scholarship support to youth members who have demonstrated a passion for their faith and their willingness to help make a difference in the lives of others. Endowments allow congregations to live through tough times and survive through those times with vitality. They are the catalyst for change and provide sustainability, allowing congregations to continue programs and create new services to better the community. Endowments are about expressing passion and sharing that passion with future generations. If you are interested in learning more about how you can leverage change and leave your legacy at St. Luke’s, please contact Jim Price, St. Luke‘s Endowment Committee Chair, at jim.price@wfadvisors.com, or visit our Endowment page at www.stlukesumc.com. n


adult ministries


Becoming Disciples through Bible Study by Rev. Marsha Hutchinson




The Word of God is Jesus Christ, and the words of the Bible tell us about that Word. Therefore, when we study the words of the Bible we always look behind, in, and through those words for God’s Word… Jesus Christ. No Christian has a monopoly on understanding either God’s Word or the words of the Scripture. This includes biblical scholars and the most unlearned Christian. All of us must listen to one another as we seek to understand the richness of God’s gifts. We must assume everyone has Christian integrity and not accuse one another of being un-Christian, no matter how unusual are the options.


We must further assume that we will arrive at different understandings of portions of Scripture and that that will not disturb God as much as it will some of us.


Few of us will know Hebrew or Greek, and we therefore need to use a variety of English versions to try to understand the text.


While we accept our differences, we do not feel that those differences are unimportant, or that they should be ignored or treated as if they did not matter.


Different biblical understandings can remain among us, but we can still be warm Christian friends. In fact, as we grow to better understand our differences, we can grow in our appreciation of one another.

(Adapted from Strengthening the Adult Sunday School Class, by Dick Murray).

“Their delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law they meditate day and night. They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper.” — :- “Thirty-four weeks of Bible study? You have to be kidding… you must mean three to four weeks? How could anyone commit to thirty-four weeks of Bible study? I just don’t have time for a study like that.” Occasionally, when some inquiring minds first hear about Disciple I Bible Study, they are overwhelmed by the amount of time necessary to be a part of this wonderful study. Disciple I is scheduled as a systematic journey through the Bible in  sessions of  minutes each that is offered at St. Luke’s every year. To both those who lead busy lives, and to those whose lives are slowing down,  weeks can sound like a fairly big commitment, since in our current culture there seems to be a tendency to accomplish our tasks with great speed. We look for those comfortable time-savers, those familiar “Cliff Notes,” to get us through each day, and we seek shortcuts in almost everything… even in studying the Bible. However, if you would ask almost anyone who has sailed the voyage of “Disciple I: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study,” he or she will eagerly tell you that these  weeks are well worth the investment. This study is a profound and meaningful experience, one that leads to spiritual growth and a deepening of faith. There is an added bonus as well… the other class members become trusted friends with whom we learn, discuss, pray, encourage and have fun! This past year, (September through April), St. Luke’s member Larry Landis and I led the Disciple I Bible Study with teaching support from Dr. Michael Condit. The following people received a Disciple I certificate and pin: Heather Hilbert, Joe Hilbert, Sean Hilbert, Tina Christ, Michael Condit, Stephen Allen, Maria Perkins, Deb Lemasters and Frances Carroll. n

Disciple classes will begin after Labor Day. See the August Communion Monthly for details. Through the years we've had a total of  Disciple students and  class facilitators who have participated in one or more of the following classes:

Disciple I This  week study of the Bible covering approximately % of the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation is excellent for those beginning to study the Bible as well as for those who would like a refresher course regarding the overall content of the scripture. Learn and grow through group discussions, video presentations, and weekly study assignments.

Disciple II For those who have completed Disciple I, learn of the beginnings of the Jewish faith as well as the Christian faith as we study Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts.

Disciple III For those who have completed Disciple I, study the prophets and the life, ministry, and teachings of the apostle Paul.

Disciple IV For those who have completed Disciple I, study the writings of the Old Testament, including Ruth, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. The New Testament lessons include scriptures from the Gospel of John, 1, 2, 3 John, James, Jude, and Revelation. Heather and Joe Hilbert studying for Disciple I class


world missions

together in ministry everyday

The work continues in Haiti following the January earthquake. Here are two reflections and updates from recent trips to and communications with the project in Fondwa and our continuing work with the Haitian Medical Academy.

Six to Fondwa by Al Dalton

We also visited the grave of a Sister and toddler who perished in the earthquake. Our sixth team member, from South Carolina, and her husband were going to adopt this toddler. This trip held a special meaning for her as she said goodbye to the child she did not get the opportunity to add to her family, and love and care for as her own.

As I sit at St. Luke’s and listen to a message about compassion, I gaze around me and see couples seated closely, some with arms around the other, some with arms around little people. The week before this I had been in Fondwa, Haiti with Rev. Jamalyn Williamson. This village is approximately the same distance from the recent earthquake’s epicenter as is Port au Prince, and it looks the part. Block homes in a pile. A fairly new school reduced to rubble. Fifty-five orphaned children relocated from a masonry orphanage to a metal shed built by Canadians after the January earthquake. There are not enough arms to hold all the children.

I think I am starting to understand compassion. Sometimes you feel it, sometimes you say it, and sometimes you do it. And then there are the times it hurts and leaves a lump in your throat.

Compassion? Is that the lump in my throat that has been there since day one of this trip? Is compassion the money raised to send to Haiti for reconstruction? Does compassion kick in only when there is a need? Revs. Jamalyn and David Williamson lived in this village for two years, teaching and preaching and making friends and loving the people of Fondwa. I can now understand their love for this mountainous community as these people care for each other and work hard together! I could also see their love for Jamalyn. She was there during the quake and was back by choice! Compassion?

Many years ago I started a collection of ball caps, signed by fellow volunteers and the new friends I make on work trips. They mean a lot to me! In our haste, I left my last hat on a table in Fondwa. I think I’ll go back next week and get it! [Editor’s note: Al did just that, returning for a second trip with Rev. David Williamson to continue working on building temporary buildings for the school destroyed in the quake. The photo shows one of the temporary structures being built with St. Luke’s help.] n

Haitian Medical Academy Update by Kay Walla Eleven of the 13 doctors who have graduated from the Haitian Academy (with scholarship support from St. Luke's) are employed by medical recovery teams. Vladymir Roseu is the Medical Director of Rescue 24, a South Carolina Baptist Mission. They are taking care of about 1500 people per week at movable clinics. Another of our students is the Director of the Solange Amalia Clinic in Jacmel. The St. Luke's Clinic is being repaired with monies sent from World Missions. A St. Luke's donor has contributed money to replace the bakery oven which will allow them to feed and restart the economic as they sell bread. Three thousand chickens have been purchased to restart the chicken production. Professors at Purdue and Executive Director of the Indiana Poultry Association are teaming with Hearts and Hope for Haiti in this effort. A Haitian graduate student at Purdue will visit the Academy in August and we will bring the Director of the Chicken project to Indiana to visit Tyson and Purdue Poultry with the graduate student. The Academy (preschool-12 ) is open, in tents. One hundred fifty nine people are being fed and living in tents at the Academy. The University Medical School is has also reopened.

We visited neighbors and listened to them. It was easy to see their wounds and scars, both physical and emotional. They were not expecting anything from us but to sit with them and be neighborly. Is that compassion? Three from our team of six were friends made during St. Luke’s mission work in D’Iberville, Mississippi in the aftermath of Katrina. These men came to Indiana to offer assistance after the floods around Columbus last year, and now traveled with us to Haiti. They were personally asked by their UMC Bishop to find a project to support. I think they found it at Fondwa. Is that compassion?

I had the opportunity of meeting and having dinner with the US Ambasador to Haiti. From his perspective, as ours, the priorities are like ours in America: jobs, jobs, jobs and secondarily, education. Lots to do, lots to report. Please keep the Haitian people in your thoughts as you know they will continue to need our help, thoughts and prayers. n



world missions | spiritual life center

Indian Heritage and History

Walking the Red Road— The Indian Path to Leading a Spiritual Life by Jenny Hawke

O’ Great Spirit, help me always to speak the truth quietly, to listen with an open mind when others speak, and to remember the peace that may be found in silence. —CHEROKEE PRAYER When one is walking the Red Road, one is living as instructed by the Creator. The person who walks the Red Road lives a life of truth and charity—values handed down generation to generation. Though the road is littered with obstacles, all can be overcome once internal balance is achieved and the soul is true to itself and to others.

created by taking the simple step of by taking the name “Indiana” and attaching the Greek “polis” (city) to make it Indiana City, later becoming Indianapolis.

Did You Know?

A TIME to Learn and Experience

Over , people with American Indian heritage are living in Indiana. Recordkeeping dating back to the early , to present day Indian tribes and the Eiteljorg Museum, help educate people regarding Indian history, issues, culture, experiences and the influence of the American Indian on life today.

In the months of August through November, there are several educational opportunities scheduled to acquaint us with the spiritual, diverse, interesting and influential culture of the American Indian. Join St. Luke’s and the American Indians to experience this rich culture. August , : in the Great Hall. Make a ribbon shirt and learn its meaning, listen to a Navajo, Potawatomi and Cherokee tell a meaningful story passed down through generations, and learn to dance a traditional Indian dance.

Twenty-six states are named after American Indian words: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Hundreds of words in the English language are borrowed from or influenced by indigenous languages... words like chocolate, tomato, llama, caribou, moose, persimmon, possum, raccoon, muskrat, skunk, pecan, puma, caucus, kayak, toboggan, hickory, squash, chipmunk, woodchuck and bayou.

August , , Fellowship Hall. Movie night with “Smoke Signals” and discussion by Larry Zimmerman and tribe members.

Because there were so many tribes on the north bank of the Ohio River, the settlers in Kentucky referred to the north bank as the land of the Indians, which eventually developed into Indiana (land of the Indians). Indiana was adopted by the federal government as the official name of the territory in May of  when the Indiana Territory was established. In , Indiana was established as a state. The name Indianapolis was

August , -, Great Hall. “Gathering of the People.” Join  American Indian tribes in the Great Hall to experience Indian History from  to present day. Flute, drumming and an Indian Village await your arrival with an Indian-made gift for you. Watch the Communion Monthly and St. Luke’s website for more opportunities to experience the Indian Culture. n

Failing the Hospitality Test by Betty Brandt

services. I was obnoxious! I watched my behavior and began to think about how I act when the roles are reversed and I am the INSIDER. Do I fail the hospitality test too? Do I chat with my friends and ignore the new person? Do I forget to make sure everyone gets introduced to everyone else? Do I assume that everyone knows what to expect? Do I close the door on new ideas without listening or answering questions? I hate to admit it but am sure the answer is “Yes.”

New Harmony, Indiana is a wonderful place to go on spiritual retreat. Tucked into the southwest corner of Indiana, the Wabash River forms its southern border, the flower beds are a fabulous riot of color, and no one needs a car because everything is a short walk away. Connie Dillman and I retreated with our favorite Celtic scholar and theologian Philip Newell, for five days in early May. We knew nothing about the host organization but quickly learned that they had been meeting once a year for 28 years in a variety of locations with a variety of speakers. A group of 15 hard-working people from this organization made possible the five wonderful days in New Harmony with Philip and his clergywoman wife, Ali.

By Sunday morning when it was time to say good-bye to the banks of the Wabash, the flower beds and Philip Newell, I had made some resolutions: cont’d on page 

But it didn’t take long to figure out that Connie and I were OUTSIDERS. There was no attempt to welcome us, to make introductions or to be sure we knew what to expect. I was in shock about the lack of hospitality. I was angry. Then I consciously broke their “rules,” talked during the Great Silence and refused to attend their worship



together in ministry everyday

“A Cup of Friendship” by Nancy Hopper

"What better way to suggest friendliness and to create it— than with a cup of tea?" —J. GRAYSON LUTTRELL, 1930 Every little girl remembers becoming a little teapot with hand on hip and an arm overhead, back when we didn’t mind being called short and stout. Like our mothers and grandmothers before us, we had make-believe tea parties with our dolls and shared tea with our friends. We may have grown up, but the childlike magic of tea parties still entertains and delights us.


S at our T L E F ing a HOW I s wear e i S d E a l B I ked the DESCR we coo ewing

A tea party is a great way to encourage conversation and meet new people. For that reason the UMW board decided to host a tea for our March “Outside the Circle” event. These events are designed to introduce UMW and its mission to the women of St. Luke's, as well as to provide an opportunity for spiritual growth and fellowship to all women of the church. An invitation to tea was extended to women of all ages, and tea for two quickly became tea for fifty-two. On March 20, the United Methodist Women held their first Spring Tea. Ladies arrived to find the Fellowship Hall transformed into an old-fashioned tea party. Tables were decorated with personal teapot and cup collections—from quaint & whimsical to traditional & floral—brought in by various UMW circle members. Fine china, bone china, porcelain teacups & saucers on placemats and doilies were some of the charming accoutrements.

L en Vi rs in ays wh h 20. MENTA SENTI aturday, Marc d me of the d r frozen dinne we u S to ich inde Tea on just pu ns rem erie wh

arad didn't of apro ly and he cam i t variety m s a s f i ow I m for the dinner Also, h . e v a a nd on. crow pro ns a afterno the mi r t i a e h h t lacy nced ry o f t in, and experie e his to h h t t , e d t e a ic was rib which ere del s de s c e , w i n d s o a r n l o p e apr o f the ssible " My a ith po So me es. Som or "dress up. i w r o t t i s n y aul f o mil one) P e only rinted k b Long-time Sarah Circle member Marge Conly helped us make the p told fa c o e t n h o c i d ( t eal, ues eare or: f q p 'N p e O a a v a l d d n perfect cup of tea, complete with milk and sugar and lemon. an l, ha and s , Rya of viny ynolds er cook e h t R " a . r e t Circle members made a delectable spread of finger sandwiches, made r v d u ul the abo . "I wo ord, B f f s o r d e e e w R n s o an breads, tea cookies and brownies, creating a visual feast as ve, N obert an, R wman, the abo e f o N l l l u Newm A delightful as teatime itself. a P k, their ce Wel uld be g n o e n i w r t r w c e a e L re sel y answ t only er befo that m d n y o l e p out no t Our afternoon opened with a cup of tea and fellowship accomo a i t w a d d r e e d d m im ghts. uld nee o u w s c o e e h i s n t d n k a o d l I r panied by the piano talents of St. Luke’s Singles’ own Preston er gs an hat ap ybe oth r feelin think t e n d l n but ma i u Tuchman who provided us with easy-listening music. o r w ou . Who t also u b , y choice r o on. ily hist lunche e our fam inly did. h t Jean Kyle, who attends Sarah Circle, delighted our guests g n erta iscuss followi d s t o h t g e They c u l with an informative presentation about the history of aprons. ppy tho eing ab ave had ha idn't h ciate b d e e r n e p o w p y The idea of giving presentations about aprons started when r a as h lly eve . Also, inly a p ry muc s a e r t v r e e n d Hopefu c e n t a cleaning out a relative’s house where Jean discovered her ic , w e put ndly lis inly did rously to mus ith frie e d I certa n w e e s x g e sister in law’s collection of apron history notes and antique a l s c r erien jus t re at othe d h n t a k l our exp r a . o n aprons. We were surprised to learn that the first aprons and w the me p ro n fternoo n ie s t a lanning htful a to c o o k n p g i u l f e e h were for men in the1400s and were made out of leather e d t th a e all ner of ou for y n i k W preciat n , a s h and probably worn by blacksmiths. The stories surroundMoca r us. T —Sue forth fo ing these colorful and unique antique aprons stirred up personal childhood memories for many of the audience members. Jean certainly added a festive and nostalgic touch to the Spring Tea.

UMW members and guests who wore their favorite aprons were encouraged to share a brief story about them. Tea party-related prizes were awarded to our guests with the most unique, best story, and funniest aprons. Past UMW President Kathy Dalton, the winner of the prettiest apron, shared the following: “My apron was handmade by my mother... Millie Dove, who is currently 91 years old. It is a "tie at the waist" style made of muslin. Toward the bottom is a 6" hand crocheted panel that reads "HOME SWEET HOME." I know it took many, many hours to construct by hand & I don't have the heart to use it... I'm afraid I'll get it dirty!”




Buddy, Can You Spare a Bowler?

HOSPITALITY, cont’d from page 

1. Figure out how to bring Philip Newell to St. Luke’s (he and Ali live in Scotland) so that his Celtic spirituality and theology can be shared with my community.

by Jason Rose and Kathy Alexander

2. Return to New Harmony to walk the rose quartz labyrinth, enjoy the peace and beauty of the Roofless Church and recall the spiritual sustenance provided at Morning and Evening Prayers with Philip and Ali. 3. Most importantly, resolve to extend hospitality to anyone and everyone at St. Luke’s—greet people on Sunday mornings and during the week, make introductions constantly, offer help to people in the hallways. I don’t want anyone at St. Luke’s to feel like I did for those five days in New Harmony—like an OUTSIDER! n

(l to r:) “The Old and The New” winning team members Fran Arnold, Jane Vawter, Bob Arnold, and Joy Pekarek.

I THOR OUGHL Y ENJ THE SP OYED RING T E A . The ac tea serv tual ed, the canapé the cu s and cumber sandwic were all hes very cla ssy. The tory of t hishe apro n(s) wa esting s interand b rought childho back o d me m ories of ing apr s harons wit h my m a nd the other fabrics, designs patterns a nd of her a p r ons and own. T he pre my senter and mu herself sic were great ch The ap oices! ron con t est was and, of fun, course, the fello was ter w ship rific. —Suza nne Leip hart

It may not have been a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, but like Alice all the ladies who attended enjoyed “sipping” through time— back to the simpler days of our mothers and grandmothers. Since our first UMW tea party was a huge success, as expressed in the accompanying tea time testimonials, we are planning on making this an annual UMW event. If you would like more information about UMW and its "Outside the Circle" events, log on to www.stlukesumc.com/getinvolved/umw to sign up for our e-newsletter, or contact UMW President Lori Schick at l.schick@sbcglobal.net or 317-696-5965.

Monday nights certainly have been a highlight each week for many St. Luke’s members. After 30 weeks of bowling, first and second place finishers in this annual league of (mostly friendly!) play was decided in the last frame of the last game. That’s exciting in the bowling world. This year’s winning team was “The Old and The New”—a team rightfully named since it consisted of two “old” members of the league, Fran Arnold and Bob Arnold, and two brand new bowlers, Jane Vawter and Joy Pekarek. The St. Luke’s bowling league held their 2010 Bowling Awards Banquet in April at The Mansion at Oak Hill. After enjoying a delicious meal, the accomplishments of the past season were celebrated. Although many awards were announced throughout the evening, the biggest winners were the charities to whom half of the prize money was donated. This year’s theme to our donation was “keeping it local,” and the league was able to generously donate funds to Fletcher Place Community Center, which has been supported by St. Luke’s for years with both dollars and thousands of volunteers hours and meals, and Embrace, a program for women with cancer. Established by St. Margaret's Hospital Guild in partnership with Wishard Hospital, Embrace allows women to receive supportive services to adjust to life with cancer. Embrace provides one-on-one supportive services like wigs/hats, legal services, childcare, housekeeping, assistance with ultility bills, etc. Over the past two years the St. Luke’s bowling league has donated about two thousand dollars to local charities. The St. Luke’s bowling league is looking for more bowlers! It’s a non-competitive league, filled with fun and fellowship. If bowling is right up your alley and would like more information about joining the fun, contact Kathy Alexander (846-3404 x345 or alexanderk@stlukesumc.com) or Jason Rose (jkcrose@aol.com). n

“A cup of tea, a prayer or two, Blessed moments, shared with you.” —ELLEN CUOMO

TOP LEFT: Teapots BOTTOM LEFT: Spring Tea Committee (l to r): Sandra Pirkle,

Nancy Hopper, Adra Wheeler, Heather Hilbert and Jessica Mason ABOVE: Presenter Jean Kyle


new members

together in ministry everyday


new members The following persons completed the March, April and May membership classes.

March (top photo) Lauren Flanders, Dan Gross, Janice McKinney, Ben Miller, Melis Miller, Theresa Stepp, Jim Winner, Joyce Winner

April (middle photo) Kent Agness, Carolyn Agness, Christy Agness, Karin Agness, Kelli Agness, Scott Agness, Jack Early, Moses Ekezie, Harold Franklin, Joy Franklin, Bob Laviolette, Sonnie Laviolette, Christopher Mayhugh, Bill Riggs, Gloria Riggs, Donald Sambol, Reva Sambol, David Steele, Lynne Steele, Heather Thompson, Richard Van Rheenen, Julie Van Rheenen

May (bottom photo) Paul Houchens, Summer Houchens, Jim Keating, Cheryl Keating, Amanda Kirkwood, Lonnie Langston, Lynn Langston, John Miller, Kevin Miller, Kari Miller, Stuart Oster, Erich Peters, Jamie Peters, Steve Schoo, Janet Schoo, Karen Streed, Lowell Warner, Sara Wilson

The next opportunities to join St. Luke’s are: • Thursday, August 26, 6:30-9:00PM • Wednesday, September 15, 6:30-9:00PM Contact Sylvia Forbes at 846-3404 or forbess@stlukesumc.com to register.


concerns & celebrations


CONDOLENCES TO: Joy Goehring on the death of her brother Ken Bilger Ray Holland on the death of his mother Cora Crosman Christopher, Laurie and Jacki Long on the death of Kay Long Victor and Isabel Vollrath on the death of their daughter Ruth Vollrath Roberts Janet Miller and Brian Serge and families on the death of mother Kathy Serge Joan D’Ardenne on the death of her mother Doris D’Ardenne Hazel Odell and Pat Beauregard on the death of husband and father Gene Odell Leesa Ehret on the death of her father Ray Plotner Linda Warder on the death of her sister Dorothy Clayton Linda Saunders on the death of her father Carl Fox Friends and family of Richard Lafave Ron Banta on the death of his father Harold Banta Friends and family of Robert Reid Connie Haimbaugh on the death of husband John Haimbaugh Beneta and Malcolm Harshman on the death of son and brother Kemp Harshman Linda Akin and family on the death of husband DeWayne Akin

Sandy Bailey on the death of her mother Margaret Grammer Chris Greene on the death of her father Richard Fetter James & Cindy Ulm and David & Jennifer Beckman on the death of mother and grandmother Vera Ulm Jim Roehrdanz on the death of his mother Susan Roehrdanz Ruth Ward on the death of her husband Gene Ward Lori Schick Chambers and Craig Overmyer on the death of their mother Marjorie Overmyer Paul Kittaka on the death of his father Robert Kittaka Mary Sumners on the death of her mother Esther Brush-Martin Brent Scott and family on the death of his father Ira Scott Mike and Bobbie Simmons on the death of their nephew Stefan Simmons Diane Housemeyer on the death of her father Henry Sawin Ann Fallis on the death of her father Charles Hormel Sue Bahr and Jennifer Gilchrist on the death of son and brother Jim Bahr

CONGRATULATIONS TO: Ruth Peters and Paul & Jan Snyder on the birth of great-granddaughter and granddaughter Gracie Leigh Gittinger Jeff & Dana Schultz, Rhett & Karen Campbell, and Ron & Carolyn Campbell on the birth of son, grandson and great-grandson Grant Michael Matt & Sarah Edwards and Joe & Sue Gustin on the birth of daughter and granddaughter Caitlin Elizabeth Becky Thorne & Stephen Vasas and Jim & Jayne Thorne on the birth of daughter and granddaughter Marietje Thorne Vasas Matt & Roseanne Winings and Buddy & Martha Hennessey on the birth of son and grandson Matthew Henry Winings Dan & Amber Chesterfield and Betty Brandt on the birth of daughter and granddaughter Kate Alison Dustin & Lauren Janes, Don & Mary Beth Hinkle, Greg Hinkle on the birth of daughter, granddaughter and niece Daphne Elizabeth Janes Ben & Melis Miller on the birth of daughter Vaughan Defne Miller Grant & Liza Lohse and grandparents Jeff & Lois Lohse on the birth of twins Nathaniel Partlow and Tessa Gordon

Matthew & Mwila Mejia on the birth of their daughter Naima Faith Scott & Kimberly Olivares on the birth of their son Briles Frederick Eric & Kristen Morgan and Beth Bomberger on the birth of daughter and granddaughter Rachel Ann Morgan

Kimberly Faust & Wesley Street on their wedding of March  Tricia Henderson & John Pinatiello on their wedding of March  Tracy Noonan & Jeff Silcox on their wedding of April  Amber Laibe & Jesse Jett on their wedding of April  Samantha Strantz & Rza Cuparencu on their wedding of April  Jennifer Lebrato & Joshua Steele on their wedding of May 


Laura Coyner & Adrian Peace on their wedding of June  Melinda Quasius & Peter Caliendo on their wedding of June  Amy Surgoth & Michael Sweitzer, II on their wedding of June  Courtney Brown & Craig Woodfill on their wedding of June  Kimberly Fritz & Jay Gillund on their wedding of June  Katie Hennessey & Ross Riggin on their wedding of June  Marci Wright & Ryan Trares on their wedding of June  Barb Lollar & Bruno Pigott on their wedding of June 

Dale & Jo Jacobs on their  wedding anniversary

Lori Schick & Gary Chambers on their wedding of May 

Ken & Sylvia Barr on their  wedding anniversary

Whitney Ford & Eric Dick on their wedding of May 

Ed & Eleanor Dow on their  wedding anniversary

Natasha Overmyer & Jonathan Dugdale on their wedding of May 

Jennifer Beesley & Bryan Holcomb on their wedding of June 

Angela Lupton on the death her mother Judith Nixon

Trisha Boink & Jarrod Hall on their wedding of June 

Lauren MacNaughton & Andrew Schleppi on their wedding of May 

Gloria Beck & Harold Wright on their wedding of May 

Mark McClure, Debra McClure-Smith, Malcom Harshman and Suzy Mushalla on the death of mother Beneta Harshman

Beth Young & Tom Ford on their wedding of June 


Address Service Requested St. Luke’s United Methodist Church •  West  Street • Indianapolis, Indiana 

Servant Day Saturday, August 7 We at St. Luke’s have much to be thankful for, and here is an opportunity to give back and have an impact on the community in our own backyard. Servant Day provides an opportunity for fellowship and fun as we work together to serve others. Begin with breakfast in Great Hall at 8AM, when each working group will meet and learn details about what needs to be done at the site you have chosen. Work will be completed by Noon. Over 300 volunteers participated in this highly successful event last summer, so sign up, pick up your red t-shirt (or wear the one from last year), pitch in and keep it growing! Sign up takes place July 11, 18, 25 and August 1.

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