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   ~identity We are an open


of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the

love of God for all creation.

~vision We envision being transformed

by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive,

Christ-like community.

~method We experience God’s

unconditional love, embrace hope, grow in faith, and become empowered by our passion for ministry and

service in the world.

 .  Street • Indianapolis,   Telephone: -- • Fax: -- •

   :  ,  Dr. Kent Millard, Senior Pastor : God moved in some marvelous ways in the fifth year of the 21 Century through the people of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church.

A Year of Generosity At the end of November  St. Luke’s was about , behind in our budget largely because of our congregation’s generous giving for the tsunami and hurricane relief. When our congregation was made aware of our local financial need, they responded very generously in December by giving over , to the budget and enabling us to end the year in the black with our apportionments and all other expenses paid at %. During the Fall of  we encouraged people to express our gratitude to God by giving back to God a tithe (%) of our time, talent and treasure. The response has been tremendous! More people are giving their time to God in prayer, their talent to God in service and sharing more of their treasure to support God’s work. The giving to our annual budget increased , for , which is the largest increase in giving to the budget we have ever experienced. The increase in giving from  to  was about ,. Thanks be to God! The total amount of outreach giving is listed at the end of this report showing that we gave away about . million in  in compassionate care for others in need.


Hurricane Katrina volunteers pack kits for New Orleans relief

A Year of Compassion In December  a devastating tsunami hit Southeast Asia killing or injuring thousands of people and destroying thousands of homes. The compassionate people of St. Luke’s responded in January  with a special offering of , which was sent to our United Methodist Committee on Relief and provided emergency assistance and hope to thousands of people. In September  Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama killing hundreds of people and virtually destroying New Orleans and many other cities and towns along the gulf of Mexico. Again the compassionate people of St. Luke’s responded with a special offering of , which was used to provide emergency relief for people who had lost everything and also helped to resettle  victims of the hurricane in Indianapolis. Our World Missions committee under the leadership of Kay and Gary Walla, Jan Nichols, Ken Hollis, John Street and Al Dalton are continuing to minister to the victims of Katrina by leading a state-wide United Methodist movement to build a Volunteer Center for the Seashore District in Mississippi to provide a place for volunteers from throughout the nation to come and stay as they rebuild homes destroyed by Katrina. The total cost will be ,; St. Luke’s has already committed , to encourage other United Methodist churches in Indiana to help build this Volunteer Center. We concluded  with great compassion for families in need as we gave about , to United Christmas services and also encouraged about  St. Luke’s families and groups who bought and delivered Christmas gifts valued at another ,. I thank God for the compassion and generosity of the people of St. Luke’s in caring for the needs of people in need.

The Year of The Garden In  we celebrated the tenth year of our satellite ministry called The Garden and the twentieth year of Dr. Linda McCoy’s ordination by having special celebrations and raising about , in a special birthday gift for our Garden ministries. We have also raised a , commitment to The Garden endowment which will be given over time for the long-term support of this outreach ministry. The Garden has also raised about , in Garden Endowment gifts and about , in annual gifts to support The Garden budget. St. Luke’s continues to provide about , in pastoral support and office and rehearsal facilities for our Garden ministries. The four services of the Garden ministry increased in worship attendance to  in  compared to  in .

The Year of Continued Membership Growth Some of our  membership classes.

During  we received  new members, lost  due to death, withdrawal, moving away or transfer to another congregation for a net gain of  members. Our current membership is ,. Our total average attendance for  at our ten weekly worship services is , compared to , at the end of , which means there were about  more people in worship each Sunday in .

The Year of Life-Transforming Travel During  I had the opportunity of traveling to several places in the world to help share God’s Good News. In February Minnietta and I traveled to the Mar Elias School and University in Israel with several other people from St. Luke’s to support peace in the Middle East through an institution which educates Jewish, Muslim and Christian students together. One Sunday this summer we hosted about  Jewish, Muslim and Christian students and faculty here at St. Luke’s while they were studying and teaching at the University of Indianapolis. In July, I traveled to Turkey with Linda Pratt, Jack and Nancy Spohn, Lin Youngblood, Kay Wright and some Muslim leaders to visit Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders who are modeling how people in these different religious traditions can accept each other and work together to create peace and compassion for all people in the world. In October, I traveled to India along with Rev. Stan Abell, Dr. Don and Bonnie Messer and other friends from Denver to attend a Global AIDS conference, preach in a seminary and give gifts from St. Luke’s to  AIDS patients in Chennai, India. A few years ago we began to articulate that our vision is to be transformed by God so we can transform the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive and Christ-like community. When we talked about transforming the world I didn’t realize that it would involve our traveling to different parts of the world to help achieve this vision, but that has been the case. 3

Mark Squire

Rev. Marion Miller

Rev. Marsha Hutchinson

Jayne Thorne

Jan Nichols

The Year of Staff Transitions After serving for  years as our Director of Music Ministries, Dr. Charles Goehring chose to retire from St. Luke’s staff in . When Chuck came to St. Luke’s we had about  music groups involving about  people; when he retired he had grown the music program to  music groups involving about  people. We have been richly blessed by his music leadership and now we look forward to welcoming Mark Squire as our new Director of Music Ministries beginning February , . We know Mark will continue the path set out by Chuck and lead us to even greater heights in music ministry. In June  we said farewell to Dr. Jean Wilson who had served as an Associate Pastor on our staff for three years and was appointed as Senior Pastor at Wesley United Methodist Church in Jeffersonville, Indiana. We thank God for the prayers, passion, love and commitment that Dr. Wilson brought to our staff and congregation. In the Fall of , our Staff Parish Relations committee under the leadership of Linda Pratt decided to ask two part-time pastors on our staff to become full-time pastors to serve the expanding pastoral needs of our growing congregation. Rev. Marion Miller, who has worked for four years as a part-time pastor at the Garden at Oak Hill, and Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, who has worked part-time in pastoral care here at St. Luke’s for the past three years, will begin full-time work at St. Luke’s February , . We thank God for the pastoral gifts, creative passion and spiritual power that these two new pastors bring to our staff.


During  our Leadership Cabinet decided that we needed a full-time staff director for our Outreach Ministries team. The Staff Parish Relations committee has asked Jayne Thorne, who has worked part-time as our Director of Community Ministries, to lead the Outreach Ministries team beginning February 1, . Jayne will continue to staff Community Ministries and Celebration of Hope. Because of our ever-expanding World Missions program, the Staff Parish Relations committee has asked Jan Nichols to move from part-time World Missions Coordinator to full-time World Missions Coordinator. Our Later @ St. Luke’s services under the leadership of Dr. Carolyn Scanlan continue to reach about  people each week, so our Staff Parish Relations committee decided to ask Brenda Freije, a new seminary student and long-time leader at Later, to become a fourth-time seminary assistant to Carolyn in leading Later. After assessing the staff needs in each area the Staff Parish Relations committee decided to provide a full-time Administrative Assistant to the Music department, part-time Finance Office assistance, audio visual temporary help and expanded hours for our child care coordinator, as well as salary adjustments in some other areas of ministry.

The Year of Preparing for T.I.M.E. (Together in Ministry Everyday) I thank God for the leadership of Rev. Brent Wright, Terri Coe, Nancy Patterson, Scott Semester and many others who are leading us all to commit more of our time in service ministries to people in need in our community and around the world. Our  Minutes in  Days program will provide a practical way for all of us to commit more of our time in serving persons caught in poverty, practicing peace and reconciliation and supporting the education of children in an Indianapolis Public School. Also during  the Power of One team produced a television documentary on how the IU-Kenya partnership is helping to make the world AIDS-free. We took the pictures for a new all-church pictorial directory, and the live video streaming of our worship services expanded so that about  people watch the : or  services each week live on the Web.

The Year of Preparing for Powerful Possibilities During the past ten years St. Luke’s has launched an ambitious program of facility expansion to meet the ever growing needs of our congregation and community. We have built a new Sanctuary, Music and Education Building, Youth Building, Spiritual Life Center and Prayer Chapel, and expanded parking. The total cost of this expansion has been about $ million and the congregation has given about $15 million to provide these beautiful new facilities. In August our Church Council approved an Outreach and Capital Campaign called Powerful Possibilities to raise five million dollars over the next three to five years to retire our indebtedness in order to free up our funds and energy for greater outreach. Four million dollars will be used to pay off our debt, , for current and new outreach ministries, and , for major facility needs. Many of our leaders have already committed over , towards our goal and we hope to have the balance committed by Easter Sunday, April , . I am especially thankful for the visionary leadership of our Powerful Possibilities Steering Committee: Dick and Brenda Freije, Tom and Jenny Godby, Steve and Peg Meyer, Mike and Becky Weaver. I will be attending home meetings with any church families interested in attending to hear more about our vision to reach out and transform the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive and Christ-like community. If you would be interested in attending or hosting a home meeting, contact Lori Crantford to make arrangements. I believe the best years of St. Luke’s lie ahead of us as we move closer to our vision of world transformation, and I thank God daily for the opportunity of being a leader in this amazing congregation as we follow wherever God leads us into the future.

In order to reach our goal we will need many gifts in the following categories:

$500,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $50,000 $25,000 $10,000 $5,000 < $1,000

NEEDED 1 1 1 6 13 30 75 150 Many

COMMITTED 1 1 2 4 6 4 11

Grace and Peace,

Kent Millard


2005 by the numbers

During , the St. Luke’s congregation continued to generously support the ministries of the church with their financial gifts. , , , ,

Gifts Received for Expect a Miracle Gifts Received for All Things Are Possible Debt Reduction Gifts / Powerful Possibilities TOTAL Gifts Received for Capital Expenses in 

   

Gifts Received from Pledges for Operating Fund Other Offerings Received for Operating Fund Gifts Received to support The Garden* Gifts Received to support Outreach/Program Ministries** Gifts Received by the St. Luke’s Endowment TOTAL Gifts Received for Operations, Program, and Outreach TOTAL Gifts Received from the St. Luke’s Family in 

 ,,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,,  ,,

** Sampling of Outreach Ministries receiving assistance in  Amani Foundation Indiana United Methodist Appalachian Project, Hazard, KY Children’s Home Brightwood Community Center IU/Kenya AIDS/Power of One Celebration of Hope Inter-Faith Alliance Earthquake and Flood Relief Jamaica and Zimbabwe Scholarships Fletcher Place Community Center Jeremy’s Tree Haiti School Fresh Start Loaves and Fishes Gore Oklahoma Boys Ranch Martin Luther King / Habitat for Humanity Crooked Creek Multi-Service Haitian Academy Hospital Oaks Academy Heifer Project Outreach, Inc. Helping Hands Metro Ministries Tsunami (Southeast Asia Relief) Honduras Ten Point Coalition Hurricane Katrina United Christmas Service World Missions Support of Work Trips Designated Gifts were also received for many St. Luke’s program ministries



••• Total gifts and contributions made to world and community groups from UMW, The Garden, Singles, Children’s and other ministries were approximately ,. ••• St. Luke’s also contributed , through apportionments to the work of the United Methodist Church throughout the world, for total outreach giving by our congregation of over . million.

: The congregation continues to respond to St. Luke’s mission with their Prayers, Presence, Service and Gifts.

    

# of Families Pledging

Total Pledges

Average Pledge

    

,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

, , , , ,

2005 Annual Income Statement Pledge Income Identified Plate Loose Plate Christmas/Easter Special Gifts Gain/Loss on Securities Prior Year Pledges Facility Rental Bookstore/Self Support TOTAL Income

 ,,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ()  ,  ,  ,  ,,

Board of Trustees Staff Parish Relations Church Apportionments Program Budgets TOTAL Expenses

 , ,,  ,  ,  ,,

Capital/Computer Repay Reserve from  Transfer to  Budget Net

   


, , , 


in 

 PAID

in 


,, , ,, , ,,*

*DEBT BREAKDOWN AS FOLLOWS:  ,  ,,






Confessions of Faith Confirmation Class Transfer from UMC Other Denominations TOTAL New Members

    

    

    

    

    

Removal of Members Withdrawn Transfer to Other UMC To Other Denominations Deaths TOTAL Withdrawn

    

    

    

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    

    

    

    

  

  

  

  

  

Net Membership Gain Membership Baptisms Preparatory / Children under 18 Constitutents Average Worship Attendance St. Luke’s Worship The Garden TOTAL


  


St. Luke’s Staff ST. LUKE’S CLERGY STAFF: Kent Millard, Linda McCoy, Carolyn Scanlan, Brent Wright, Brian Durand, Marsha Hutchinson, Marion Miller, Stan Abell, Adolf Hansen ST. LUKE’S STAFF: Anne Adams, Associate Director of Children’s Ministries; Lorie Lee Andrews, Director of Children’s Ministries; Betty Brandt, Director of Spiritual Life Center; Brad Cherry, Facilities; Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries; Lori Crantford, Director of Communications, Marketing & Development; Brian Durand, Director of Youth & College Ministries; Jan Emmons, Finance; Andy Engle, Youth Intern; Sylvia Forbes, Membership & Care; Bryce Fuhrmann, Associate Director of Youth Ministry; Bertie Gilster, Front Office; Derek Hakes, Assistant Director of Handbells; Adolf Hansen, Theologian in Residence; Janelle Hatfield, Childcare Coordinator; Carol Helmus, Wedding Coordinator; Molly Huntemann, Youth Intern; Marsha Hutchinson, Grief Ministries; Julia Johnson, Executive Director of Ministries; Faina Kleyner, Finance; Beth Lammers,Building Scheduler; Tujuianna Lockhart, Facilities; Bobbi Main, Director of Weekday Ministries; Charles Manning, Assistant Director of Music; Linda McGlothlin,Adult Ministries; Bonnie McMenamin, Music Administrative Assistant; Janet Miller, Childrens Ministries; Anne Moman, Associate Director of Youth Ministry; DeAnna Moran, Singles Special Events Coordinator & Adult Ministries Registrar; Tim Moore, Taizé Prayer Service Leader; Rickie Murphy, Facilities; Debra Nethercott, Director of Children’s Choirs; Sarah Nevin, Publications Design; Jan Nichols, Coordinator of World Missions Projects; Julie O’Connor, Development & Celebration Team; Jessica Pollock, Young Singles Coordinator; Rich Potterf Building & Grounds Ministry; Mary Katherine Schnitz, Director of Care and Outreach Ministries; Cara Scott, Manager of Oasis Bookstore; Wonnie Sibotshiwe, Facilities; Mark Squire, Director of Music; Alison Strawmyer, Weekday Ministries and Children’s Volunteer Coordinator; William Taylor, Facilities; Jeri Barrett Thomas, Director of Singles Ministries; Jayne Moynahan Thorne, Director of Outreach; Mary Lynne Voigt, Music Outreach Coordinator; Cheryl West, Director of New Song Choir; Adra Wheeler, Director of Hospitality & Volunteers; Wanda Wilburn, Facilities; Kit Williams, Technical Director; Rich WismanFacilities; Terry Woods, Later@St.Luke’s Director of Music; Tonda Zeek, Computer & Administration. THE GARDEN CLERGY STAFF: Linda McCoy, Stan Abell, Marion Miller THE GARDEN STAFF: Suzanne Stark, Creative Director & Director, Good Earth Band;

Participants at the T.I.M.E. ministry fair.

Steve Whipkey, Director, Oak Hill Band; Judy Tolley, Administrative Team Leader.

    

     

   

 .  Street • Indianapolis,   • Telephone: -- • Fax: --

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