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   ~identity We are an open


of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the

love of God for all creation.

~vision We envision being transformed

by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive,

Christ-like community.

~method We experience God’s

unconditional love, embrace hope, grow in faith, and become empowered by our passion for ministry and

service in the world.

 .  Street • Indianapolis,   Telephone: -- • Fax: -- •

   :  ,  Dr. Kent Millard, Senior Pastor St. Paul expresses my feelings about St. Luke’s United Methodist Church with his opening words of gratitude to the Philippians: “I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.” I thank God daily for the joy of serving with you in sharing God’s amazing grace and unconditional love for all people.


Compassionate Care On June , , my mother, Gertrude Millard, passed away after a lingering illness. During the time of her illness and death the staff and laity of St. Luke’s became the channels of God’s loving care for me, our family, and my sisters and their families who came to be with Mother during her last days of life here on earth. I don’t know how anyone could go through the loss of a loved one without the compassionate care of a loving congregation, and I thank God for the tender care we received from this congregation as we loved my Mother and surrendered her into the loving hands of God. I know that many of you have also received loving care during your times of loss through the ministries of our CARE TEAM led so ably by Mary Katherine Schnitz and Rev. Marsha Hutchinson. During  the pastors of St. Luke’s conducted  funerals for the members and friends of St. Luke’s.

Outreach Ministries During , our World Missions Commission under the leadership of Kay and Gary Walla and Jan Nichols raised , to initiate the building of a VOLUNTEER CENTER IN D’IBERVILLE, MISSISSIPPI, enrolling churches throughout Indiana to become involved. Now there is a center at a United Methodist Church north of Gulfport, Mississippi to house and feed all of the volunteers who come to help rebuild from Hurricane Katrina. About  people from St. Luke’s participated in building this important volunteer center. World Missions also sponsored a work mission project every month in ; over  people from St. Luke’s participated in these projects of love and compassion. Over , was also given through World Missions to support compassionate mission projects throughout the U. S. and around the world. Our T.I.M.E. (Together In Ministry Everyday) initiative under the leadership of Nanci Patterson, Scott Semester, Jayne Thorne and Rev. Marion Miller has encouraged everyone in our congregation to volunteer their time in ministry. Over , people from St. Luke’s have participated in the  Minutes in  Days volunteer program in the areas of poverty, peace and education.


INDIANAPOLIS SCHOOL #20 has partnered with St. Luke’s. We have provided tutors, mentors, and other school services such as teacher support and painting the school rooms to encourage principal Lynn Henderson and Superintendent Eugene White in their efforts to better educate the students in the IPS school system. The Power of One television documentary entitled Into the Heart of Hope received an EMMY AWARD in . This film has raised the awareness of thousands of people throughout the Midwest about the AIDS pandemic and inspired giving and commitment to serve those millions of people suffering from HIV/AIDS. Congratulations to documentary Executive

Producer Rev. Stan Abell, Writer/Creative Producer Lori Crantford and Cinematographer/Editor Mike Jensen, as well as the other members of the Power of One Kenya team: Beth and Jonathan Fried, Joleen House, Robin Howard, Ron Pettigrew, Charlie Russell, Kaline Schounce and Rob Westerman. During , St. Luke’s opened its arms and hosted Christian and Muslim students from MAR ELIAS COLLEGE in Galilee, Israel and students from the BETHLEHEM BIBLE COLLEGE in the Holy Land welcoming them into our hearts and homes.

DR. PETER STOREY from South Africa came to St. Luke’s and led us in becoming a more outward-focused congregation. We have encouraged every aspect of St. Luke’s to focus on ministries of compassion, justice, and inclusiveness. Rev. Marion Miller is leading an INCLUSIVENESS TASK FORCE with persons from differing racial and ethnic backgrounds in helping St. Luke’s live up to its vision of becoming a more inclusive congregation for all people. Jayne Thorne has become our DIRECTOR OF OUTREACH MINISTRIES as well as directing the Community Ministries program and serving as executive director of CELEBRATION

HOPE. Jayne will be resigning the Celebration of Hope position in the spring of  in order to devote more time in leading St. Luke’s Outreach Ministries.


An AIDS TASK FORCE led by Lee Vreisman and Rev. Stan Abell was established in  to educate and support our local, national and international ministries to persons living with HIV/AIDS. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: D’Iberville

mission project, The Power of One Team in Kenya, the Emmy award, and Peter Storey

Inclusive Witness to the Nation You have encouraged your staff to travel around the nation speaking to other congregations and conferences about the model of St. Luke’s as an open community of Christians who seek to share God’s love with all creation. During , I have spoken to United Methodist leaders at a Pastors School in the Central Pennsylvania Conference; an Evangelism Conference in the Northern Illinois Conference; the General Board of Discipleship; First United Methodist Church in Ft. Collins, Colorado; the Large Church Pastors Conference in the Oklahoma Annual Conference; A Lighten the Burden Global AIDS conference in Washington DC; a Global Health Initiative Conference in Washington, DC; and the  anniversary celebration of Lake Poinsett United Methodist Camp in South Dakota where I first met Minnietta. 3

During  Dr. Linda McCoy has also represented St. Luke’s and The Garden. She preached and spoke at the Florida Institute for Preaching, did consultations with numerous churches across the country, spoke and led the New-Church Start Pastors in the Arkansas/Texas annual conferences, spoke at the School of Congregational Development, co-chaired the  Century Leadership discernment team for Imagine Indiana, and led leadership roundtable discussions in the Indiana area.

Generous Giving POWERFUL POSSIBILITIES OUTREACH AND CAPITAL CAMPAIGN with a goal During , we launched the

of raising  million to decrease our indebtedness and increase funds available for community, world and AIDS outreach ministries. The generous people of St. Luke’s have committed over . million to be given over the next three to five years towards these goals. During , you gave over , to the POWERFUL POSSIBILITIES CAMPAIGN which meant that we were able to reduce our indebtedness to ,, during  and have given over , to outreach ministries from the Powerful Possibilities campaign. We thank God for Bob Zehr, Mark Squire, Brenda Freije, Dr. Carolyn Scanlan-Craighead, Rev. Brent Wright and all of our musical personnel for the outstanding musical concert entitled RHAPSODY IN YOU which helped to raise funds for our Powerful Possibilities campaign. On January ,  we had an indebtedness on our facilities of ,,; over the past five years you have reduced that indebtedness by over ,,. We have over , on hand in the Capital Campaign account to make our monthly mortgage payments for .


Your generosity in providing our wonderful new facilities for church and community ministries is amazing! Furthermore, these facilities generated over , in income in  from various musical and community groups who want to use these facilities for their activities. Your giving to support the 2006 ANNUAL BUDGET has been overwhelming, totaling ,, while our expenses were ,, for a net income of over ,. Our income was , more than we expected and our expenses were , less than expected largely due to unfilled staff vacancies and bookstore proceeds of over ,. However, our anticipated income for  is about the same as  while our expenses increased for a new boiler (. million), and health insurance and pension increases of , for our staff. Consequently, we will need to use much of our net increase in income from  to pay for these additional expenses in . We had not planned to give our staff any raises during  because of our lack of increase in giving for , but a generous donor has come forward at the last minute so that we can provide a % increase in salaries for our hardworking and dedicated staff.

Cooperation between “The Garden” & “Later” Services During 6 our “Later@St. Luke’s” m and m services decided to merge into one m service in Robertson Chapel with renewed vitality under the leadership of Dr. Carolyn Scanlan-Craighead, Brenda Freije, and Richard Ramsey as interim music leader. Richard is also employed as the Creative Director at The Garden at Oak Hill so we appreciate this cooperation between The Garden and Later in sharing a staff person.

Looking Forward The national United Methodist Church is encouraging United Methodist Churches to join together in a GLOBAL HEALTH INITIATIVE in which we will partner with the National Basketball Association, Sports Illustrated Magazine, and the United Nations Foundation to rid the world of AIDS and malaria. About  million people die of AIDS each year and about one million people (% of them children) die of malaria. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged a  million matching grant to raise funds for medically treated nets to place over beds in third-world nations to help decrease the number of people (especially children) who are bitten by night-flying mosquitos which carry malaria from infested water. For a gift of  you can buy a net and save a child’s life. St. Luke’s has committed to raise , for this Nothing But Nets campaign during . We will designate this mission as our Special Lenten Offering this year. On Thursday, January  I met with Senator Richard Lugar and other United Methodist Legislators in Washington DC to help launch this campaign. We committed St. Luke’s to raise , for the Global Health Initiative; , for AIDS and it has already been pledged through our three- to five-year Powerful Possibilities Campaign; , for Malaria prevention will need to be raised during . The TOGETHER IN MINISTRY EVERYDAY / 90 IN 90 initiative kicked off its second year on January  with a focus of Health, Hunger and Wholeness. Many other outreach efforts are planned for  from each of our ministry areas. A number of our youth will be traveling to Eldoret, Kenya this summer to learn how they can make a difference in the AIDS pandemic. God has so much in store for St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. Like St. Paul, I thank God every time I think of you and I pray for you with joy because of the way you share your compassion, love and faith with all the world.

Grace and Peace,

Kent Millard


2006 by the numbers

During , the St. Luke’s congregation continued to generously support the ministries of the church with their financial gifts. , , ,

Gifts received for Powerful Possibilities Campaign Other Capital Campaign/Building Fund Gifts TOTAL Capital Gifts 

  

Gifts toward  Annual Operating Fund Gifts received for  Support of The Garden Gifts Received for Outreach/Program Ministries** Gifts Received for St. Luke’s Endowment TOTAL Gifts Received for Operations/Outreach

 ,,  ,  ,,  ,  ,,

TOTAL Gifts Received from the St. Luke’s Family in 

$ ,,

** Sampling of Outreach Ministries receiving assistance in  Amani Foundation Hurricane Katrina Appalachian Project, Hazard, KY Indiana United Methodist Brightwood Community Center Children’s Home Brookside Community Center IPS School 20 Partnership Celebration of Hope IU/Kenya AIDS/Power of One D’Iberville Volunteer Center Inter-Faith Alliance Earthquake and Flood Relief Jamaica and Zimbabwe Scholarships Epes Center, Chile Jeremy’s Tree Haiti School Fletcher Place Community Center Loaves and Fishes Fresh Start Oaks Academy Gore Oklahoma Boys Ranch Outreach, Inc. Habitat for Humanity Sierre Leone/Operation Classroom Haitian Academy Hospital Ten Point Coalition Heifer Project UMCOR Metro Ministries United Christmas Service Honduras World Missions Support of Work Trips


••• Total gifts and contributions made to world and community


groups from UMW, The Garden, Singles, Children’s and other ministries were over ,. ••• St. Luke’s also contributed , through apportionments to the work of the United Methodist Church throughout the world.

: The congregation continues to respond to St. Luke’s mission with their Prayers, Presence, Service and Gifts.

    

# of Families Pledging

Total Pledges

Average Pledge

    

,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

, , , , ,

2006 Annual Income Statement Pledge Income Identified Plate Loose Plate Christmas/Easter Special Gifts Gain/Loss on Securities Prior Year Pledges Facility Rental Bookstore/Self Support TOTAL Income

 ,,  ,  ,  ,  ,    ,  ,  ,  ,,

Board of Trustees Staff Parish Relations Church Apportionments Program Budgets TOTAL Expenses

 ,  ,,  ,  ,  ,,



Welcoming New Members During  we welcomed  new members at St. Luke’s and lost 98 members by death, transfers or withdrawal for a net gain of  members. The total membership of St. Luke’s is , at the end of . Our average attendance in worship at our ten weekly services declined slightly in  from , in  to , in ; a decrease of  per Sunday. The Garden worship services increased by  from  to  while St. Luke’s main campus services decreased by  from , to ,.

Confessions of Faith Confirmation Class Transfer from UMC Other Denominations TOTAL New Members Removal of Members Withdrawn Transfer to Other UMC To Other Denominations Deaths TOTAL Withdrawn Net Membership Gain Membership Baptisms Preparatory / Children under 18 Constitutents Average Worship Attendance St. Luke’s Worship The Garden TOTAL






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  


St. Luke’s Staff ST. LUKE’S CLERGY STAFF: Kent Millard, Linda McCoy, Carolyn Scanlan-

Craighead, Brent Wright, Brian Durand, Marsha Hutchinson, Marion Miller, Stan Abell, Adolf Hansen ST. LUKE’S STAFF: Anne Adams, Associate Director of Children’s Ministries;

Lorie Lee Andrews, Director of Children’s Ministries; Betty Brandt, Director of Spiritual Life Center; Brad Cherry, Facilities; Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries; Lori Crantford, Director of Communications, Marketing & Development; Brian Durand, Director of Youth & College Ministries; Jan Emmons, Finance; Andy Engle, Youth Intern; Sylvia Forbes, Membership & Care; Bryce Fuhrmann, Associate Director of Youth Ministry; Bertie Gilster, Front Office; Derek Hakes, Director of Handbells; Adolf Hansen, Theologian in Residence; Janelle Hatfield, Childcare Coordinator; Carol Helmus, Special Event Coordinator; Sharon Holyoak, Oasis Bookstore Manager; Molly Huntemann, Youth Intern; Marsha Hutchinson, Grief Ministries; Julia Johnson, Executive Director of Ministries; Faina Kleyner, Finance; Beth Lammers, Building Scheduler; Tujuianna Lockhart, Facilities; Bobbi Main-Jackson, Director of Weekday Ministries; Charles Manning, Assistant Director of Music Ministries; Linda McGlothlin, Adult Ministries; Bonnie McMenamin, Music Ministries/Later Assistant; Ryan McMenamin, Administrative Team Assistant; Janet Miller, Childrens Ministries; DeAnna Moran, Singles Special Events Coordinator & Adult Ministries Registrar; Tim Moore, Contemplative Service Leader; Rickie Murphy, Facilities; Debra Nethercott, Director of Children’s Choirs; Sarah Nevin, Publications Design; Jan Nichols, Coordinator of World Missions Projects; Julie O’Connor, Development & Celebration Team; Jessica Pollock, Young Singles Coordinator; Rich Potterf, Building & Grounds Ministry; Mary Katherine Schnitz, Director of Care Ministries; Cara Scott, Receptionist; Wonnie Sibotshiwe, Facilities; Margaret Spilker, Orchestra Administrator; Mark Squire, Director of Music Ministries; Alison Strawmyer, Weekday Ministries; William Taylor, Facilities; Jayne Moynahan Thorne, Director of Outreach Ministries; Mary Lynne Voigt, Music Outreach Coordinator; Cheryl West, Director of New Song Choir; Adra Wheeler, Director of Hospitality & Volunteers; Wanda Wilburn, Facilities; Rich Wisman, Facilities; Tonda Zeek, Computer & Administration. THE GARDEN CLERGY STAFF: Linda McCoy and Stan Abell THE GARDEN STAFF: Suzanne Stark, Creative Director & Director, Good Earth

Band; Richard Ramsey, Creative Director; Steve Whipkey, Director, Oak Hill Band; Judy Tolley, Administrative Team Leader Some of our new members in 2006.

    

     

   

 .  Street • Indianapolis,   • Telephone: -- • Fax: --

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