~identity We are an open
of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the
love of God for all creation.
~vision We envision being transformed
by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive,
Christ-like community.
~method We experience God’s
unconditional love, embrace hope, grow in faith, and become empowered by our passion for ministry and
service in the world.
. Street • Indianapolis, Telephone: -- • Fax: -- • www.stlukesumc.com
: , Dr. Kent Millard, Lead Pastor Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. ( :) The Prophet Isaiah tells us that those who trust in God will find their strength renewed, will rise up with wings like eagles, and will run the race before them without weariness or fainting.
be the birds with the keenest sense of vision, able to see details on the earth from high in the sky. I would like to invite us to rise up like eagles and look at the ministries for St. Luke’s from a larger perspective. Rather than just looking at our ministries for the past year, let’s look over and give thanks for what God has done among and through us for the past decade.
For this Annual Report, I would like for us to rise up on the wings of eagles and look at the ministries of St. Luke’s from a higher and wider perspective. Eagles are reported to
of Worship
On Easter Sunday we had our first worship service in our new sanctuary—even though it was not finished! Some of you will remember that on the Saturday before Easter we had to clean the sanctuary from all the construction mess, haul in white folding chairs, bring in an electronic organ (the new organ was not installed yet) put up colorful banners to hide the bare unfinished walls, and bring in a portable pulpit and microphone to conduct our overflowing Easter services. It was a memorable, exciting and moving service. Then we had to move everything out again on Easter Sunday afternoon so construction workers could finish the job. We moved in to the new sanctuary permanently in June . We talked about how these new worship facilities would provide space for all the people who wanted to worship with us on Sunday mornings, and we saw our worship attendance increase from , per Sunday before the new sanctuary was built to , at the end of —an increase of % in attendance over the past decade at the main campus. Sanctuary, Easter 1999.
Our satellite off-site ministry, The Garden, had a worship attendance of in and has grown to in , an increase of % over the past decade. Total worship attendance at St. Luke’s in all services increased % from , in to , in , an increase of per Sunday. In our official membership was ,. At the end of our membership was ,, an increase of , or a % increase in the number of people who call St. Luke’s their church home.
of Giving
In total giving at St. Luke’s from all sources (pledges, identified and cash gifts, capital gifts, Garden income, endowment and missions giving) was ,,. In total giving at St. Luke’s from all sources was ,,, an increase of ,,, or a % increase in giving over the past ten years. I thank God for the long-term generous giving of the people of St. Luke’s in supporting God’s work through this congregation.
2,359 4,328 about $4 million
2,940 (25% increase) 6,299 (45% increase) about $6.2 million
(56% increase)
of Capital Expansion
During the decade of to , St. Luke’s had to build additional facilities to accommodate the worship and educational needs of our growing congregation. During the past decade we have added a new ,-seat sanctuary, a new educational and music building, remodeled parts of Robertson Chapel to become a new prayer chapel and spiritual life center, remodeled children’s classrooms, built Luke’s Lodge, installed a new heating and air conditioning system, and greatly expanded parking.
In the generous people of St. Luke’s gave about , in mission giving to projects in our community, nation and world. By the generous people of St. Luke’s had more than doubled that amount to ,,. Over the past decade it is estimated that we have given over million above our budget and capital campaigns to mission giving beyond St. Luke’s.
During the decade we conducted these Capital Campaigns: EXPECT A MIRACLE; WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE; POWERFUL POSSIBILITIES; and the
anniversary MIRACLE MONTH OF MARCH which raised one million dollars in one month to build Luke’s Lodge for our Youth Ministry. The total cost of all of the capital campaign projects in the past decade was million. These capital campaigns have raised million, so we currently have an indebtedness of million. We have about , on hand to pay the mortgage for the next two years but will then need to develop a plan for mortgage payments after 2011.
of Mission Giving
of Clergy In our full-time clergy staff consisted of Kent Millard, Linda McCoy, Richard Moman, Carolyn Scanlan and Dennis Flaugher, with Al Nunery part time. In , our full-time clergy staff consisted of Kent Millard, Linda McCoy, Marsha Hutchinson, Marion Miller and Stan Abell, and Adolf Hansen part time. During the past decade we have also been blessed to also have Gene Merrick, Jean Wilson, Brent Wright, and Brian Durand (full time) and Max Case and Don Griffith (part time) serve as pastoral leaders on our staff. We are delighted that DAVID WILLIAMSON and JAMALYN PEIGH WILLIAMSON (see left) have joined our clergy team starting January , , bringing a new generation of clergy leaders to serve our congregation in Children’s, Family, Men’s and Missions ministry areas. Adding these two new young clergy persons to our team is an exciting way to launch our next decade of ministry. 3
THE NEXT DECADE I don’t know if eagles can see into the future, but the eagles on our Governing Board have sought to look into the future to discern where God is leading during this next decade. Here are the four visions areas as seen and discerned by our Governing Board in consultation with the staff and lay leaders of our congregation. It is our belief that as we pursue these visions God will continue to bring new L.I.F.E. to our world through the ministry of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church.
During the next decade we want to train and develop a new and younger core of clergy, lay and staff leaders to lead St. Luke’s into the future. We are aware that we will transition to new lead pastors at St. Luke’s and The Garden before the next decade is over. Our Governing Board is preparing for that transition by developing a profile of our congregation and profiles of the gifts and graces we are looking for in future leaders.
St. Luke’s has always made a significant impact in the greater Indianapolis area as a leading public congregation and in mission outreach throughout our nation and our world. We are in the process of determining how we can increase our impact beyond our congregation so that we can move closer to God’s vision for St. Luke’s, which is to “be transformed by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community.”
The foundations which support all of St. Luke’s ministries have to do with providing and maintaining the necessary facilities and finances for worship, education, fellowship, outreach and service. We thank God for the leaders of our Administrative Committees (Staff Parish, Finance, Trustees, Stewardship, Lay Leadership and Endowment) who provide the undergirding support for all of the ministries of St. Luke’s. We celebrate that our Endowment has reached about . million in assets, of which the earnings provide about , each year to support St. Luke’s ministries.
One of our primary visions is to engage more people in all of the ministries of St. Luke’s. Our Servant Day last August and our Open House in January helped us engage many more people in the mission and ministries of St. Luke’s. Our vision is that all of our ministries would focus on one or more of these vision areas and help us move in these directions to continue to allow God’s spirit to breathe L.I.F.E. into our congregation, our community and our world. We continue to accomplish these goals through our ongoing T.I.M.E. initiative—being Together In Ministry Everyday. In that way, we spend our LIFE TIME being conduits of God’s never-ending love.
l.i.f.e. 4
Coming in 2010
We are delighted to help host these major national and international speakers during 2010:
A.J. Jacobs—bestselling author from New York who has written THE YEAR OF LIVING BIBLICALLY will speak at St. Luke’s at 7PM on Wednesday, March 2.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama—will be hosted by the Indianapolis Interfaith Hunger Initiative, the Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center in Bloomington and the Indiana Buddhist Center in Indianapolis at Conseco Fieldhouse at 9:30AM on Friday, May 14. St. Luke’s is a vital part of the Interfaith Hunger Initiative bringing the Dalai Lama to Indianapolis.
Greg Mortensen—builder of schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan and bestselling author of THREE CUPS OF TEA and STONES INTO SCHOOLS will be at St. Luke’s speaking to children in one session and to college students and adults in another on Monday, September 27, 2010.
who go far beyond the call of duty daily to serve the spiritual and personal needs of people in St. Luke’s, in our community and our world. LEADERSHIP
We are especially grateful for the missions to the people of Haiti which St. Luke’s leaders have supported for this past decade and which will need even more support during the next decade as they rebuild from the devastating earthquake of January , . As we pray for the many thousands of people who lost their lives in that earthquake and the millions injured or displaced, we thank God for the safe return of our Haiti team members of Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson, Gary and Kay Walla, Denise Jean-Claude and Danny Chin, as well as those team members from Milroy UMC.
Isaiah reminds us that those of us who trust in God and surrender ourselves and our congregation into God’s hands will rise up on wings like eagles. My prayer is that as we surrender ourselves and our plans into the hands of God, we will feel God coming underneath us and raising us up on wings like eagles so that we can see more clearly where God is leading us in the future.
Grace and Peace,
Kent Millard
looking forward...
pledges 2009 by the numbers
During , the St. Luke’s congregation continued to generously support the ministries of the church with their financial gifts.
, , ,
Gifts received for Powerful Possibilities Campaign Other Capital Campaign/Building Fund Gifts TOTAL Capital Gifts
Gifts toward Annual Operating Fund Gifts received for support of The Garden Funds received for Missions/Designated Funds/Programs** Gifts received for St. Luke’s Endowment TOTAL Gifts received for Operations/Outreach
,, , ,, , ,,
TOTAL Gifts Received from the St. Luke’s Family in
$ ,,
** Sampling of Outreach Ministries receiving assistance in Appalachian Project, Hazard, KY Brightwood Community Center Caring Churches Network Changing Footprints Construction Ministries (SAWS) D’Iberville Volunteer Center Earthquake and Flood Relief First Baptist Food Bank Fletcher Place Community Center Fox Hill Elementary Fresh Start Global AIDS Initiative Habitat for Humanity (Indianapolis; Collier County, Naples, FL; John’s Island, SC; Ft. Myers, FL) Haitian Academy training of medical students and agriculture Heifer Project Honduras Medical Mission Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home Interfaith Hunger Initiative
IPS School 20 Partnership IU/Kenya AIDS/Power of One Inter-Faith Alliance John Wesley School, Jeremie, Haiti Liberia, Africa Lucille Raines Residence Manna from Heaven Mar Elias Midwest Mission Distribution Center Neema Orphanage Operation Classroom in Sierra Leone and Liberia Outreach, Inc. Sierra Leone, Africa Tree of Life, South Dakota UMCOR United Christmas Service United Methodist Children’s Home in Kentucky Vida Nueva Food Pantry World Missions support of work trips Zimbabwe Water Project
••• Total gifts and contributions made to world and community groups from UMW, The Garden, Singles, Children’s and other ministries were over ,. ••• St. Luke’s also contributed , through apportionments to the work of the United Methodist Church throughout the world.
: The congregation continues to respond to St. Luke’s mission with their Prayers, Presence, Service and Gifts.
# of Families Pledging
Total Pledges
Average Pledge
,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
, , , , ,
2009 Annual Income Statement Pledge Income Identified Plate Loose Plate Christmas/Easter Special Gifts Gain/Loss on Securities Prior Year Pledges Facility Rental Church School Sundays in the South Annual Designated
,, , , , , () , , , ,
TOTAL Income
Board of Trustees Staff Parish Relations Church Apportionments Program Budgets TOTAL Expenses
, ,, , , ,,
Welcoming New Members During we welcomed new members at St. Luke’s and lost members by death, transfers or withdrawal for a net gain of members. The total membership of St. Luke’s is , at the end of .
Confessions of Faith Confirmation Class Transfer from UMC Other Denominations TOTAL New Members Removal of Members Withdrawn Transfer to Other UMC To Other Denominations Deaths TOTAL Withdrawn Net Membership Gain Membership Baptisms Preparatory / Children under 18 Constitutents Average Worship Attendance St. Luke’s Worship The Garden TOTAL
St. Luke’s Staff Kent Millard, Linda McCoy, Marsha Hutchinson, Marion Miller, Stan Abell, David Williamson, Jamalyn Williamson, Adolf Hansen ST. LUKE’S CLERGY STAFF:
ST. LUKE’S STAFF: Kathy Alexander, Administrative Team Assistant; Jason Barnes, Director of AV/Media; Dawn Bick, Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry, Elementary; Betty Brandt, Director of Spiritual Life Center; Kristi Chamberlain, Childcare Coordinator; Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries; Marsha Coyner, Director of Joyful Rhythms; Lori Crantford, Director of Communications, Marketing & Development; Kevin Davis, Director of Youth Ministries; Jan Emmons, Finance; Sylvia Forbes, Membership & Care; Bertie Gilster, Receptionist; Mary Hach, Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry, Early Childhood; Adolf Hansen, Theologian in Residence; Leslie Hazelwood, Facilities; Kathleen Headington, Associate Director of Youth Ministries; Martha Heinrich, IT Manager; Carol Helmus, Special Event/Wedding Coordinator; Sharon Holyoak, Oasis Bookstore Manager; Julia Johnson, Executive Director of Ministries; Mike Keller, Director of Wesleyan Ringers; Faina Kleyner, Finance; Beth Lammers, Building Scheduler; Erica Lampe, Benefits/ Development Assistant; Tujuianna Lockhart, Facilities; Bobbi Main-Jackson, Director of Weekday Ministries; Charles Manning, Assistant Director of Music Ministries; Linda McGlothlin, Adult Ministries; Bonnie McMenamin, Music Ministries Assistant; Janet Miller, Children’s Ministries; DeAnna Moran, Adult Ministries Registrar; Rickie Murphy, Facilities; Debra Nethercott, Director of Children’s Music; Sarah Nevin, Publications Design; Jan Nichols, Coordinator of World Missions Projects; Julie O’Connor, Administration & Celebration Team; Matt Peyton, Associate Director of Youth Ministries; Rich Potterf, Building & Grounds Ministry; Brian Schnitz, Facilities; Mary Katherine Schnitz, Director of Care Ministries; Cara Scott, Receptionist; Kelly Scott, Facilities; Winnie Sibotshiwe, Facilities; Mark Squire, Director of Music Ministries; Tara-Lynne Sinicki, Director of Children’s Ministries; Ben Spillman, Facilities; Alison Strawmyer, Assistant Director & Registrar, Weekday Preschool & Parent’s Day Out Program; William Taylor, Facilities; Jayne Moynahan Thorne, Director of Outreach Ministries; Chris Thornsberry, Associate Director of Adult Ministries; Cheryl West, Director of New Song; Adra Wheeler, Director of Hospitality & Volunteers; Rich Wisman, Facilities.
Linda McCoy, Stan Abell Troye Kinnett, Director, The Good Earth Band; Steve Whipkey, Director, Oak Hill Band; Judy Tolley, Administrative Team Leader; Beth Fried, Communications & Worship; Larry Fletcher, Director of Marketing & Operations THE GARDEN CLERGY STAFF: THE GARDEN STAFF:
Some of our new members in 2009.
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