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   identity We are an open

community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation.

vision We envision being transformed

by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community.

method We experience God’s

unconditional love,

embrace hope, grow in faith, and

become empowered by our passion for ministry and service

in the world.

 .  Street • Indianapolis,   Telephone: -- • Fax: -- •

   :  ,  Rev. Rob Fuquay, Senior Pastor A Year of Transition It is an honor and a privilege to be presenting my first Annual Report to St. Luke’s United Methodist Church as your senior pastor. What a year in the life of this church, as well as for me and my family! With the December ,  announcement of Dr. Kent Millard’s retirement as Senior Pastor of St. Luke’s effective June , , St. Luke’s was set on a path of transition. It was very fitting that the theme of “Trust God No Matter What” had already been chosen for the  Capital Campaign, which took place during the first quarter. The leaders of the church immediately began asking the congregation to engage in

prayer, actively seeking God’s wisdom and guidance in saying farewell to Kent, existing in the time in-between, and seeking/welcoming a new senior pastor. I want to thank again the Leadership Transition Team—SARA COBB, ROB FRENCH, NANCY LANGE, DICK LAUTZENHEISER, JENNIFER TODD AND MARGARET WOOD—for the fine work

they did. The level of anxiety this change could have created in the church was reduced in large part to the effective work of this group. Thanks are also due again to DR. LINDA MCCOY for her effective leadership as Interim Senior Pastor during July and August, and to our dedicated and talented staff who continued the work of the church with enthusiasm, creativity and steadfastness. Some highlights of the first half of  included:

Celebration of Ministry and Saying Good-bye A variety of events, from individual ministry area parties to two hilarious (and touching) roasts, were held to honor and celebrate Dr. Kent’s Millard’s nearly 18 years as St. Luke’s Senior Pastor, and the ministry of his wife, Minnietta. The celebrations culminated on June ,  when Dr. Millard preached his final sermon as Senior Pastor. It was entitled “For All That Has Been, Thanks; For All That Will Be, Yes!”, the same title of the first sermon he gave at St. Luke’s as Senior Pastor on Sunday, October , . St. Luke’s member and U. S. SENATOR RICHARD LUGAR spoke, and the church presented Kent with an original rendering of St. Luke’s (see report cover ) by local artist and good friend K. P. SINGH. In addition, the St. Luke’s Identity and Mission statements were placed on the east and west Narthex walls in commemoration of Kent’s faithful service. In his sermon that day, Kent said, “When I look to the past  years at St. Luke’s, I thank God for all the people of this congregation. You are the most passionate, compassionate, visionary, loving and generous Christian leaders I have ever known, and my life has been forever changed because of you.”


Rev. Rob Fuquay, Dr. Kent Millard, Dr. Carver McGriff, Dr. Richard Hamilton, Rev. Bill Imler


A community Celebration of Ministry was held that afternoon and included a proclamation by Indianapolis MAYOR BALLARD declaring June ,  as Kent Millard Day, and an abundance of faith and community leaders, friends, family and staff offering words of remembrance and appreciation. Then, on Friday September , we celebrated the life of MINNIETTA MILLARD at a beautifully led service by Rev. Marsha Hutchinson along with outstanding musicians from greater Indianapolis, and the moving words of committal by Kent at the end.

“Trust God No Matter What” Campaign At the beginning of , St. Luke’s had an indebtedness of  million. The “Trust God No Matter What” campaign was launched to enable the church to raise enough funds to pay off that debt in the next five years and leave the incoming senior pastor a debt-free church. The campaign secured more than . in pledges from the generous people of St. Luke’s. In May and August of , the church was able to make two payments of , toward the principal of the debt, which currently stands at just over  million. As gifts continue to be received in to the campaign, the Finance Committee will make extra payments toward the principal.


Youth mission trip to Haiti Dr. Dick Lautzenheiser in Haiti Nora refugee after school program

Continued Commitment to Mission and Ministry We again lived out our vision of “being transformed by God in order to transform the world” with full force in . Our outreach extended to HAITI, SIERRA LEONE, SOUTH DAKOTA, TENNESSEE, KENTUCKY and FLORIDA. Here in Indiana, St. Luke’s was part of a joint HABITAT FOR HUMANITY build with other United Methodist churches, and started a new REFUGEE ASSISTANCE MINISTRY to provide much-needed assistance to the Burma refugees living nearby in the Nora area. Ongoing work with many organizations continues through Community Ministries, Global Health Commission, Social Justice, along with the dozens of groups supported by each ministry area within the church that provides positive impact on lives, both practical and spiritual. 3

Two new ministry areas emerged in : the YOUNG ADULT COMMUNITY for persons in their  and , and family-focused ministries like COUPLES, INC. and FAMILY FELLOWSHIP NIGHT. Reaching out to younger generations and strengthening the family will continue to be areas of ministry focus in the future. Our INTERFAITH INITIATIVES continued as we work to be together in ministry with those of other faiths. The Jews & Christians in Candid Conversations series was held again with Congregation Beth-El Zedeck and Second Presbyterian Church. The tenth anniversary of / was marked by an interfaith Prayer Vigil for Peace and Unity, and participation in an interfaith service at Gleaners Food Bank organized by the Interfaith Hunger Initiative.

Together in Worship & Ministry


During Lent, the congregation explored the theme of “THE

“BEGINNINGS” was the theme of my first four Sundays as the

JESUSES I HAVE KNOWN,” examining different aspects of Jesus

fifth senior pastor of St. Luke’s. This theme was chosen (as well as the stories of Israel’s entry into the Promised Land) to fit the Transition Strategy the church was following. Having recognized the Ending phase of transition and coming out of the Neutral Zone of the summer, we were now entering the Beginning phase, seeking not to have just another start, but launch a new era of ministry. That series concluded on Sunday, September , with an Installation Service involving all former senior pastors of the church.

and how we have experienced Jesus personally. We welcomed author and scholar DR. AMY-JILL LEVINE, who spoke on how Jesus’ stories would be understood by those who first heard them and why recovering this understanding is important to both Christians and Jews today. At the conclusion of Lent, over  people experienced St. Luke’s on Easter Sunday, , through all our worship services, children and youth programs, and live webstreaming of our morning worship services. July and August saw a worship theme of “JOURNEYS,” led by Dr. Linda McCoy, and special guest preachers Dr. Carver McGriff (St. Luke’s senior pastor, ), Bishop Michael Coyner and author Rev. Phil Gulley. We also celebrated five years of the TOGETHER IN MINISTRY EVERYDAY initiative through a series of community gatherings, a third annual Servant Day, and a focus on four words in our identity statement: “seek,” “celebrate,” “live,” and “share.” This celebration culminated in an all-church picnic on my first Sunday in the pulpit – August . 4

I started off my time at St. Luke’s working closely with the Leadership Transition Team, identifying their final phase of duty in developing a transition strategy for my first - months. That strategy has included my meeting with groups of staff and lay leadership, discovering what they see as the strengths of the church and opportunities for furthering our mission going forward. We then opened up these gatherings to the entire congregation. Since October, I have been meeting in groups of - people who are interested in sharing about their experience in St. Luke’s and asking me questions. To date I have had  groups involving about  people. All of this work will feed into a FUTURE VISIONING PROCESS led by a task force designated by the Governing Board. We will be aided in this process by the consulting services of Doug Anderson, which is provided through the Annual Conference.

Membership, Attendance & Stewardship In October and November we conducted a stewardship campaign called “LETTING GO.” I know we had a few new elements from previous campaigns, but the response by the congregation was outstanding. To date we have received a total of ,, from  pledges to the work of ministry in . This is a .% increase over last year and is absolutely amazing in a year of transition. It is a tribute to the commitment and faithfulness of the St. Luke’s family. Perhaps most encouraging has been our attendance. This year we took Christmas Eve out of the overall numbers (which typically adds about  to the year-end average), giving us a Weekly Average Attendance in  of ,—which interestingly, is the exact same number as . For more information on attendance and membership, see the chart on the insert.

Other 2011 Celebrations This has also been another strong year for The Garden, which has been going through its own visioning and future planning work. DR. LINDA MCCOY and REV. STAN ABELL continue to provide excellent leadership.

Dr. Linda McCoy

Later@St. Luke’s also celebrated their th anniversary this year, and the fourth year with DR. MARION MILLER leading them. I applaud Marion and her leadership team for the way they continue to examine ways to strengthen our outreach and expand our diversity through that ministry. The Care Ministry of St. Luke’s is a huge asset of the church. In my gatherings with church members, I have yet not to hear high praise for the leadership and work of REV. MARSHA HUTCHINSON and MARY KATHERINE SCHNITZ. Also our Education Ministry and the Spiritual Life Center continue to offer quality classes and experiences for spiritual growth. I want to thank TERRI COE and BETTY BRANDT for their great leadership. In addition, JAYNE THORNE has provided outstanding leadership in our Outreach Ministries, helping our members get engaged in transforming ministry activities in our community and around the world.

Dr. Marcus Borg

In the Children’s area, REV. JAMALYN PEIGH WILLIAMSON and her leadership team continue to do an excellent job evaluating and creating effective programs and ministries. Our Youth Ministries, led by KEVIN DAVIS, STEPHANIE EFT and RYAN MCGEE, is providing outstanding opportunities for these future church leaders to grow in their faith. Watching our youth in action is inspiring! Of course, St. Luke’s is well known for its outstanding music ministries, the likes of which I had not previously experienced. I will never forget my first Sunday with the full Chancel Choir and Orchestra—wow! Kudos to our Music Director MARK SQUIRE, his staff and all the musicians who so generously give of their talents. Rounding out this year in worship we had two other guest preachers, DR. MARCUS BORG, on October , and DR. KENT MILLARD, who preached on Christmas Day for the first time back since his retirement. 5

FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS In closing, I want to share a verse I read in my Charge Conference Report on December , . It comes from Esther :, “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Those words were spoken to Esther by her uncle, Mordecai. He was challenging her to recognize her unique opportunity as someone in a position to make a great difference for God’s people. He was inviting her to consider that her place in her life at such a time was no accident. God brought her to this point for such a time as this. That captures my feelings as we continue in this period of new beginning. When you consider all that St. Luke’s has become, not just to the people who call this church their home, but to our community, city, and denomination, and then think about the transition we are walking through, who knows but that it is for such a time as this. I believe God is calling us to have an impact far and wide, and discerning that impact can be answered with a couple of important questions. One is this: What will it mean to stay vital and relevant as a church? One of the great characteristics of St. Luke’s across its -year history has been its vibrancy. I believe we have remained vibrant because we have sought to stay relevant in furthering our mission. In one of the feedback forums I had, a member reflected on my Installation Service when I celebrated the unique contributions of each of the former pastors. Then she asked, “When it’s your turn to sit with them, what will be said about your contribution?” I honestly admitted I don’t know that it will be in any one specific area, but I do hope that someone might say something like this: He came in at an amazing time in the history of our church and continued to move it forward. He built well on the foundations of the past and kept St. Luke’s vital in furthering the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Whatever length of time there is between now and then, no doubt a lot in our world will change. The needs of ministry will change; our community will likely become more diverse; the challenges people will face will be different. But this, I believe, will stay the same: folks will still have a hunger for the love of God. The expression of that love through Jesus Christ will still be needed. What will it mean 6

for us to stay vital and relevant in sharing that Good News? That will profoundly shape us in the coming decades. Another question that can shape us is this: What will it mean to be innovative? What will it mean to be innovative in our styles of ministries, resources, programs, communication? The willingness to risk and venture into unknown territories is what separates good churches from great churches, and St. Luke’s has a history of being a great church. I believe God is still calling us to be that kind of church. If we continue to be progressive and open in our theology and love for all people, yet remain strongly Christ-centered and committed to living out the mission of the church, I believe other congregations will want to see what that looks like. We live in a time of great divisiveness in the denomination. We live in a time when there is not only significant decline in membership, but surrendering of the mission. Many are just throwing up their hands, as if closing our doors is an inevitable choice. But we also live in a time with huge spiritual interest in the general population. It is a time with more mediums to communicate and connect to people than ever before. It is a grand time. If we seek to be innovative, I believe God will continue to provide a bright and shining future for St. Luke’s. This I believe wholeheartedly: that God has uniquely positioned this church. We have substantial resources, great location, a grace-filled theology, and inviting passion. It is not by accident. It is not just for things already accomplished. There is more to do. We are each here for such a time as this, and I am excited to find out just why! In conclusion, I want to thank Bishop Coyner for taking a chance in appointing me here. His leadership in our conference is a great gift. I am also indebted to our District Superintendent, Dr. Bert Kite, for his hospitality and assistance in helping me and my family get settled in Indiana. I also want to thank all of our staff for their hard work and commitment to keep doing their jobs and leading our church in this transition. Particularly I thank Rev. David Williamson and Julia Johnson for their senior leadership to the church and personal support to me.

And, of course, this report would be incomplete without expressing again my magnanimous appreciation to Dr. Kent Millard for the way he has welcomed me to St. Luke’s and Indianapolis. There is no over-stating his work in the success of this transition. His personal investment in the health and welfare of this new beginning is a key factor in why things have gone so well. It is the greatest blessing of my ministry to be able to follow Kent Millard. Finally, I want to say an official thanks to my wife, Susan, and our daughters Julie, Sarah, and Anna. At the risk of appearing nepotistic, I have erred too many times in the past in not recognizing my own family for the sacrifices they make because of my position. Were it not for their support and willingness to say goodbye to friends, jobs, activities and other social networks, I wouldn’t be here. They have embraced this new opportunity, but it wasn’t without cost to them. Now that is not something they talk about, and I would guess they don’t live with much awareness or focus upon it. They are fully living in the present, but I know there were still challenges about this transition for them, and want to go on record thanking them for their positive response.

a part of the St. Luke's family. I am a cynic by nature but this transition has truly been a blessing for my faith in the different perspectives you expose us to each week. In Advent when the skit was the message I wasn't sure at first if I was going to be fond of that, but it was a great example and became a wonderful metaphor for me in dealing with my step daughter and issues we have around our home. I sincerely hope your family has adjusted and found happiness as well. On your first Sunday I shared with your daughters that I changed high schools between my Sophomore and Junior years and knew how hard it was. Glad to hear they're getting into the swim and kick of things so well! I know St. Luke's is a divergent and passionate place and I'm sure it's not all been perfect in transition. On those days when you have to deal with one of those 'divergent' or 'passionate' Hoosiers and their opposing views on something, please remember that there are so many of us who are incredibly appreciative that you took a chance on us and have truly become the future of our faith at St. Luke’s. PS....In the future if you have a baptism with a November 3rd birthday, I will probably NOT be raising my hand. I LOVED the method....I'm just a chicken in that I'd be the one to get split peas all over the front of me! That message says several important things about our church. For one it says St. Luke’s, by and large, is a flexible group and very open to new things. At least so far, most people have been willing to try something once! It also says people are conscious about expressing the positive things they feel. Since arriving, I have been routinely blessed by many expressions of genuine hospitality and appreciation. This congregation expresses its love and compassion. And, finally, this message says what I have been hearing from many others—that there is a positive anticipation about the future. People feel and believe exciting things are ahead, and they are ready to discover it.

In closing I share an email I received recently from one of our members. I was just thinking about your piece in the St. Luke's magazine last night and how it had been over six months since you and your family joined us. I just wanted to share how grateful and blessed that we are to have you, Susan and the girls as

God has blessed and is blessing St. Luke’s. I look forward to discovering with you the blessings that lie ahead. With faith and gratitude, Robert E. Fuquay, Jr.


THE NUMBERS 2011 Annual Income Statement

Pledge Income Identified Plate Loose Plate Christmas/Easter Special Gifts Gain/Loss on Securities Prior Year Pledges Facility Rental Sundays in the South Annual Designated

 ,,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ()  ,  ,  ,  ,

TOTAL Income

 ,,

EXPENSES Utilities Building Maintenance Staff Parish Relations Church Tithes Program Budgets TOTAL Expenses

 ,  ,  ,,  ,  ,  ,,


 , *

* These funds will be held in reserve as we move forward in our visioning process in 2012. As priorities or needs arise, staff and governing board will work with finance committee in the utilization of these funds.

Welcoming New Members During  we welcomed  new members at St. Luke’s and lost  members by death, transfers or withdrawal for a net gain of  members. The total membership of St. Luke’s is , at the end of . 





Confessions of Faith Confirmation Class Transfer from UMC or Restored Other Denominations TOTAL New Members

    

    

    

    

    

Removal of Members Withdrawn Transfer to Other UMC To Other Denominations Deaths TOTAL Withdrawn

    

    

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  

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  

Net Membership Gain Membership Baptisms Preparatory / Children under 18 Constitutents Average Worship Attendance St. Luke’s Worship The Garden TOTAL


  


During , the St. Luke’s congregation continued to generously support the ministries of the church with their financial gifts. , , ,

Gifts received for Trust God No Matter What Campaign Other Capital Campaign/Building Fund Gifts TOTAL Capital Gifts 

  

Gifts toward  Annual Operating Fund Gifts received for  support of The Garden Funds received for Missions/Designated Funds/Programs** Gifts received for St. Luke’s Endowment TOTAL Gifts received for Operations/Outreach

 ,,  ,  ,  ,  ,,

TOTAL Gifts Received from the St. Luke’s Family in 

$ ,,

** Sampling of Outreach Ministries receiving service/funds in  American Indian Projects Appalachian Project, Hazard, KY Bethlehem Bible College Bishop’s Christmas Offering for Children Broadway Christmas Store Brooke’s Place Burma/Myanmar Caring Churches Network Changing Footprints CROP Walk Damien Center Deaf Ministry D'Iberville Volunteer Center EPES - Chile Earthquake and Flood Relief Exodus Refugee Immigration, Inc. First Baptist Food Bank Fletcher Place Community Center Fox Hill Elementary Fresh Start Global AIDS Initiative Global Interfaith Partnership

Habitat for Humanity Indianapolis; Hamilton County, IN; Collier County, Naples, FL; John's Island, SC; Ft. Myers, FL Haiti: Fondwa; Haitian Academy, Port au Prince; John Wesley School, Jeremie

Heifer Project Horizon House Immigrant Welcome Center Indiana United Methodist Children's Home Interfaith Hunger Initiative IPATH Anti-Human Trafficking IU/Kenya AIDS/Power of One Inter-Faith Alliance Learning for Life Liberia, Africa Little Red Door Lucille Raines Residence Manna from Heaven Memphis, TN Women’s Shelter Metropolitan School District of Washington Township for Nora refugees Midwest Mission Distribution Center

Operation Classroom Outreach, Inc. Race and Cultural Relations Leadership Network for Dialogue-to-Change Circles Recycle Force Rosebud Indian Reservation SAWS Shepherd Community Center Sierra Leone, Africa—Kissy Hospital Taiama, Africa The Oaks Academy Timmy Foundation Tree of Life, South Dakota UMCOR Underneath It All, We're All the Same United Christmas Service United Methodist Children's Home—KY Vida Nueva Food Pantry Village Cooperative World Missions support of work trips Zimbabwe Water Project

••• Total gifts and contributions made to world and community groups from UMW, The Garden, and other ministries were over ,. ••• St. Luke’s also contributed , through tithes to the work of the United Methodist Church throughout the world.

: The congregation continues to respond to St. Luke’s mission with their Prayers, Presence, Service and Gifts.


    

# of Families Pledging

Total Pledges

Average Pledge

    

,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

, , , , ,

St. Luke’s Staff ST. LUKE’S CLERGY STAFF: Rob Fuquay, Linda McCoy, Marsha Hutchinson, Marion Miller, Stan Abell, David Williamson, Jamalyn Peigh Williamson GOVERNING BOARD:

Jennifer Todd, Chair Sara Cobb Brad Fuson John Guild Mike Hertel Heather Hilbert Nancy Lange Jeff Peek Charlie Russell Lauren Walawender Margaret Wood Bob Zehr

ST. LUKE’S STAFF: Kathy Alexander, Administrative Team Assistant; Jason Barnes, Director of AV/Media; Betty Brandt, Director of Spiritual Life Center; Kristi Chamberlain, Childcare Coordinator; Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries; Marsha Coyner, Director of Joyful Rhythms; Lori Crantford, Director of Communications, Marketing & Development; Avonteé Davis, Facilities; Kevin Davis, Director of Youth Ministries; Mark Dybala, Facilities; Stephanie Eft, Associate Director of Youth Ministries; Nancy Faith, Music Ministries Assistant; Sylvia Forbes, Membership & Care; Eric Fourthman, Facilities; Bertie Gilster, Receptionist; Mary Hach, Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry, Early Childhood; Leslie Hazelwood, Facilities; Martha Heinrich, IT Manager; Carol Helmus, Special Event/Wedding Coordinator; Sharon Holyoak, Oasis Bookstore Manager; Julia Johnson, Executive Director of Ministries; Mike Keller, Director of Wesleyan Ringers; Faina Kleyner, Finance; Beth Lammers, Building Scheduler; Erica Lampe, Financial/Benefits/Development Assistant; Tujuianna Lockhart, Facilities; Charles Manning, Assistant Director of Music Ministries; Ryan McGee, Associate Director of Youth Ministries; Linda McGlothlin, Adult Ministries; Janet Miller, Children’s Ministries; DeAnna Moran, Adult Ministries Registrar; Amy Myhand, Associate Director of Children’s Ministries; Debra Nethercott, Director of Children’s Music; Sarah Nevin, Publications Design; Jan Nichols, Coordinator of World Missions Projects; Julie O’Connor, Sr. Pastor Assistant & Administration; Rich Potterf, Building & Grounds Ministry; Mary Katherine Schnitz, Director of Care Ministries; Cara Scott, Receptionist; Kelly Scott, Facilities; Winnie Sibotshiwe, Facilities; Margaret Spilker, Orchestra Coordinator; Mark Squire, Director of Music Ministries; Alison Strawmyer, Assistant Director & Registrar, Weekday Preschool & Parent’s Day Out Program; Jayne Moynahan Thorne, Director of Outreach Ministries; Chris Thornsberry, Associate Director of Adult Ministries; Cheryl West, Director of New Song; Adra Wheeler, Director of Hospitality & Volunteers; Rich Wisman, Facilities; Bob Zehr, Orchestra Conductor. THE GARDEN CLERGY STAFF: Linda McCoy, Stan Abell THE GARDEN STAFF: Matt Peyton, Media Specialist; Judy Tolley, Administrative Team Leader;

Beth Fried, Communications & Worship

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