FEB/MAR 2016
Lessons from a Politically Incorrect Pray-er p.4
Find the Holy Week Schedule & Upcoming Churchwide Events
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Pastor Rob Fuquay preaches on Prayer during Lent
Weekend Worship
Holy Week 2016
New Times & Places
Palm Sunday | March 20
St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians, offering multiple worship opportunities designed to meet you where you are in your journey with Christ.
FESTIVE SERVICES • 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM Children sing, donkeys process and a stirring message prepares us for the week ahead.
TRADITIONAL | 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM
Maundy Thursday | March 24
The Sanctuary 8:15 & 9:30AM with Rev. Rob Fuquay, Senior Pastor with Rev. David Williamson (11AM) Pastor of Family & Worship Ministries
CONTEMPORARY | 11AM Robertson Chapel with Rev. Rob Fuquay, Senior Pastor
This service that celebrates Jesus' time with his disciples in the Upper Room and the Garden of Gethsemane. Foot-washing, communion, and a rich call to abide with Christ.
Good Friday | March 25 SERVICES OF REMEMBRANCE • NOON & 7PM These services remember and reflect on the day Jesus died on the cross. Scripture and music combine to retell the story of God's amazing love.
Robertson Chapel with Dr. Marion Miller
THE GARDEN | 8:45 & 10AM Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre with Dr. Carolyn Scanlan
TAIZÉ | 5PM Third Sunday of each month, by the baptismal font in the Sanctuary, with musical community and Rev. Kim King
Connect With Us CONTACT US 100 W. 86th St. Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.846.3404
Easter Sunday | March 27 TRADITIONAL • 8, 9:30 & 11:15AM • SANCTUARY CONTEMPORARY • 9:30 & 11AM • ROBERTSON The height of celebration in two distinct musical styles that each deliver a resounding "Hallelujah!"
Save the Date Benefit Concert | April 3 PURDUE GLEE CLUB • 3PM | SANCTUARY @stlukesumcindy Search for St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
The Sunday following Easter we repeat the annual tradition of welcoming the high-energy Purdue (University) Varsity Glee Club. Tickets $10 children/$15 adults, are available in the Main Office at St. Luke's.
St. Luke’s office is open 8:30AM-5PM Monday-Friday.
URGENT PASTORAL CARE NEEDS Our Prayer Chapel is available for silent prayer and meditation when the church is open. In case of a pastoral emergency, call 317-846-3404. After hours, leave a message including how our on-call pastor can reach you.
Fellowship Lunch | April 10 NOON | FELLOWSHIP HALL Join with other St. Luke’s friends and members for a light lunch and conversation. Registration not required. Free will offering always appreciated.
Wa t ch f o r th is ico n t h r o ugh o ut th e ma ga z ine f o r sp e c ia l Lenten o p p o rtunities .
Inside... WORSHIP
adults Lessons from a Politically Incorrect Pray-er by Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger Pastor of Adult Discipleship
Gen. George S. Patton could never be described as pious. He swore. He 4
was arrogant. He was utterly politically incorrect. Thankfully, prayer does not require piety. It does, however, require practice. And practice takes time. It's part of the gift of Lent – a season set aside to think about how we draw closer to Chrsit. Our sermon series and Lenten Small Groups will focus on prayer. Not only will we address what makes prayer feel difficult, but we'll also let you try on various ways to pray. Focusing on Prayer during Lent is designed to help us take up the practice of prayer without intimidation. Here are a couple of lessons gleaned from the story of Gen. Patton.
Lesson # 1: Don't be shy. Just speak from the heart in your own words. God can handle it.
History buffs know the story of Gen. Patton's blunt communication with God just before Christmas in 1944. Striving to free American soldiers trapped in the Battle of the Bulge, but hampered by bad weather, Patton penned a prayer and ducked into a Luxembourg chapel to ask for help – actually, to demand help: “Sir, this is Patton talking. I am beginning to wonder what’s going on in Your headquarters."
While it might strike the gentle reader as over the top, Patton was praying in the form of many of the Psalms:
With expletives and firmness, Patton asked for four days of clear weather so his troops could rescue the Americans.
Psalm 82:2 | How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? Psalm 88:18 | You [Lord] have taken my companions and loved ones from me, and darkness is my closest friend.” Psalmists and Patton might sound demanding and even irreverent. But what strikes me is their confidence to pray from the heart, knowing God can handle it. God awaits our call.
NICELY DONE, GOD! On Dec. 27, 1944, Patton was back on his knees: “Sir, this is Patton again. I beg to report complete progress. “Sir, it seems to me that You have been much better informed about the situation than I was. I bow humbly to Your supreme genius.”
Lesson #2: We pray to One who is much better informed about the situation than are we.
We're not worth; God already knows; we just don't know what to say to ask for. In worship and in groups we'll explore the impact of prayer – starting with our end of the phone.
If you have not yet signed up for a Lenten Small group, contact Rev. BurtonKrieger, Deadline is Feb. 14. If you miss this round, we will start more small groups in early April.
LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY... Wednesday evenings in Lent Join Rev. Kim King on Wednesday evenings to be introduced to each week's prayer practice that will be our focus during Lent. The group will meet from 6 - 6:30PM in Luke's Lodge. Childcare is available with registration. You’re then welcome to stay after 6:30 to join in the Pray without Ceasing Group that began last Fall. Everyone is welcome.
This is a story that, for the Americans, ended well. The poor weaether Patton was praying about actually was a key to their success. There are many good reasons we struggle to pray to God:
C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S
youth Meet Our Team HEATHER CAMPBELL Associate Director of Youth Ministry campbellh@
KEVIN DAVIS Director of Youth Ministry davisk@
MINDIE MOORE Associate Director of Emerging Adults moorem@
Come to The Modge or The Lodge early each Sunday morning for games, snacks and hangout time. Both spaces provide a time of worship, large-group teaching and breakouts with dedicated small group leaders. The Lodge is located on the northeast corner of the parking lot, and The Modge is located between the main church building and The Lodge.
Camp Luke: Middle School Mayhem | June 13-17
Confirmation Weekend | April 22-24
Middle School (Grades 5 & 6) 9:30-10:45AM & 11:00AM - Noon • The Modge
Junior High (Grades 7 & 8) 7th Grade Confirmation • 9:30 - 10:45AM & 11:00AM - Noon The Lodge 8th Grade • 9:30 - 10:45AM • The Lodge
Before Confirmands are confirmed on the 24th, we will have an overnight retreat at Bradford Woods. We’ll come back for the banquet on the 23rd. Sign up for the retreat through the website, and RSVP for the banquet through Heather Campbell.
4th-6th Grade SuperStart Conference | April 22-23 We are SO excited to bring our preteens to a conference made just for them. SuperStart is a national touring conference that seeks to bring an experience tweens will never forget. Sign up for this experience through the website, and direct any questions to Heather Campbell.
High School (Grades 9 through 12) 9:30-10:45AM • The Lodge
Middle School Mission | Green Bay, WI | July 10 - 15
March 11 | 6:30 - 9:30PM | The Lodge Invite Night always begins and ends at Luke’s Lodge and stays on campus for a fun night with no cost and no sign-up. We hope you’ll invite your 5th-8th grade friends and the community! March 11 | Blacklight Night • April 1 | April Fool’s May 13 | Bye Bash!
This summer Middle School Mayhem returns to Luke’s Lodge June 13th-17th for incoming 5th-8th graders. You can sign up for Mayhem at For more information or to volunteer, contact Heather Campbell.
Grades 6-8 are excited about the opportunity to partner with local organizations to meet ongoing needs in the Green Bay community. During the week, students may serve all or part of the week at a food shelf, clothing distribution center, soup kitchen, children's program, or elderly care facilities. To learn more visit the Youthworks website at:
High School Mission Trip | Boston, MA | July 9-16
High School (Grades 8 - 12) | Feb. 12-14 Beechpoint Christian Camp | Allegan, Mich.
Grades 8-12. We are excited to be joining an outreach organization called CSM (Center for Student Missions) for this mission trip. Their mission is "To provide an effective urban ministry experience that transforms lives, influences churches and communities, and honors Christ." While in Boston we will be serving in shelters, missions, children’s programs, clubs, churches, parks, residential hotels, food banks, soup kitchens, and neighborhood centers. For more information visit
High School @ Eagle Creek | April 17 | 9AM Join us at the Lodge Sunday morning for a bus ride to Eagle Creek for worship followed by activities at the park. This is a good way to have a mini retreat during a time that you normally have set aside for church! We provide lunch to share together on the beach. There is no cost for this invite but please sign up online so that we can plan transportation and food. Be sure to invite your friends. We will return by 1PM. Contact Mindie Moore.
High School Graduation Recognition | May 15 All high school seniors and their families are invited to join us Sunday, May 15 as we celebrate their accomplishments and future plans. We will worship together during service and then celebrate with a meal together at the Lodge. Save the date. More details to come.
This year we return to Beechpoint Christian Camp in Allegan, Mich.It is an awesome campground with lots to do. Saturday we hit the slopes then back to Beechpoint for snow activities, cards, games, fellowship and worship. We leave Fri., Feb. 12 and return by 6PM Sun., Feb. 14. Total cost of $150/ea. includes transportation, skiing, snow boarding or other slope activities and most meals. If you missed this trip, take a look at our Upcoming Events and mark your calendar now. Contact Mindie Moore, moorem@ or 317-846-3404 x369.
CHRISTIAN LIFE SCHOLARSHIP The Christian Life Scholarship, made possible by the generosity of a St. Luke’s family, provides a financial award to youth who are heading to their first year of full-time college or university study and who demonstrate a commitment to Christian values in their daily life. To be eligible, you must be a graduating senior in 2015-2016, a member of St. Luke’s UMC, and you must plan on enrolling as a full-time student in a college or university in the Fall of 2016. The award can range from $1,000 to $1,500 dollars. Applications for this year’s Christian Life Scholarship will be available the beginning of February and are due March 27th. We will present the scholarship during all services on May 22.
C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S
young adults
Between Worship Services • Narthex
Feb. 8 • Ball State | Feb. 22 • Indiana State | Mar. 28 • IU
Every Sunday between the 9:30 and 11AM services, step into the Narthex and make your way to the little coffee nook we've set up under the stairs. Enjoy unstructured conversation with other young adults. The coffee is locally roasted by a member of the group. No coffee snobs here. We will have tea, too.
THE TABLE 3rd Friday each month • 6:30PM • The Lodge The Table is a collaborative worship experience that happens every 3rd Friday of the month. We meet in The Lodge and share a potluck meal, worship through song and discuss the month’s scripture and message.
We love to visit our St. Luke's students on campus!
YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SOCIALS Join us on the last Sunday of the month for lunch at a local restaurant immediately following the 11AM services. Past lunches include Yats, Twenty Tap, and Monon Food Company. Check out our Facebook page for this month’s location!
FELLOWSHIP FRIENDS Training: Feb. 21 • 12:15 - 12:45PM • Parlor "Fellowship Friends" help this large church feel smaller. Paired with a new guest, couple, or family, they share common interests. For more information contact Terri Coe, Director of New Here Ministries,
outreach Looking for Your Place to Serve? Outreach at St. Luke’s seeks to find and give hope to our neighbors in the community and around the globe.
BOX TOPS & LABELS FOR EDUCATION West Passage Outreach Post United Methodist Women & Outreach invite you to help Fox Hill Elementary and the Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home by collecting and delivering box tops for education to West Passage. Contact:
UMW SOUP SALES Feb. 28 • West Passage Find the legendary UMW homemade soups on sale for $10 each in West Passage after worship on Feb. 28. Proceeds will help purchase the new griddle for the Great Hall Kitchen. Those who are helping make soup will find recipes and soup containers at the Outreach table on REV. JAMALYN Feb. 14 & 21. Drop PEIGH off prepared soups WILLIAMSON at 8:30AM in West Pastor of Outreach Passage on Feb. 28. Ministries
Meet Our Team
MARY HACH Outreach Coordinator
UMW FOOD DRIVE Starts Mar. 27
There are many ways to get involved in service through St. Luke’s many ministry partners. If you are looking to serve regularly, go on a trip to Haiti or mentor a child or family in the community; there is a place for you. Contact Pastor Jamalyn, to discover where God is calling to you serve.
Crooked Creek Food Pantry, Fletcher Place, Brightwood, Vida Nueva & First Baptist Church. Donations of food are received through April in the wooden bins in West Passage; financial gifts (marked) in offering plate.
FLETCHER PLACE COMMUNITY CENTER VOLUNTEERING Help provide nourishment & love to families at Fletcher Place Community Center. Flexible hours. Breakfast – Feb. 9, 11, 19, 23; Mar. 8, 10, 18, 22, 29; contact Lucretia Scammahorn at 317-2999472 for details. Prepare Dinner – Feb. 15, 24; Mar. 21, 23 from Noon – 1:30PM; Serve Dinner – from 2:30 – 4:45PM Contact Laura Mathews at or 317-773-5300. Or see the Fletcher Place Board in the Communications Center of the Main Office.
FOX HILL ELEMENTARY TUTORS OFFER HELP WITH ‘SMALL THINGS’ School Days • 802 Fox Hill Drive Last year, dozens of children lit up when St. Luke’s 70 different volunteers showed up to donate more than 3,000 hours to tutor them. But the kids are not the only ones glowing about this work. “I love working with the children and have developed some special relationships with some of them,” said Becca Young. Sign up at or contact Tom Lange by email at tom.c.lange@
This food drive supports the C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S
fellowship Looking for Friends?
Here are a few of the many ways to connect at St. Luke’s for fellowship & fun.
UMW SPRING TEA | All St. Luke's Women
UMW - EVE CIRCLE | Moms w/young children
Mar 19 • 1 - 3PM • Fellowship Hall • RSVP by Mar 3
Feb. 16 & Mar. 1, 15 • 9:30-11:30AM • Parlor
Calling all St. Luke's women! Come beat the winter blues with spring fashion inspiration. We'll explore fashion trends, styles and colors for 2016 with our presenter Ever Eve stylist, Ashley Hurley. Tea sandwiches, cookies and tea will be served. Please bring donations of canned goods for Crooked Creek Pantry. For reservations & childcare visit and search "Spring Tea."
Moms with young children invited for fellowship, service & spiritual growth, first and third Tuesdays each month. We'll do "Soup Day" in February, with guests speakers Wendy Locher and Birdie Meyer leading the group in the March meetings. Reserve child care in advance:
UMW - NEW LIFE CIRCLE | Single Women Feb. 16 & Mar. 15 • 7PM • Spiritual Life Center In February, we celebrate a light-hearted evening of fun, fellowship and chocolate! We'll explore "Heart & Soul: The Gift of Friendship." Bring a treasured friendship memento (photo, poem, etc.), and if the Valentine's spirit moves you, wear red. In March, Rev. Jeri Barrett Thomas, pastor of Carrollton and Morristown UMCs, will lead our discussion. New Life Circle welcomes single, divorced and widowed women of all ages. Contact: Nancy at 341-5032 or email at or Cathy at 334-7821.
UMW - SARAH CIRCLE Feb. 15 & Mar. 21 • 1PM • Parlor Our February speaker is from Oasis, a national nonprofit educational organization designed to enhance the quality of life for adults age 50 and older. March speaker, tbd. Questions? Contact Mary Cole,
UMW READING GROUP Feb. 22 & Mar. 28 • 7 - 8:30PM • Parlor In March we'll discuss Tim Conway's book What's So Funny? The topic is more serious in February, when we revisit the story of the Cherokee Trail of Tears, as told by NPR correspondent Steve Inskeep in his book Jackonsland. Contact: Jennifer Todd,
Feb. 10 & Mar. 9 • 6:30PM • Parlor Mary Magdalene circle, which welcomes all women of St. Luke’s, will enjoy sweet devotions at the February meeting. Expect chocolate! In March, the group will discuss the book, "One Nation Under God." For more details contact Jolynne at
ELDERBERRIES | 40+ year olds This group plans a host of events (like Euchre games!) and tracks the other fellowship events at St. Luke's that appeal to the 40-plus set. For information and a copy of the Elderberries newsletter, contact Contact Adra Wheeler 846-3404.
care Looking for Support?
Care Ministries of St. Luke’s provides visitation, care and support for our members. Please contact Pastor Kim King,
CARE & SUPPORT Family Support: Family Addiction - 2nd Weds. Monthly • 6:30PM Main Office Conference Room Chronic Illness: 3rd Mon. • 6:30PM • Rm. 101 Adult ADD: 3rd Thurs. • 7PM • W125 Grief & Loss Support: Spousal Loss – Sun. • 2PM •Parlor Children – (Brooke's Place): Mon. & Thu. • 6:30PM Dad’s – Tues. 7AM • Offsite Infant & Prenatal Loss – 2nd Tues. Monthly • 7PM Spiritual Life Center Men – Thurs. • 11AM • Luke’s Lodge Stephen Ministry: One-to-one Christian friendship; by appointment
Meet Our Team REV. KIM KING Pastor Care Ministry
MARY KATHERINE SCHNITZ Director Stephen Ministry
ADRA WHEELER Coordinator Elder Ministry
Contact Sarah Clapp, for details.
HEALTH CARE Blood Drive: April 10 • 9AM - 1PM • Great Hall Blood Pressure Screening: Feb. 14/Mar. 13 • 9AM - Noon • Main Office
BETTY BRANDT Director Spiritual Life Center
SARAH CLAPP Administrative Assistant
CPR, AED & Life Saving Class: Nov. 14 • 9AM - Noon • E107/109 • $15 Contact Sarah Clapp, for details.
A PRAYER FOR PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS | 8 Mondays, starting Feb. 22- • 6:30 - 8PM • 101-102 One Sunday morning as Rev. Kim King prayed, my heart wrapped around her words: “May we give the same care to those who are dealing with mental illness that we do to those who have physical illness.” I reflected on the isolation I have felt during the past 20 years dealing with my own numerous mental illnesses.
Although mental illness is not always visible, people who suffer from it need acts of compassion and caring like those offered to people experiencing grief or physical challenges. I told Kim how grateful I was for her prayer, that not only named my struggle, but also that it recognized an aspect of managing mental illness that is C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S
often forgotten. She shared her passion for those dealing with mental illness and proposed a way to offer support. The result is this eight-week depression support group. Truly, an answer to her own prayer. - Jacquie Reed, member Additional groups will form during 2016. Contact:
mind. body. spirit. You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. - C.S. Lewis
Recognizing that our minds, bodies and spirits need care, Spiritual Life Center offers both classroom experiences and alternatives to classroom experiences on topics selected to deepen one's spiritual life. To learn more, contact Betty Brandt, director or visit us at
ON BEING • Ongoing
Sundays • 9:30 - 10:30AM • Parlor
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays • N103/104
Based on the American Public Media radio show, “On Being,” hosted by Krista Tippett. Listen to FM90.1 at 9PM on Thursdays, or at 7AM on Sundays or listen online (
The Pilgrimage Healing Process is a “hands-on” healing prayer experience developed by Episcopal priest, Tanya Beck. Make an appointment by calling 846-3404 x442 or emailing No fee, donations accepted.
YOGA FOR STRESS • $15 • Ongoing
Mondays • 9:30 - 10:45AM • N103/104 Thursdays • 8:30 - 9:45AM • N103/104
Tuesdays • 1 - 3PM • Luke’s Lodge
Ending with a 15-minute guided deep relaxation, this class will help you gain balance, strength and flexibility in your body – and peace and calm in your mind. All levels are welcome to join. A great way to start your day. Instructor Marsha Pappas. Register online or at the first class.
Join in a prayerful practice of knitting or crocheting prayer shawls for those needing to be wrapped in God’s healing love. New knitters welcome. Led by Helen Vriesman.
STUDIO 3 ART • Ongoing Thursdays • 10AM - Noon • C122
GENTLE YOGA • $8 • Ongoing Mondays • 5:30 - 6:30PM • N103/104 Open to all ages and abilities, this gentle yoga class welcomes those not flexible enough to sit on the floor (chairs provided) as well as those who can sit on the floor (bring a mat and a blanket). Carol Holden leads.
Anyone interested in building an art community at St. Luke’s is welcome to come spend the morning with other artists. Bring your favorite medium and plan to go out to lunch. Occasional field trips and pitch-ins, too. For more information, contact Susie Gilbert at
SERMON DISCUSSION • Ongoing 1st & 3rd Fridays • 1PM • Marquette Manor An off-site senior adult sermon discussion class. Led by Barbara Furlow. FEB2016/MAR2016
SOULFUL BREATHWORK 2nd Tuesdays | 10:45AM New Members | 11AM Start This practice of active conscious breathing heals and rejuvenates physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Gentle but extremely effective, it activates the intrinsic intelligence of the body to heal and generate cumulative and permanent changes. It is an excellent tool for self-discovery, often leading to a more integrated and authentic experience of self and increased compassion toward self and others. Work done lying on the floor. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket and pillow. Led by Lynn Tisza. No registration, $25/session or package of 5 sessions for $100..
MID-DAY DAILY SPIRITUAL PAUSE Weekdays Feb. 11 – Mar. 24 | 11:45AM-Noon | Prayer Chapel Recognizing that Lent is a time to make a special effort to develop a spiritual discipline, the Spiritual Life Center offers a 15-minute spiritual pause in your busy day. Expect a scripture reading, a meditation and a ti me of silence. No registration or fee.
MINDFULNESS GROUP Wednesdays, Jan. 27 -.Mar. 16, Noon to 1PM | Spiritual Life Center Do you strive to live more fully anchored in the present moment? This group teaches and supports the practice of Mindfulness. Each week expect a short time to center, a “Mindfulness lesson” and an opportunity to discuss and make a plan for the week. Starting a new practice is difficult to do alone. Please come to be encouraged on your individual journey. Led by Barbara Burke, Ellen Daniels-Howell, Terry Nix and Carla Hall
Mar. 21 - 25 | East End Narthex | When church doors are open To help you prepare for Easter we’re inviting you on meditative journey through the “stations” of Christ’s last week. Permanent Stations of the Cross can be found in most Catholic Churches and we’ve adapted that practice for our context. Each of the 12 stations includes an image, a meditation and an interactive activity to help you slow down and reflect. Included is an opportunity to walk a labyrinth. The entire experience is appropriate for your personal spiritual journey, your Lenten group, your family, your book study or any other group looking for a shared Lenten experience. Printed Stations of the Cross booklet will be available. Offered by the Young Adult Ministry, Adult Discipleship and the Spiritual Life Center”
HOLY WEEK 24-HOUR PRAYER VIGIL Mar. 24 • 8PM to Mar. 25 • 8PM Make a time of prayer part of your Holy Week experience by participating in the 24-hour Holy Week Prayer Vigil, Holy Thursday evening through Good Friday evening. , Prayer Chapel and Spiritual Life Center. Our canvas labyrinth will be available in Fellowship Hall. You will be provided with prayer requests and devotional materials. You may come any time or sign up for a designated ½ hour or hour time slot (brandtb@, or 317-846-3404x339). If you chose a late night/ early morning time, someone will be in the building all night to welcome you and respond to your needs
C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S
Fifteen sections of our daylily labyrinth need tending for the spring and summer months. Weeding twice a month when your schedule permits. Labyrinth blooms gloriously in late June. Be a part of this gift to our congregation and the wider community. Contact Betty Brandt,
Men of all ages are welcome to join in this conversation about making the Bible pertinent in our current culture, reconciling differences and continuing our faith journey. Meets monthly. Contact is Larry Paxton. No registration or fee.
ST. LUKE’S AT THE MOVIES Feb. 19 | 7-9PM | Parlor
Feb. 18 | 7 - 8:30PM | Prayer Chapel | Luke's Lodge
“Inside Out” is a 2015 American 3-D computer-animated comedy-drama adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. The film is set in the mind of a young girl named Riley Andersen (Kaitlyn Dias), where five personified emotions—Joy (Amy Poehler), Sadness (Phyllis Smith), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black), and Disgust (Mindy Kaling)—try to lead her through life as her parents (Diane Lane and Kyle MacLachlan) move the family from Minnesota to San Francisco,California and adjust to a new life there.
Jan. 13-April 27 | 6:30-7:30PM | Luke’s Lodge
Mar. 18 | 7-9PM | Parlor
Every Thursday let go of the day with the centering of your breath and body in a tranquil candlelit class. Begin with gently stretching and breathing exercises to release tension. End with a relaxing guided meditation. Bring a small blanket or two, or any props needed for comfort. Led by Beth Fried.
“Little Boy” pulls the viewer into the life of an 8-year-old boy who is willing to do whatever it takes to end World War II so he can bring his father home. The story reveals the indescribable love a father has for his little boy and the love a son has for his father.
Join this growing community - put prayer at the center of your life in 2016! Learn new prayer forms, develop a personal prayer practice and pray for other group members. Led by Roger Frick. Come when you can. Registration suggested, no fee.
RESORATIVE YOGA FOR EVERYONE Thursdays | 5:30-6:45PM | N103/104 | $10
St. Luke's Communication Team
Mondays | 6:30-7:30PM | Spiritual Life Center
Photographers Jim Barnett, Joe Phillips, Gary Chambers, Patricia Case and Ian James contribute for a collection of images of Life at St. Luke's for the Season of Lent.
Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome to join in a 30-minute discussion followed by 30 minutes of meditation time. You will find support for your practice, new ideas and a community of others who welcome silence.
LABYRINTH RETREAT Mar. 5 | 9:30 - 11AM | Fellowship Hall
You are invited to make a spiritual pilgrimage without leaving town. Learn about labyrinth walking as a tool for prayer and meditation and have an opportunity to walk our canvas labyrinth. Trained facilitator Dhyana Raynor will lead this retreat. Open to those new to labyrinth walking as well as those who already love the practice.
Sundays | 11AM - Noon | N103/104 This Sunday morning class explores non-traditional theology via DVDs and speakers. All questions are welcome. Led by Betty Brandt.
worship Looking for Your Place to Serve? There are a variety of involvement schedules and musical levels where you can become involved with
TAIZÉ MUSICAL COMMUNITY 3rd Sunday Monthly • 5PM Small vocal and instrumental ensemble serving at monthly Taizé service (5-5:45PM), rehearses one hour before each service. Contact: Mark Squire
ST. LUKE’S CHANCEL CHOIR Thursdays • 7:30-9PM; Sunday Mornings Auditions unnecessary; a love of singing is required.Contact: Mark Squire:
CONTEMPORARY MUSICIANS & ARTISTS Director Fran Wyatt welcomes additional singers, players, dancers and artists. Contact him at
ST. LUKE’S ORCHESTRA Rehearses Monthly; Plays 3rd Sunday For more information, or to sign up to play, contact Margaret Spilker,, or Bob Zehr,
St. Luke’s Music Ministries. There are even nonmusical opportunities that support the hundreds of music makers. If you’d like to share your gifts in music ministry, contact the Music Ministry Office at
There are plenty of wonderful people playing a variety of roles behind the scenes to make things look seamless in worship. If you have an interest in the technology & staging behind the experience, contact Jason Barnes barnesj@stlukesumc. com or Fran Wyatt, wyattf@stlukesumc. com
JOYFUL SOUND Rehearses Thursdays • 6:307:30PM | Sings 2nd & 4th Sundays • 8AM For more information, or to sign up to play, contact Charles Manning manningc@
C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S
Meet Our Team MARK SQUIRE Director of Music Ministries 15
FRAN WYATT Director of Contemporary Worship & Arts JASON BARNES Director of A/V Media
MIKE KELLER Director of Wesleyan Ringers MARSHA COYNER Director Joyful Ringers
TERRI COE Director New Here Ministry
ENJOY LUNCH W/PASTORS Be our guest at this casual luncheon where you will have the opportunity to meet our ministers and learn more about the church. Questions encouraged! Childcare provided.. Sunday • Feb. 28 -or- May 22 Noon - 1:30PM • Luke's Lodge
CONSIDER TAKING OUR MEMBERSHIP CLASS Get acquainted with Pastor Rob Fuquay and others as you learn the mission, vision and values of St. Luke’s and United Methodism. Explore next steps in faith and service. You may choose to join St. Luke’s after this class if you desire. Sunday • April 17 - or- June 5 Noon - 3PM • Luke’s Lodge
DEBRA PEEK Admin. Assist. New Here Ministry
new here? Welcome! It’s great to meet you.
St. Luke’s strives to be an open and welcoming faith community. Together, we live out our mission: “to seek, celebrate, serve and share the love of God for all creation.”
WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN MORE? Talk to someone at our Welcome Desk (located in our lobby/staffed on Sundays) or contact Terri Coe, Director of New Here Ministries at 317-846-3404 x308 or
Register for either event: • @stlukesumcindy • Search for St. Luke's United Methodist Church on Facebook