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APR/MAY 2016


UNSUNG HEROES Celebrating Quiet Acts of Courage & Hope p.4 Cultivate Communities of Care p. 7 Let’s Build More: Fundraiser Boosts Worship • Community • Hope p. 8

Camp Luke: Plan Ahead for Summer p. 14

editor’s note


Heroes: To Infinity & Beyond In the Pixar movie, Toy Story, Buzz Lightyear, toy superhero, comes factory-equipped with the recorded message, “To infinity and beyond!” Convinced he is “real,” Buzz is annoyingly full of himself. It’s only after he discovers the humbling truth about himself – and is loved unconditionally, anyway – that he overcomes his limitations, and becomes a true hero. While capes and superhuman strength may come to mind when we think of heroes, humility is the essential equipment for true heroes. True heroes point beyond themselves. “Heroes inspire us, elevate us emotionally, heal our psychological ills, build connections between people, encourage us to change for the better,” according to Dr. Scott T. Allison, professor of psychology at the University of Richmond, who studies, teaches and writes on heroism. Heroes inspire/invite/engage us to do good: to make the world a better place – especially for the downtrodden: the “least of these.” While we might think cowardice is the opposite of heroism, Allison’s research shows self-aggrandizement is the antithesis of heroism. Each year, when we enter into the joy of Easter, having just come from the sorrow and betrayal of Holy Week – especially Holy Friday – I find it hard to shift gears. What is my responsibility in a world that still seems to be waiting for Easter? If I believe the life and death of Jesus changes things – not just for me, but for all Creation – then how might my life, in all it's human frailty, witness to the hope that death and sorrow and suffering don't get the last word? In Night, famous Holocaust survivor Eli Wiesel wrote a brief, but weighty account of his time in the Auschwitz concentration camp. He recounts the story of being forced to watch the slow death of a young boy, dying on the gallows. The child’s emaciated frame proved too light to make fast work of the execution. “Where is God?” one prisoner laments as he passes by the suffering boy. The answer comes from deep inside Wiesel: “Where is He? This is where – hanging from this gallows.” Wiesel would survive that camp, and go on to earn hundreds of prizes for literature, including the Nobel Peace prize. He summarized his life this way in 1984 when he was presented with the Congressional Gold Medal: “I have learned that suffering confers no privileges: it depends on what one does with it. This is why survivors have tried to teach their contemporaries how to build on ruins; how to invent hope in a world that offers none; how to proclaim faith to a generation that has seen it shamed and mutilated.” Heroes don't simply proclaim hope into a void. Their witness inspires the witness of others. Each act of courage invites another. Each selfless gesture builds on the next. Heroes multiply their impact in a hurting world. Heroes empower us – even when we have endured unspeakable suffering – to point beyond ourselves to love’s unmeasurable province – infinity and beyond.


HERMIT HERO OF ZBOROW, POLAND Anton Sukhinski was an eccentric guy who lived outside Zborow, Poland in a shack. He endured the slurs of townspeople, who referred to him as “the village idiot.” But when Poland was invaded, and a Jewish family was in danger, he was the one who took in seven of them, scavenged food to keep them alive and risked his own life for theirs. In 1974, Yad Vashem, the official Holocaust museum in Israel, recognized him as one of the “Righteous Among the Nations” That’s light years from “the village idiot.”

Weekend Worship Opportunities St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians, offering multiple worship opportunities designed to meet you where you are in your journey with Christ.

TRADITIONAL • 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM Sanctuary at 8:15AM & 9:30AM with Rev. Rob Fuquay Sanctuary at 11AM with Rev. David Williamson

CONTEMPORARY • 11AM Robertson Chapel with Rev. Rob Fuquay

LATER @ ST. LUKE’S • 6PM Robertson Chapel with Dr. Marion Miller

THE GARDEN • 8:45 & 10AM Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre with Dr. Carolyn Scanlan

TAIZÉ • 5PM Third Sunday of each month, near the baptismal font in the Sanctuary, with musical community and Rev. Kim King

Connect With Us CONTACT US 100 W. 86th St. Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.846.3404 stlukesumc.com

info@stlukesumc.com @stlukesumcindy Search for St. Luke’s United Methodist Church

St. Luke’s office is open 8:30AM-5PM Monday-Friday.

URGENT PASTORAL CARE NEEDS Our Prayer Chapel is available for silent prayer and meditation when the church is open. In case of a pastoral emergency, call 317-846-3404. After hours, leave a message including how our on-call pastor can reach you.




in this issue

feature stories 4 ‘Unsung Heroes’ Sermon Series | Apr. 17 - May 29 Starting April 17, there are a number of celebratory Sundays in our church life. We celebrate confirmation, graduation, mothers, veterans, volunteers, and so on. Planning a sermon series to wrap all of these events together, proved daunting, until someone suggested that these celebrations seem to have something in common. They all reflect the work of “Unsung Heroes.”


Also in this issue... CARE

6 6

Cultivating Care “St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians, helping people find and give hope.” It sounds great, but what gives our mission legs?

8 Let’s Build More Thousands of people have moved through important life milestones in Robertson Chapel's first 50 years. We want to build on this strong tradition, with a project designed to upgrade Robertson Chapel for new life.













24 Remember When You Were New Here? C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S




Celebrating Quiet Acts of Hope By Rev. David Williamson Pastor of Family & Worship Ministries

Starting April 17, there are a number of celebratory Sundays in our church life. We celebrate confirmation, graduation, 4

mothers, veterans, volunteers and so on. Planning a sermon series to wrap all of these events together proved daunting, until someone suggested that these celebrations seem to have something in common. They all reflect the work of “Unsung Heroes.”

Think about it. When we move through times of celebration like confirmation or graduation, the focus lands on the confirmand or graduate, of course. But part of the celebration includes thanking folks from parents to teachers to the neighbor who taught us a little responsibility when she hired us to rake her leaves.

John Mark, or even unnamed individuals like the four friends who carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus.

As for moms and veterans and even volunteers – these are the folks on the front lines, helping make the world a better place every day, regardless of whether or not they are recognized for their efforts.


BUT IS THAT BIBLICAL? But is “unsung heroes” a bilbical concept? What does all this have to do with our faith practices? As you may know, the Bible is full of stories that affirm behind-the-scenes contributions by characters whose names may not even appear in the biblical narrative! Each of them teaches us the value of being an “unsung hero.” Each Sunday, we’ll look at “unsung heroes” in the Bible – characters like Ananias or

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It’s a way to lift up little known stories and individuals in the Bible, yet at the same time to celebrate that each of us can play a supporting role in God’s big story.

The culminating week of the series is May 16-20, which we’re calling “Heroes Week.” Every day of that week St. Luke’s will mobilize our congregation to serve some of the heroes in our community: police officers and firefighters, teachers and ER nurses, sanitation workers, and ... well ... you get the idea. Then, on May 22, we will celebrate unsung heroes in our personal circles. Not only will we invite to church all those unsung heroes that we served throughout the previous week; but we also will encourage our worshiping community to to invite their personal heroes to church that morning, where we will celebrate their life-giving contributions.


WHO’S YOUR HERO? We invite you to create and submit a 60-second “thank you” video clip. Use your smart phone, or whatever device you have easily available to you. Praise or thank a personal hero. Post it on social media with #stlukesunsungheroes, share it via email. Just make sure to pass it on to your hero. We also hope you will email it to St. Luke’s: unsungheroes@stlukesumc.com. We hope to choose some from the videos we receive to share in worship. Our goal is to get everyone in on celebrating their unsung heroes: children, youth, grandparents. Imagine if we could create 500+ videos that people can use to bless their heroes.


We want to communicate above all that God’s story includes the stories – whether “sung” or “unsung” – of folks who make the world a little better place, not just because they are in it, but because they faithfully share the love of God in ways that help others find and give hope.

C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S

SUBMIT YOUR HERO VIDEO: To share your unsung hero story beyond your personal social media outlets, be sure to send us a copy at unsungheroes@stlukesumc.com for consideration to be used in worship


care Looking for Support?

Care Ministries of St. Luke’s provides visitation, care and support for our members. Please contact Pastor Kim King, kingk@stlukesumc.com

CARE & SUPPORT Family Support: Family Addiction - 2nd Weds. Monthly • 6:30PM Main Office Conference Room Chronic Illness: 3rd Mon. • 6:30PM • Rm. 101

REV. KIM KING Pastor Care Ministry

Adult ADD: 3rd Thurs. • 7PM • W125


Meet Our Team

Grief & Loss Support: Spousal Loss – Sun. • 2PM •Parlor Children – (Brooke's Place): Mon. & Thu. • 6:30PM Dad’s – Tues. 7AM • Offsite Infant & Prenatal Loss – 2nd Tues. Monthly • 7PM Spiritual Life Center Men – Thurs. • 1PM • Luke’s Lodge Stephen Ministry: One-to-one Christian friendship; by appointment

MARY KATHERINE SCHNITZ Director Stephen Ministry

ADRA WHEELER Coordinator Elder Ministry

Contact Sarah Clapp, clapps@stlukesumc.com

HEALTH CARE Blood Drive | Apr. 10 • 9AM - 1PM • Great Hall Blood Pressure Screening | Apr. 10 • 9AM - Noon • Main Office

BETTY BRANDT Director Spiritual Life Center

SARAH CLAPP Administrative Assistant

CPR, AED & Life Saving Class | June 4 • 9AM - Noon • E107/109 • $15 Contact Sarah Clapp, clapps@stlukesumc.com

STEPHEN MINISTRY TURNS 20 @ ST. LUKE’S | April 16 By Mary Katherine Schnitz Director, Stephen Ministry

It seems like yesterday when Dr. Kent Millard and Rev. Cindy Bates shared the idea of bringing Stephen Ministry to St. Luke’s. Yet on April 16, the church will celebrate 20 years of care-giving by nearly 500 Stephen Ministers caring for thousands of St. Luke's members and friends. A P R / M AY 2 0 1 6

Stephen Ministry trains lay people to be confidential friends to those experiencing tough life transition: divorce or job loss, care for sick parents or spouse; struggles with raising children. “Being a Stephen Minister has given me a better insight into the lives of others and helped me to look deeper into my own life,” says Cathy Strange.


Cultivating a Caring Community “PEOPLE DON'T CARE HOW MUCH YOU KNOW UNTIL THEY KNOW HOW MUCH YOU CARE ...” John C. Maxwell, author, pastor & leadership coach

By Rev. Kim King, Pastor Care Ministries “St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians, helping people find and give hope.” It sounds great, but what gives our mission legs? As Pastor of Care Ministries, I can testify that in this faith community our success in reaching people with God’s love and hope starts with people who – without consideration for personal recognition – care about making things better for the people around them. This month, we celebrate 20 years of trained, intentional care-giving by Stephen Ministers (see below), who have helped cultivate care in this community. Their unsung heroism pervades St. Luke’s. “Stephen Ministry has given me the opportunity to give back to my Lord...” says Carl Kesling. Stephen Ministers are known as the “after” people, who show up... after you wash and return the last casserole dish; after the divorce papers are signed and you don't know how you will go on; after you arrive home from the funeral; after

Unsung heroes bathe this community in prayer. Each week I read through the prayer concerns of our community. The challenges and joys are many. Did you know there are people in our congregation who, though they would never refer to themselves as heroes, steadfastly read and pray for each stated concern of our congregation and community – as well as many concerns that are not ever named. Unsung heroes provide space for grief. St. Luke’s unsung heroes host numerous support groups that offer help for grief, depression, chronic illness, addictions, and other life challenges. Unsung heroes use the lessons life has taught them to help others heal. Folks in our community who possess a gift of your friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk ...

To learn more about Stephen Ministry, visit stlukesumc.com, or contact Mary Katherine 846-3404, 365; schnitzm@stlukesumc.com

C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S

compassion – sometimes refined by the challenges that they have been able to get through in their own lives – offer back to God and others the hope of Christ and the possibility of renewal. Unsung heroes show up. In places people can't leave – hospitals, convalescent homes or prisons – unsung heroes show up ready to listen and simply be a presence that reminds people they are not forgotten. It doesn’t require special training or equipment to be the hero in someone’s life. It requires caring. Coming alongside someone in pain, sorrow or sickness; being present for celebration and achievement; taking the time to demonstrate care: These simple acts create the conditions for hope. Come to think of it, aren't you a hero?






N O S T R E B RO & LINIC C I T I A H ALOM Thousands of people have moved through important life milestones


in Robertson Chapel in its first 50 years. We want to build on this 8

strong tradition, with a project

Fri., Apr. 15, 2016 | 6:30 - 8:15PM | Worship, Music & Dinner

designed to upgrade Robertson

Complimentary Tickets at the Main Office or West Passage

Chapel for new life. Miles away, in the little village of Cabaret, Haiti, another building project is underway for the Alpha Omega Medical Clinic (ALOM), which is staffed by three doctors that St. Luke’s supported in medical school. ALOM has outgrown the small house that has served as the clinic’s temporary home. We want to build on this strong tradition, with a new clinic designed to further support the work of Drs. Vladimyr, Merline & Francis, for new life in 2016 and beyond. While the Let’s Build More campaign will provide funding for enhancements to Robertson, a tithe (10%) of all gifts to this campaign will support the new health clinic in Haiti. Learn how you can support this effort Fri., Apr. 15, 6:30 - 8:15PM in Robertson Chapel for music and worship. Dinner follows Great Hall. Complimentary tickets available in the Main Office.

WORSHIP The upgrades to Robertson Chapel will allow St. Luke’s to live stream three distinct worship services (Traditional, Contemporary & Later @ St. Luke’s), as we continue to connect people with God’s love both within and beyond our walls.

COMMUNITY Moving to Robertson Chapel allows the Contemporary Service to expand to two services in right-sized space as this worshiping community grows. Plus, Later @ St. Luke’s Sunday evening worship benefits from needed updates to Robertson Chapel.

HOPE Only two of every five Haitians have access to health care, with numbers much lower in rural areas like Cabaret, where Drs. Vlad, Merline and Francis practice with the ALOM clinic. Our tithe from this campaign helps fulfill ALOM’s dream to build a new health clinic, surgery center, spacious pharmacy, new patient rooms and a comfortable waiting room to offer dignity and hope to people who, in many cases, had no health care at all.

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Worship • Community • Hope Phase I - $212,000*

Phase II - $214,000*

Phase III - $212,000*

$21,000 to ALOM Haiti Clinic Project

$21,000 to ALOM Haiti Clinic Project

$21,000 to ALOM Haiti Clinic Project

$191,000 to Robertson Chapel Project

$193,000 to Robertson Chapel Project

$191,000 to Robertson Chapel Project

Raise platform, add front projection screen & wall; buy (not install) sound & light equipment; build sound booth; add A/V design; install choir loft platform; build access ramp to chancel; move Contemporary Service into Robertson Chapel

Add rear projection confidence monitor & cameras; permanently install equipment for live stream; add acoustical treatment, cushions for kneeling & pulpit bench; install sound & light equipment & speakers; add lights & A/V equipment not purchased in Phase I

Remove pews, purchase chairs, install new flooring & address other aesthetic needs For more information contact “Let’s Build More” Fundraising Leader, John Wimmer, jrwimmer@gmail.com -or- 317-908-2103

*Phase II & III completed as funds permit; a tithe (10%) of all gifts helps build the new ALOM Health Clinic & Surgery Center. 9

C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S


worship Looking for Your Place to Serve?


There are a variety of ways to be involved with St. Luke’s Music Ministries, including non-musical opportunities that support the hundreds of music makers. To share your gifts in music ministry, contact the Music Ministry Office at squirem@stlukesumc.com.



3rd Sunday Monthly • 5PM

Sunday Mornings

Small vocal and instrumental ensemble serving at monthly Taizé service (5-5:45PM), rehearses one hour before each service. Contact: Mark Squire, squirem@stlukesumc.com

If you have an interest in the technology & staging behind the worship experience, contact Ryan O'Hern, ohernr@ stlukesumc.com or Fran Wyatt, wyattf@stlukesumc.com



Thursdays • 7:30-9PM; Sunday Mornings

Rehearses Thursdays • 6:30-7:30PM Sings 2nd & 4th Sundays • 8:15AM

Auditions are not necessary, although a love of singing is required. Contact: Director Mark Squire, squirem@stlukesumc.com.

For more information, or to sign up to play, contact Charles Manning, manningc@stlukesumc.com

CONTEMPORARY MUSICIANS & ARTISTS Director Fran Wyatt welcomes additional singers, players, dancers and artists. Contact Fran: wyattf@stlukesumc.com.

JOYFUL RHYTHMS Rehearses Thursdays • 6-7:15PM • E210-211 This intergenerational handbell ensemble is open to inexperienced ringers. Play fourth Sundays in Sanctuary services. Contact: Marsha Coyner, mjcoyner@juno.com

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Meet Our Team

MARK SQUIRE Director Music Ministries

PURDUE VARSITY GLEE CLUB Sunday, April 3 • 3-4PM • Sanctuary | Adults $15 • Students $10 Benefiting the St. Luke’s Stephen Ministry Benevolence Fund This high-energy concert is a crowd-pleasing tradition on the Sunday following Easter. Get tickets at the door and support Stephen Ministry’s Benevolence Fund while you enjoy the music of these young men.

All You Need Is Love The Music of Paul McCartney & The Beatles Sat., May 14 • 7PM | $10 adults; $5 children; $15 at the door Worship & the Arts Ministry cordially invites you to a musical extravaganza featuring the iconic music of Paul McCartney and The Beatles. From ever-popular songs to splendid, lesser-known works for choir and full orchestra, there will be something for everyone in this fast-paced revue! Lots of familiar faces from our artistic family, along with guests from Anderson & Butler Universities and the surrounding community! Tickets: $10 adults, $5 children, and $15 at the door. Check stlukesumc.com/events for more information and to purchase tickets in advance.

FRAN WYATT Director Contemporary Worship & Arts

RYAN O'HERN Assistant Producer Worship

MARSHA COYNER Director, Joyful Ringers REBECCA EDIE Director, New Song MIKE KELLER Director, Wesleyan Ringers CHARLES MANNING Organist AIMIE MORRIS Director, United Singers MARGARET SPILKER Administrator, Orchestra GAY TALBERT Director, Grace Notes CAROL WHITSITT Director, Genesis BOB ZEHR Director, St. Luke's Orchestra

C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S



youth Meet Our Team HEATHER CAMPBELL Associate Director Youth Ministry campbellh@ stlukesumc.com

KEVIN DAVIS Director Youth Ministry davisk@ stlukesumc.com

COLLEEN BAUMGARTENER Administrative Assistant baumgartnerc@ stlukesumc.com


Confirmation Weekend: April 22nd-24th

The Modge

Before Confirmands are confirmed on the 24th, we will have an overnight retreat at Bradford Woods. We’ll come back for the banquet on the 23rd. Sign up for the retreat through the website, and RSVP for the banquet through Heather Campbell!

9:30-10:45AM & 11AM-Noon – 5th-6th Grade 12

MINDIE MOORE Associate Director Emerging Adults moorem@ stlukesumc.com

The Modge is located near door eight of the main church building and Luke’s Lodge. Come at 9:15AM for games, fun snacks and hangout time! High-energy worship, large group teaching, and breakouts into small groups mark the rest of the morning. Fourth grade students gather at the Modge beginning May 1 as they transition to 5th grade. Contact: Heather Campbell.

The Lodge 9:30-10:45AM – 7th Grade Confirmation and 8th-12th Grade 11:00-Noon – 7th Grade Confirmation Meet at the Lodge for high energy worship, large group teaching and small group time. Come early to hangout and meet friends. Whether you are plugged in or are new to our youth activities this is the place to connect. Friends are always welcome!


4th-6th Grade SuperStart Conference! April 22-23 We are SO excited to bring our preteens to a conference made just for them. SuperStart is a national touring conference that seeks to bring an experience tweens will never forget. Sign up for this experience through the website, and direct any questions to Heather Campbell!

4th Grade Rises to the Modge May 1st We will welcome current 4th graders to the Modge on May 1st with a parking lot blow-out! New parents to our youth ministry will be encouraged to attend a parents meeting in the 4th grade classroom at 9:30 & 11:00, while all 4th-6th grade students have a party and celebration in The Modge and its parking lot space. 4th-6th grade will remain in the Modge throughout the summer. If you have any questions, contact Heather Campbell!

Middle School Invite Night

Camp Luke and Middle School Mayhem!

April 1 & May 13 - 6:30 to 9:30PM at Luke’s Lodge Invite Night always begins and ends at Luke’s Lodge and stays on campus for a fun night with no cost and no sign-up. We hope you’ll invite your 5th-8th grade friends and the community! Upcoming dates: April 1 is April Fool's Day; May 13 is Bye Bash!

This summer Middle School Mayhem will be BACK at Luke’s Lodge on the week of June 13th-17th for incoming 5th-8th graders. You can sign up for Mayhem through the website. For more information or to volunteer, contact Heather Campbell.

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UPCOMING HIGH SCHOOL EVENTS High School @ Eagle Creek April 17 • 9AM • Start at The Lodge Join us at the Lodge Sunday morning April 17 at 9:00 am. From the Lodge, we will take a bus to Eagle Creek for worship followed by activities at the park. This is a good way to have a mini retreat during a time that you normally have set aside for church! We will provide lunch to share together on the beach. There is no cost for this invite but please sign up online so that we can plan transportation and food. Be sure to invite your friends. We will return by 1:00 pm.


No Task Too Small

Our weekly Small Group Leaders (SGLs) are our “Unsung Heroes.” They aren’t here on Sunday mornings to “rent” ministry. They own youth ministry. Running youth ministry programming for students is no small task. It takes two buildings, 30 small group leaders, two bands, one prayer team, two snack stations and enough trained small group leaders to make it all happen.

High School Graduation Recognition Sunday, May 15 • 9:30AM • Sanctuary All high school seniors and their families are invited as we celebrate their accomplishments and future plans. We will worship together during service and then you and your family are invited to celebrate with a meal together at the Lodge. Please RSVP to Mindie Moore moorem@stlukesumc.com



Middle School Mission Trip to Green Bay, WI July 10 - 15 – Grades 6-8 We are excited about the opportunity to partner with local organizations to meet ongoing needs in the Green Bay community. During the week, students may serve all or part of the week at a food shelf, clothing distribution center, soup kitchen, children's program, or elderly care facilities. To learn more about the area we will be serving please visit the Youthworks website: https://www.youthworks.com/trips/green-bay/

High School Mission Trip to Boston, MA July 9 - 16 – Grades 8-12 We join an outreach organization called Center for Student Missions (CSM) for this mission trip. Their mission is “To provide an effective urban ministry experience that transforms lives, influences churches and communities, and honors Christ.” While in Boston we will serve in shelters, missions, children’s programs, clubs, churches, parks, residential hotels, food banks, soup kitchens, and neighborhood centers. For more information visit https://www.csm.org/boston.php

But every student who walks through our door has at least one adult who knows their name and their story. SGLs write birthday cards, follow up when students are missing, and offer genuine care. Last summer we were fortunate to hire Zach Chapman, a college sophomore, as our Middle School Summer Intern. He chose to stay on as free intern to teach weekly. Zach drives up from University of Indianapolis weekly to connect to our students. Brandi Gorgol runs our snacks in The Modge, bringing creativity and the right amount of quirkiness. From Fruit Salad of the Spirit to Thanksgiving Breakfast, Brandi runs a cafe students love. Kim Harvey bakes twice a month for our high school students, creating an environment that is warm and welcoming. Kim also prays weekly for our students and makes our Lodge Prayer Chapel a safe place. Kim Davis blends her love for music and her love for students by running our youth-led worship band in the Lodge every week. Kim prays with the band and guides them personally as leaders. Hannah Milligan leads the worship team in The Modge with a team of young adults who are passionate about teaching worship to preteens, complete with foot-stomping and “sway breaks.” So, Thanks, SGLs! We appreciate you!

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Summer Splash AGES Three years (& potty trained) through Rising 4th Graders SCHEDULE 9AM-12:15PM OTHER SUMMER WEEK-LONG OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH

Mission Trip to Green Bay, WI July 10th-15th | Incoming 7th-9th grade Cost: $425 | Sign up online! Mission Trip to Boston, MA July 9th-16th | Incoming 9th-12th grade Cost: $650 | Sign up online! Camp KidJam July 5-8th | Incoming 3rd-6th Grade Cost: $269 | Register Online! CYT Camp July 11-15th | Ages 4-12 | Cost: $195 Register at www.cytindy.org/camps/

COST $25/child or $70 max/family WHERE St. Luke’s UMC WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING: An Adventurous Spirit CAVE QUEST SUMMER SPLASH will connect kids to the ultimate guiding light: Jesus! Children will have an amazing experience exploring God’s boundless love for them. With high energy worship, cool science experiments, engaging Bible stories & yummy snacks, your child is sure to have an adventure-packed week with us! Children join “cave crews” – small groups of 5-7 friends their age with a fun-loving adult to guide them through the day. Whether they’re learning a new worship song & dance or out on the playground getting soaked in water, your child will enjoy the best week of summer that St. Luke’s has to offer!

PLAN AHEAD | JUNE 13-17, 2016 Three years to 8th Grade | Half- & Full-Day Options | Register online at stlukesumc.com | search “camps”

M U S I C•A R T • DR A M A

Middle School Mayhem AGES Rising 5th through 8th graders SCHEDULE 9AM - 12PM &/or Noon to 5PM COST Morning: $25 Afternoon: $50 Full Day: $75 WHERE Luke’s Lodge WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING: Sack lunch if attending in afternoon MIDDLE SCHOOL MAYHEM will take place at Luke’s Lodge. Our theme this year will be “Cave Mayhem.” We’ll turn the Lodge into a glowy cave and talk about what it means to be a light in the world. Middle Schoolers will enjoy high-energy worship with an awesome band, amped recreation, crazy games, tasty snacks, and time for a message and reflection in small groups. Those participating in the extended afternoon session will visit Monon Center for swimming, volunteer with local ministry partners, and have more time to learn! Questions: Contact Heather Campbell, Middle School Director (campbellh@stlukesumc.com).

D eveloping Creati ve Kids

MAD Camp (Music, Art & Drama) AGES Rising 2nd - 4th graders SCHEDULE 12:30-5PM M-Th 12:30-4PM Friday w/performance at 3PM COST $50/child WHERE St. Luke’s | 2nd floor music department WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING: Sack lunch if attending Summer Splash MAD CAMP will bring together music, arts, and drama! Has your child ever played a xylophone or drum? Does she like to sing? Has he ever created visual artwork to coincide with a musical performance? We welcome beginners as well as more experienced campers. Come join in the fun! Questions: Contact: madcamp@stlukesumc.com.


emerging adults




Between 9:30 & 11AM Worship • Narthex East End

Last Sunday of the Month

Every Sunday between the 9:30 & 11AM services, step into the Narthex and make your way to the little coffee nook we've set up at the east end of the Narthex. Enjoy unstructured conversation with other young adults. Come grab a mug and get some caffeine.

Join us on the last Sunday of the month for lunch at a local restaurant immediately following the 11AM services. Past lunches include Yats, Twenty Tap, and Monon Food Company. Check out our Facebook page for this month’s location! Contact Mindie Moore, moorem@stlukesumc.com or 317-846-3404 x369.

THE TABLE 3rd Friday each month • 6:30PM • The Lodge The Table is a place for young adults (20s and 30s) to share a pot-luck meal and explore how our faith intersects with real world issues. Join us on the third Friday of each month. Childcare is available on request. Contact: moorem@stlukesumc.com

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UNSUNG HEROES | College Care Team By Mindie Moore Associate Director Emerging Adults

As college parents themselves, the Woods also help with our quarterly College Parent Gatherings. “... THANKS TO THEIR HARD WORK AND

College students can be some of


the hardest members of St. Luke’s


to reach, for one simple reason.


They are gone nine months out


of the year! Staying connected


and providing care for our college


students isn’t easy, but we have

ALMOST 100! ...”

an amazing team of volunteers that makes it happen throughout the year. Three times a year, we send care packages full of snacks and encouragement. We time these around the start of school as well as final exams. With over 90 students on our list of students, you can imagine that shopping, sorting, and stuffing the care packages is a big job. Thankfully, Dana Guild is the volunteer who is up for the task! Dana, a mom to a college sophomore, lovingly and enthusiastically puts together our care packages to send some love to our students.

of helping college students feel connected and cared for at church. New this year are our college notes of encouragement. This new initiative is an easy and fun way for our congregation to connect with our college students by writing a simple note to a student of their choice. Margaret and Barry Wood not only helped to create this new ministry, they also put so much work into purchasing gift cards, assembling the notes, and creating sample notes to empower the congregation to reach out.

When students are home, they are always welcome to our Young Adult events, plus special college only gatherings. Rob Kapaku serves as the College Connection chair on our Emerging Adult Ministry Commission, making sure that our college students feel connected to the bigger picture of Young Adult Ministry at St. Luke’s. As a young adult himself, Rob knows the importance C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S

Our College Care Team is busy doing some incredible things to reach out to our college students! Thanks to their hard work and love for students, we have grown our college student list from 25 students to almost 100! Because of these volunteers, St. Luke’s is able to reach and care for these students, no matter how far away they are. NEXT STEPS: Make sure we have up dated information for you or your college-age child, please contact Mindie Mo ore by em ail at mo orem@stlukesumc.com



outreach Looking for Your Place to Serve? Outreach at St. Luke’s seeks to find and give hope to our neighbors in the community and around the globe.


There are many ways to get involved in service through St. Luke's many ministry partners. If you are looking to serve regularly, go on a trip to Haiti or mentor a child or family in the community; there is a place for you. Contact Pastor Jamalyn, williamsonj@stlukesumc.com to discover where God is calling to you serve.



West Passage Outreach Post

April 24, May 22 • 3:30-6:30PM • 2327 East 10th

United Methodist Women & Outreach invite you to help Fox Hill elementary and the Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home by collecting and delivering box tops for education to West Passage. Contact: outreach@stlukesumc.com

Volunteer or donate food for community dinners at E 10th St. UMC. Children 3rd grade and older are welcome, with one adult per child. Donations of adult clothes and hotel size toiletries are also welcome at St. Luke’s Main Office labeled E. 10th Street/Mary Hach. Questions? Contact: hachm@stlukesumc.com



Volunteers & food needed! Sign up today to serve at the Crooked Creek Food Pantry tinyurl. com/CCFPsignup. For a list of needed donations, visit stlukesumc.com.

FONDWA, HAITI MISSION TRIP Sat., May 28 - June 4 • $900 plus airfare Join Pastor David Williamson for a trip to Fondwa, Haiti May 28 through June 4. Fee ncludes all accomodations, in-country travel, three meals a day and insurance. Please contact David Williamson for more information or signup at stlukesumc.com/events

ROSEBUD SD MISSION TRIP Sun., June 19 - 25 • $350 plus transportation • Visit the Lakota people of Rosebud, South Dakota, serve families and individuals on the Rosebud Reservation and to be immersed in a new culture. Signup at stlukesumc.com/events

1637 Prospect St. • Indianapolis Help provide nourishment & love to families at Fletcher Place Community Center. Flexible hours. Breakfast – April 12, 14, 15; May 10, 12, 20, 24, 31; contact Lucretia Scammahorn at 317299-9472 for details. Prepare Dinner – April 18, 27; May 16, 25; from Noon – 1:30PM; Serve Dinner – from 2:30 – 4:45PM Learn more at stlukesumc.com/serve/partners

SOWERS PLANT SALE | Mother's Day May 8 • Near Parlor in W. Passage Find perennial starts on sale from the Sower's Garden, our home gardens, and gardens of friends. Before and after morning services.

CELEBRATE EARTH DAY ALL WEEK April 17- 24 Take a walk through our art display, meditate on the images, read scripture and facts and take home a devotional booklet which includes Earth Day opportunities in Indy for the family.

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AP RIL : F L E TC HE R P L ACE Fletcher Place Community Center serves vulnerable neighbors in the near southeast side of Indianapolis, including the historic Fountain Square area. You can help. This faith-based center has reached out since 1872 to break the cycle of poverty by providing immediate aid and fresh hot meals served Monday through Friday, a free

thrift store, a food pantry, Seeds of Hope Garden Project, and many other programs. Educational and skill building programs for adolescents, adults and a preschool program for children provide further intervention for people living in poverty. OPTIONS TO HELP INCLUDE: 1. Attend the family-friendly “The Culinary Collage, Take a Bite Out of Poverty” fundraising event May 1 from 1-4PM at the Biltwell Event Center in Indianapolis is a great way to learn more and support the Center.

Restaurants provide generous samples of their delicious food, Silly Safaris provides an ongoing live animal show, a raffle, live and silent auction, face painting, youth art table round out the event. Admission is a $10 Kroger Gift Card (which will go toward food for their food pantry) or pay at the admission price at the door. All proceeds support the Center. 2. St. Luke’s volunteers donate and serve meals on a monthly rotation (see entry p. 18.) 3. Clothing donations may be dropped in the Wooden bin in the Central Passage at St. Luke’s. 4. Donate tax deductible gifts at stlukesumc.com/donate For more information about Fletcher Place go to stlukesumc.com/serve/partners



MAY: SAWS In 2015, SAWs Indy completed 104 new ramps along with eight removals that provide

Tour the new facility and meet volunteers at the Annual Season Kickoff & Open House on May 1, 11AM - 3PM.

materials to use on new ramps.

Meanwhile, volunteers are needed immediately. Building skills are not a requirement.

Some ramps had to be defered to 2016, so planners expect another robust year.

To sign up, visit go to www.SAWSRamps. org and click the “Volunteer” button.

Thankfully, they are ready. The organization also completed a workshop at 8811 North Robbins Road, Indianapolis 46268. They can work indoors and store materials out of the weather.

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Volunteers are needed by the Indianapolis based 501c3 to build ramps, conduct phone screenings, survey property, and mail permits in support of the ramp builds. Questions? Contact hachm@stlukesumc.com



fellowship Looking for Friends?

Here are a few of the many ways to connect at St. Luke’s for fellowship & fun.



Fri. , Apr. 22, May 27 • 7-9PM • Parlor

Tues., Apr. 5, 19 & May 3, 17 • 9:30-11:30AM • Parlor

“The Clean Bin” For April, and “Meet the Patels” for May

UMW - NEW LIFE CIRCLE Tues., Apr. 19, May 17 • 7PM • Spiritual Life Center 20

In April, experience the Pilgrimage Healing Process—the “handson healing” process that was developed by Episcopal priest Tanya Beck. Our annual Re-birthday Party in May features “Let’s Begin Again” with Rev. Dr. Mary Rudy, inspirational speaker and author. Come learn spiritual skills for regeneration of hope & peace as we celebrate our ever present ability to be born again & again. New Life Circle welcomes single, divorced and widowed women of all ages. Contact: Nancy at 341-5032 or email at nchopper26@ yahoo.com or Cathy at 334-7821.


Moms with young children are invited for fellowship, service & spiritual growth. Join us Apr. 19 for yoga and May 3 for a morning with Betty Brandt. We’ll close out the year with an endof-year pitch-in on May 17. We hope to see you there. Reserve child care in advance or learn more: evecircle@yahoo.com.

UMW - SARAH CIRCLE Mon., Apr. 18, May 16 • 1PM • Parlor Susan Killian from the Lebanon Children’s Home will show a video for our Mon., April 19 gathering. On May 16 we will have a pitch-into conclude our meetings until September. Questions? Contact Mary Cole, maryc4strings1@hotmail.com.


Wed., Apr. 13 • 6PM | May 11 • 6PM

Mon.,Apr. 25, (no May mtg.) • 7 - 8:30PM • Parlor

We meet in the St. Luke’s parking lot Wed., April 13 at 6PM to carpool to Lucille Raines Residence for a light supper and tour of the home. On Wed., May 11 will discuss a book, One Nation Under God in the Parlor at 6:30PM with a light supper. Questions? Contact Jolynne at wilhoitj@businessfurnitureindy.com

In April, the UMW we celebrate the life and spirit of Malala Yousafzai, the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai. Extra reading: The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf by Mohja Kahf. This novel explores the spiritual and social landscape of Muslims in middle America. Our book selection for our June 27 meeting is Americanah Chimamanda Nigozi Adichie. We will select books through the end of 2016. Contact: Jennifer Todd, jtoddosu@aol.com

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Clean those closests: It’s rummage sale season Time to clean out those closets for the semi-annual United Methodist Women's Spring Rummage Sale.

DONATE | Great Hall • April 27-29 Wed., April 2 & Thurs., Apr. 28 – 8AM-6PM Fri., April 29 – 8AM-Noon

Your donations support local and world missions of the church through the St. Luke's United Methodist Women's group.

SHOP | Fri., April 29 • 6-8pm (members) Sat., April 30 • 8AM-2PM (public)

SIGN UP TO HELP | http://tinyurl.com/ mp28fcm EMAIL | stlukesrummagesale@gmail.com

UMC to feed 100s with semi-annual food drive St. Luke’s United Methodist Women sponsors its semi-annual food drive Sun. Mar. 27 to Sun., Apr. 30, in a drive desgined to feed hundreds. Your donations support:

FLETCHER PLACE FOOD PANTRY Fletcher Place Community Center Ministries (UMC agency) serves 150 families per month in southeast Indianapolis.

HISPANIC MINISTRIES FOOD PANTRY Serves about 60 people weekly, about half of whom are Hispanic neighbors of this Vida Nueva (UMC) program.

BRIGHTWOOD COMMUNITY CENTER Brightwood Community Center serves the Martindale-Brightwood community and other eastside neighborhoods. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH First Baptist Church’s pantry serves 185 Nora families. Between pantry days, bags C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S

are stored for the church staff to provide to individuals who stop in for assistance. CROOKED CREEK FOOD PANTRY Crooked Creek is our newly established food pantry near 69th and Michigan. Red bags throughout the church with “Crooked Creek” printed on them are provided for donors to use to drop of gifts specifically for Crooked Creek.



mind. body. spirit. “In a world where faith is often construed as a way of thinking, bodily practices remind the willing that faith is a way of life.”

Recognizing that our minds, bodies and spirits need care, Spiritual Life Center offers both classroom experiences and alternatives to classroom experiences on topics selected to deepen one’s

– Barbara Brown Taylor An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith

spiritual life. Contact: Betty Brandt brandtb@stlukesumc.com or visit stlukesumc.com


YOGA FOR STRESS • $15 • Ongoing

STUDIO 3 ART • Ongoing

Mondays • 9:30 - 10:45AM • N103/104 Thursdays • 8:30 - 9:45AM • N103/104

Thursdays • 10AM - Noon • C122

Mondays • 5:30 - 6:30PM • N103/104

Anyone interested in building an art community at St. Luke’s is welcome to come spend the morning with other artists. Bring your favorite medium and plan to go out to lunch. Occasional field trips and pitch-ins, too. For more information, contact Susie Gilbert at sulinn2000@yahoo.com.



GENTLE YOGA • $8 • Ongoing

Thursdays • 5:30-6:30PM • N103/104 • Donation

Wednesdays, Noon-1PM • Spiritual Life Center

The practice uses guided mediation especially to aid in insomnia, anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD and pain. Bring a mat or blanket and a pillow or bolster for comfort.Taught by Beth Fried, RYT-200

Do you strive to live more fully anchored in the present moment? This group teaches and supports the practice of Mindfulness. Each week expect a short time to center, a “Mindfulness lesson” and an opportunity to discuss and make a plan for the week. Starting a new practice is difficult to do alone. Please come to be encouraged on your personal journey. Led by Barbara Burke, Ellen Daniels-Howell, Terry Nix and Carla Hall.

DIVINE PEACE YOGA • $10 • Starts April 6 Wednesdays • 9:30-10:45am, N103/104 The class will explore the four paths of yoga (Knowledge, Devotion, Action, & Self-Discipline) to help students find deeper meaning in their yoga practice. Appropriate for all experience levels. Bring a yoga mat and a small blanket for your comfort. Taught by Beth Fried, RYT-200

MARQUETTE MANOR • Ongoing 1st & 3rd Fridays • 1PM • Marquette Manor

PRAY WITHOUT CEASING • Ongoing Through April 27 | 6:30 - 7:30PM • Luke’s Lodge Join this growing community – put prayer at the center of your life in 2016! Learn new prayer forms, develop a personal prayer practice and pray for other members of the group. Led by Roger Frick. Come when you can. Registration is suggested, no fee.

An off-site senior adult sermon discussion class. Led by Barbara Furlow. A P R / M AY 2 0 1 6

Serving those who hurt with healing

Betty Brandt Director Spiritual Life Center


“Because of my pancreatic cancer, I went to the Healing Ministry for a treatment. I felt very relaxed. In the flow of their hands Mondays | 6:30 - 7:30PM | Spiritual Life Center touching and then not touching me I knew power was flowing Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome to join in a through them from a place Beyond!” Those are the words of a 30-minute discussion, followed by 30 minutes of mediation time. client of St. Luke’s Healing Partners, who are trained to offer the You will find support for your practice, new ideas and a community Pilgrimage Healing Process. The client asked that we not use her of others who welcome silence. name. She added, “Saying thanks with hugs and words I drove home for one of the most peaceful and comfortable evenings of ENNEAGRAM WORSKSHOP • $40 my cancer treatments. Praise God!”

Saturday, April 30 | 9AM - 4PM | N103/104 The Enneagram, is a model of human personality which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types. Those seeking spiritual development use the Enneagram to better understand themselves in deeper and more creative ways. Taught by Sister Wanda Wetli, CSJ, Spiritual Director and Retreat Leader. Registration (online at stlukesumc.com) required, fee: $40, lunch and materials included.


Episcopal priest Tanya Beck and her colleague Marilyn B Gatlin, Ph.D. developed the Pilgrimage Healing Process. Clients are invited to relax (fully clothed) on a massage table as the healers go through a set series of motions and prayers. The intention is to allow the love of God to flow through the client to bring peace and comfort to aid in the healing journey. Appointments are made through our scheduler by calling 317-846-3404, x442 or emailing healingministries@stlukesumc.com. There is no charge for a healing session. Donations are accepted.

The St. Luke’s Healing Ministry has been in existence since 2000

Sat., Apr. 9 | 9:30 - 11:30AM | Daylily Labyrinth

Help get our Daylily Labyrinth spruced up for its June explosion of beauty. All are welcome to come pull weeds and wandering daylilies. Bring gloves, trowel, kneeling pad and container for weeds. Registration suggested at stlukesumc.com. If you would like to “adopt” a section of the labyrinth for spring/summer weeding, please contact Betty Brandt at brandtb@stlukesumc.com.

and has trained hundreds of healers who offer healings here and at other churches. Healers are nurses and doctors, educators and therapists, clergy and clergy spouses. All are just ordinary people who want to be of service to those who are hurting.

MEN'S SPIRITUALITY GROUP Tues., April 19, May 17 | 7 - 8:30PM | W125 Men of all ages are welcome to join in this conversation about making the Bible pertinent in our current culture, reconciling differences and continuing our faith journey. Meets monthly. Contact is Larry Paxton. No registration or fee.

If you feel called to b e part of this Healing Ministry, then participate in our Healing Partners’ Training on Sat., Apr. 16, 8:30AM-4PM. A prerequisite is a healing session. Questions? Contact: brandtb@stlukesumc.com C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S



Remember When You Were New Here? By Terri Coe, Director New Here Ministry

Happy they discovered St. Luke’s, many of today’s worship guests often are overwhelmed by the size of this faith community. Others wonder where they will fit in – and 24

more importantly, how they will learn about opportunities for care,


growth and service. One way the New Here Ministry team intends to make the initial experiences of our guests more comfortable is by connecting them with a Fellowship Friend. Our Fellowship Friends serve as a personal resource welcoming and introducing our guests to the St. Luke’s community. They help new guests learn about and experience the multitude of opportunities St. Luke’s offers. Jon Schmidtke, Fellowship Friend coordinator, says, “It’s a way to help new individuals become familiar with and involved in the life and mission of the church. St. Luke’s is a big church and a Fellowship Friend can help make it feel smaller.” Being a Fellowship Friend is a gratifying experience. “When we (Jon and Gwynne) joined St. Luke’s,” Schmidtke continues, “Jim and Jeanetta Leslie were our Fellowship Friends. They helped us in so many ways to become involved with St. Luke’s. Our experience was so favorable that we volunteered to be Fellowship Friends with Ed and Kathy Wall.”

The Leslies add, “We appreciated and enjoyed the opportunity to meet and cultivate a friendship with Jon and Gwynne while helping them learn of the many serving and study programs offered by St. Luke’s. The experience was rewarding for us, and in addition, we, too, learned more about the broad spectrum of services provided by the church.” New members, Ed and Kathy Wall, are grateful for the helpful information they received from the Schmidtkes and the friendships that have come about as a result of the time spent with their Fellowship Friends. “During our dinner with John and Gwynne, we gained knowledge about the ‘inner workings’ of St. Luke’s,” said Kathy. “I wouldn’t have joined Disciple if Jon had not personally endorsed it,” noted Ed. “The Schmidtkes also invited us to join their Lenten small group, and we not only experienced a deeper spiritual journey but also met several new friends.”

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FEELING FRIENDLY? If you would like to know more ab out Fellowship Friends or are interested in b ecoming a Fellowship Friend, call Debra Peek, New Here Ministries administrative assistant, 317-846-3404, x364.

A FELLOWSHIP FRIEND… • shares family composition, stage in life, career background, or other common interests.

• addresses questions and concerns a new guest has and knows who to contact to find the answers they do not know.

•invites a new guest to join them in church-related opportunities such as Disciple classes, music programs, mission projects, Lenten small group, woman’s circle meeting, or an all-church event, just to name a few.

• stays in touch with the new guest for six months.

•connects with a new guest over coffee, lunch or dinner as they “chat about St. Luke’s.”

• participates in a 45-minute training program.

•is a resource for how to find information, such as the CONNECT magazine, St. Luke’s webpage, and Pastor Rob’s Rev-elation.

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• is paired with a new guest after the guest has attended Lunch with the Pastors.

Current training options are Mon., Apr. 25, 7PM or Sun., May 1, 12:15PM. You may register for the session on the church website, stlukesumc.com or call Debra Peek, New Here Ministries administrative assistant, 317-846-3404, x364.


TERRI COE Director New Here Ministry

ENJOY LUNCH W/PASTORS You're invited to meet St. Luke’s pastors and learn more about the church. Sunday • May 22 Noon - 1:30PM • Luke's Lodge Childcare is provided.

CONSIDER TAKING OUR MEMBERSHIP CLASS Pastor Rob Fuquay and other pastors/staff will share about our church. You’ll also learn what membership at St. Luke’s involves. Choose from these dates: Sunday • Apr. 17, June 5

DEBRA PEEK Admin. Assist. New Here Ministry

new here? Welcome! It’s great to meet you.

St. Luke’s strives to be an open and welcoming faith community helping people find and give hope.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN MORE? Talk to someone at our Welcome Center (located in our lobby/staffed on Sundays) or contact Terri Coe, Director of New Here Ministries at 317846-3404 x308 or coet@stlukesumc.com.

Noon - 3PM • Luke’s Lodge Register at stlukesumc.com for these experiences.

stlukesumc.com • @stlukesumcindy • Search for St. Luke's United Methodist Church on Facebook

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