March 8, 2020 Traditional Worship guide

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MARCH 8, 2020


CONNECT HERE Stop by the GROW-GO kiosks in the West Passage for information on small groups, classes and ways to grow and serve. ELECTRONIC GIVING Donate electronically to St. Luke’s (including Mission of the Month) by texting STLUKESUMC to 77977 or going to and clicking the dollar sign in the upper right hand corner. PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the Prayer Request cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at Pastors are available for prayer after each service. HOSPITALIZED? HAVE A NEW BABY? Call Laura Marine at 317-846-3404 or send an email to stlukescares@ If you have a medical emergency after hours and need a pastor, call the church office and follow instructions.

CONNECTIONS GIFT & BOOKSTORE HOURS Sunday 8:30AM – 12:30PM; Tuesday & Wednesday, 9:30AM – 12:30PM PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide nursery and Sunday School for newborns through 4th-graders. Register in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children in worship. Live-streaming of worship is available for nursing moms in E126. You can also enjoy our live services at the east end of the Gathering Area or in the Central Passage, if your child needs a break during worship. YOUNG ADULTS Join us for coffee & cookies outside the Chapel at 10:30AM or noon. SUNDAY YOUTH PROGRAMMING 5th - 8th Grade: Sundays, 9:30AM at the Lodge. At 11AM, Middle School Music Ministry in the Lodge. For more information or to register, contact Heather; 9th-12th Grade: Sundays, 9AM the Hub located in C124 inside Door 15. Students will attend 9:30 services together. To sign up for Small Groups, contact Travis; LEARN MORE For more information about activities, pick up a copy of our Winter/Spring Ministry Catalog or visit CONTACT US @stlukesindy | | 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 | 317-846-3404 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Rob Fuquay, Senior Pastor Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger, Executive Pastor Rev. Jevon Caldwell-Gross, Teaching & Guest Experience Pastor Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross, Pastor of Mobilization & Outreach Rev. Regina Proctor, Pastor of Care Ministries Pastors in Formation: Kevin Davis • Mindie Moore

We’re Glad You’re Here!

Thank you for signing the attendance pad with at least one piece of contact information when it is passed. New guests: learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the worship attendance folders and stop at the Welcome Center for a gift. Be sure to join us across from the sanctuary after worship for coffee and donuts.

order of worship S U N D AY, M A R C H 8 , 2 0 2 0


Festive Prelude on “Old 100th” Brass Ensemble; Michael Conley, organ; Dr. Jeff Rogers, director


Jesus Loves the Little Ones Like Me | Jean Feldman Bless You! Genesis Choir; Donita Murphy-Sims, director

CALL to WORSHIP Michael Davidson Leader: The world’s oldest running Passion Play is performed not by professional actors, but by teachers and farmers and business operators and homemakers. It’s a reminder that God tells God’s story through ordinary people, people like you and me. So as God’s people gathered to worship today, let us stand as we join together in our Call to Worship. O God I come today seeking purpose and meaning in my life, People: May we find these as we offer our lives to you. Leader: I come wanting to receive your blessings, People: May we find blessing in all that you have provided. Leader: I come struggling with my doubts and hoping to believe, People: May we leave today knowing that we belong to you and your family. We are part of a larger story. Amen.


O Church of God, United | No. 547, vs. 1, 3, 4

* CONFESSION and ASSURANCE Rev. Jevon Caldwell-Gross People: God, we come to you as one sound, but many voices playing many parts. We are blessed to not stand on this stage alone, but surrounded by a gracious community of faith. O Lord, have mercy on us. Forgive us for wanting to dim the lights of others. Forgive us for thinking this is a one person show. For the roles we devalue, the gifts we overlook, and the stories we silence – we earnestly repent. The director cannot say to the actor, I do not need you. And the actor cannot say to the director, I do not need you. So let us be as one with you and unified as a people, in the living of your story. Of the many things you call us to be, we are grateful that you call us to be a community.


When In Our Music God is Glorif ied | Mark Hayes Congregational singing (8:15AM) Chancel Choir; Brass Ensemble, Dr. Jeff Rogers, director (9:30 & 11AM)


Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen.


Let us Fill the World with Singing | Mark Hayes Jennifer Cole, soloist; Brass Ensemble (8:15AM) Chancel Choir; Brass Ensemble, Dr. Jeff Rogers, director (9:30 & 11AM) If you would like to give your offering electronically, text STLUKESUMC to 77977 or click the “$” in the top right corner of the website:

* PRAISE to GOD | No. 95 * PRAYER of DEDICATION SCRIPTURE READING | Luke 6:12-16 Ben Lamb (8:15AM) Mary Eckard-Good (9:30AM) Jim Keating (11AM)

MESSAGE | Passion Play: The Importance of Community Rev. Rob Fuquay (8:15 & 9:30AM) Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger (11AM)


Chorus in C Minor | George Blake Judy Williams, organ (8:15AM) Improvisation on “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” Michael Conley, organ (9:30 & 11AM) * standing, as able

Pardon Our Mess! As we work on upgrades to our Sanctuary lighting, we may have either a small mess or a darker atmosphere on a few Sundays. Thank you for your patience as we work towards our much enhanced worship experience!

joys & concerns ALTAR FLOWERS:

Given in loving memory of Michael Dean Wilson by his son Nathan Wilson and family


Emmett Lange Sharon, son of Erica and Phillip Sharon (9:30AM) Alice Margaret Nierman, daughter of Joe and Sarah Nierman (11AM) William Joseph Cramer, son of Ryan & Hilary Cramer (11AM)


Friends and family of Betty Jo Thornburgh Don Wilson on the death of his wife, Colita Wilson

announcements WORSHIP... COMMUNION

The Prayer Chapel is available for communion every Sunday morning. You may enter through the exterior door west of door #1. If someone is in a healthcare facility or homebound and would like communion, notify Kevin Davis at 317-846-3404, ext. 326 or

MID-DAY SPIRITUAL PAUSE | Weekdays through April 9 • 11:45AM – Noon

Prayer Chapel Join us for a 15 minute pause in your weekday during Lent. Expect a scripture reading, a meditation and a time of silence.

GROW in your faith… PASTOR ROB’S BOOK SIGNING | Today • Gathering Area

During Lent we are studying Pastor Rob’s book, The Passion Play: Living the Story of Christ’s Last Days. Get your copy at the table and get it signed today!

STARTING POINT | Today • 10:45AM or 12:15PM • C115

New to St. Luke’s? Learn more about us in 30 minutes, and leave with recommended steps to find your place within our church. Childcare available.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE | 5:15 – 6:15PM • Great Hall

Join us for dinner! $5 per person/$20 max per family. Next week’s menu: Sausage egg casserole, broccoli egg strata, biscuits and gravy (GF), pancakes (GF), coffee cake & juice.

VBS – SAVE THE DATE! | June 8 – 12 • 9 – 12:15PM

Join us on the Rocky Railway and learn how Jesus’ power always pulls us through! $25 per child/$75 max per family. Price increases 4/13. Ages 3 (by 9/1/19 and potty trained) through current 4th graders. Early drop-off available. Details and registration at

M.A.D. CAMP | June 8 – 12 • 12:30 – 5PM

If your current 1st – 8th graders love music, the arts or drama, save the date for this camp immediately following VBS. We will work on a musical to perform for you on Friday afternoon. More details and registration info at

HIGH SCHOOL CAMP - 2020 | June 14 – 19 • Epworth Forest Conference Center

All 8th – 12th graders (2019/20 school year) are invited to this camp focusing on helping students be change agents. Amazing worship, swimming, kayaking, soccer, nuke ‘em, a giant harness swing and more! A great way to connect with peers. Register at stlukesumc. com or contact Travis at

MIDDLE SCHOOL MAYHEM | June 22 – 27 • 9AM – 5PM • Luke’s Lodge

Our favorite event of the year! This year’s theme is “Olympics: Mayhem 2020” as we focus on Jesus’ kingdom narratives. We’ll have worship, recreation, games, snacks, service projects and small groups. Full and half day options. Get more info and register at


Travel with Pastor Rob and Susan to follow in the footsteps of Jesus in Israel and the Apostle Paul in Greece. For full information, contact Bob Zehr at rdzehr@

GO in service to others… HABITAT HOUSE OF LOVE | March 14 – April 11

Join St. Luke’s and Arbor Homes during Lent to build a home in the Crooked Creek neighborhood for the Love family! All skill levels and families are welcome during weekend shifts. Watch for other opportunities to contribute besides swinging a hammer. Volunteer at


All 7th graders and up who play an orchestra instrument are invited to join! Contact Jeff Rogers at to participate.

SILENT AUCTION/HIRE A TEEN | March 15 • 9AM – 12:30PM • Great Hall

Bring your wallets and support our youth going on mission trips this year by purchasing baskets, gift cards, baked goods and services from students all morning! Sign up to volunteer at


6:30 – 9PM • Meridian St. UMC Meet people from other faith traditions, enjoy a wonderful meal and interesting program. RSVP to Betty at by 3/16. Free!

AND MORE… BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING | Today • 9 – 11AM • Office Conference Room Free screenings sponsored by the Health Ministry.

GRIEFSHARE | Weds. through May 27 • 6:15 - 7:30PM • Fellowship Hall

Loving support for anyone who has lost friends or family. $20 fee for book; scholarships available. Contact Laura at 317-846-3404 or Register at


6 – 7:30PM • Sanctuary David Brooks and Anne Snyder share stories of community rebuilding and civic creativity. Free event, please register at Reception following.

SUICIDE PREVENTION WORKSHOP | Mar. 10 • 6:30 – 8:30PM • N103/104

Suicide has become a leading cause of death. Learn to detect and respond to symptoms. Register at

OPEN MIC NIGHT | March 13 • 7 – 9PM • Fellowship Hall

Everyone is invited to this event sponsored by our LGBTQ Ministry. Sign up that evening to offer a poem, story, song, monologue or anything the audience will enjoy. Enjoy dinner for $5 (please register at and an evening of entertainment.

UMW SPRING TEA | March 21 • 1 – 3PM • Great Hall

Calling all women! Join us for fun, faith and fellowship; enjoy tea sandwiches, sweets and a spot of tea. Bring your friends, wear your favorite spring hat and bring a treasured tea cup. Sign up at the UMW table in the West Passage or call Nancy at 317-361-7969 or email, by 3/17.

CHILDREN’S EASTER CELEBRATION | April 4 • 9AM – Noon • Great Hall

Egg hunts begin at 9:40 and have allergy friendly options available; bring your own Easter basket! Lots of fun with Vivi the Clown, crats, a mission project and pics with the Easter Bunny! A sensory-friendly egg hunt returns this year from 10 – 11AM. Please register at

VOLLEYBALL | Mondays • 6:30 – 8PM • Great Hall

All ages welcome. Drop in any time! Contact Brent Scott at with questions.

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