MARCH 15, 2020
order of worship S U N D AY, M A R C H 15, 2020 PRELUDE Michael Conley, organ WELCOME Rev. Rob Fuquay PRAYER of REPENTANCE Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross * HYMN Great Is Thy Faithfulness/Doxology ANNOUNCEMENTS PRAYER TIME & THE LORD’S PRAYER Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen. OFFERTORY My Story | Big Daddy Weave Matt Bays, Lauren Wallawender & Jeff Rogers If you would like to give your offering electronically, text STLUKESUMC to 77977 or click the “$” in the top right corner of the website: stlukesumc.com SCRIPTURE READING | Luke 22:14-20 Susan Loomis DRAMATIC PRESENTATION Awakening Andrew Summers, Samantha Lewis; Brad Thompson, piano MESSAGE | Passion Play: The Role of Ritual Rev. Rob Fuquay * CLOSING HYMN God Is Here * BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Michael Conley, organ * standing, as able
joys & concerns ALTAR FLOWERS: Given in loving memory of Jerry Thompson
CONDOLENCES TO: Friends and family of Wayne Trevathan, a former associate pastor at St. Luke’s
announcements GROW in your faith… VBS – SAVE THE DATE! | June 8 – 12 • 9 – 12:15PM Join us on the Rocky Railway to be reminded of how Jesus’ power always pulls us through! $25 per child/$75 max per family. Price increases 4/13. Ages 3 (by 9/1/19 and potty trained) through current 4th graders. Early drop-off available. Details and registration at stlukesumc.com.
M.A.D. CAMP | June 8 – 12 • 12:30 - 5PM If your current 1st – 8th graders love music, the arts or drama, save the date for this camp immediately following VBS. We will work on a musical to perform for you on Friday afternoon. More details and registration info at stlukesumc.com.
HIGH SCHOOL CAMP | June 14 – 19 • Epworth Forest Conference Center All 8th – 12th graders (2019/20 school year) are invited to this camp focusing on helping students be change agents. Amazing worship, swimming, kayaking, soccer, nuke ‘em, a giant harness swing and more! A great way to connect with peers. Register at stlukesumc.com or contact Travis at bannont@stlukesumc.com.
MIDDLE SCHOOL MAYHEM | June 22 – 27 • 9AM – 5PM • Lodge Our favorite event of the year! This year’s theme is Olympics: Mayhem 2020 as we focus on Jesus’ kingdom narratives. We’ll have worship, recreation, games, snacks, service projects and small groups. Full and half day options. Get more info and register at stlukesumc.com.
LANDS OF THE BIBLE PILGRIMAGE | May 10 – 23, 2021 Travel with Pastor Rob and Susan to follow in the footsteps of Jesus in Israel and the Apostle Paul in Greece. For full information, contact Bob Zehr at rdzehr@traveltoremember.net.
GO in service to others… SILENT AUCTION/HIRE A TEEN www.32auctions.com/stlukesyouth The youth silent auction scheduled for today has been changed because services were cancelled. We’re moving online! Please virtually browse though all of our options and bid early and often! www.32auctions.com/ stlukesyouth
HABITAT HOUSE OF LOVE | March 28 – April 26 Join St. Luke’s and Arbor Homes during Lent to build a home in the Crooked Creek neighborhood for the Love family! All skill levels and families are welcome during weekend shifts. Watch for other opportunities to contribute besides swinging a hammer. Volunteer at stlukesumc.com.
MINDFULNESS IN THE ABRAHAMIC TRADITIONS March 19 • 6:30 – 9PM • Meridian St. UMC Meet people from other faith traditions, enjoy a wonderful meal and interesting program. RSVP to Betty at brandtb@stlukesumc.com by 3/16. Free!
AND MORE… SOFTBALL | Today • 2PM • Daredevil Hall Co-ed and men’s teams play from late March – June. Show up today or let Nate know you are interested at n8withan8@gmail.com.
CHILDREN’S EASTER CELEBRATION | April 4 • 9AM – Noon Great Hall Egg hunts begin at 9:40AM and have allergy friendly options available; bring your own Easter basket! Lots of fun with Vivi the Clown, crafts, a mission project and pics with the Easter Bunny! A sensory-friendly egg hunt returns this year from 10 – 11AM. Please register at stlukesumc.com.
FEATURED EVENTS Did you know you can always find upcoming featured events on our website? They are on several ministry specific pages (Men’s, Women’s, High School, Middle School, Children’s, Young Adults) as well as by clicking on the calendar in the upper right-hand corner of the landing page.