WELCOME! WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Thank you for registering your attendance. Please pass the attendance folder along your pew. New guests will learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the attendance folder and find a gift just for you at the Welcome Center. CONNECT HERE To get connected, please stop by the Connect Here booth outside of the Sanctuary or outside of Robertson Chapel for information on Small Groups, classes and ways to serve. PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on Connect cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at stlukesumc.com. Pastors are available for prayer after each service. CARING FOR ST. LUKE’S If you are hospitalized, we want to know and care for you. Please call Laura Marine at 317-846-3404 or send an email to stlukescares@stlukesumc.com. RESTLESS CHILD AREA Does your child need a break during worship? Enjoy our streamed services at the east end of the Gathering Area or in the Central Passage. PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide childcare and Sunday School for newborns through 4th-grade children. Register all children in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children who remain in worship. Room 126 is equipped for nursing moms, including live streaming of worship. YOUNG ADULTS Join us for coffee & cookies outside the Chapel at 10:30AM or noon. YOUTH PROGRAMMING 5th - 8th Grade – Sundays, 9:30 in the Great Hall. Students break out to the Modge (5th & 6th), Great Hall (7th/ Confirmation), and C124 (8th); Wednesdays, 6:15-7:45 at Luke’s Lodge. 9th - 12th Grade – Sundays, 9:30 at Luke’s Lodge; Weekly Bible Studies Find more at stlukesumc.com/connect/youth LEARN MORE For more information on classes and activities, pick up a copy of our Winter/Spring Ministry catalog or visit stlukesumc.com.
WORSHIP ORDER Sunday | April 29, 2018
SCRIPTURE READING | Genesis 28:10-17 Kory Bickel (9:30AM) Ellen Hostetler (11AM)
MESSAGE | Have Something to Come Back To Rev. David Williamson
* standing, as able
Please keep the following people in your prayers as they head to Haiti for a mission trip: Deleath Blomberg Natalie Harris Nancy Lange Chris Mernitz
April Rector Marsha Reynolds Chris Smith Jamalyn Peigh Williamson
COMMUNION ELEMENTS The Prayer Chapel is available for communion this morning. Please enter through the exterior door just west of the main entrance. If you know of someone in a healthcare facility or homebound who would like to receive communion, please notify Mary Katherine at 317-846-3404 or schnitzm@ stlukesumc.com.
LOST AND FOUND | Today All items from the Lost and Found are on a table just outside the main office. Anything left after today will be donated to the UMW Rummage Sale. UMW RUMMAGE SALE | May 2 – 5 • Great Hall Join in the fun of volunteering or shopping during this event that raises money for local and global missions! Donations large and small may be dropped off at the Great Hall beginning 5/2, from 8AM – 6PM. Shop on 5/4 from 6 – 8PM and 5/5 from 8AM – 2PM. To volunteer, email stlukesrummagesale@gmail.com. MENTAL HEALTH 101 | May 2 . 6:30 – 8:30PM • Fellowship Hall This discussion, led by Kimble Richardson, MS, LCSW continues our effort to address issues related to gun violence and will be especially helpful for all business owners and people in supervisory positions. Q and A will follow. MEN’S MONTHLY BREAKFAST | May 5 • 8 – 9:30AM • Parlor Join this monthly gathering of men for breakfast, a devotional and conversation on living with purpose today. No registration needed. GRADUATION SUNDAY | May 6 • 9:30 Traditional & 11AM Contemporary services Are you graduating High School this year? Let us celebrate your accomplishment! Email Josh at sweeneyj@stlukesumc.com to be included. Deadline: May 2nd. HIGH SCHOOL NIGHT OUT | May 6 • 4 – 6PM • Top Golf We will be sending out the seniors in style. We will meet at Top Golf in Fishers and head to our bays, eat and have a great time! $35 includes food, drinks and 2 hours of golf. Register at stlukesumc.com. Contact Josh at sweeneyj@ stlukesumc.com with questions. CHANCEL CHOIR CONCERT | May 11 • 7:30 – 9PM • Indiana Landmarks Join us for “A Splendid Alleluia: Choral Celebration with the St. Luke’s Chancel Choir.” The evening consists of this season’s highlights plus additional pieces prepared for their Scandinavian Concert Tour. A bon voyage reception for the choir and Mark Squire will be held following the concert. $10 tickets available in the main office. EARLY YEARS OBSTACLE COURSE | May 19 • 10AM – noon • Great Hall Bring your 2 – 5 year olds to our first ever obstacle course! Children will enjoy romping and running through an exciting course with a Bible theme. Contact Jennifer Ebner at ebnerj@stlukesumc.com with questions.
SUMMER MEET-UPS | June and July We are looking for people to host a get-together for 8 – 10 people in your home, a park or a restaurant this summer. It’s a great way to help our church feel smaller and introduce people to new friends. Interested? Contact Dorothy Eads at eadsd@stlukesumc.com for more information. CAMP LUKE – VBS | June 11 - 15 • 9 – Noon Please join us for a fun-filled week for 3 year olds – 4th graders. Early pricing through May 11th ($25 per child; $70 per family). Register today at the east end of the Gathering Area and West Passage or at stlukesumc.com, or sign up to volunteer as a crew leader, special needs buddy, station leader or more. Scholarships available. Contact Patrice at smithp@stlukesumc.com for more info. MAD CAMP | June 11 - 15 • Noon – 5PM If your upcoming 2nd – 5th grader likes to sing and act, then this is the camp for them! We will learn and perform an entire musical in just one week, with the final performance on Friday at 5PM. Register at stlukesumc.com for $50.
BLOOD DRIVE IN MEMORY OF MIKE WASHBURN | Today • 9AM – 1PM • Great Hall Every 2 seconds someone in Indiana needs blood. 580 donors are needed every day to supply 67 Indiana hospitals. Help us fill the need today, in memory of St. Luker Mike Washburn. OUTREACH MINISTRY PRAYERWALK | Today • Noon – 2PM • Great Hall and Community Would you like to pray for our neighbors beyond our building? Join us for a prayer walk through various apartment communities, school properties and our food pantry. We will begin with lunch ($5) in the Great Hall and receive training and directions, then go to various locations to pray. No reservation needed. UMW FOOD DRIVE This semi-annual food drive supports local food pantries! Pick up a grocery bag in the West Passage, fill it with items listed and return by May 6. FUQUAY SCHOLARSHIP A critical challenges facing seminary students is financing their education. Last year this scholarship was created through Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and we hope it will continue to grow. To contribute, please send a check to the seminary at 2121 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60201 and designate that it be applied to the Robert E. Fuquay Scholarship. HIGH SCHOOL MISSION ROAD TRIP | July 15 – 19 Travel with us down the interstate with different competitions at rest stops and serving people along the way! We’ll serve in Knoxville, Nashville and the Smokey Mountains while partnering with local agencies. Water rafting will be just part of the fun. Sign up at stlukesumc.com or email Josh at sweeneyj@ stlukesumc.com with questions. FONDWA, HAITI MISSION TRIP | Sept. 1 – 8 Join Pastor Jamalyn Peigh Williamson and help build a home for a deserving family. Trip cost is $900 plus airfare. Contact Jamalyn with questions or to reserve your spot at williamsonj@stlukesumc.com.
JOYS & CONCERNS CONDOLENCES TO: Virginia Metsker on the death of her brother, Scott Wilkins Jerry Blythe and family on the death of his wife, Maggie Blythe Fran, Cheryl & April Wyatt on the death of his sister, Francina Wyatt-Ball
ST. LUKE’S AT WORSHIP TRADITIONAL | 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM Sanctuary CONTEMPORARY | 9:30 & 11AM Robertson Chapel CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE | 5PM Third Sunday • Robertson Chapel
CONTACT US 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 stlukesumc.com • 317-846-3404 info@stlukesumc.com Rev. Rob Fuquay Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger Rev. David Williamson Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson